Friday, 15 May 2015 "Fall Detector For the Elderly" (FATE) - Final Workshop Place Aula Màster – Edifici A3 Campus Nord. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Jordi Girona St., 1-3 08034 Barcelona, Spain Time 9:30h-14:00h Registration The ultimate goal of FATE - FAll DeTector for the Elderly project is to widely validate an innovative and efficient ICT-based solution focused on improving the elder's quality of life by an accurate detection of falls in ageing people, both at home and outdoors. The system is being tested and validated in 3 pilot studies involving real living scenarios, one in each of 3 different EU countries (Spain, Italy and Ireland), in close collaboration with the relevant public authorities. The pilot test previously selected 175 individuals with high risk of falling. FATE is also a care model focused on strengthening Public and Private collaboration to reach a reliable service, paving the way across Europe for opening new market opportunities and benefits for all stakeholders in the health and care sectors, as well as sustainable models for the future elder generations. AGENDA 09.00h Registration / Registre 09.30h Welcome / Benvinguda 09.45h Social dimension and impact of falls in older people (Andreu Català, CETpD Director and E-NO FALLS project cordinator) Dimensió i impacte social de les caigudes en persones grans (Andreu Català, Director del CETpD i coordinador del projecte E-NO FALLS) 10.15h Brief summary and goals of the project FATE. (Dr. Joan Cabestany, FATE project coordinator). Breu resum del projecte FATE. Objectius (Dr. Joan Cabestany, responsable del projecte FATE) 10.30h FATE: summary of activities and technological results (UPC) FATE: resum de les activitats i dels resultats tecnològics (UPC) 11.00h FATE: experiències dels usuaris i dels serveis d’assistència FATE: experiences of users and support services Mary-Rose Mulry (Nat. Univ. Galway - Ireland) User experience / Experiència dels usuaris Àngels Mora (Head of Information Systems and Evaluation / SEM - Cap de Sist. Informació i Avaluació) Support services experience / Experiència dels serveis d'assistència 11.45h Coffee Break / Pausa i cafè 12.15h Round-table conference: Health wearables; bubble or reality? Taula rodona: Wearables en salut; bombolla o realitat? Speakers: Dr. Joan Cornet, mHealth Competence Center Mobile World Capital director / director de mHealth Competence Center Mobile World Capital. Dr. Tino Marti, EU Project Manager TicSalut Foundation / UE Project Manager Fundació Tic Salut. Dr. Joan Cabestany, FATE project coordinator / Responsable del projecte FATE Dr. Jordi Varela, Consultant specialized in clinical management / consultor especialitzat en gestió clínica 13.15h Closing and drinks / Cloenda i aperitiu Translation service from Catalan/Spanish to English will be available for the audience. La jornada comptarà amb servei d'intèrpret català/castellà a l'anglès.
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