File - Family Child Care, Inc.

Family Child Care, Incorporated
2015 Quarterly Newsletter
~April, May, June~
FCCI is an organization of licensed family child care providers committed to developing and
promoting high quality child care in our community through education, resources, and support.
Members, please be prepared to show your membership card.
Non-members, be prepared to pay a $20 training fee.
April 13, 2015
6:45 – 9:00 pm
President: Kayla
[email protected]
Secretary: Stephanie
[email protected]
Treasurer: Shan
[email protected]
Training Coordinator: Stacy
[email protected]
Sales & Purchasing: Nita
[email protected]
Membership: Lee
[email protected]
Community Outreach: Jackie
[email protected]
Communications: Jessica
[email protected]
Assistant Treasurer: POSITION OPEN
Hospitality Coordinator: Anna
[email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator: Jennifer
[email protected]
Workshop Coordinator: POSITION OPEN
Member-at-large 1: Julie
[email protected]
Member-at-large 2: Becky
[email protected]
Upcoming Workshops
Topic: Birth – Five Early Intervention
Presenters: Rochester Public School Early Intervention
Do you have questions about children’s academic, language, motor,
or behavior skills? Does a child in your care have a medical
diagnosis that could impact development? Do you know what to do
with these concerns? The Rochester Public School Early
Intervention and ECSE Assessment Teams explain how you can
navigate through your concerns. This workshop will discuss the
referral process, explain how students qualify for intervention and
services, services that are provided, and your role as a childcare
provider. Developmental milestones will also be discussed.
Annual FCCI Provider Banquet
May 11, 2015
6:00 - 9:00 pm
2015 FCCI Board of Directors
Doors open at 5:45 pm
6:15 pm Dinner, Business Meeting, and Program (registration
7:00 pm Training Begins with Jeff Johnson
(Providers may attend keynote at 7:00 and receive a 2 hour
training certificate. No registration required)
Children are wired for learning--they are good at it, eager to do it, and
driven to it--yet too often we adults get in the way and take control of
learning. We expect kids to learn what we want, when we want, how
we want, and where we want. This session is about trusting kids as
learners and creating environments where they are free to lead their
Core Competency: II. Learning Environment and Curriculum
CDA Content Area: Physical & Intellectual Development
Workshop Location
Redeemer Lutheran Church
869 7th Avenue SE
Rochester MN 55904
Please use the main entrance and proceed to
the lower level. The entrance door is on a
security timer and is unlocked ½ hour
before and after the start of the workshop.
June 8, 2015
6:45 – 9:00 pm
Love & Logic: Teaching Kids to Listen the First Time
Presenter: Andrew Johnsrud
We will investigate how to effectively teach children to listen
without lecture, threats, bribes or coercions. Giving multiple
warnings to children can actually be a detriment to their overall
development - in this session we will talk about how to "mean
business" without being mean!
Core Competency: IIe. Promoting Personal & Social
CDA Content Area: Social & Emotional Development
2015 Workshop Calendar
April 13,
6:45-9 pm
April 23,
6:30-8:30 pm
May 11,
June 8,
6:45-9 pm
July 20,
August 10,
6:45-9 pm
September 14
6:45-9 pm
October 12
6:45-9 pm
November 9
6:45-9 pm
Three to Five Early Intervention ~ Red
Flags and Referral
BONUS: Bugs, Blossoms, & Butterflies
Annual Provider Banquet
January 11, 2016
6:15-9:30 pm
Early Intervention Assessment Team ~
Rochester School District
Lori Hamiester
Jeff Johnson
Love & Logic: Teaching Kids to Listen
the First Time
Andrew Johnsrud
Annual FCCI Provider Potluck Picnic
Hosted by the FCCI Board of Directors
Licensing Forum
Olmsted County Licensing Staff
Active Supervision: Children with
Special Needs
Stacy Boysen
To Be Announced
Lori LaLonde
SUID/Abusive Head Trauma
Michelle Gillard
Happy Holidays!
Mastering Record Keeping & Taxes
Tom Copeland
PLEASE NOTE: There is a $5 charge for training certificate replacement. Please keep your
training certificates in a secure location for licensing verification.
MNCPD requires the full 2
hours of training to receive
a certificate.
Anyone joining a training
at 7:05 or later will NOT
receive a certificate.
The church doors will
automatically lock at
New Baby? In the Hospital?
Special Celebration? Death in the Family?
Our members are important to us!
If you know of a special event or time of concern for a fellow
FCCI member, please contact Anna, 289-5468 or
[email protected], so she can let that person know
their friends at FCCI are thinking of them!
**Please note: FCCI Workshops are designed as adult learning
Members please present your card upon arrival, non-members please be prepared
to pay the $20 training fee.
Keep in touch between newsletters by signing up for
send requests to [email protected]!
We have a number of email "mailer delivery subsystem" notifications for undeliverable email.
Please keep us informed if your email address changes.
Message from FCCI’s 2015 President
As I am writing this, I hear birds chirping and the sun is shining! That must mean that warmer weather is just
around the corner!
Our state association, MLFCCA has 3 bills to support you as a licensed family child
care provider in the legislature.
 SF 1367 Family child care providers attendance records for public funded
services requirements modifications removes the required attendance record
keeping for food program participants
SF 1366 Family child care training requirements modifications eliminate the
annual training requirement of child development and behavior guidance and
changes the Supervising for Safety (Active Supervision) requirement to every 2 years, and
SF 913 Family child care initial training requirements clarification will grandfather providers who move
to another home within MN; or for other reasons let their license lapse for less than 12 months and were
up to date with annual training requirements, reopen their business without going through
the initial licensing training requirements.
MLFCCA is member supported and provider membership is important to continued advocacy efforts. "Like" the
Minnesota Licensed Family Child Care Association Facebook page to keep up to date with the progress of these
bills. Celebrate with providers from across MN at the MLFCCA annual conference and Week of the
Provider Banquet in Plymouth MN May 1 and 2. Registration details coming soon at
FCCI has had an amazing turn out for the bonus trainings! We are glad our members are finding these trainings
useful and enjoying them. On April 23rd we will have Lori Hameister with the topic Bugs, Blossoms, &
Butterflies. These trainings are free to our members and were designated to help you meet training hours. More
details on these trainings can be found on our website.
Congratulations to the Olmsted County Providers of the Year Julie Lewison and Lee Vang!! The week of the
family child care provider is May 3rd-9th with Friday May 8th being Provider Appreciation Day. FCCI’s annual
provider banquet will be on Monday May 11th. The banquet committee has been working hard planning a
wonderful banquet with Jeff Johnson being our speaker for the evening. Please join us in this celebration
honoring you, and fellow child care providers.
Kayla Abrahamson
2015 FCCI Board President
[email protected]
2015 FCCI Board of Directors Calendar
Board meetings are held 6:30-9pm at Redeemer Lutheran Church, unless otherwise noted.
January 20, February 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July TBA, August 18, September 22, October 20, November 17, Dec. TBA.
All members are welcome to attend, observe, or participate in the open comment period. Contact the president for open comment guidelines at [email protected].
Family Child Care, Inc. would like to welcome the following recently licensed providers to the child care
profession in Olmsted County. We hope to see you soon at an FCCI workshop!
Please call Lee at 507-218-5742 or email [email protected] to get your membership started!
Maryan Garasow
Holly Jantzen
Brianna Jonsgarrd
Jackie Luah
Amy Selnes
As child care providers, we all have an important responsibility to stay informed and up-to-date on all child care
profession-related issues. Professional associations, such as FCCI, offer valuable tools to help you stay informed
and make wise decisions concerning the future of your business and the children that you care for. We also
provide a place where providers can meet and get to know one another to share about our experiences and make
new friendships! Come and be a part of this great group of providers!
Over ½ of Olmsted County Providers are members of FCCI! Join us today!
The FCCI board wishes to thank you for your dedicated commitment to the
children that you are for and their families. From all of us, to all of you, thank
you! We appreciate you!
The Hand Holder
There is no job more important than yours, no job anywhere else in the land.
You are the keepers of the future: you hold the smallest of hands.
Into your care you are trusted to nurture and care for the young,
and for all of your everyday heroics, your talents and skills go unsung.
You wipe tears from the eyes of the injured. You rock babies brand new in your arms.
You encourage the shy and unsure child. You make sure they are safe from all harm.
You foster the bonds of friendships, letting no child go away mad.
You respect and you honor their emotions. You give hugs to each child when they're sad.
You have more impact than does a professor, a child's mind is molded by four;
so whatever you lay on the table is whatever that child will explore.
Give each child the tools for adventure, let them be artists and writers and more;
let them fly in the wind and dance on the stars and build castles of sand on the shore.
It is true that you don't make much money and you don't get a whole lot of praise,
but when one small child says, "I love you," you're reminded of how this job pays.
~ By Dori Rossmann
Executive Director, Kids Town USA
Olmsted County Licensing News
Rich Hacker, Child Care Licensing Supervisor, phone number 507-328-6418
Email: [email protected].
Hello Olmsted County Family Child Care Providers,
We all are hearing about the shortage of Family Child Care homes and frequently hear from you that you
are turning down business as you don’t have capacity. What’s happening? The shortage is family child care is
statewide! In 2014 there was a net loss of 20 Family Child Care homes in Olmsted County. 48 closed and 28
new licenses were issued. What happened to the 48 that closed? 17 found employment; 14 retired; 11 moved;
3 licenses were revoked; 2 unknown; 1 went back to college. We know that operating your own small business
is not easy and providing high quality, safe child care is hard work.
Immunizations: Lots of press regarding parents opting out of immunizations for their children. We are
getting calls from you on what to do. We encourage you to check out the great information that Tom Copeland
has published. If you accept a child that will not have the required immunizations (the “Child Care Immunization
Form” covers that and is found on our county webpage), the backside of the form has sections for either a doctor
to sign off for a “Medical exemption” or for a parent’s notarized signature granting a “Conscientious exemption.”
MN Statute 121A.15 Requires that when a parent opts out of immunizations that a copy of the notarized
statement is provided to the Commissioner of the Department of Health. Please send your copies to us and
we will forward to the Department of Health.
Operating Hours: A reminder that Licensed Family Child Care providers are held to licensing
standards 24 hours a day, seven days a week when caring for children that are not their own. A provider could
get themselves into trouble thinking that when 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. comes that they can say their day care is closed
and have their own teenager “babysit” a day care child until that parent can pickup. Offering a Friday “datenight” day care is okay, but you must follow licensing rules, which includes having the required records on the
children. Please be in contact with your licensor if you have any questions.
Provider Policy: Is it time to take a look at your policy? Have you made any changes? Does your
policy indicate that you transport children? Do you have the required training? Who are your emergency subs
and what is your emergency plan? (required by MN licensing statute). We will be assisting you at relicensing to
ensure your policy is complete and up-to-date.
Crisis Nursery: Can you be a resource to Crisis Nursery? Crisis Nursery is a collaboration between
CCRR and Olmsted County. Crisis Nursery provides temporary, short-term care for children while families
address a crisis situation. Care is provided by either a licensed child care or child foster care provider. Crisis
Nursery is looking for child care providers that have capacity and interest in providing care. Care is reimbursed
at state child care rates. Please strongly consider whether you can help. Contact Allison Johnson, CCRR,
Crisis Nursery Coordinator, 507-287-2020, ext 1576.
Thank you for the care you provide to our community’s children!
Please contact a member of the licensing team if you have any questions:
Keith Lewis
[email protected]
Dawn Schenk
[email protected]
Briana Satzke
[email protected]
Tammy Schettl
[email protected]
Upcoming Events & Professional Development Ops
Annual FCCI
Potluck Picnic
Hosted by the FCCI
Board of Directors
July 20, 2015
Location: To Be
Lakeshore Learning Materials Presentation & Parent Aware Info
Session 4/28/2015
FREE two-hour event on Tuesday, April 28th in which Kelly Minke, a Lakeshore
Learning Materials Representative, will be doing a couple toy demonstrations. We
will pair the Lakeshore presentation with dinner and a one-hour Parent Aware
Information Session. To top it off, there will be several raffles in which Kelly gives
away some of Lakeshore’s latest materials. If any Olmsted County child care
providers are at all interested in a fun and informative evening out, they should
attend this event! It will be held from 6:30-8:30pm at Child Care Resource &
Referral. RSVP to Amber Sawyer, Parent Aware Recruiter, at (507) 287-2020 ext.
1404 or [email protected].
Family Child Care Resources
SUID Training Videos:
The three Sudden Unexpected Infant
Death Videos can be found on FCCI’s
website for your viewing.
To view the videos for licensing
requirements, visit
Find the links under the
“Licensing/Community Connections”
Do you use
Assure Child Care
as an Insurance carrier?
Name FCCI in Assure Child
Care's Community
Partnership Program in your
FCCI's number is
Product Recalls and
Safety News:
US Consumer Safety Commission
Sweet Chocolate Chip Muffins
1/2 c. unsalted butter, melted
3/4 c. buttermilk
2 large eggs
1 Tbsp. pure vanilla extract
2 c. all-purpose plain flour
3/4 c. sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 c. semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease 12 standard muffin cups with butter or butter-flavored
nonstick cooking spray or line with paper liners.
In a bowl, whisk together the melted butter, buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla until smooth.
In another bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
Make a well in the center of the flour mixture, add the buttermilk mixture, and beat until smooth
and well mixed, 1-2 minutes.
Using a large silicone spatula, fold in the chocolate chips just until evenly distributed.
Do not over mix. Spoon the batter into each muffin cup, filling it level with the rim.
Bake the muffins until golden and springy to the touch, 15-25 minutes.
A toothpick inserted into the center of the muffin should come out clean.
Transfer the pan to a wire rack and let cool for 5 minutes. Unmold the muffins and let cool
completely. Serve at room temperature.
Cinnamon Puff Corn
1 9oz bag old dutch puff corn
1 6oz box of redhots
1 cup of butter
2/3 cup light corn syrup
3 to 4 drops of Lorann oil
cinnamon flavor
1. Heat oven to 225 (dark pan) 250
(regular pan)
2. Pour puff corn in parchment lined
roasting pan.
3. Heat butter & red hots until melted.
4. Then add corn syrup and cinnamon
oil. Pour over puff corn and stir.
5. Bake 40 minutes stirring every 10
minutes. Remove from oven. Lift out
parchment paper and let cool.
Break apart and enjoy!
Note: To Make Mini Muffins… {Like I did}Simply use mini chocolate chips {about 1 1/2 cups}.
Grease a mini muffin pan and bake for approximately 8-12 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out clean .
Grilled Cheese Fingers
with Soup
- Make grilled cheese
sandwiches as usual.
- Slice lengthwise to get 4 long
- Prepare tomato soup and serve
in a small bowl along with 4 slices
of grilled cheese.
- Dip slices into soup and eat!
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***Important reminder***
In This Issue:
Provider Banquet: Unwind & Recharge
Olmsted County Licensing News
Craft Ideas, Resources and Recipes
The content found on the
Olmsted County Licensor’s
Page is your official
communication and
notification of licensing
updates. As licensed child
care providers, it is our
responsibility to read and
make the appropriate
changes within our
programs! Please be sure to
thoroughly read the
information provided by
Olmsted County licensing in
the FCCI newsletter.