CRACKER BOX PALACE - NEWSLETTER A Not For Profit Organization Helping Farm Animals In Need Vol 13 – Issue 1 March 2013 Isabelle is all dolled up for the th 8 Annual Gala Ball Graciously being held at Captain Jack’s Banquets on the Bay Sodus Point! March 2nd will be our 8th year for our premier fundraiser being held again at Captain Jack’s Banquets on the Bay, Greig Street, Sodus Point. Tom and Brenda Frank and the crew at Captain Jack’s have pulled out all the stops to make this year’s Gala even more exciting with not only wine tasting compliments of Constellation Brands, but a beer tasting too with Custom Brew Crafters, a choice of fine cuisine, and a beautiful venue in their Banquet Room. Music will be provided by Tracey Dustin’s DJ services throughout the evening with dancing after dinner. Our silent auction, being hosted by Gale Kordowski and Marlene Ferguson will be available for bidding throughout the evening and our ever popular live auction will be MC’ed again by our host of hosts, Marty Nott. Auction items received so far include wines from many local wineries, dinner gift certificates from local restaurants, an assortment of gift baskets, two Sleep Phones and tapes donated by Jack and Dena Hirsh, a beautiful handmade coffee table with handmade doily and center piece donated by the VanAker Family, a beautiful handmade Cutting/Serving Board with inlaid flowers, a tiger wood, velvet lined Trinket Box, also handmade, gift certificates from a magician, gift baskets donated by Marlene Caroselli of Pittsford, an overnight stay at Maxwell Creek Bed & Breakfast, and a gift card worth $150 at Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel that can be used at all restaurants, retail, spa and salons and can be applied to a hotel stay at the Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel or the Seneca Allegany Casino & Hotel for a wonderful get away vacation! Also featured during our Gala Ball is a look back at what Cracker Box Palace has achieved throughout the past year and we honor volunteers that have gone above and beyond their call of duty for the animals at the farm. We would also like to take a moment to honor our Gala Chairperson this year, Shelene Lochner, who not only invented Gala Ball eight long years ago, but runs this event without fail every year to date. She takes pains taking measures to be sure everything is ‘just right’ and works to keep costs down so this event does carry the shelter throughout the winter without fail. Her co-chair for the past two years now, Mary Novick also needs noting here too! Thank you both for caring enough to hold such a wonderful event for the animals here at Cracker Box Palace. We know and appreciate the work that you put in to this event every year. Thank you both for such an elegant evening! For Information regarding tickets, table reservations, overnight accommodations, donations for the auctions or sponsorship please call Shelene Lochner at 315-576-6586 or email [email protected] Outstanding in our Fields! This page is dedicated to introduce the amazing volunteers and businesses that help support the animals and keep the farm running on a daily basis! Two Of Our Favorite Volunteers Will Be Honored At Gala Ball 2013 as Volunteers of the Year! Debbie McIlhagga and her trusty steed, Beasley are pictured to the left. Debbie has gone above and beyond to help keep our critters healthy! She is a Vet Tech and also is a very active board member on the CBP Board of Directors. Deb has helped out with Farm Camp and at events teaching basic care and medical issues of the horse for the kids and adults. She helps with events and is on our Planning Committee and even entered ‘Chevy’ the mini in last year’s Derby Day Race and placed second! This year, Debbie and her brother will be organizing a fundraising Car Rally for the fall of 2013. She also is a member of the Large Animal Emergency Response Team and is here every weekend without fail, doing physical exams, parasite control, mending cuts and bruises, keeping us straight on our immunizations. With our recent emergency with Mona, the thoroughbred mare that injured herself and needed surgery, Debbie has been staying at the bunkhouse and done round clock care with Mona along with her full time job and taking care of her own critters back at home, including one rabbit she adopted from CBP, “Pepsi”! Debbie has also sponsored countless animals here at the farm and helps with the kids that volunteer here regularly teaching animal care and responsible ownership or even taking a hike out in the woods with a horse and children tagging along. Thank you Debbie for all your dedication and positive attitude! Barb Deroo and one of our crazy cats, Angus, are pictured left, which is only one of the many animals here at the farm that Barb cares for! She volunteers at the Cow Barn every weekend for a couple years now. She has become our official Bunny Care Person and checks each and every rabbit out from the tip of the their ears to the tip of their cotton tails every weekend! Barb helps care for the goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, ducks, hogs, old horses, and now the pot belly pigs! Barb has also set up an ‘Adopt a Cat’ hotline for cats and kittens that are dropped here at the farm. We don’t really have a program for cats which is why Barb helps us with getting them medical care and finding them homes in a hurry! Barb participates in many of our events and helps to organize the Farm Clean Up every spring and in the spring and summer months, Barb can be found sprucing up the yards, planting the flower boxes and helping run the Gift Shop. Barb recently joined the Large Animal Emergency Response Team too and has completed the ICS training this past fall. Barb is also an active member with Trail Works and also helps us with trail blazing and clean up. She can be credited with starting our Second Creek Trail a few years ago! Barb also works at Reliant Credit Union in Sodus and assists in many church functions at the Methodist Church in Pultneyville. Barb also stays close in touch with our board as an advisor and is also on the Planning Committee to help us keep those fundraisers fundraising. You can also find Barb sitting with a child that needs extra help with homework or tutoring them on animal care. Thank you Barb for all your patience and help! A special thank you…. From Mona We would like to thank everyone that helped us in what seemed to be a moments notice when our dear Mona, a 13 year old thoroughbred mare here at the farm, had found a historic nail out in the pasture and put it through her hoof causing extensive damage to her foot and joint. We know we are not like the other typical shelters, but also know we have no where near the funding to take such a risk to save her life, or do we? With a couple notes to board members and a Facebook message we raised enough money for Mona’s surgery and some of her after care within 2 days. She has not responded well to the antibiotics she was on and after several tries at new ones, we think we finally have the right one. She will be undergoing another surgery here at the farm and she is far from being out of the woods yet with combating the infection and healing up her foot. But with everyone’s prayers, faith and support we are hoping for the best for her. Thank you all again for believing in us and Mona. In Loving memory… Deliah – We lost our crazy cow friend in December2012. This coming Memorial Day we will be remembering Deliah with her own memorial tree and are currently working on a memorial paver program for animals that leave us here at the farm or for those that wish to be remembered. It’s like they leave a giant hole in the barns they lived in and in our hearts, but their memories live on with each and everyone that meets and gets to know them. Ezmerelda – came to us several years ago with her 2 sisters. And although she was adopted once, but didn’t get along with her companion rabbit and was returned, Ezmerelda ruled the outdoor run on the rabbit’s pen! Bugsy – Born on the farm and twin brother of Barry the Goat, Bugsy passed this January. Thank you Connie for the comfort you gave to him in his final days. Guenther – Guenther passed the same day as Bugsy. A wonderful rabbit. Thank you Walworth Veterinary Hospital for trying to help our little friend. Eleanor – Eleanor passed in February. She will be missed among the goats in the big pasture. Buddy and Noel – two of the alpacas we just didn’t get to soon enough. Thank you to the Lessord family for the help you gave to these alpacas. We never could have done this without your help! Our prayers and sympathy to those who have sent in memorial donations in honor of a loved one – In honor of Sharon (Ash) Ingalls – her son, Kurt Ingalls of Webster, NY In honor of Nancy Mangan – Cheryl Kline In Memory of Robert McBurney – Donna Adriaansen, Marion CSEA Unit In Memory of Art Garrad – Esther Hadden of Savannah, NY In memory of Carl Epstein “who was like a father to me” – Sue Epstein, Sodus, NY. Sue also donated a culvert for the trails in honor of Carl. We will be naming this once installed “Epstein’s Pass”. Thank you Sue. 3 New Admissions “Manda” a peruvian paso fino joins the Cow Barn horses. “Chuck” a chinchilla house rabbit now resides at the Bunk House. Very sweet! All 16 pot belly pigs are now here looking for homes! Really friendly, most are house trained. See many of them on! See bottom of the page for a few of the piggy’s pics! 10 alpacas stayed at the farm briefly while the Lessord Family built a barn and new fence for all of them! Thank you again Don and Kathy for saving these animals! Piper gets a new home! Tallulah the horse gets a new pasture pal with Piper! Chad Basile wrote and said they’re getting along great, they even share the same hay pile, are together all day long, and take long walks through the woods together! What a great story! Thanks Chad and Eran for giving Piper such a great new forever home! LART TEAM NEWS – LARGE ANIMAL RESPONSE TEAM If you would like to join the LART team, we would love to have more members! Our team meets almost every third Thursday of the month and work on goals, training and reviewing calls that we have been on. The team also assists when cruelty cases are called in and animals have to be transported. Let us know if you’d like to get involved! Email [email protected] if you’re interested in participating in joining our team. Fill out the form below and mail to LART PO Box 174 Alton, NY 14413 Sign Me Up For the LART Team! I want to get involved!!!! Name____________________________________________ Email Address_____________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Join Our Army of Volunteers! One thing we’ll never run out of are things to do on this farm! Let us know if you’d like to volunteer! A great intern or community service opportunity or just a wonderful way to help the animals on the farm! Join us at our monthly Volunteer Orientation every second Saturday of every month. Email us to register for the Orientation at [email protected] or [email protected] Many Jobs to choose from including…. Planning Committee Event Committee Animal Care Tour Guide Office Personnel Bookkeeping Stall Muckers Flower Gardening Trainers Grant Writing Youth Programs Trails & Forestry Historic Committee Volunteer Projects Hay People Community Booths Correspondence Groomers Interns Coordinator Event Attendants Gift Shop Fundraising Medical & Farrier Yard Work Construction And many more! Lots of fun, a great way to exercise, fresh air and lots of new friends! Come join us today! April 20, 2013 7:30pm At Lyons VFW Post 5092 Jack Hirsh Comedy Hypnosis Show to benefit the Critters of Cracker Box Palace!!! April 20th, 2013 at 7:30pm at the Lyons VFW Post 5092 located just over the bridge on 202 Geneva St. (Rt 14) $10 per ticket, cash bar will be offered by the VFW Pre sale tickets available! Email [email protected] for details! Derby Day – May 4th 2013 Noon till 4pm New York Forest Owner’s Association hosting State Wide Woods Walk and Cracker Box Palace is featured as a sponsored walk May 18th, 2013 10am meeting at the Horse Barn Visit the farm, enjoy hoers d’oeuvres and mint drinks, bid on a Derby Hat, bet on your favorite Race Pony to win place and show! Let us know if you or your organization would like to make a Derby Hat for the Auction! NYFOA turns 50 years old in 2013, a milestone of note. After some discussion it was decided to have a state wide woods walk. The public will be invited to enjoy a woodlot experience on a spring day in May. The hope is each of the chapters throughout the state will host a walk in the May 11 to May 19 time frame. Naturally NYFOA members are invited to the party. This state wide event is being called Restoring New York Woodlands to draw attention to the various factors having a negative impact on the ability of our forests to regenerate. Western Finger Lakes chapter will sponsor 4 visitation sites, including Cracker Box Palace! Our walk will be lead by NYFOA/WFL member and MFO volunteer, Jim Miller and Genesee Land Trust will be here too! 5 Those Amazing Volunteers! After trudging through mud and flood for the past couple years at the West Barn, Leo Ticconi took it upon himself to fix the problem. With the help of Smith’s Gravel in Sodus Center french drains were installed to help with the drainage thereby relieving the wet and mud! Leo also put in new posts and fixed the fence to the south and installed these new, beautiful, light gates! (Our old gates were murder to move in the snow!) Thank you Leo! Leo and Commanche pictured to the right Pictured left - These are a few of the alpacas that came in New Year’s Day. Weak and malnourished, they were under close watch for the first week or so. Don and Kathy Lessord of Sodus sponsored and helped care for these critters while they recovered. The new Pony Barn (right) was built and the other lean to shed was put back upright just in the nick of time before the snow started up by our friends from Xerox and the Day of Caring 2012, John Wilbert and Todd Fornair! The original barn was blown over during hurricane Sandy. We didn’t get the fence back up yet, but the barn is beautiful! Perhaps that’s another project for Day of Caring 2013! Murray and Sampson thank you for the other barn too! John also brought along some of kids from his church’s youth group who helped with the shed and groomed horses. Thanks Tim, Jasper, Joanne and Cassie. Remember that beautiful mural that hung on the Cow Barn wall? Well, it was caught up in the high winds this past January and ripped off the barn, severing all the electrical wires to the barn and creamery! The mural made it all the way to the field across the road off Thorton Point! The electric has been fixed, but the mural suffered terminal damage. And our own little Lydia, one of the horses from the Cayuga County Cruelty Case, is now at the trainers! Josh Cornwell of Sodus took her to his farm to work with her for the month. Updates from Josh, ‘She is a sweet horse’ and ‘we’re learning we can be patient and stand on cross ties’. We’re excited to see how Lydia does with all this new information! Also reported the Wings, owners of these horses that were standing in a dilapidated barn that had not been cleaned out in years have plead guilty to 10 counts of animal neglect and ordered to not own animals in the future. 6 The Pot Belly Pig Invasion Time and time again, we get calls from people that have called other shelters only to be told that the shelter will take their animal, but will probably have to euthanize them. In this case, we had to help. These pigs range in ages from 6 months old to 2 years old. Not old at all in pot belly standards! The woman was arrested for unrelated charges to the animal’s care and just wanted to place them where they would be safe. So we’re now looking for homes for 16 really cute, some house trained, very friendly pot belly pigs! Please do your research before considering taking one into your family. They do require special care with immunizations, teeth trimming (for the boys), hoof trimming and feed. Also check with your vet to be sure they will care for your piggy. Some vets don’t “do” pigs. And they are smart animals! Don’t think they’ll quietly lay in the house and not investigate everything! You will need to pig proof your house or barn to have one. These pigs will probably grow to be about 50 – 70 lbs when mature. Check with your zoning officer too. Many villages don’t allow farm animals in them, and pot belly pigs are still considered a farm animal. They are incredibly fun and can learn tricks. Ask any pot belly owner and they can tell you how they love their pig! Pictured left – Connie feeds the pot bellies. Pictured right – Elaine and Clarice Pictured below – Spit and Hannah Pictured below, from left to right… Snuggles, Barb and Erin! Pictured to the left – Maryanne and her favorite horse, Orlando Come volunteer at the farm! Make a love connection too! 7 Thank Ewe! Thank Ewe! Thank Ewe! Thank Ewe! Thank you everyone that sent presents, cards and donations over the holiday season! Your words of encouragement keep us going! Along with a special thanks to the Straubing Family who send donations and very inspirational cards on a regular basis! Thank you Leslie & Karl Kieburtz for the incredible donation in honor of the Rothfuss Family! Thank you Warren Heilbronner for your contribution in honor of Jill Lehmann. Thank you Girl Scout Troop 60843 of Pittsford and congratulations too on your Bronze Award! The Fairy Trail and the horse’s new name plates are very elegant indeed! Thank you Anna Costa and Kelly Friedel for the wonderful donations to the Gift shop and Yard Sale! Thank you to the contributions to the roof project on the Main House – The Rochester Shaker Study Group Thanks again Marlene Caroselli for the beautiful gift baskets for Gala Ball this year. Thank you Tracy Dustin for donating your DJ Services for Gala Ball 2013. Thank you Mary Fisher for all the help getting the hay equipment grants out on time last year! Cracker Box Palace had $1415.40 in donations on 12-12-12 and Barb Deroo got the $500 bonus again this year! Thank you everyone that donated to CBP! And again… Thank you Barb! CBP was also recently accepted as a charity with the American Competitive Trail Horse Association! Our next goal with our trails is to be an accredited affiliate! We are so thankful to be included with the Unwanted Horse Coalition and A Home For Every Horse Program. Thank you Purina for the continued coupons! The Power of Pen Pals - Thank Ewe! While our animals wait for new and loving homes, they’re always loved and always adored by some very special folks we like to call “Pen Pals”. There are even some that come on a regular basis and visit their critter with treats, a good brushin’ or just a hug and kiss! Melinda VanEenwyk – Asa the Goat’s new sponsor Marcia Osborn – Izabelle the Goat Tim McClements – Sampson the Belgian Patricia Davis – Cheez & Quakers the Duck’s new sponsor! Mary Fisher was chosen as a gift to sponsor – Lucky the Hog by Jeff Lattime. Eileen Collins – Quanta the Pot Belly Pig And the most special Pen Pal I think we’ve ever received came from Dorothy Van Enwyck who sponsored Cooper the Rabbit with an enormous donation! Thank you Dorothy and Don for everything you do! 8 Special Thanks and an update on Growing Our Own Hay Project! With our new 56 acres of hay fields planted last year and the amazing help we got from Mary Fisher to help get the grants out for equipment, we are happy to report we received and have bought our little tractor with the ASPCA Foundation grant and are looking for a small bucket we can add to the tractor. We received Davenport-Hatch Foundation’s grant that will enable us to buy a good, used baler and we recently received a grant from Wyman-Potter Foundation to be used for additional equipment needed to make our hay business a success! Saving the shelter easily $20k a year in hay and providing us with enough hay for the shelter and Feed Bank! This project is one of the many projects we hope to achieve to make Alasa Farms a sustainable farm and the shelter a progressive and community oriented one. We hope with the farm’s sustainability intact, we will be able to continue to repair the farm, add programs to all areas of the farm including the animal shelter, agriculture, forestry, history and environmental. It should enable CBP to create jobs at all levels and learning opportunities in all areas and continue to add programs to our list of community offerings for the future. Thank you all for your continued support and amazing faith you put in us. It is with your continued encouragement and funding we can make the dream come true! Winter has brought rain, snow and windstorms, but this year the weather has not affected our Main House. Thanks to the generous contributions of the C.H. Stuart Foudation, Jack and Susan Peachey and Lee and Helen Peachey, the Main House has a temporary roof and will be preserved from the elements until we can afford to fully restore this historic Shaker structure. Our roof donors have a long history with Sodus Bay and its environs. Jack and Lee Peachey have spent summers on Sodus Bay since they were children, remember Alasa Farms in the days when Alva Strong operated his mail order business from the office and passed many hours exploring the woods and waterways of the farm. The Stuart Foudation has supported many important Sodus Bay and Wayne county Institutions, including the Sodus Bay Historical Society and the Junior Sailing Association. We are so grateful to the Stuart Foundaton and the Peachey family for helping us preserve for the future generations one of the most important historic structures in Wayne County. We also received this February a grant from the Hallowell Foundation, a component of the Rochester Area Community Foundation in the name of Alasa Preservation from our Capital Campaign. With this money we hope to make some important repairs to our barns that are in serious need of structural repair and foundation repair. This grant will help us keep the farm running while we continue to make mortgage payments while awaiting the grant money from New York State’s Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to help satisfy the final sale of Alasa Farms. It has been a challenging 3 years since Cracker Box Palace decided to go ahead, take that leap of faith and go for buying our own home. It is to the credit of foundations like the Hallowell Foundation, Rochester Area Community Foundation and all our supporters like you that we continue to hang on! Thank you all for your support and faith! From Over The Fence With Barry the Goat Barry here! Your Goat with the know here at the farm. Well folks, its been a long hard winter and we’re only days away now from spring time flowers and summer summer heat. Before you know it the volunteers will be cleaning up the yards and pastures, fixing fences and barns and making hay! I hear tell from the barn cats that we’re going to have another Day of Caring in May, hosted by United Way. That’s when the people from Xerox all came to the farm and built, fixed, cleaned, painted, trail blazed and of course… pet the goats. Ted the Rooster said he heard the farm got a grant from the Hallowell Foundation that will provide funds to fix barns! I don’t know what a grant is, but it must be some kind of tool the volunteers will use to build goat stalls and do repairs on the museum barn we live under! Ya hoo! We’ll have to rig up a tool belt for Butters the goat. He loves to help with construction! Here’s to hoping we see many of you at the Goat Pasture this year! Your Friend, Barry A Special Thank EWE To Our Event Sponsors of 2012! Let me, Melvin the Answer Horse, solve your gift giving questions! Give the gift that keeps on giving with a membership to Cracker Box Palace, become a Pen Pal and sponsor an animal, become a Corporate Sponsor, attend one of the many events or fundraisers held for the critters or check out the wish list at! Fill out this form and return to: Cracker Box Palace PO Box 174 Alton, New York 14413 or use the enclosed envelope for your convenience! Check one: Membership Existing member Renewal Pen Pal I’d like more information about corporate sponsorship If Pen Pal, please list animal you’d like to sponsor ______________________________________________________________________________ Poultry or water fowl $40 Rabbit $50 Goats/Sheep $60 Pigs/Hogs $75 Cattle/Llama/Alpaca $100 Horses/Ponies/Donkeys $250 Amount Enclosed $25 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $500 $750 $1000 $2500 $5000 Other Name: _________________________________________ This is a gift for Name_______________________________________ Address_________________________________________ Mail to this Address_________________________________________ Town or City __________________ State______ Zip___________ Town______________________ State___________ Zip__________ Ph# _________________ Email ____________________ Ph#__________________ Email _____________________________ Our Wonderful Newsletter Sponsors! Let us know if you would like to be a featured sponsor in our quarterly newsletter or if you would like to sponsor an event, an animal, stall, barn, building or trailer. All proceeds go to help us run the farm on a daily basis, produce the newsletter, pay our enormous stack of bills, and keep our animals happy and healthy on a daily basis! Dan Wolf Shearing Services [email protected] Ph 315-594-1213 / Cell 315-398-9325 Andrea Schinsing Instructor / Trainer / Owner Williamson, NY 14589 Ph: 585-216-7940 Ask us about putting your business information here! Jack’s [email protected] Follow us on twitter @EdgBakery Phone: 888-483-4208 Lake Affects Web Design Hawk Meadow Farm Dressage Horses Captain Everyday Gourmet Web designing, photo editing for those holiday card photos, ads, brochures, business cards, flyers and other graphic needs. STE 3B 481 Penbrooke Drive Penfield, NY 14526 Ph: 585-749-9572 Abe’s Waterfront BOAT HOUSE Bar & Grill Banquets-Parties-Entertainment-Fundraisers Sodus Bay’s Largest Out Side Deck & Upper Deck! See our NEW MENU on our website 8527 Greig St, Sodus Point 315-483-4444/585-259-2993 Horseshoeing 315-331-5210 TRUCK’S OVEN Food Worth Fetching! Join our email list to receive weekly mailings of specials “Sodus Point’s Favorite Waterfront Restaurant” David Trachtenberg, DVM Thais McCoy, DVM Amy Ortez, DVM Brad Whittaker Sodus Point Area 315-483-9570 Equine Veterinary Care Phone: 315-483-1900 Marlene Ferguson Good Time Tavern Trachtenberg Veterinary Associates 5428 Rt. 14 Sodus, NY 14551 Pet Brief Pet Sitting and Dog Walking in the Greig Street Sodus Point Hosts Tom & Brenda Frank Daily Specials – Giant Fish Fries Steak & Seafood Combos New Banquet Room Book Your Parties Now! VILLAGE AUCTION Co. New – Feeds n’ Needs 1825 Storms Rd., Lyons 315-946-6061 [email protected] Holiday Party Catering Available! SHAVINGS & SAWDUST DELIVERED PATON’S MARKET PLACE E.A. EATON TRUCKING Locally owned and operated 109 W. Main Street, Sodus 315-483-4127 Edward Eaton 315-946-4583 905 Leach Rd., Lyons SIMPSON LAWN CARE GLEN SIMPSON, JR 315-879-7332 Please leave a message if no answer Lawn Mowing-Hedge Trimming Small Tree Removal Spring & Fall Cleanup Scrap Metal Removal 11 Thank you for your daily donation of fruit, vegetables and treats for the critters and your donations in support of our events! Tractor Supply Co. 6700 Route 31, Newark, NY 14513 Ph 315-331-0852 Secor Lumber Hardware-Home Centers Serving Upstate New York Ph 800-581-1939 Cracker Box Palace – Large Animal Shelter at Alasa Farms A not for profit organization helping animals in need PO Box 174 6450 Shaker Rd., Alton, NY 14413 Visit the Farm! Winter Hours – Saturdays 10am till 4pm or call to let us know you’re coming Non Profit Organization US Postage Paid Mailed From Wolcott, NY 14590 Permit No. 8 Mail to our Valued Member at: Or pick up a self guide tour map at the barns and visit when you wish! Check our web site for tour itineraries for Group Tours, Events and Seminars going on at the farm! For adoptions, admissions or guided tours email for an appointment at [email protected] or call 315-483-2493. Please leave a message. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can! If you have an animal emergency, call 911 or your Veterinarian! Newsletter published quarterly by Cracker Box Palace, est. 2000. NYS Tax ID#223956 EIN 16-1600471 NYS Charities Reg 40-91-90 Newsletter Chuck the Rabbit! Volume 13 – Issue 1 March 2013 Sneak Preview of Upcoming Events 2013 – Keep Checking Our Web Site For Details & Updates! March 2 March 23 April 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 10 July 8-12, 15-19 & Aug 5-9 August 24 Sept 14 Sept 21 (tentative) Still to be announced…. Gala Ball 2013! At Captain Jack’s Banquet Room The Ted Fest! (A.k.a. our Easter Egg Celebration Jack Hirsh Comedy Hypnosis at Lyons VFW Derby Day at the Farm! NYFOA Woods Walk with Jim Milller Yard Sale at the Farm! The Old Goat’s Golf Tournament Three weeks of FARM CAMP!!! *Sign up info at Moo-sic Fest U-Pick Apple Critter’s Car Rally The Blue Donkey Dinner & Auction 2013 Large Animal Rescue Training Animal Care Classes coming this summer! Looking Forward To The New Year and Many New Exciting Changes and Challenges! Bummer the Sheep
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