FedBiz IT Solu utions NASA N SE EWP V ORDER RING G GUIDE U ABOUT US FedBiz IT Solutions (Fed dBiz IT), LLC, is a SBA certtified HUBZonne, Veteran Ow wned Small Buusiness (VOSB B), and O (EDWO OSB) Valued-A Add Reseller w with over 40 yyears of federall sales, Economicaally Disadvantaaged Women Owned marketing,, and contractiing experiencee. Our mission n is to offer thhe “Best in Cllass” Informatiion Technologgy and Emerging Technology seervices and prroducts. We haave an experieenced team of experts providding a breadthh of IT p serviices, and consu ulting to our cu ustomers. enterprise products, c leadiing-edge solutiions and a deepp expertise in ffederal Using our ISO 9001:2008 Best Practicees, FedBiz IT combines ositive custom mer satisfaction rating. supply chaain allowing us to achieve a complete and po NASA SE EWP V FedBiz IT Contract No: NNG15SD01B N B UBZone Set-Aside: Group B – HU T Indefinitee Delivery/Indeefinite Quantity y (IDIQ) Contract Type: Start Date: May 1, 2015 Expiration Date: April 30 0, 2025 M Valu ue: $20 billion Contract Maximum The NASA A Solutions for fo Enterprise-Wide Procureement (SEWP)) V contract iis a governmeent-wide acquuisition contract (G GWAC) for Infformation Tech hnology produ ucts and servicees. It is an indeefinite deliveryy, indefinite quuantity (IDIQ) con ntract. All fedeeral governmen nt agencies and authorized ggovernment priime contractorrs are able to uuse the SEWP con ntract, and there is no per-ag gency limit. SEWP S V contrracts are manaaged and admiinistered by N NASA's Goddard Space S Flight Ceenter (GSFC) at the NASA SEWP S Program m Managemennt Office (PMO O). There is a S SEWP V administtration surcharge of (0.39%) included on all products on ccontract. Ordering In nformation All Deliveery Orders musst be routed th hrough the SEW WP Program O Office (PMO) and should noot be sent direcctly to FedBiz IT.. SEWP orderss can be placed d in several way ys: ge file to: [email protected] Email a .pdf or imag pleted forms to o: (301) 286-03 317 Fax orrders and comp Mail orders o to: SEW WP Program Management M Offfice (PMO) 100210 Greenbeltt Road, Suite ##200 Lanham, M MD 20706 6 Additionall information iss on NASA’s website. w http://w www.sewp.nassa.gov/info/orddering.shtml Credit Card FedBiz IT T is authorized d to accept Government G credit card ordeers directly foor purchases. There is no S SEWP contractuall limit on crediit card orders. Purchase card limits are baseed on the indivvidual's own aggency's limit. M Micropurchase orders o (under $3000) $ may bee sent to FedBiiz IT directly. FedBiz IT willl forward the order informattion to the NASA A SEWP Program Office for processing an nd tracking. Alll Delivery Orrders paid by C Credit Card m must be routed to th he NASA SEW WP Program Offfice from the customer c regarrdless of the orrder total. WHERE CUSTOME MER SATISF FACTION N ALWAYS COMES F FIRST FedBiz IT I Solutions, LLC 305 Harriso on St. SE, Leeesburg, VA 20175 703-343-66123 FedBiz IT Solu utions NASA N SE EWP V ORDER RING G GUIDE P helpline (301-286-1478) is your best resource when youu have any queestions concernning purchase oorders, The SEWP SEWP’s web-tools w or any y SEWP-relateed topics. The helpline h is openn Monday-Fridday 7:30am - 66:00pm EST. FedBiz IT SEW WP V Sales Team T [email protected] (8 888) 995-1615 (7 703) 343-6123 (5 571) 814-3033 FAX FedBiz IT SEW WP Program Manager M Chuck C Spence csspence@fedb bizit.com O: O (703) 343-6 6123 M: M (240) 888-8 8449 FedBiz IT Soolutions Inforrmation SEWP Contrract: NNG15S SD01B CAGE Code: 6ETQ1 DUNS #: 9688386222 SEWP Helplline Order processsing, web toool questions, oor post-order suupport. [email protected] (301) 286-14478 Please con ntact our prog gram manageer for purchassing, quote, orr configuratioon assistance,, and for addiitional informatio on about ordeering: Information Tech hnology Compute er Hardware, Tablets, Storrage, Securityy Softw ware & Cloud d Software e Virtualizatioon and Cloud Computing X XaaS (e.g. SaaS=Sto orage as a Serrvice) Netw working & Com mmunicationss Networkk Appliances: Routers, Mod dems Telecom mmunication Devices aand Monthly Service Supp porting Techn nology Scannerss, Printers, Coopiers, Shredd ders, Associatted Supplies and Acce essories, Senssors, Medical IT AV/C Conferencingg A/V Equiipment and A Accessories, TTVs, Display M Monitors, Projectors and Screenns Servvices Maintenaance / Warraanty, Site Plan nning / Installation, Producct Based Trraining, and PProduct Based d Engineeringg Services To obtain n HUBZone credit c using the t SEWP V contract, seelect Group B – HUBZonne while usinng the SEWP V online Quotte Request To ool on the NASA N SEWP P V web site.. This will seelect the com mplete Group B HUBZone H Co ontract Holders and satisfy y the Fair Oppportunity (FA AR 16.505(b)((1)) requiremeent. WHERE CUSTOME MER SATISF FACTION N ALWAYS COMES F FIRST FedBiz IT I Solutions, LLC 305 Harriso on St. SE, Leeesburg, VA 20175 703-343-66123
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