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Holy Trinity Sunday
May 31, 2015
10:00 a.m.
Welcome to Worship
Derrell Grantham
We ring our church bell three times to call us into the worship of God
our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.
Meditation of Preparation
How Great is Our God
arr. Lloyd Larson
God’s blessings follow you and await you at every turn: You are like a tree, planted by flowing, cool streams of water that never run dry.
Your fruit ripens in its time; your leaves never fade or curl in the summer sun. No matter what you do, you prosper.
*A Hymn of the Trinity No. 6
Psalm 1:1a & 3 (The VOICE)
Andrew Shaffer
Creator God, Creating Still
Scripture Reading
John 15:1-17 (The VOICE)
The Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
Phillip Greeson, Rocio Cruz
Courtney Allen, Gail Duke
Message in Song
Within These Walls
Pepper Choplin
Sanctuary Choir
Within these walls, we assemble. Within these walls, we gather in Your name.
As we join our hearts in a holy union, we come to find communion in Your holiness again.
Within these walls, let there be harmony; a common bond; a Spirit from above.
And as Your children let us love each other as sisters and as brothers united by Your love.
We are the branches, You are the Vine. We are the vessels and You are the Wine.
We are the body, You are the Head. For every hunger, You are the Bread.
Within these walls, let there be refuge, a place of rest when doubts and trials form.
And let us lift each other as we gather to find Your peace no matter how terrible the storm.
Within these walls, give us Your vision. Within these walls, let us understand
that beyond these walls, there are hurting people who have never felt Your healing hand.
Beyond these walls, send us forward. Beyond these walls, let Your will be done.
We are Your people; You will leave us never, and we shall work together until Your kingdom comes.
Your kingdom come!
Within these walls, let us listen. Within these walls, let us pray.
Prayer of Intercession
Sharing God’s Concern for the World
(inspired by John 15:1-8, 1 John 4:7-21)
Members of First Light
What a great world it would be, God our Friend, if we all kept our lives grafted in Christ Jesus, the True Vine, and like good
branches produced the bountiful fruits of His Spirit.
God we pray for Your earthly family, That they may know the fullness of Your love.
What a great world it would be if we cared for the sick and the differently abled, the diseased and the mentally ill, like Jesus did.
God we pray for Your earthly family, That they may know the fullness of Your love.
What a great world it would be if we sought the lost and bewildered people and restored their dignity and hope, as Jesus did.
God we pray for Your earthly family, That they may know the fullness of Your love.
What a great world it would be if we opened our hearts to misfits and outcasts, and our arms to the untouchables, as Jesus did.
God we pray for Your earthly family, That they may know the fullness of Your love.
What a great world it would be if we practiced forgiving our enemies, and doing good to those who spitefully abuse us, like Jesus
God we pray for Your earthly family, That they may know the fullness of Your love.
What a great world it would be if we let others borrow what we have, and gave gifts without looking for reward, as Jesus did.
God we pray for Your earthly family, That they may know the fullness of Your love.
What a great world it would be if we created a new community out of different types of people, as Jesus did with His disciples.
God we pray for Your earthly family, That they may know the fullness of Your love.
What a great world it would be if we were prepared to carry our own crosses with the courage and faithfulness of our Lord Jesus
God we pray for Your earthly family, That they may know the fullness of Your love.
Loving God, bind us close to Your lovely Christ, let His Spirit flow within us, healing our defects and enabling us to produce the
fruits of love both in and out of season. To the glory of Your name. Amen!
Message in Song
By Our Love
First Light with Tammy Poplin, soloist
arr. Phillip Keveren
Brothers, let us come together, walking in the Spirit: there’s much to be done.
We will come, reaching out from our comforts, and they will know us by our love.
Sisters, we were made for kindness; we can pierce the darkness as He shines through us.
We will come, reaching with a song of healing, and they will know us by our love!
The time is now: come, Church, arise! Love with his hands, see with His eyes.
Bind it around you, let it never leave you, and they will know us by our love!
Children, you are hope for justice; stand firm in the Truth now, set your hearts above.
You will be reaching long after we’re gone, and they will know you by your love!
*A Hymn of Unity No. 272
The Sermon
They’ll Know We Are Christians
Goodbye, Farewell, Amen Philippians 1:3-11 (Pew Bible Page 953)
Phillip Cannon
Words from the Missions Committee
Lamar McClure
A Presentation from the Church
Ron Nix
*A Hymn of Response No. 502
Lord, I Lay My Life Before You
*Offertory Prayer
Lynn Laughter
The Gifts of the People
Servant Medley
Mark Hayes
Offertory Meditation
“A woman with a scarf over her head hoists her six-year-old up onto the first step of the school bus. “Goodbye,” she
says. A father on the phone with his freshman son has just finished bawling him out for his poor grades. There is mostly silence at the other end of the line. “Well, goodbye,” the father says…The noise of the traffic almost drowns out the
sound of the word, but the shape of it lingers on the old man’s lips. He tries to look vigorous and resourceful as he holds
out his hand to the other old man. “Goodbye.” This time they say it so nearly in unison that is makes them both smile.
It was a long while ago that the words ‘God be with you’ disappeared into the word ‘goodbye,’ but every now and again
some trace of them still glimmers through.”
~The Doubter’s Dictionary by Frederick Buechner
*Presentation to God The Doxology
*Our Response to God’s Call & Benediction
We are the people of God, joining in the work of God
in the neighborhood and throughout the world.
Praise Him Now
Phillip Cannon
John W. Peterson
*Congregation please stand as able.
Patti Cannon
Cindy Petway
Our prayer partners during worship today are Jim Bennett and Jonathan Rackley.
The flowers in worship today are given to the glory of God and in honor of Kaitlin Toland and Jacob Jackson,
who were married Saturday here in the Sanctuary.
Reception Flowers for Rev. Courtney Allen
We want to express our gratitude to all of you at First Baptist Church Dalton for the love, affirmation, and great kindness that you
have shown our daughter Courtney these last four years . As a community of faith, you have truly embodied the spirit and love of
Christ to all in your midst. We pray God’s richest blessings on your dear congregation and we know that God’s good work will continue
among you and through you.
With grateful hearts, Cheryl and David Allen
It is our privilege to have you worshipping with us today at First Baptist Church of Dalton! Today you are worshipping with a strong and
vibrant congregation with a missional heart, who is committed to revealing the living presence of Jesus Christ in our world today.
Would you allow us the pleasure of getting to know you a little better by completing the beige visitor registration card from the pew rack and
placing it in the offering plate later in the service? You are also invited to submit prayer requests using the prayer cards in the pew rack. Please
pass your prayer card to the center aisle where it will be collected during the Prelude.
Hearing devices are available for those who need them. Please ask an usher for assistance. Childcare is also available for preschoolers during
our worship services. Information and assistance are available at our Preschool Registration Suite Area. Children’s bulletins are also available
from the ushers. So that we might maintain a spirit of worship, please turn off all cell phones and pagers as you enter the Sanctuary.
This Week
at First Baptist
Sunday, May 31
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School
Morning Worship/Sanctuary
Reception for Courtney/Atrium
Tuesday, June 2
9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Church Staff Meeting/Conference Room
Soul Food/Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, June 3
6:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal & Fellowship
-Jones House
Thursday, June 4
7:00 a.m.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast-Oakwood
Friday, June 5
1:00 p.m. Church Golf Outing-Canyon Ridge Golf Club
Rising Fawn, GA
7:30 p.m. Arabic Congregation/Chapel
First Baptist Church Staff
Rev. Courtney E. Allen
Rev. Phillip C. Cannon
Rev. Susan P. Deal
Rev. Brenda Dedmon
Rev. Derrell E. Grantham
Dr. William J. (Bill) Ireland, Jr.
Dr. Billy T. Nimmons
Mrs. Bridgette F. Poag
Rev. Andrew L. Shaffer
Minister of Community Ministry and Missions
Executive Pastor
Minister of Music and Worship
Children’s Learning Center Director
Minister of Activities and Senior Adults
Senior Pastor
Pastor Emeritus
Director of Ministries to Children and Their Families
Minister to Youth and Their Families
311 N. Thornton Avenue
Dalton, Georgia 30720