Parent Press April

e Seni
Volume 8, Issue 8
April, 2015
Going Hybrid
Helping Community
Senior Parent Night
Guidance News
Congratulations Corner
Going Hybrid
By Ted Brown, Math Teacher
I knew it was only a matter of time. Some of my colleagues and many students had already taken the
plunge. Soon, all high school teachers and students in AOS92 may have the opportunity to go hybrid. I define "going
hybrid" to mean either teaching both Waterville and Winslow high school students in the same classroom or, for
students, taking classes at both high schools.
I remember several years back there was talk of a combined high school. The "Winville Black Panthers" didn't
really catch on any more than the "Waterslow Purple Raiders" did. All joking aside, Winslow - for a mere $9 million
dollars - received a beautifully renovated high school a few years later. Waterville would soon follow with three multimillion dollar renovations of her own. These days, talk of a single combined high school seems nonexistent.
Hybrid teaching and learning is not new to our district. Mid-Maine Technical Center (MMTC) has always had a
student body made up of Lawrence, Messalonskee, Waterville, and Winslow high school students. MMTC is a shining
example of hybridization done well.
Even before the creation of AOS92, students have been crossing the Kennebec in both directions to find classes
to meet their needs. Recent examples include but are not limited to AP Economics (Winslow only) and AP Statistics and
College Math (Waterville only). In some cases, an identical class across the river fits the student schedules better than
the one offered at their own school. All of my Winslow students understand that they were fortunate, but not entitled,
to receive a seat in my classes, as Waterville students were given first priority. Their presence has made for a more
enriching experience for all of us.
Historically, a student to take a course at a high school other than the one at which the student is registered
(the student’s resident high school) if the following criteria are satisfied:
The student is in good academic standing.
The student attends school regularly.
The principal or principal’s designee approves.
There is a seat available in the class. Availability is determined by the receiving high school and may be
tentative depending on the time of year. Resident students have enrollment priority over non-resident students.
The course is not offered at the resident high school OR the course is offered at the resident high school but is
not available due to a scheduling conflict.
Three years ago we shared our first traveling hybrid teacher between the schools. He taught purple (orange)
days at Waterville, and white (black) days at Winslow. Two others would soon follow suit. Today, three of my colleagues
teach in both high schools over the course of a two day rotation.
Continued on page 2
Visit the WSHS website at: Communicate with your child’s teachers via email. Email addresses
are listed in the Directory, which is one of the buttons on the school’s home page.
To place information in the next Parent Press, contact Kelly Curtis at 313-1029 or [email protected].
A.O.S. #92, 25 Messalonskee Ave., Waterville, ME 04901
Going Hybrid (cont.)
By Ted Brown, Math Teacher
Last year, I had one Winslow student. This year, I have twelve Winslow students in two different classes. Since
there was no reference guide to anything hybrid, I have been working on a list of things that I have learned along the way.
Mr. Bell is the Winslow High School principal, and Mr. Hendsbee is the assistant principal. Advice for teachers: drop
these names as necessary and the Winslow students will get more serious.
The front office receptionist at Waterville Senior High School is Mrs. Bell, who is married to Mr. Bell. Advice for
Winslow students: be nice to Mrs. Bell!
Some hybrid students travel by school van, others provide their own transportation. Advice for teachers: learn to roll
with the tardiness.
Our school calendars are the same. Purple day at Waterville = Orange day at Winslow; White day at Waterville = Black
day at Winslow.
A grade of 60% is passing at Waterville but failing at Winslow. A grade of 65% is passing in Winslow.
Winslow parents seem to have more trouble with Infinite Campus than Waterville parents.
Waterville peers. The Waterville students have been great about helping them out.
Watch for emails from Mr. McNeil, Ms. Hallen or Ms. Giselle Carey. They are the Winslow guidance staff and they will
relay important information about students.
Winslow students will be late if either Waterville or Winslow have a different bell schedule (ex. assembly schedule). In
some classes, Winslow students will always be late.
Winslow is good about communicating different bell schedules to Waterville teachers.
Winslow planned absence forms are purple. Go figure.
While this hybridization has not been perfect, much potential exists as we continue to share more resources
between our schools. In a perfect world, students would be able to pick their classes from one giant master schedule for
both schools. As with municipal services, sharing resources between our communities can also give taxpayers more for their
money. I look forward to continuing these conversations.
Go Panthers AND Raiders!
WSHS Student Organizations Raise Funds for the Community
On February 14th, students from Key Club, National Honor Society and Jobs for Maine's Graduates walked around Waterville Senior
High School to raise money to help Waterville citizens purchase fuel oil. Proceeds were presented to City Manager Mike Roy and
Director of Health and Welfare Linda Fossa by Oliva Jones (Key Club president), Chelsea Cayer (NHS secretary), and B Leavitt (JMG
vice president) pictured below.
Page 2
Parent Press
Senior Parent Night
On the evening of March 20th, parents
enjoyed a lasagna dinner served by Mr.
Reiter and Mr. Laramee and learned about
the senior events that take place at the
end of the school year. Dates for senior
events are included in this month’s Mark
Your Calendar inside the back cover.
Above from left: Nicole Pinette, Emily Higgins,
Sarah Shoulta, Kellie Bolduc and Lydia Roy
Above from left: Heather Huston, Tallon Glazier and
Sage Turmell
Guidance News
SATs will be given during the school day on Wednesday, April 15th. Juniors considering applying to a 4-year college are
encouraged to take the exam on that day but it is optional for them this year. It is an opportunity for juniors to take the test
for free! Juniors must come to guidance to register by April 1st. Juniors should be at WSHS no later than 7:45 a.m. on the
morning of April 15th. Please contact the guidance office with any questions.
COLLEGE FAIR: All juniors are expected to attend the College Fair on Thursday, May 28th at the Augusta Civic Center.
Permission slips will be distributed to all advisee groups and must be signed by parent/guardian and returned to guidance by
Wednesday, May 20th. This is an opportunity for students to get information from over 200 colleges and other programs along
the east coast and across the country. It is a fun morning and a great opportunity for students. Any junior who does not
attend will not be eligible for first quarter senior privileges next fall.
2015 PROGRAM OF STUDIES is now available on Waterville Senior High School’s website. The Program of Studies gives
parents an opportunity to review course offerings for next year.
SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES: Information on various summer offerings at colleges/universities is available in guidance.
There is a broad spectrum of offerings. Many require a tuition fee, however, there are also scholarships available.
BALLOONS: The bulletin board outside of guidance will once again have the map of the United States with students’ names
on balloons indicating where our seniors will be attending college. Hopefully, this serves as an inspiration to underclassmen.
SCHOLARSHIP BULLETINS: Scholarship information continues to arrive in the guidance office. Bulletins are distributed to
all homerooms, posted on our website and in guidance. There are many local and national scholarship monies available.
Guidance has most application materials and information is provided for online applications.
COLLEGE/CAREER VISITATION FORMS: Juniors and seniors who are planning to visit a college must first request a
college visitation form from their counselor. The form must then be signed by the student’s teachers for the day(s) the
student will be absent. The form must be signed by the student’s parent/guardian and submitted to Ms. Mallett in the main
office two days prior to the visit for final approval and attendance excusal.
COLLEGE APPLICATIONS: It is not too late to apply to college for the fall! Many schools have rolling admission deadlines,
which means students can apply anytime. Even if your son or daughter has not yet applied, it is important to complete the
FAFSA. The FAFSA can be sent to selected schools even if future plans are still up in the air.
MEETING WITH JUNIORS: At this time of year, counselors begin meeting individually with all juniors. During these
meetings we discuss future plans after high school, activities students could be doing now and this summer and much more.
We also review the courses they have selected for senior year.
Volume 8, Issue 8
Page 3
Congratulations Corner
Congratulations to the following students for receiving a Renaissance Award!
Kellie Bolduc
Good School Citizen & Service/Character & Academics!
Caelan Lecrone
Good School Citizen!
Samantha Munro
Good School Citizen & Academics!
Monicah Paquette
Daniel Pooler
Good School Citizen & Service/Character!
Julia Sagaser
Sarah Shoulta
Good School Citizen & Service/Character!
Congratulations to Evan Garbati-Stanichuk for winning a gold medal in Information Technology Services at the State
SkillsUSA Championships! Evan will represent Maine at the National SkillsUSA Championships in Louisville, Kentucky!
Congratulations to Ben Misner for winning a silver medal in Precision Machining Technology at the State SkillsUSA
Congratulations to Will Tiner for winning a silver medal in Digital Cinema Production at the State SkillsUSA Championships!
Congratulations to the Drama Cast and Crew for placing first in the
Class A Regional Drama Festival with their performance of April Fish!
Congratulations to the drama cast for winning an Ensemble Award for
their unified acting!
Congratulations to Avery Isbell for winning an All Cast Award at
the Class A Regional Drama Festival!
Congratulations to Erena Hirskos for winning an All Cast Award at
the Class A Regional Drama Festival!
Congratulations to Annalisa Lanzolla for winning an Accent Coach
Commendation at the Class A Regional Drama Festival for helping the
cast with their Italian accents!
Congratulations to the Science Olympiad Team for taking second place at the state tournament and earning the lowest
(best) score in Waterville’s history!
Congratulations to the math team for its third place finish for medium schools in the Central Math League this
season. Waterville placed 8th out of 24 teams overall.
Meet 5 Results: High scorer Jordan Huard (37 points) was followed by Max Burger-Roy (32) and Louisa Nyhus (25).
Regular Season Results: Max Burger-Roy was the second highest scoring junior in our league with 168 points. Other top
finishers were Jordan Huard (147 points/5th junior), Louisa Nyhus (122/11th senior), Matrim Glazier (11/42nd sophomore),
Kyle McGadney (9/43rd sophomore), and Luca Thamattoor (9/34th freshman).
The math team will be in action one last time this season on April 14th at the Maine State Math Meet in Bangor. Wish them
From left to right: Jordan Huard, Luca
Thamattoor, Sophie Boardman, Tanner Matteson
Page 4
Fun t-shirt design by
Carrabec High School
From left to right: Luca Thamattoor, Coach Brown,
Tanner Matteson, Sophie Boardman, Max BurgerRoy, Louise Nyhus, Coach Rivard, Jordan Huard
Parent Press
Congratulations Corner (cont.)
Congratulations to
York City!
Congratulations to
in New York City!
Congratulations to
New York City!
Congratulations to
in New York City!
Congratulations to
New York City!
the Chorus for earning a Gold Rating at the World Strides Heritage Performance Spring Festival in New
the Select Chorus for earning a Gold Rating at the World Strides Heritage Performance Spring Festival
the Jazz Band for earning a Gold Rating at the World Strides Heritage Performance Spring Festival in
the Concert Band for earning a Gold Rating at the World Strides Heritage Performance Spring Festival
the Strings for earning a Silver Rating at the World Strides Heritage Performance Spring Festival in
Congratulations to Suzanne Goulet for being nominated as a candidate for the 2015 County Teacher of the Year!
Congratulations to the Boys Swim Team for earning the MPA Class B Sportsmanship Award!
Congratulations to the Girls Swim Team for earning the MPA Class B Sportsmanship Award!
Congratulations to the Girls Soccer Team for being recognized by the Max Prep Scholar Program as one of the top teams in
the country!
Congratulations to the following students for being named to the KVAC All Academic Team!
Boys Indoor Track – Alex Danner and Cam Gardiner!
Girls Indoor Track – Kellie Bolduc, Louisa Nyhus, Lydia Roy!
Boys Swimming – Emmett deMaynadier and Joe Oliver!
Girls Swimming – Margaret Reisert!
Congratulations to the following students for being named to the
KVAC All Conference Team!
Girls Basketball 2nd Team – Jordan Jabar!
Competition Cheering 1st Team – Kristi Yoos!
Competition Cheering 2nd Team – Julia Hamilton!
Boys Ice Hockey 1st Team – Nick Denis and Andrew Roderigue!
Boys Ice Hockey 2nd Team – Matt Jolicoeur and Michael Oliveira!
Boys Indoor Track – Andy Chambers, Chris Cote and Trever Gray!
Girls Indoor Track – Sophie Anich, Kellie Bolduc, Lauren Brown, Alison
Linscott, Katie Lopes, Cecilia Morin, Monicah Paquette, Lydia Roy, Sarah
Shoulta, and Katherine Vince!
Winter Team GPAs
Girls Swimming – 92.2
Girls Indoor Track – 89.4
Boys Swimming – 88.8
Girls Basketball – 86.1
Competition Cheering – 82.7
Boys Ice Hockey – 83.4
Boys Indoor Track – 82.1
Boys Basketball – 81.4
Congratulations to the Unified Basketball Team for placing fourth in the
Central Maine Basketball Tournament!
The Unified Basketball Team from left to right:
Sage Turmelle, Gavin Lachance, Kayla Redman, Rasheed
Parker, Lauren Anderson and Nick Belanger
Congratulations to Dennis Martin for being named the KVAC Class B Boys Ice Hockey Coach of the Year and the Maine High
School Hockey Class B East Coach of the Year!
Congratulations to Jonathan Alexis for being named the KVAC Class B Girls Indoor Track Coach of the Year!
Volume 8, Issue 8
Page 5
Waterville Senior
High School
One Brooklyn Avenue
Waterville, ME 04901
Phone: (207) 873-2751
Fax: (207) 873-7051
Mark Your Calendar!
April 3
April 6
April 10
April 13
April 20-24
April 30
April 30
May 2
May 4-15
May 7
May 8
May 8
May 11
May 11
May 17
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 25
May 28
May 28
May 29
June 1
June 1
June 1
June 2
June 2
June 4
June 4
June 6
June 8
June 10-15
June 15
June 16
3rd Quarter Ends
Registration deadline for May 2 SAT
Senior Talent Show at 7 p.m. in Trask Auditorium
School Board Meeting at 6 p.m. in the MMTC Mid-Day Café
Spring Vacation—No School
Renaissance Assembly in Trask Auditorium
Spring Band Concert at 7 p.m. in Trask Auditorium
AP Exams
Spring Strings Concert at 7 p.m. in Trask Auditorium
Grades Close for Progress Reports
Registration deadline for June 6th SAT
School Board Meeting at 6 p.m. in the MMTC Mid-Day Café
Spring Choral Concert at 7 p.m. in Trask Auditorium
Drama’s Mystery Dinner Theater in Cafeteria 5 p.m.
Alt. School Recognition Night at 6 p.m. in Alt. School Auditorium
Early Release—11:30 a.m.
Staff In-service—No School
Prom 9-12 at the Hathaway Center
Memorial Day Holiday—No School
College Fair
Last Day of Senior Classes
Senior Class Trip (rain date June 3)
Marching Practice at 9:15 a.m. in Donovan Gymnasium & Trask Auditorium
Annual Art Show and Senior Retrospective at 5:30 p.m. in the WSHS Rotunda
Awards Night at 7 p.m. in Trask Auditorium
Marching Practice at 9:15 a.m. in Donovan Gymnasium & Trask Auditorium
Class Night at 7 p.m. in Trask Auditorium
Marching Practice at 1 p.m. at Colby College
Graduation at 7 p.m. at Colby College
School Board Meeting at 6 p.m. in the MMTC Mid-Day Café
Final Exams
Last Student Day
Staff In-service—No School
A.O.S. #92
Non Profit Organization
25 Messalonskee Ave.
U.S. Postage
Waterville, ME 04901
Waterville, ME
Permit No. 120
A.O.S. #92, 25 Messalonskee Ave., Waterville, ME 04901
Volume 8, Issue 8
April, 2015
Going Hybrid
Helping Community
Senior Parent Night
Guidance News
Congratulations Corner