2015 Rules - McCookBaseball.org

McCook Midget Baseball Association, Inc Bylaws and Official Rule Book ARTICLE I: NAME AND OBJECTIVE The name of this organization shall be the McCook Midget Baseball Association. The objective shall be to voluntarily promote and protect the interest of baseball in McCook, NE, and to foster the ideals of sportsmanship, honesty, and fair play. ARTICLE II: OFFICERS The regular business affairs of this association shall be managed by the officers, not less than six commissioners, Head umpire, President, Vice‐President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Not less than two association commissioners shall be elected for each league. They shall be nominated the first part of September each year, and then serve for a period of one year. These officers will make and enforce the by‐laws and ratify all rules and regulations. A. The Association President, Vice‐President, Treasurer, Secretary and Commissioners will be elected positions and will be nominated by the general public. No one person can maintain two positions in the association at a time, other than as association official and coach. Officers may not be re‐elected to the same office for three years with the exception of the commissioner. B. ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT (1) Responsible for the regular business affairs of this association and overall operation and control of the same. The President shall not have voting power except in the case of a tie vote. C. ASSOCIATION VICE‐PRESIDENT(1) Shall act on behalf of the President in his or her absence, serve on special projects as chairperson, as designated by the President. The Vice‐President will also serve as Head Commissioner. D. ASSOCIATION TREASURER (1) Responsible for the financial affairs of this association. Financial statements will be presented at each scheduled officials meeting. A final report will be submitted at the completion of each season of play. All expenditures from the treasury will be approved by the association officials prior to payment and then only paid by the checks signed by two of the following: President, Treasurer, or Vice‐President. Umpire checks in the amount of fifty dollars or less need not be approved by the board and shall be paid weekly. E. ASSOCIATION SECRETARY (1) Maintains and records all proceedings of association meetings and acts as coordinator for the drawing of teams in conjunction with coaches and/or other association officials. Distributes ballots for elections. F. AT‐LARGE BOARD MEMBER (3) Supports the business of the association and overall operation and control of the same. Votes with officers in matters regarding association business. G. Offices vacated during the season due to resignations, etc., will be filled by nomination and election conducted by the remaining officials and commissioners. H. Persons with previous record of arrest and felony conviction shall not be permitted to hold office in this association. I. Umpire time sheets will be turned into the Treasurer by the head umpire. Time sheets will be verified by two of the following association members; President, Treasurer, or Secretary. ARTICLE III: PLAYERS A. Classification: The McCook Midget Baseball Association will consist of five leagues, classified by age as follows. 1. T‐baseball league: Pre‐K‐K grade boys/girls (Child must reach age 5 by May 1st) 2. T‐softball league: Pre‐K‐2nd grade girls (must reach age 5 by May 1st) 3. Sluggers: 1st and 2nd grade 4. Minors: 3rd and 4th grade 5. Majors 5th and 6th grade B. All players will register at a time designated which shall be around the middle of March. Late fees will be charged for applications received after the deadline has passed. Persons who can prove they have moved into the area after regular sign‐up has passed will not be charged a late fee. Association shall not be held responsible for any player dropping out after the draw. C. Apparel: Each player shall furnish his/her own glove and all apparel except shirt and cap. Official white baseball pants are required for all leagues except t‐ball and t‐
softball. ARTICLE IV: SPONSORS A. Eligibility: Any individual or corporation doing business in McCook, NE, except hereinafter provided, shall be eligible to sponsor a team subject to the regulations of the board and its approval. B. Equipment: 1. The MMBA will furnish each player on the team with a cap and shirt. The shirt will have the team’s designation and player number. 2. Expenses shall determine the sponsors’ fees. 3. Sponsors fees will be due and payable on May the 1st. 4. The association will assist in the inventory and recovery of equipment. 5. Sponsor will furnish all other necessary equipment for play and safety of players as designated by the MMBA. ARTICLE V: COMMITTEES The MMBA officers may appoint committees as required. ARTICLE VI: MANAGERS AND COACHES A. Duties: Each team shall be assigned a manager, who shall be responsible for conducting his team in sportsmanship. 1. Manager only, may have a draft of his own children. 2. Each team will consist of the following personnel: 1 manager, 2 assistant coaches, 2 batboys, and 1 team scorekeeper, plus the players listed on the official team roster. 3. Prior to the start of any game, MANAGERS must report to the scorekeeper’s box, any player that is unavailable to play. 4. Managers will be responsible to report to the association officers, any dropouts they may have, so they can be replaced by those who sign up late. 5. Managers are responsible for the Leagues accounting of, and maintenance of equipment in good and proper order. They will also be responsible for returning ALL equipment to the League representative at the end of the season. This must be done at date designated by the MMBA. ARTICLE VII: RULES A. TEAMS: Teams will be divided as equally as possible through the draft. After the draft has concluded, no challenge may be made during the season based on a draft issue. a. Players may be assigned to a specific team under the following conditions 1. Sponsor’s exemption: 1 player OR 2. Children of the head coach AND 3. Siblings from the same family in the same league. B. EQUIPMENT DRESS AND CONDUCT 1. Uniforms shall consist of shirt, cap, and official white baseball pants. Except t‐ball and t‐softball shall not require white pants. 2. No baseball shoes or footwear bearing metal spikes shall be worn in ANY league. 3. Any player may use any type of glove he/she desires at practices and regular games. 4. ALL batters and base runners must wear a protective helmet 5. All umpires, managers, and other officials are urged to encourage proper training habits. Any player using tobacco products on the field will be expelled from the league for the remainder of the season. Any tobacco products used by the coaches, umpires, managers, or other officials will be confined to the area outside of Felling field. Any use of alcoholic beverages at either the Jaycee Complex or Felling field, will result in expulsion by the umpires and MMBA Commissioners from the fields for the remainder of the season. This is an enforced rule. 6. The use of profanity, obscene, or abusive language will result in expulsion of the offending party from the fields for the remainder of the evening, along with a recommendation of future action to be determined by the MMBA board. 7. Players, coaches, managers, and all other officials associated with the MMBA will conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner while engaged in activities at either Felling field or the Jaycee Complex. C. BATTING SUBSTITUTIONS: ALL LEAGUES 1. The OFFICIAL RULES OF BASEBALL adopted by the Amateur Baseball Congress of America, shall govern this league unless otherwise specified herein. 2. In all leagues, every player must play at least two complete innings, both offensive and defensive. Penalty is FORFEIT. Every player present and eligible to play must bat in rotation for the entire game. . (In rotation means in any order the manager designates to the Scorekeeper Box prior to the start of the game.) 3. Teams in all leagues may play with a minimum of seven players. 4. There shall be no Base runner substitution unless player has been injured. 5. The strike zone will be from the shoulder to the knee, unless elsewhere designated in the individual league rules. 6. Batting out of proper order is an appeal play which may be made only by the defensive team (manager, coach, or player) to the umpire. Refer to the rule book for penalty. 7. Any schedule changes must be approved by the commissioners, both coaches and the league President. 8. All players and substitutes must be reported to the Scorekeeper Box in all leagues. 9. When the defensive player has the ball, and the runner remains on his feet, and deliberately, with great force, crashes into the defensive player, the runner is out. The ball is called dead and each runner must return to the last base touched at the time of the collision. If the act is determined to be flagrant, the offender shall be ejected. 10. There can be no substitutions to fill in for absent team players. D. GAME TIMES Felling Field as scheduled. E. FORFEITS, POSTPONED, OR PROTESTED GAMES: 1. In the event a team has failed to provide specified equipment, the umpire may declare the game forfeited after a one game warning. A list of the teams given the warning will be posted in the Scorekeeper Box. 2. It shall be the duty of the League President to pick the times for re‐playing postponed or protested games. He will notify the managers and head umpire of the new times. The Head Umpire will schedule the umpires. 3. In the event of a protested game, the President, umpires and commissioners must be informed with three (3) days of the date of written notice of protest. However, any game protested by either manager will continue through the scheduled innings. The Scorekeeper will make a notation on the book as to the inning, who is a bat, number of outs, and the ball/strike count. The manager making the protest must present a written protest to the President of the League within 24 hours. We would like to try to settle any disputes on the field, at the time it happens, rather than with a protest, if at possible. ARTICLE VIII: UMPIRES A. Each umpire shall be governed by the Official Rule Book, unless otherwise specified herein. B. He/she shall have the authority to expel any player, coach, or manager. Managers only have the right to protest to the President of the League. C. No player, coach, manager or anyone in attendance shall be allowed to remain in the fenced in playing field areas or on the grounds after being expelled from the game. ARTICLE IX: SEASON The official league season shall open and close as the schedule permits. The Board shall be responsible for the collection of a free will offering at the park each night of play during the season. ARTICLE X: GAMES SITES: All official games of the league shall be played at the sites selected by the Rules Committee, and all League games shall have priority over non‐league games. GAME DIMENSIONS, DELAYS, & DURATIONS: The following table establishes game standards for each division. (T‐ball represents both softball and baseball divisions.) Division Bases Pitching Infield Tie Time Limit Rain Limit Home to 2nd Fly Breaker Innings Innings Base T‐Ball 50 ft 40 ft None None 3 2 70 ft 8 in T‐Softball 45 ft 40 ft None None 3 2 63 ft 7 in Sluggers 65 ft 46.5 ft None 1 inning1 4 3 91 ft 11 in Minors/Majors 70 ft 46.5 ft Yes 5 3 99 ft 2 innings2 1 After playing to a tie in regulation: Your last completed batter of the preceding inning will go to 2nd base. This will be for both teams in their respective ½ of the inning. If a tie exists after this inning is played, the coaches and umpire will meet at home plate to flip a coin with the visiting team calling the flip. 2
After playing to a tie in regulation: Your last completed batter of the preceding inning will go to 2nd base. This will be for both teams in their respective ½ of the inning. If a tie still exists after the first extra inning, the last completed batter of the preceding extra inning will take 3rd base. If a tie exists after this inning is played, the coaches and umpire will meet at home plate to flip a coin with the visiting team calling the flip. In tournament play, tie breaker innings will continue until a winner is determined by plating both halves of any tie breaker inning. ARTICLE XI: ROBERTS RULE OF ORDER Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern all procedures at the meetings of the Sponsors, Managers, and Coaches. ARTICLES XII: AMENDMENTS The articles may be amended at any time with 2/3 vote of the officers and League Commissioners. ARTICLE XIII: COACHES AND MANAGERS MEETING All coaches and managers of each team is required to meet briefly following the parade and opening ceremonies. If you are unable to attend, there must be a representative for your team present. T‐BALL and T‐SOFTBALL 1. Batting line‐up a. Set your batting order and then reverse it in the 2nd inning and again if a 3rd is played. 2. Pitching to the kids will be allowed from the beginning of the season, but only in the 3rd inning. a. The only way you can pitch to the player is if there is an adult positioned to protect the catcher. b. You may only pitch 3 balls to them and then they will be required to use the tee. c. If the 3rd pitch is a foul ball there will not be another pitch, the tee must be used. 3. Only nine players may be on the field for defense and they must play the correct positions on the field. 4. The last batter may run the bases if they would like or at least until they are tagged out. 5. Games will have a one hour time limit SLUGGERS 1. Runners advancing after the ball has entered the infield will be sent back to the base they came from if they have not reached the half way point. (this to be determined by the umpire) 2. A minimum of seven players per team required to start a game. 3. Catchers must be ready as soon as possible to avoid delays in game. 4. If a team plays another team more than one time during the regular season, the 1st game completed toward the record. Not necessarily the 1st game scheduled (in case of a rain out) 5. Each batter gets 5 baseballs. If the last one is fouled off, they will get another. 6. If a ball hits the net in front of the pitching machine, the ball is dead and the batter gets to have the ball over again. 7. Catcher’s mitts will be available in the score booth if players wish to use them. 8. There will be a five run rule per inning and an extra run will be awarded for each remaining out. 9. Official white baseball pants are required for this league 10. No metal cleats may be worn 11. Games shall have a time limit of one hour and thirty minutes. a. A new inning may not be started if there is less than five minutes left to play. 12. The home team will be required to keep the score as well as official score book. MINORS 1. Catchers need to be ready as soon as possible to avoid delays in game. 2. Hurry players in and out of dugout 3. Let the score keeper know of any pitching changes to be made 4. Pitchers can only pitch 9 outs or 3 appearances per game a. Baulks are instructional in this league. 5. Each team must have seven players to start the game. 6. If a team plays another team more than once during the regular season, the 1st game played counts toward the record. Not necessarily 1st game scheduled (in case of rain outs) 7. Home plate is closed a. No leading off b. Runner may steal but only after the ball leaves the pitchers hand. 8. Tie Breaker‐ 1 inning with a coin flip after the first extra inning (the player that recorded the last out in the previous inning will start on 2nd base in both extra innings…keep in mind that this is not necessarily the last batter) 9. The ball is dead when the pitcher has it in possession and has one foot in the dirt of the pitching mound. 10. There will be a five run rule per inning. An extra run shall be awarded for each remaining out. 11. No metal cleats can be worn in this division. 12. Games have a time limit of one hour and thirty minutes. a. A new inning cannot be started if there are less than five minutes left in the game. 13. Official white baseball pants are required in this division. 14. If you play a team twice in one season, the first game completed will be used for tournament seeding. The second game does not count for season record. 15. If a game is called due to rain, you must have completed three innings for it to be official. If three innings have not been completed, then the game will start completely over when made up. 16. A second coach’s visit to the mound during an inning can only be used to switch out pitchers. 17. Coaches can only change pitchers between batters. 18. A team can start with seven players but if other players come late, then they can be added to the end of your batting order. Once you have completed your batting order, they can no longer be added to the order unless an out was taken for their turn at bat. MAJORS 1. Catchers need to be ready as soon as possible to avoid game delays. 2. Hurry players in and out of dugout 3. Let the score keeper know of any pitching changes to be made 4. Pitchers can only pitch six outs or have three appearances 5. Each team must have seven players to start the game. 6. If a team plays another team more than once during the regular season, the 1st game played counts toward the record. Not necessarily 1st game scheduled (in case of rain outs) 7. Home plate is open a. leading off is permitted b. runner can steal at his own risk 8. Tie Breaker – 2 innings with a coin flip after the 2nd extra inning (the player that recorded the last out in the previous inning will start on 2nd base in both extra innings…keep in mind that this is not necessarily the last batter) 9. Baulks are enforced from the beginning of the season. 10. The umpire will make the call when the ball is dead. 11. There is a five run rule per inning. An additional run will be given for each remaining out. 12. Official white baseball pants are required 13. No metal cleats may be worn 14. Games have a time limit of one hour and thirty minutes a. A new inning may not be started if there are less than five minutes remaining in the game. 15. If you play a team twice in the season, the first game completed will be the game used in tournament seeding. The second game will not count towards your season record. 16. If a game is called due to rain, three innings must be completed for the game to be official. If three innings have not been completed then the game will start completely over when made up. 17. A second coach’s visit to the pitcher’s mound in one inning can only be used to switch out pitchers. 18. Coaches can only change pitchers between batters. 19. A ball that hits the scoreboard is not considered a home run. Ball must be hit over the scoreboard to be a home run.