OneStop Secure External Site Payment Configuration for Developers This document details what external developers need to do to set up their web page or system that will allow users to make payment using the OneStop Receipting System and Gateway. OneStop Payment Process Workflow Originating System Post URI Customer enters Credit card details in OneStop Redirect Back to Originating System? Yes No Payment Successful? Payment Successful? No Yes Yes OneStop redirects user back to Originating System with URL for Declined Payments No OneStop redirects user back to Originating System with URL for Success Payments Web Tax Invoice Generated and displayed in OneStop (ANU standard format) OneStop displays Error message on Payment post Originating System displayed Declined Payment information Originating System Generates tax invoice based on OneStop information Tax Invoice emailed to customer (ANU Standard format) Originating System Updated based on OneStop redirects for Success Payments OneStop Send System Confirmation to Originating System? Yes Double Check with OneStop on transaction? Yes OneStop send Originating System a WEB EXPORT (HTML URL) to notify Successful payment No Post No Originating System Updated END 1 Post URI from Originating System OneStop uses below URL structure/format to receive information from originating system. PaymentForParking&UnitAmountIncTax=999&TaxCode=GS&CartName=JohnSmith&Address_Line_ 1=100UniversityAvenue&Address_Line_3=Acton&Aust_States=ACT&Address_Postcode=2601&Add ress_Line_5=AUSTRALIA&Phone=0261258740&[email protected] By using the above URL, it will directly take you to the credit card payment page in OneStop for payment. The Posting URI for OneStop Secure’s Testing Environment is There are pre-defined parameters that OneStop will receive and they are as listed below FIELDNAME Tran-Type VALUE 098 for GST transaction (for testing environment) GLCode In Production, you will be allocated a Tran-type code specific to your originating system. We will give you the Tran-Type Code when going live. The format is FUND.DEPTID.PROJ.ACCT Please see ANU finance people for the correct charge code Unique reference for your payment page (PARKING, XMASDINNER) StoreID OrderID Description UnitAmountIncTax TaxCode CartName Address_Line_1 Address_Line_2 Address_Line_3 Aust_States Address_Postcode Address_Line_5 Phone Email This Code will need to stay constant throughout the life of this payment configuration. This is used for ANU Finance to report on transactions in our Enterprise System. Unique reference for each receipt. The recommended format of this field is DDMMYYHHMM+SURNAME Details of the receipt (The item purchased and quantity, for example) Full Amount including GST (If no-GST, just pass full amount) GS for GST-abled items, ZE for non-GST item Customer full name including Title, First Name, and Last Name Optional address line 2 Suburb Country OneStop will use this field to email out the tax invoice to customers. 2 URL for Success/Declined Payments A redirect URL can be sent back to Originating System when the customer makes the payment, successfully or not. For Successful transactions, the URL will looks like[InvoiceNo]&ReceiptNo=[Rec eiptNo]&TotAmt=[TotAmt]&CartName=[CartName]&OrderID=[OrderID]&StoreID=[StoreID]&TranSta tus=[PG_SUCCESS] Whereas the declined transactions will trigger below URL[InvoiceNo]&ReceiptNo=[Rece iptNo]&TotAmt=[TotAmt]&CartName=[CartName]&OrderID=[OrderID]&StoreID=[StoreID]&TranStat us=[PG_DECLINED] The parameters that can be passed back for both success/declined transactions to originating system includes Email Invoice Number Receipt Number Tender Total Amount Address CartName Description GL Code Order ID StoreID Phone Web Export to notify Originating System on successful payments The Web Export task can be initiated by OneStop Receipting system when a successful transaction is registered in the system. The task will produce another URL (separate to the success/declined redirects) back to your originating system to provide another layout of assurance of integrity check in your system in case the success/declined redirect failed to operate for some technical issues. The Web Export can produce a base URL different to the success/declined redirects: It can also include all parameters specified above. 3 Testing procedure 1. You configure your originating system to parse the URI string to us 2. (optional) If you need the redirects for Success and Declined payments, please specify the base URI from your testing environment, and we will set up the redirects for you. Please also advise what fields you would like us to send back for the redirects (such as invoice number, amount, full name, etc) 3. F&BS will conduct the end-to-end testing. 4. After testing’s complete, and configuration approved for Production, we will supply you with the Tran-Type used in Production. 5. (optional) You will supply the Base URI for success/declined redirects. 6. We will provide the Production posting URI for you to go Live. Go-Live Once the test configuration is tested, signed-off by ANU, and approved by Finance and Business Services delegates, we will provide you with the Production URI for posting. Information Please contact [email protected] for any information or assistance required in the testing 4
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