The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme 2 Ferry Road Old Lyme, Connecticut (860) 434-8686 Website: SUNDAY WORSHIP Steven R. Jungkeit, Senior Minister Carleen R. Gerber, Senior Associate Minister Christopher D. Solimene, Associate Minister Simon D. Holt, Director of Music May 10, 2015 9:00 AM Prelude *Hymn: #8 “From All That Dwell Below the Skies” *Call to Worship (from Psalm 146): Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will praise the Lord for as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God all my life long. Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God, who made heaven and earth. The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down. The Lord watches over the strangers, the orphans, the widow. The Lord will reign forever. Praise the Lord. *Invocation *The Lord’s Prayer Welcome and News of the Church Order for Reception of New Members *Hymn: #23 “We Gather Together” Offertory Invitation Offertory Anthem: In The Hand of the Lord All-Age Choir Pepper Choplin *Doxology (#44 in the hymnal) *Offertory Prayer Children’s Sermon Carleen Gerber *Hymn: #529 “Let All Things Now Living” (children proceed to classes during the 1st stanza) Pastoral Prayer Pastoral Prayer Response: Spirit of the Living God Scripture: Psalm 150 (OT, pg. 558) Romans 8: 26-27 (NT, pg. 148) Sermon: BEYOND WORDS The Rev. Dr. Steven R. Jungkeit *Hymn:: #32 “God of Grace and God of Laughter” Benediction Postlude *Congregation Standing . We thank you for worshipping with us. Following the life and teachings of Jesus, we are a church that strives to be a place of grace, welcoming all regardless of theological expression, age, race, gender, sexual identity, national origin or financial means. In our Church Constitution we recognize that “each member shall have the undisturbed right to follow the word of God according to the dictates of his or her own conscience, under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.” The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, established in 1665, cherishes this proud Pilgrim tradition. We are honored by your presence among us, and we invite you to help us become what we endeavor to be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The flowers this morning are given by Julie Kuja in loving memory of William and Helen Prestergaard Lipp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This morning at the 11 AM service we are pleased to celebrate the baptism of Andrew Eric Johnston, son of Brian and Melissa Johnston and grandson of Kate and David Johnston. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hosts for coffee hour are members of the Board of Deacons. The deacon on duty is Dan Renn. Childcare is available every Sunday morning in the nursery downstairs at the 9AM service. If you need help finding it, please ask the ushers to assist you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are visiting us for worship this morning, we welcome you, and invite you to join us in Fellowship Hall for fellowship and refreshments. We invite you to pick up a “Welcome” packet, which can be found in the vestibule. We hope this information will be helpful in acquainting you with our church and its activities and programs. Quiet Activity Bags for young children are in the vestibule. They are colorful bags with quiet projects for our youngest members. Please feel free to offer these bags to your children. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Rev. David W. Good serves as our Minister Emeritus. The Rev. Rebecca T. Crosby is our Minister for Haitian Outreach. Erin K. Grayson serves this church as Minister of the South Lyme Union Chapel. Starting Sunday, June 7th, we will begin our normal summer schedule of one service only at 10:00 am. Our fall schedule of two Sunday services, at 9:00 and 11:00 am, will commence on September 13th. WELCOME TO THE CHURCH We then as members of this Church, gladly welcome you to take part with us in the hopes, the labors, and the joys of the Church of Christ. We promise to walk with you in Christian love and sympathy, and to promote, as far as in us lies, your growth in the Christian Life. This morning we are pleased to welcome as new members: Janet Kegel Anderson Sandra Dawes Karen and Scott Harris Joanne Hine Paul Kilbride Elizabeth Nocera and Mike Long Mary Beth Saar Barbara and Craig Whitcher Tom and Ann Whitaker Jane and Mike Winterfield Adult Forum Today: Mother's Day - No Forum. May 17: Frida Berrigan will speak about her new book: "It Runs In The Family: On Being Raised By Radicals and Growing Into Rebellious Motherhood." Green Grass Journey Our annual trip to Green Grass, South Dakota, is set for June 23rd July 2nd. This year marks our 30th year of partnership, so there is much to celebrate! Travelers are meeting on Thursday, May 14th, at 7:00 pm in the library. Questions? Call Stephanie Kenny at 860-884-3875 or email at [email protected]. New Members Potluck The Board of Deacons will be hosting a dinner for all those who join our fellowship this morning, together with those who joined last fall, on Sunday evening, May 17th at 6:00 pm in Sheffield Auditorium. Those of you who have joined in these last two member classes, please watch for an invitation to arrive in the mail, and please help us by "RSVP-ing" to the church office by May 15th. We hope to see you there! Beit Sahour/TOL Partnership Committee will meet Tuesday, May 12th at 7:00 pm in the Hoag Parlor. To respond to the recent devastating earthquake in Nepal, we are continuing collection for One Great Hour of Sharing. This important fund is administered through the National Council of Churches and enables a quick response to natural and humanitarian disasters world-wide. Last year we raised almost $10,000 for OGHS. If you have not yet made a contribution, and wish to do so, there are envelopes in the pews, vestibule and coffee hour or you may send a check to our office, made out to FCCOL, with a memo designation to OGHS Easter Collection. Growing Through Grief C. S. Lewis said, "Grief is like a long, winding valley where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape." The next Growing Through Grief meeting will be on May 22nd at 10 a.m in the Library. Come share the journey with others on the path. If you have questions about this group, give Cynthia Robbins a call at (860) 608-7996. CELEBRATING 350 YEARS OF OUR HISTORY The Senior Choir will perform Vivaldi’s Gloria on Sunday, May 31st, at 4:00 pm. Please save the date and join us to celebrate our 350th Anniversary with this important event. Hunger along the Shoreline Children & adults in our own community go hungry every day. Find out why & what you can do to help. Lyme-Old Lyme HS is hosting a Hunger Banquet on Thursday, June 4, at 6:00 p.m. A unique way for the whole family to understand hunger & ways to help end it. All are welcome. Small donation requested. Proceeds to Shoreline Soup Kitchens and Oxfam America. More info, contact John McGannon, 860-4341651. BJ’s Members If you get a coupon booklet but don’t use the diaper coupons, please donate them to the Diaper Bank. Put them either in the offering plate or in Louise Lynch’s mail slot outside the church office, top right. Thanks. Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets May 19 Whether you’re an old pro or a first-time knitter, you’re invited to crochet or knit shawls that can be given by our ministers to those in hospital or needing the comforting tangible sign of our faith community’s love and healing prayers. Join us at 4 pm on May 19 in Hoag Parlor for an opportunity to have all prayer shawl creators (or those with an interest) gather for a time of sharing ideas and fellowship. See or contact Chris Solimene at [email protected] or call 860-434-8686 for more information or to receive materials. Thank you to all those who are sharing in this very special ministry. All Church Picnic at Camp Claire, Please save the date and join us for our annual allchurch picnic at Camp Claire on June 14th, 1-4 pm. Enjoy beautiful Hamburg Cove and swim, kayak, and canoe with your family and friends. There will be arts and crafts for children as well as volley ball and other games. Bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share and come and enjoy a Sunday afternoon of fellowship. Climate March Yes, we shall gather at the River, but first, at noon, May 31st, at the Hartford State Capitol. Follow-up to the September 2014 NYC Climate March. Petition our leaders for real action on climate justice. This will be followed by an afternoon of family fun, Celebrate the Earth, at Mortensen Riverfront Plaza (musicians, a magician, great exhibits on environmental topics, local food). To carpool and for more information, call Cynthia Willauer (Tink) 860-434-8315. Match Marrow Registry Join the Be The Match Marrow Registry at First Congregational Church of Old Lyme! On Sunday, May 24th, Be the Match will be in the Sheffield Auditorium from 12-5 pm. This life-saving event is to help patients in need of a marrow transplant find a donor. Every year more than 12,000 patients suffer from a variety of bone marrow functioning diseases and a transplant is their only hope for survival. You could be their cure! To register you must be between the ages of 18 and 44, be in overall good health and willing to donate blood for anyone you may match.. Registration involves paperwork and a cheek swab sample, it only takes 10 minutes! Later on, if you match a patient, most donations are done through an automated blood donation. The church has a new email address: <[email protected]>. The deadline for our June Newsletter is Friday, May 15th. If possible, please send articles by e-mail as a Word document, [email protected]. The next FCCOL Newsletter will be in September; the deadline will be August 14th. If you have donated any of the following stocks, please call Julie at the church office (860) 434-8686: Exxon Mobil, 24 shares, 12/5/14; 3m Company, 2 shares, 12/23/14; Bristol Myers Squibb, 85 shares, 2/10/15. Calendar of Events & Meetings for This Week God’s Neighborhood Sunday School TODAY at 9:00 am. Sewing Group Monday, May 11th at 10:00 am in the Sheffield Auditorium. Beit Sahour/TOL Partnership Committee Tuesday, May 12th at 7:00 pm in the Hoag Parlor. Board of Trustees Tuesday, May 12th at 7:30 pm in Library. Writing Group Wednesday, May 13th at 3:30 pm in the Hoag Parlor. All-Age Choir Wednesday, May 13th at 6:15 pm in the Sheffield Auditorium. Senior Choir Wednesday, May 13th at 7:30 pm in the Sheffield Auditorium. Who Am I? Thursday, May 14th at 9:30 in the Library. Green Grass Group Thursday, May 14th at 7:30 pm in the Library. ARC Blood Drive Friday, May 15th from 1:00 to 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Board of Music & Arts Sunday, May 17th at 12:00 pm in the Hoag Parlor. New Members Potluck Sunday, May 17th at 5:30 pm in the Sheffield Auditorium. White Elephant Sale Get out your calendars out and mark these dates, Friday, July 10th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm and Saturday, July 11th from 8:00 am - Noon. Good time of the year to sort through the cellar and attic to put aside some of those treasures for this year’s sale. Hold them until the first intake day, Thursday June 25th. Help wanted: Books - needs help sorting, pricing and on sale days; please sign up to help (see Judy Downs or call the office 434-8686 and select option #5). Daily sorting and intake (6/25 to 7/3 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm except for Sunday 6/28 and Thursday 7/4.) For those who can help, please stop in and help unload cars or sort inside. All are welcome for as long as you can stay. This is a great way to meet folks and see what the WES is all about, people helping people. Thank you in advance. F IN A L 7 9 th W h i t e E l e p h a n t S a l e [ 2 0 1 5 ] June Sun M on Tue W ed Thu F ri Sat 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 P re S E T -U P IN S ID E [ m ove fu rn itu re , la y ru g s , e tc ] 21 22 23 24 25 IN T A K E 9 :0 0 – 2 :0 0 IN T A K E 6 :0 0 – 8 :0 0 p m 26 IN T A K E 9 :0 0 - 2 :0 0 S E T -U P IN S ID E [9 :0 0 a m – 1 2 :0 0 ] 27 IN T A K E 9 :0 0 - 2 :0 0 W orkers L u n ch J u ly Sun 28 M on 29 IN T A K E 9 :0 0 - 2 :0 0 Tue 30 IN T A K E 9 :0 0 – 2 :0 0 W ed Thur 1 2 IN T A K E 9 :0 0 - 2 :0 0 IN T A K E 6 :0 0 - 8 :0 0 p m 5 6 7 IN T A K E 6 :0 0 – 8 :0 0 p m 8 CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED S o rt & P ric e S o rt & P ric e S o rt & P ric e B ig T e n ts & Sport G oods T en ts G o u p M o r n 'g -A n y R e m a in in g o u ts id e s e t u p S m a ll T e n ts & ta b le s s e t u p o u tsid e 6 :0 0 – 8 :0 0 p m IN T A K E 9 :0 0 – 2 :0 0 9 S E T -U P O U T S ID E U n lo a d B a r n s 7 :3 0 A M -> > W orkers L u n ch F ri 3 IN T A K E 9 :0 0 - 2 :0 0 Sat 4 H O L ID A Y C LO SED W orkers L unch 10 SA LE 9 :0 0 – 2 :0 0 11 SA LE 8 :0 0 – 1 2 :0 0 CLEANUP & Snacks 1 2 :0 0 -> >
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