Week At A Glance: May 31- June 6 Order of Service May 31, 2015 Worship through Song Be Thou My Vision Welcome and Announcements Worship through Song Carry Me to the Cross O Praise Him Lord I Need You Mighty to Save Prayer and Offering During the 10:50 AM service: Toddler Time and Children's Church dismiss during the offering. (See more information in the bulletin class insert) Message from God’s Word Pastor Falk Alicke SUNDAY 6:00 PM – Senior High Youth Group (Youth Room) MONDAY TUESDAY 5:00 PM – Facilities Committee Meeting (Conference Room) WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM – Prime Timer’s breakfast gathering (Bagel Shop) 6:00 PM – Junior High Youth group for grade 5-8 (Youth Room) 6:30 PM – Summer Bible Fellowship adult class (Room 135) THURSDAY 6:00 PM – Missions Committee Meeting (Library) 6-8:00 PM – Senior High Youth Group 7:00 PM – Empowered To Connect (Room 135) FRIDAY 9:00 AM – Ladies Study (Youth Room) SATURDAY 10:00 AM – Celebration of Life for Kyle Coulter Check out Camp Bethel's schedule and sign up for camps at mountaintopexperience.org The Potluck Committee would like help with set-up and clean up before and after church potlucks. Please contact Melody Thompson at 751-2802 to join the team The children of Ken and Beth Doolin are planning a 50th Anniversary celebration for their parents on June 28 at 1:00 PM in the Youth Room. They know how special this family is to FBC, so if you would like to help in any way, please contact Susan Beard at 673-4423 or [email protected]. She is helping to coordinate the event. Sound and AV Techs are needed! Please contact the office if you would like to be involved or be trained in this wonderful ministry. Put these on your summer calendar: July 5: Outdoor Church Picnic July 13-16: Vacation Bible School (4yrs-5th Grade) Legacy Pregnancy Center Walk For Life will be held June 13. Registration is at 9:00 am and the walk begins at 10 am. Please contact Lynn Weber-Loe at 763-0186 if you are interested in volunteering or being a part of the FBC team. Missing Something? Please check the Lost & Found tub by the office or the cart in the kitchen, unclaimed items will be donated by the first week of June. Please Pray For: Nursery & Sunday School Staff & Volunteers Tim & Charmaine Huff-Camp Bethel Safety for those traveling over the summer Greeters 5/31 Jessie (& Evie) Powers Bob & Sally Carroll Greg & Shannen Carroll KR & Anita Schamber Gary & Karen Flohr Greeters 6/7 Darin & Amy Hill Marlin & Vicki Norling Ardi Schwerr Doug & Sue Moomey Jon & Carol Clark Every Sunday, there is a casual “no host” lunch at a local restaurant. This is an informal time for fellowship and getting to know one another better. We hope you’ll join us after the 10:50 AM service (around noon) at the following locations. 5/31 6/14 Taco John's Arby's 6/7 6/21 Holiday Inn Burger King General Income General Expenses General Financial Standing April 2015 $77,658.54 $38,080.45 $39,578.09 Forward In Faith Income (incl. coffee) Forward In Faith Monthly Expenses FIF Additional Principal Payments FIF Financial Standing $11,707.53 $10,750.00 $1,560.00 $(602.47) YTD Apr. 2015 $227,184.13 $161,584.96 $65,599.17 $55,463.50 $43,000.00 $12,360.00 $103.50 FIF income from Higher Grounds Coffee Cart on 5/24/15: $10.10 Church Attendance on 5/24/2015 Sunday School – 111 Worship Services – 365 Hearing devices are available from the sound booth (at the back of the sanctuary). The Power of Forgiveness The Power of Forvieness Matthew 18:21-19:2 Matthew 18:21-19:2 Classes offered during the 9:30 AM service: Nursery – is offered during both services for children ages 6 months – 2 years old. Nursery is in Room 117. Children’s Classes 6 months - 2 years old – Room 117 2 - 3 years old – Room 118 4 - 5 years old – Room 120 K - 1st grade – Room 134 2nd - 3rd grade – Room 136 4th - 5th grade – Room 137 Junior & Senior High Class Courage-by Francis Chan Youth Room Led by Caleb Sawyer & Kendyll Ebert Adults’ Classes Revelation Bible Study-for ages 18-24 Meet at the church’s main office Led by Pastor Shane Apologetics Room 135 Led by the Wendtland’s & Pastor Falk Let’s Pray Prayer Room 133 Led by Kevin Rizer A time to learn a little about prayer and to pray together Classes offered during the 10:50 AM service: Nursery – is offered during both services for children ages 6 months – 2 years old. Nursery is in Room 117. Children’s Classes 6 months - 2 years old – Room 117 Toddler Time – is offered for children ages 2-3 years old. They dismiss during the offering to Room 118. Children’s Church – is offered for children ages 4 years old - 1st grade. Children’s Church dismisses during the offering to room 120. Ages K-1st can be picked up in room 134 after the service. Treasure Seekers – (for 2nd - 5th grade) Treasure Seekers is taking a break for the summer. Coloring and activity sheets are available at the table and kiosk by the nursery. Adults’ Class Amen… Now What? Room 135 Led by: Denis Meanor This discussion group reflects thoughts from that morning’s sermon and how we can apply them throughout the week. Growth Groups (Small Group Bible Studies) Keep checking this page for new groups! The Gospel of John Brad Kremensek (672-7639) Mondays from 6:30-8 PM Schamber’s House Empowered To Connect Amber Van Dyke (307-461-0132) 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 7-8:30 PM First Baptist Church Room 135 A group for adoptive and foster families or those looking to connect with children from hard places. Summer Bible Fellowship Wednesdays at 6:30PM First Baptist Church Room 135 A time to learn from the Word, share, and pray together. \ Against All Odds-Israel Survives DVD Series with Michael Greenspan Bob & Delece Faurot (672-6323) Wednesdays at 6:00 PM 1750 Meadowlark Ln Gospel of John (Precept Upon Precept) Lori Thomas (751-3274) Thursdays at 9 AM Youth Room This is What the Heart Looks Likea study of the Ten Commandments by J.D. Greear Glenn & Carol Bredin (672-6288) Mike & Libby Morris (752-5567) Thursdays at 6:30 PM Morris’ house Isaiah (a study for women) Peggy Engels (673-1781) Fridays at 9 AM FBC Room 137 Manuscript Study of the Gospel of John Tony & Heidi Sawyer Fridays at 6 PM Sawyer’s House Note: childcare is provided! grutch shaded painted fail sharpie YOUTH grutch shaded painted fail sharpie YOUTH Summer Hours Summer Hours Sun day School Sun day School All grades: 9:30am All grades: 9:30am Youth Group (at 1st Baptist Church) Youth Group (at 1st Baptist Church) Grades 6-8: Wednesdays 6-7:30pm Grades 9-12: Thursdays 6-8pm Grades 6-8: Wednesdays 6-7:30pm Grades 9-12: Thursdays 6-8pm Sunday Night Dinner at the Rosty’s* Sunday Night Dinner at the Rosty’s* Grades 11-12 & College: 6-7:30 Grades 11-12 & College: 6-7:30 SY MOTA SY MOTA Starting June 4, 2015 *Contact Shane Rosty for more info: 307-751-8763 Starting June 4, 2015 *Contact Shane Rosty for more info: 307-751-8763 Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School 6:00 – 8:20 PM 6:00 – 8:20 PM We would love your help! What would you like to do? We would love your help! What would you like to do? O Crew Leader (we need lots of these!) O Crew Leader (we need lots of these!) O Teach Bible Stories O Singing O Teach Bible Stories O Singing O Teach Games O Sound/AV O Teach Games O Sound/AV O Registration O Photographer O Registration O Photographer O Help in the kitchen O Donate snacks O Help in the kitchen O Donate snacks July 13th - 16th July 13th - 16th O Decorate & clean up O Decorate & clean up Name __________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________ What is the best way to contact you? O Call O Text O Email What is the best way to contact you? O Call O Text O Email _________________________________________________________ (Phone number) _________________________________________________________ (Phone number) _________________________________________________________ (Email address) _________________________________________________________ (Email address)
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