'•fi l.'iW.i-,1': !V ! . >. .• V i)""'. Rates up in Fort Davis, />*£* 2 Marfa Library re-certified, Museum musings, page 4 page TIM THE BIG Senring_ALUheBi£Band'Country of Brewster. Jeff Davis and Presidio Counties since 1886 JANUARY 03,1991 //? Brief Early bookings indicate interest high in touring ranch park PRESIDIO COUNTY - The Two 22-passenger bus tours first public tour of Big Bend are planned each month, one Ranch State Natural Area is leaving from Lajitas and one scheduled for later this month, leaving from Fort Leaton State and judging from the bookings, Park near Presidio. interest is high to the see the The first bus tour is scheduled sights of the south Presidio for January 19 from Lajitas and County ranch park. February 2 from Fort Leaton. The first Big Bend-area baby "The response has been fan"January is full, February is of 1991 has yet to arrive, Big tastic," said Eunice Chenoweth, full and we have two seats left Bend Regional Medical Center a volunteer at the Barton War- in March," Chenowftth said of officials said Wednesday. nock Environmental Education the Lajitas tour bus. However, several mothers-to- Center in Lajitas, one of two Fort Leaton said 10 seats be are in the final stages of sites for bus tours of the remain for. the February bus pregnancy, the Alpine hospital 218,000-acre ranch park. tour and 12 seats still are availsaid. . Clayton Howard Walker was the last baby to be born in 1990. In Jeff Davis County The son of Jim and Tammy Lee Walker of Alpine, Clayton . w a s born a t , 5 : 1 0 a . m . Thursday, December 31, 1990. Clayton w e i g h e d s e v e n pounds, 12 ounces and was 20 inches long. " First baby not here yet able for the March 2 bus tour. A tour for state Parks &. Wildlife Department ranch park staffers is scheduled for Saturday, a VIP tour is set for Sunday and a press tour is scheduled for Monday. Reservations for the April tours won't be opened until January 14. "We're just thrilled about the bookings," Sue Moss, assistant to the director of the Parks & Wildlife Department's parks division, said Wednesday from Austin. She said that if bookings con] tinue strong, more bus tours will be added. j There is a $30 charge per perf son for the guided bus tours; and a chuck wagon lunch to be served at the-ranch headquarters is $7 per person. • ' The bus. tours will depart from Lajitas and Fort Leaton at 7:30 a.m. and tours last about 10 hours. ; Permits for 25 to 30 miles of backcountry trails and river use also will be available. In late 1988, the state purchased the ranch, which was put together by the Fowlkes brothers, pioneer ranchers. The ranch park was closed for two years while the parks and wildlife department developed a plan to open the area to the public. •'i! Information: Austin (S12) 389-4879; Lajitas, (915) 4243327; Fort Leaton (915) 2293613. 4 New Crew Xittle chosen for Marfa PCA • • » - MARFA - The Texas Production Credit Association office in Marfa has a new local manager and a new office location. Ronald J. Little, 28, vice president and manager of the Marfa office, arrived in midNovember. He replaces Steve Smith who moved to Thrbckmorton. The new PCA office in Marfa is located at 605 W. San Antonio St. ( U . S . 90) in the former savings and loan building. The office formerly was located in the old Billy Crews Hotel in downtown Marfa. The new office opened Wednesday, Little said. An open house and reception is planned at the new office from hlxm to 5 p.m. Saturday, January 26, Little said. Little has been with the farm credit system the past seven yeah, jnost recently as assistant .vice president of the Clinton, Okla., PCAoffice. , tittle it a 1984 graduate of Oklahoma State University with a d e g r e e in a g r i c u l t u r e economics. He is married to Kimberly Little. ' Longhorn sells to Davis man FBI joins pot field probe FORT DAVIS - Two FBI .gents and a top federal narcotics prosecutor for the Western District of Texas have been in Jeff Davis County and are expected back this week to continue an investigation into a sophisticated marijuanagrowing farm discovered in the Davis Mountains last summer. The trio of federal investigators are from San Antonio and Waco, and have been working with Customs officers, Border Patrol offleers, Texas Ranger Joaguin Jackson of Alpine and Jeff Davis County Sheriff Harvey Adams. While none of tb* FBI officials have said when arrests will begin, several federal officers have said they believe there will bo arrests soon, with sealed indictments sought in federal court within die month. Acting on an anonymous tip, federal and state officers movid in with three helicopters to haul about 500 ^nature marijuana plants from a remote area of Madera Canyon on country leased by the Eppenauer Ranches. Federal officers began surveilance of the pot plantation about Aug. 13, and ordered a sweep on the heavily-wooded and rugged site Aug. 15. It is guessed that pot fanners* suspected they had been discovered because of several passes by helicopter in the days preceding the sweep Aug. 15. When officers moved in, the pot fanners had torched the entire ana, burning all tfcir belongings; two tents and a kitchen a m . < • • The pbuMatkn had used six solar panels to power water pumps sad a drip irrigation system mat included i Nftilutr mixed into tfa^watafa When officers entered the area, they had to cut down treat to land neucoptors. unioefB oensve UM nurijuaniwubobthaujeaoutby FORT DAVIS, ALPINE - A F6rt Davis man has purchased the Looghorn Cattle Co. restaurant la Alpine, ; Tommy Tompkins of Fort Davis on Tuesday purchased t i l {teak and seafood restaurant fro* Bd and Carol Jon*, who opened the restaurant and operated it lor the pastfiveand oe)»natf years. ...;? ; .,.. ,.: . Tompkins said Wednesday t u tfctfdoesn't plan any/major vate of about $1 ariUai wtt paoad on the pot, wUek « i itobe harHate are running smooth- vested with* days of the bwt,ofJoner said Wed—idty that aid hit wife are pluming to While maay MOWbave.bwn Four newly elected Presidio County officials were among seven officials sworn into office during a ceremony Tuesday, New tear's Day. (Top photo) Judge Alex Gonzalez of the 83rd State Judicial District, left, swears in the elected officials th the district courtroom at the Presidio County Courthouse. (Right photo] Those taking Ihe oaths of office were, from left, incumbent Presidio Justice of the Peace Brenda Rtos, new Marfa Justice of the Peace Abelardo Gonzalez, new Presidio County Commissioner Jack Brunson, new County Judge Monroe Elms, incumbent county Treasurer Mario Rivera, new Commissioner Juan Jose Muniz, incumbent county/district Clerk Ramona Lara, and Judge Gonzalez. ' ' McDonald Observatory project gets partial reprieve AUSTIN • McDonald Observatory announced this week that a federally-funded project at the Jeff Davis County sita will continue at least until July 1. The NASA-funded laaer project at McDonald fell victim to federal fending cuts this fall, and was scheduled to be curtailed Jan. 1 after 22 years of operations. Six parpattest employees • three of whom having worked on the project sine* . its fanption - were scheduled «6 lose their jobs. "I am pleased to tell yoa ih«t NASA has now decided to stwly whether rtber parts of NA* A ra- the University of Texas are grateful since the action gives "us lime to find other sponsors for toe project if NASA decides not to continue its support" Bastigavt much of the credit for the Mteosioji to U.S. Congriaamaq Ron Coleman of El Paso, wkote district tochidri Jeff Davit County. t* funding would be severed, and since the anoooacement both have been seeking alternate sources of funding. * McDonald Superintendent Ed KB •nSWU .ptvrTmm BM BOTt workshop patting the finishing loaches on one of his worldfamous propellors that have been shipped to Australia, New of tb« July 1 ,• Prank Bash said m* mtk. . the «aol Zealand, England, France, Ger'.had . Buh, UMdirMtorofMeDoosU *e* in Austin, said me obeecvatory sad «haUnivmity of HsiwaH w*ra tokt m a n y and. m a n y o t h e r m.tLjvfW ftfUAgmiHMMm County In the . • • ! » . . - , iVMin^ia" nf' Itlliatalh'i fisiaWal • TMwrutimkity as w^O m very "we a n committed to the project aa part of McDonald's Mare," Marfa craftsman featured worldwide on 1991 calendar **«* lase to M A R F A • Ray H e g y , tbe NASA pro| study the nwveinsfltof isiliikia of longtime Marfa craftsman, is tt» earth's crust - .: ; -~:_ » featured on the January Calen- ,* • "TUs f«eilky ie *m most suoces*- dar of the Exxon Chemical Co. iBaaniBgMgj mBjaw on meean^ The scene has Hegy'in his IN Barkeir said to Decaober the project has "very Ugh science vaJoe" and countries. Since he opened his' shop in Marfa in 1959, he has crafted between 6,000 and 7,000 propellers. TheQRKition on the calendar says, .decision balance. Perfect dimensions No room for. error.* A s l i g h t flaw i n ; workmanship, materials or <ka ign.CM caua»aeyeit daoiaft (Continued on pap 2) . \ * m Th« Bl. R.nH « « , t l , . | M f -r, "I w i l l remain here for awhile," Jones said of staying on at the restaurant through a transition period. Tompkins said he still plans to open a new restaurant in Fort Davis by this spring. To be known as TJ's Country Drive-In and Restaurant",'the eatery will be located on Texas 17 across from the entrance to Fort Davis National Historic Site. Tompkins, a three-year resident of Fort Davis, lives at his home in the Davis Mountains Resort. A retired Marine, he is a Baytown native who owned businesses in Crystal Beach near Galveston. He also has been in the construction business. • Terms of the sale weren't disclosed. j.nu.ry m, Resident inarches in parade IQQI DALLAS - If you looked tive with re-enactment groups, closely Tuesday, you might joined 2Q to 30 members of Fort Concbo soldiers from San have seen Tom Langham of Angelo. The group, repreFort Davis marching in the Cot- senting infantrymen of 1874, ton Bowl Parade in Dallas. marched the several miles Langham, with Fort Davis t h r o u g h t h e s t r e e t s o f National Historic Site and ac- downtown Dallas. Two hurt jn collision in Marfa MARFA • A Marfa man and a Stanton man were injured in a traffic accident last Thursday evening in Marfa. Richard M. Villanueva, 70, of Marfa was eastbound at about 7:41 p.m. on U.S. 90 (the 1200 block of East San Antonio Street) in a red 1979 pickup when he apparently lost control of the vehicle, which veered off the south side of the roadway, according to the Presidio County Sheriffs Office, which investigated the accident. Villanueva's vehicle then collided with a 1984 Jeep that was parked in front of the former Carmen's Restaurant. Also injured was the Jeep's driver, William Brooks, 17, of Stanton, who was standing beALPINE • Triangle Foods in side the Jeep and was struck by Alpine has changed hands in a one of the vehicles. , sale that was effective Tuesday. Uninjured was Steve Ramirez, Former owner Gene Hendryx 17, of Marfa who also was of Alpine sold the west Alpine standing beside the Jeep. convenience store to Tom Villanueva's pickup came to Longman of Alpine. rest on its top. Hendryx owned the business Villanueva was transported by for about one and one-half private vehicle to Big Bend yr--vears. Regional Medical Center / Hendryx has been in the radio Hospital in Alpine where he Business in Alpine since 1947 was treated and released. and will continue in the radio Brooks was taken by Marfa business. EMS ambulance to the Alpine Longman is a current Alpine hospital where he was treated City Council member and the and released. . former city manager. No charges have been filed at Terms of the sale weren't disthis time, the sheriffs office closed. said, but that the accident remained under investigation. Triangle Foods sells in Alpine Trio charged with possession M A R F A - Three men believed to be Mexican nationals will be held without bond until a detention bearing Thursday according to U.S. Magistrate Katherine Baker of Leiicia Garcia, left, and Barbara Guevara, with the lexas Department Alpine. The men, Arturo Roca Gutierof Human Services' Marfa office, display the nunwrous gifts donated by local residents for less-fortunate children this Christmas. Please see rez, 32; Pedro Zubia Melendez, page 3 and page 5 for a related letter and story, respectiwfy. 28, and Francisco Venegas Gonzalez, 33, were arrested near a U . S . Border Patrol FORT DAVIS - Rising costs of its subscribers this week it has raised checkpoint on U.S. 67 south of just about everything that must be basic service rates from $20.14 a Marfa early Friday after they attempted to avoid the checkmoved by petroleum-driven means month to $21.25 monthly. TV, water rates up in Fort Davis is listed as the primary reason for rate increases being passed along by three utilities serving Jeff Davis County. Fort Davis Cable Television told Fort Davis Water Supply Corporation has increased basic service rates from $12 a month for water service to $13. Basic sewer service has gone up from $13 to $15. Marfa library recently gets state system accreditation The Marfa Public Library was., free lending service of paperrecently-accredited as a member back books to rural residents, of the Texas Library Sytem for - the homebound and others in fiscal year 1991, according to the System area; printing and William D. Gooch, director and publicity; films; and Interlibrarian of the Texas State library Loan-Service. Library. Authorized by the Library "We are pleased to award a Systems Act of 1969, the Texas certificate of system member- Library System was developed ship in recognition of the ef- to improve service in the state forts this community has made through cooperative efforts. in providing public library ser- Comprised of ten regions, the vices," said Gooch. "It is a statewide system provides an symbol of having achieved a opportunity for local libraries to Tevel of excellence." make the best possible use of The Marfa Public Library is a both their own resources and renewal member of Texas those available elsewhere in the Trans-Pecos Library System system. These cooperative efand serves citizens in Marfa. forts are made possible through The Marfa Public Library had state and federal funds apStudents return to meet strict criteria, according propriated to the Library to Ester Sanchez, such as hours Development Program of the FORT DAVIS • Jeff Davis Camto area schools of access, professional staffing Texas State Library. This year ty Judge .Bob Dillard was sworn m Big Bend-area public school, requirements, number of library tjrerjfxas State library, will during a brief ceremony Jan. 1 at the Jeff Davit County Courtfaouw. Hit students have returned dr will materials, and local per capita^ distribute about $8 million to riiertker, Laura Margaret DUkid of be going back to school this support to become, an a ac- the ten library systems. Fort Worth, was in charge of the week and next week. credited member. Public swearing-in ceremonies. libraries must apply and qualify "The continued support and Marfa and Redford students Several other elected county of* head back to school at 8 a.m. for system membership annual- cooperation of the entire comficialt, including Commissioners ly. Marfa Public Library has munity, the efforts of the Monday. Chris Lacy and Ben Gearhart, Atbeen a member of the Texas Library Board, Friends of the Presidio and Candelaria stutorney Ann Barker, Constable Trans-Pecos Library System for Library, generous donations Glenn Leigh, Treasurer Geen Par- dent return to school at 8 a.m. 21 years. from many people and the today. rott, Clerk Peggy Robertson and At present, the Texas Trans- cooperation of the city governFort Davis and Alpine stuPeace Justice Bill Brandon had been sworn in earlier in November or dents went back to school Tues- Pecos Library System provides: ment has made it possible for Consulting services to local the library to meet all state and December. day. librarians and boards; continu- federal requirements. We ask ing education for library staff that you continue to use the and trustees; collection evalua- library on a regular basis, for t i o n a n d d e v e l o p m e n t that helps keep our doors (continuedfrom page l)Wtmam programs; books-by-mail - a open/ said Ester Sanchez. MARFA • The Marfa Shor- to an engTne^ H i s o w n thorn Booster Club will be at homebuilt triplane, Chuparosa, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, January now resides jn the Aviation Museum in Oshkosh, Wiscon9, 1991, at Gregg Auditorium. sin, inspired him to begin All members are requested to making props for homebuilt and attend. vintage aircraft." Jeff Davis judge is sworn iri Horn Boosters meet Jan. 9 Hegy The Presidio County Sheriffs Office and Jail issue disposable razor blades to prisoners for prisoners'personal hygiene. * Dick Guest of Marfa died Wednesday in an El Paso hospital. Services are pending with Memorial Funeral Home of Marfa. Jlicr Rand Reainnal Hotpital Bids, Wkiiickafn, Watktrt, Oxygtn Bquipmtnt 4 Sunlits, Blood Prttsun A Glueou Kits, NtbuUur Suction Machints Accept Assignment of Insurance On Call 24 Hours/Day • 7 Days A Wtsk • • •^"^.-- : *.-*•'•* * * ^ J v " ! ' - •**>''-» " i * ' " i ' " v •.-'*•' , ' " ' . ' - ' Announce the opening of a monthly clinic in Fort Stockton, Texas, for the practice of Orthopedics. Appointments for James D. Wimpee, M J). are being made for the clink to be beld from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 8,1991, in theAnnex Building of Pecos County Memorial Hospital. Appointments for Marc W. Wimpee, M.D., are being made for the clinic to be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 30.1991, jn the Anne Building of Pecos County Memorial Hospital. \ AU appointments may be made by calling tiie Physical Therapy Department, Memorial Hospital, between the hours of 8 ajn. and 9 pan., Monday through Friday, 336-2241, Extension 153. Consult your personal physician if you have any questions. EYES of TEXAS A safe deposit box is the perfect place to keep: • Insurance Policies • Marriage Certificate • Birth Certificate N •Titles/Abstracts •Deed ' ' • Stocks and Bonds • Rare Coins and Stamps • Family Heirlooms • Jewelry • Household Inventory • Mortgage Papers Don't trust your memory to remind you where these important items are when you need them. For just peonies a day you can have the peace of mind that they are safe and available to only you. Stop in and see us about a Safe Deposit Box for your valuables. •. • James D. Wimpee, M.D. and Marc W. Wimpee, M.D. associated with The Angelo Clinic, San Angelo PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES Suppliers of Medical & Home Care Equipment \ ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC A Safe Deposit Box gives you the key to peace of mind Services pending for Dick Guest Corrections and/or clarifications point. Border Patrol officials discovered 7 3 . 7 5 pounds of marijuana in a P?82 model automobile just south of Marfa just after midnight. Officers later discovered the three men, whom they believe walked around the checkpoint, approaching the parked vehicle. The three men were arrested and charged with possession of marijuana with intend to distribute. They are being held in Brewster County jail in Alpine. •- * Si- ' •: ' • »O1 last trown Street •37-944? <t*4.U) r a f t r 344-2731 §37-2*56 . • ' < - • SINCE i9or w ^±\AJ THE MARFA NATIONAL BANK Post Office Box S • Marfa. TX 79843 .* > < • "".••; / •> • " ' , ; ' The Big Bend Sentinel Marfi. Texas. January 03 1991 Opinions RANGRA TIIKATRI S Letters to the editor Editor: As you know the NASA sponsored laser-ranger project at *' McDonald Observatory was scheduled for shut-down as early as January 1, 1991, after 22 years of very successful operation. We were shocked by NASA's very short notice of its decision. The short notice also gave us little time to find other sponsors to fund the project. This facility is the most successful laser-ranging facility on the Earth and its results provide the best evidence in favor of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity as well as very practical information on the drift of the continents. I am pleased to tell you that NASA has now decided to study whether other parts of NASA require the project to continue and, in any case, not to shut it down until July 1, 1991. We are grateful for this action since it gives us time to find other sponsors for the project if NASA decides not to continue its support. Representative Ron Col em an was absolutely instrumental in helping us to persuade NASA to give us more time and I want to take this opportunity to thank him publicly for his help. Sincerely yours, Frank N. Bash Director, McDonald Observatory Austin *** Editor: We have been amazed at the response to the Angel Tree Project. The morale in our offices has soared as each new gift is returned and we realize there is so much generosity in West Texas. In Children's Protective Services, we see a lot of pajn throughout the year. So, seeing the joy being provided through the donated gifts for less fortunate, abused and neglected children is heartwarming. We don't know who you are, but we want you to know^you have made over 500 children happy with almost 2,000 gifts. We must also thank the sponsors of the Angel Trees for helping this be a Christmas come true: Union Supply Company, Magic 102, Big 2 TV, The Odessa American, Midland Reporter-Telegram, Winwood Mall Associates, first National Bank of Kermit, First National Bank in Monahans, Midland Park Mall, The Marfa. National Bank; Pecos Police Department, Pecos County State Bank, McDonald's Restaurant Alpine. Thank you so very much from the Foster Home Program and Children's Protective Services. Jeannie Hunt Foster Home Recruiter Midland Letida Garcia Children's Protective Services Sponsor / Marfa She Soviets 9 £MI! VIpllU V..U1 Will reopen January 5 Carlsbad Caverns to raise entry fees H0WSHOU0 WEOSfONDTO , . * ' . • ACCQUAIt OUR sum* OF CHEAPOIU Park Superintendent Wallace Elms has announced that fees for cave trips at Carlsbad Caverns National Park will he raised effective February M. 1991. Under the new user fee s c h e d u l e , trips through Carlsbad Caverns will be $5 for adults and $3 for^ages 6 through 15. Those under 6 are admitted free. U.S. citizens age 62 and over, and disabled individuals qualifying for GoldenAccess passes will continue to receive a 50 percent discount. Flashlight trips at New Cave will also be increased to $6 for ajdults and $.3 for a^es 6 through: l&.'Sftegakguided trips into other wild./undeyeloped caves in the park which are conducted periodically, will be increased to $10 per person. vowesne OIL .(Editor^ note: The fblldwlftg is-*tttttrrtciitodnidently by1' Kenneth llellard of Marfi from start Sen. Bill Sims, D-San Angela, Far West Texas'state senator. Mellard wants to eliminate daylight savings time. Says Mellard: "It (daylight savings time) doesn 't save anything, it just confuses everybody twice a year. We 're the only country in the world that changes time. And it If these matters of salt, cholesterol, other fats, sugar, and makes it hard on us country people.") calories are going to be monitored, what should the producers be December 19, 1990 required to state? If a package of crackers Says it contains 300 mg of salt per Mr. Kenneth Mellard ounce, how many will weigh out an ounce? And how many of us P.O. Box 58 know how much 300 mg are? If that ounce of crackers contains a Marfa, Texas 79843 small bit of salt, how many small bits should we eat each day? Dear Mr. Mellard: And the label on that soup, is it going to say the salt has been . Thank you for notifying me regarding your support of my bill reduced from fifteen to ten pinches? Even if a food is cholesterol that will eliminate daylight savings time. I am very pleased you free what about the other calories? I often buy a "light" TV meal support my position on this. It is important to get support for this bill. I have introduced similar legislation in the past, but this issue has not been seen as Service ordered the killing of Editors note: something the public would want. Any support you can create for hundreds of birds including Submitted by the Davis Mounthis bill would be very helpful. . some from national wildlife tain Trans-Pecos Heritage AsI am enclosing a list of all Senators and Representatives. It refuges in Alaska. The dead sociation from the Nov. 19, would be very helpful if you would write some of them to voice birds were then allegedly 1990, issue of the Western Liveyour opinion. Also, more public support is needed, so please soaked in oil and thrown into stock Journal spread the word to your friends and have them write some of the Prince William Sound, ibr use officials on the list included with this letter. Mountain States Legal Founas evidence in legal action I appreciate your taking the time to voice your, concerns. dation (MSLF), a not-for-profit regarding the Valdez oil spill. Sincerely yours,. , public interest legal center "Director Turner either knew Bill Sims based in Denver, Colo., called of this outrage, or he should San Angeto, Austin recently upon Secretary of the have known about it," noted Interior Manuel Lujan to inves- William Perry Pendley, chief Editor. ' tigate the activities of John p. legal officer for the center. If The other night as I rubbed the excess salt from a "low salt" Turner, director of the U.S. he did not know about it then snack cracker, I realized both the need for and the difficulties in Fish and Wildlife Services the bureaucrats he is supposed labeling the contents of prepared foods. How low is "low salt?" (U.S. F&W), following reports to be supervising believe that Less than in the original version, no doubt, but there is still as that the F&W kilted hundreds they h a v e carte blanche much on five of the little gems as I put on my egg each morning. of birds in Alaska to gather authority to do whatever they A type of soup announces it has "1/3 less salt," but we have no want to do." evidence to use in court. way of knowing bow much mat is. Another product announces it In a letter to Lujan, Pendley According to a story originally to "low in cholesterol." Again, how long? And it may be high in reported by the Los Angeles wrote, "It is the Secretary who Times, the Fish and Wildlife is responsible under federal law that contains "less than 300 calories." But it does not say how many calories a "full" meal contains. One type of sandwich meant says it is "86% fat free," comforting until you realize it is 14% fat. I doubt any mandated food labels will tell us all we need to know unless we have at least two years of training in nutrition. Sincerely, Ernest B. Speck Alpine U.S. F&W accused of killing alaskan birds for evidence Marfa Receiving Pens Chinati Foundation Fundaclon Chinati NEW LOCATION! The Roswell and San Angelo Receiving Pens are now located at the old RAILROAD PENS and SCALES on the Golf Course Road in Marfa. Sun Ang<4q Saturdayi - 9 - 6 Tuesdays 1-6 Wednesdays 9 -2 Sundays-1-3 p.m. truck leaves at 3 p.m. Sun* Truck leaves at 2 p.m Wednesday fr ' Sale on Thursday on Mondays Por information or unloading appointment contact: 729-403$ or 358-4450 A permanent installation of contemporary art, including the works of Donald Judd and John Chamberlain open 1-5 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7 or by appointment 1 Cavalry Road Fort D.A. Russell Marfa, Texas (915) 7 2 9 T 4 3 6 2 for the statutes now being managed by Director Turner and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In light of your ultimate responsibility, it is critical that a good hard look be taken at exactly what is going on in (Turner's) agency." , Richard L. Thornburgh investigate the involvement of attorneys with the Department of Justice in requesting the hirrl kills. "This obscene action by Department of Justice attorney leads one to the conclusion that they have lost all perspective and are apparently consumed Pendley outlined several ques- by a win-at-all-cost mentality," tionable actions on the part of wrote Pendley in a letter to the U.S.F&W, asserting the Thornburgh. "In addition, they agency has caused the loss of may well have violated not only "tens of thousands" of jobs, and federal law but the Code of the payment of "hundreds of Professional Responsibility rethousands of dollars in tribute quired of all attorneys." to 'save* species which the Fish Pendley urged a quick comand Wildlife Service says are pletion of the inquiry, and apthreatened or endangered, often propriate action as a result, "to on the flimsiest of data." ensure that federal attorneys In related action, MSLF also seek justice and not just victory requested that Attorney General in the courtroom." Home Improvements 'Roofing •Dry WaH & Painting •Kitchens & Baths •Flooring (tile & wood) •Fencing Free Estimate* In Marfa Complete Residential Renovations \ Box 1234. Marfa 729-4262 (4\ Tha Bt» Bend Sentinel. Mirf*. T u u January 03 1001 L Danny JUT ado, left, and Linda Jurado. took first place in the Mar/a Chamber of Commerce's Christmas decoration contest. Chamber president Curtis Schroder presented the Jurados with a placque from Bakar Jewelers. Maria Buren, left, and her family won second place in the decorating contest. The Burens won one month's free HBO and Showtime from Haifa TV Cable Co. Inc. Museum Musings We stepped back 100 years this week. Martin Merrill of El Paso, Fort Davis and Marfa gave the museum wonderful papers from his mother's things. Mrs. George Merrill had been given many of these papers by Alice Jack Shipman (Mrs. Oscar Shipman). Mrs. Shipman was the daughter of Capt. Pat Do]an of Fort Davis. She was a wonderful historian. Much of this material from Mrs. Merrill is orders to or correspondence with Humphris and Company from 1890 to 1893. They include such names and signatures as: W.W. Bogel, W.R. Ridley, Chispa, TX;J.T. Cline, Mrs. G.W. Withrow, A. McGehee, J.C. McKinney, L.D. Oden, Chas. Buehler, Sam Schwing, Viet Hernandez, Pat Dolan, Belle Bunton, Otto Newman, R.R. Ellison, W.W. W i l c o x , Belt & Alarcon, General Merchandise, Valentine; J.J. Hess & Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods and Family Groceries, Marathon, TX; T.A. Childers; John ScanIon; P.H. Pruett; Severiana Rodriguez. The letterhead "Office of Murphy and Co., Dealers in General Merchandise, Post Office: Allamoore, El Paso Co., Texas. Camp Schryver, TX 8 " 189_. A letterhead for "Office of Humphris and Co., Dealers in General Merchandise, Forwarding and Commission, Missouri, but in 1865 moved active member of the Marfa back to Kentucky, where Mattie History Club. In 1906, she and her mother B e l l e g r a d u a t e d from Marfa, Texas. 7-26, 1892. John "Daughters College" at Har- returned to Kentucky where she Humphris, Chas. S. Murphy, rodsburg. She married Captain conducted a private school and H.B. Anderson in 1871. Cap- also taught in the pubiic schools James Walker." "Office of Walker & Co., tain Anderson died in a Con- and reared three of her grandchildren. Her mother died John Humphris,"Chas. S. Mur- federate Hospital. in 1917, at the age of 88. Mrs. In 1883 Mrs. Anderson, her phy, James Walker, General Merchandise, Ranch Supplies, children, and her mother, came Anderson came back to Fort Hardware, Wagons, etc., New- to Texas. A brother had come Davis and made her home with man Springs, TX, Agosto some time before to Fort Davis. the Merrills at their ranch. She Learning that Mr. Gaither had a died at the age of 87 in 1938. 1893." sister who was a school Received a call from San At the end of a letter to teacher, the families at the Fort Francisco prior te Christmas Humphris and Company from and in town prevailed upon him Day. A man has purchased a Fred Wine, June 3, 1990, "Can you sell those panther hides we to ask her to come to Fort gun bearing the name, Frank killed them at sheep camp that's Davis. Mrs. Anderson opened Duncan, Marfa, TX. The caller five we've killed out there. the first public school in Fort was curious about Mr. Duncan. They keep continually killing Davis which she taught for 13 For newcomers, Mr. Duncan sheep everything O.K., so far." years. In 1898, she went to. was a fantastic photographer of Marfa to take charge of the this area. Area history is richer In 1899, Chas. Buehler, public school there and was an because he was here. Shafter, Bakery and dealers in Confectionery, Fruits, Canned Goods, etc." ordered ten barr e l s o f XXX beer from Operation Desert Shield The U.S. Postal Service has Humphris & Co. Marfa. APO New York 09848-006 established two addresses you Another store in Shafter, "W. may want to share with readers Any S e r v i c e Member Keesey and Company 1890, W. who want to send letters of sup- (Navy/Marine) Keesey & B. Gleim." Operation Desert Shield port to U.S. service personnel Many, many more bits of 100 FPO New York 0986-0006 assigned to Operation Desert year old history. The above addresses are for Shield. Individuals may specify In a Nov. 4, 1938, Fort Davis military branch but no other generic mail for delivery to any Dispatch a detailed writeup designation can be honored. soldier, sailor, airman, or about the life of Mrs. Mattie The proper addressing for these marine and should not be used B e l l e A n d e r s o n , great with a service member's name grandmother of Martin Merrill. letters of support is: A n y S e r v i c e M e m b e r in lieu of his or her assigned Briefly: (Army/Air Force) APO/FPO number. Mattie Belle Gaither was born in Columbia, Kentucky, April 29, 1851. The family moved to Missouri in 18SS or 1856 and settled at Barrett Station about 17 miles from St. Louis, where Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Humberto M. Ocon, son of Mattie Belle attended High Felipe H. and Ffancisca M. Ocon, of Marfa, recently reported for School. During the war beduty at Naval Communication Area Master Station, Guam. tween the states they lived in A 1986 graduate of Marfa High School, he joined the Navy in August 1986. By Put GodboW Write a service member Military service Rivera named to Dean's List CEDAR HILL, Texas - Rene ministration degrees may by R. Rivera of Marfa, has been obtained in marketing/managenamed to the Dean's List for ment, management and automothe Fall Term of the 1990-91 tive marketing. Academic academic year at Northwood offerings also include two year programs leading to Associate Institute in Cedar Hill, Texas. of Arts degrees in advertising, Rivera, a 1990 graduate of automotive marketing, automoSarah Villa, left, andfamily placed third In the decorating contest. 7heyMarfa High School, is the son tiveaftermarket management, won a gift certificate from Foxworth-Galbratth LumberCo. of Marfa. of Mr. and Mrs. Mario Rivera. L SI'MSS qMnaranent, fashion. The best-decorated business was La fejam, ^konorabU mei^" went to Moosey's Highland Exxon andAv+htaria Gffi Shop. { hotel HOtelfresWurant manage-* i i Northwood Institute is a ment. Northwood is situated on private, accredited co-educa- a 350-acre campus in Cedar tional college operated on a not- Hftl, Texas, 15 minutes from for-profit basis and devoted to t h e D a l l a s - F o r t Worth business management education metroplex. Other campuses are Daniel Lee Short recently was President's Honor List and has based on the free enterprise located in Midland, Michigan awarded a.degree from Texas been named to the Dean's List s y s t e m . Bachelor of Ad- and West Palm Beach, Florida. Tech University at commence- several times. Danny also ment exercises in Lubbock on achieved membership to the December 15. Texas Tech is a Golden Key Honor Society, a multipurpose University of stu- society,which recognizes students enrolled in seven col- dents for their excellence in leges. Degrees were conferred academics. Some of his projects to students representing all 50 were on display, including a 1602-West Highway 90 states, all but 12 Texas counties project that was chosen for dis(Across from Triangle Foods) and 35 foreign countries. play for "Expo 88" in the Ar915-837-3431 The Commencement program chitectural Gallery. ,HOURS; 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m. 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. for all candidates was held at Daniel is currently employed the Lubbock Municipal by an Architectural and EnColiseum. The actual degrees gineering firm in Lubbock. were delivered to the graduates Attending the ceremonies during individual ceremonies at were his parents, Dale, and their respective colleges. Ban- V i o l a Short of Presidio; ner bearers represented each grandparents Mr. and Mrs. college. Conrado Garcia of Marfa and Following the commencement Mrs. Darlene Short of Zapata, program Daniel received his TX. Others attending were degree at the Architecture Gal- Glenn Short and Laura Edraan lery. Daniel was awarded a of Alpine; Brett Short from AnBachelor of Architecture degree geiton; Mrs. Tom Young .and and a Specialization in Struc- s o n , J o h n D . Bencomo of tures, which accentuates the Hillsboro; Mr, and Mrs. RonCivil Engineering aspect of Ar- nie Walker and sons Bobby and chitecture. He was anfong 31 Michael of Mineral Wells; Olga candidates receiving an Ar- Church, Miriam .Aguilar and chitecture degree and among Edward Montezuma of Marfa; .two candidates receiving a Mr. and Mrs. Jim Piersall and Susan Pienall of Lubbock. Specialization in Structures. Throughout his years at Tech, LUCY'S TAVERN Danny was elected by the kit Webb's Conoco HIGHLAND EXXON Grand Chapter for membership Celdtst Bssr in Town For all your gat and t i n IBM Wtbb't Giraga to Tau Sigma Delta, an Honors nattfa, battariaa and balancing Pizza & Hot Sandwiches ! Complete, Auto Service Society for Architecture and 24-Hour Wreckar Service with tr wlthiut htmimitft chtl* Mutt Phone 729-4955 • • Allied Arts. Members should 7296181 Phtnt 731-1177 luiy Qillntf* maintain a high grade point a v t r a g e throughout their FINA carters. He was also on the T i n repairs, off change., filters, gasoline and dittel Daniel Short awarded degr ee from Texas Tech 0yt Lajitas, Te&a* On the Boardwalk "...a whimsical T-shirt, kite and Southwestern collectible shop..." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 1988 I Star Rt. 70. Box 486 xas. .79852 will see patients at Big Bend Regional Medical Center Friday, Jan. 4th Dr. Turner, is a graduate of Southwestern Medical School in Dallas and is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He specializes in diseases and surgery of the eye including glaucoma and cataracts. To arrange for an appointment, call Big Bend Regional Medical Center, Alpine Most insurance Accepted: Workers Contp Personal injury Accident & Health Insurance 837-3447 CROSS PHARMACY your family pharmacy Marti, COLOMO'S HANDY STORE For your tvrydty grocery niatit ... A, JAN.* boftaVfOis SAT., JAN. 12: S f c i junk*hifh.bajfca<baJl n. attsIfiedAds VaiytWf . ii • • • , • . * f " • See us for your financial needs! PRESIDIO MARFA FRL, JAN.* Bite Dtvil«boy»*fW» vanity and boy» JV ; btaketbtll toaanvi. 1 Fort fc 29-4334 Tha Marfa National Bank Sports Calendar Phone 729-3316 Telephone (915) 424-3226 - THOMAS C. TURNER, M.D. ALPINE FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC FREEiSPlNAL CONSULTATION Angie Dean Roberto Dean SAT., JAN. 5: Blue Devil* kirtJV MEMBER FDrC : CMnatl Fouifdatibfi Fundaclon Chinatf .'Twrs.imilftjaft fciin i t f l . Mii.iiHTlMtrf.Fri. 4,tat. . • f Th« Big Bend Sentinnl Angel Tree Project deemed successful delivered on Friday, December 21. "It was hectic to deliver so many gifts, but rewarding to see their faces. I think the saddest thing about the whole project is that these caring people who donated can't see the joy these children expressed," said Ann Bailey, an Intake Worker for Children's Protective Services. The trees were located at Winwood Mall Associates, First National Bank of Kermiufirst National Bank in Monanans, Midland Park Mall, The Marfa National Bank, Pecos Police Department, Pecos Ctfunty State Bank, McDonald's Restaurant Alpine. The sponsors of the Angel Tree (and true Angels) were Midland Reporter-Telegram, The Odessa American, Magic 102.1 FM, Union Supply, KMID-TV. The Angel Tree Project, coordinated* by the Foster Home Program, has been a soaring success. Around 2,000 angels were plucked from eight Christmas Trees in eight locations from November 26 to December 21. Gifts were provided for over S00 abused and neglected children. "I feel amazed at the amount of giving these people did for our children. These children were so happy on Christmas morning. I'm astounded these , people gave so much and we don't even know who they are" said Elaine Leonard, caseworker for Children's Protective Services. "If you are out there and you picked one of our angels, we thank you," said Marcy Lopez, one of the coordinators of the event. Most of the 2,000 gifts were Marfa Am Vets host benefit dance MARFA • Marfa AmVets The gifts were distributed on Post 65 held a dance on Christmas Eve by Public RelaDecember 23 to benefit under- tions Officer Dclfin Lopez. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sotelo were privileged kids in this area. The dance was for visiting in charge of the arrangements. There is no limit to how a college students. Each student veteran will help when help is bought a toy for a child. FmHA to begin taking loan applications needed. On December 21, an elderly lady and a small child were passing through town when their truck broke down. Without money they would Make every momins special! What« »»aytoMart your day1 Wake up four tote buoH witn a f ree ttmtjM M M of UfeyV Jwcr' Auc« Br«no n t RonMo" Cuo, orutn yot; teem with i *enm- toothooah. come your rww^dMcOofMM^na'Correction Como, tod »etta»no»o»» twetit up W»t on «Kon*4o" Clock. .' Set one morr»r>3tirr« helper witn every Good Morr*nj Hjppy Meal, at pertopjonj McDonaUt. CoHcct'cmaH INS to report citizenship denials by country, INS district In passing the Immigration Act of 1990, Congress approved another Richardson amendment instructing the INS to report annual statistics on the country of origin of persons denied U.S. citizenship. The INS must report these citizenship denial statistics for each of the approximately 30 INS District Offices. x Research by NALEO has revealed that Latin Americans and Africans are more likely than Europeans or Asians to be denied citizenship by the INS, and that citizenship denials vary significantly by INS district. Richardson's amendment requiring INS to report data on * citizenship denials by national •origin of applicants and by INS have had to spend the night in their truck, but veteran John Salgado came to their rescue and offered them the last'of bit money - $30. STARTS JANUARY 4 PT»on»l» Biliye Slaton spent Christmas The Farmers Home Ad- in Swectwater, Texas, with her ministration, preparing to ease parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harits ban on granting emergency vey. She was met in Sweetloans to farmers without crop water by her son, Thad, of insurance, has instructed local Prairie Village, Kansas, and by FmHA offices to begin accept- her other son, Harvey, of Daling loan applications. las. Harvey came back to S p e c i f i c a l l y , FmHA's Marfa with Biliye and visited Washington office has advised several days before returning to its state directors/district direc- Dallas. tors and county supervisors to begin processing emergency Marco Antonio Franco of loan applications from farmers Oakland. CA, was in Marfa, who did not carry crop in- Presidio and Ojinaga during the surance in 1990. holidays, visiting friends and The FmHA directive instructs relatives. local officials to advise farmers Marco is the son of Antonio of the waiver and for those who and Lucy Franco of Ojinaga. appear to meet other eligibility Marco is a Marfa High School standards, to process loan ap- graduate as well as a University plications to the point of ap- of Texas at Austin graduate. proval. While in Marfa, he visited "Such applications will be with friends he hadn't seen held for final action by the since his high school days. district will improve the ability County Committee and the loan He is a Kindergarten teacher of advocate to assess the fair- approval official when the in Oakland. ness of INS citizenship process- revised regulations are issued," He will pursue his master's says the FmHA directive. ing. ' • degree in the fall. "Requiring the INS to report precise data on citizenship denials will help ensure a uniform naturalization ' m Wprocess," says Richardson. "This reporting requirement will help pinpoint those-INS districts that have high denial rates of certain ethnic groups." NALEO is a non-profit, non-. partisan Hispanic research and civic action organization. For more than six years NALEO has conducted an extensive campaign promoting U . S . citizenship among the Latino community. Marfa Texas January 0 3 . 1QQ1 W you tn mttfeited m rewcunj \Mtn\ AXT Jwce Br«no bo», CM l»tr« P«k loi;»*rmiMQO «0oui rtcycimj ccmcrt in your uta J( 1 800-977-808B. McDonald's 900 E. Ave. E, Alpine CAUTION: M*T contftm «MH p«ru Not mttnaed tor cfuWrtn uno«f J. As* WOMt • »p«ei*t toy tor kiOs under 3. ( ' V » 1 C ' ) l ' J V - » "w-*'t* > V O1W0 QUIHING Keith Allan Nde, boy. born December 20, 1990, to Michael Allan and Kathy Neie of Alpine, 8 lbs., 21 1/2 inches. Jim and Lori Wilbourn are proud to announce the arrival of their first child, a daughter, Dustie Raefeld, born December 25, 1990, in Socorro, NM, 6 lbs., 6 ozs., 18 inches. ' Grandparents are Jimmy and Jan Poenisch of Marfa and Jean and Larry Novak of Alpine. Great grandparents are Sunni Moninger and Clara Poenisch also of Marfa and Mr. and Mrs. George Vickers of Fort Davis. tmmmmmmmm mimmimm* mm LAST 3 DAYS OF SALE! t i n FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) * JTnvites.you to Sunday worship services where God's love is shared with a loving, . caring congregation. Sunday School - 10 a.m. 130 W.~tincoln St..; Worship - 11 a.m. W.R. Plumbley, Pastor FREE CATARACT ASSOCIATES . AT BIG BEND REGIONAL MEWCAL CENTER (Formally Mtewster Memorial Hospital) I iK'N(l;i\, J;iiMi;ir\ I 5 •• I - . , • » * * • THIS SALE WILL END AND OUR DOORS WILL CLOSE FOREVER ON SATURDAYJan. 5, AT 6:00 P.M. . - * ' • ' . , 7294912 103 N. Highland^ARFA 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday l Tha HIf Band Santlne) Marfa. T>«« January M , ^99] , comptafty raatorad brick homa on 1/2-btocfc. Haw WfMC P ( 9 M hMtand aJr, daalgnar Uxchan,redwooddaofc. carport, many Vista For ALL of your insurance needs raaaonablc sffar conaldtrad om, 2-bath, larga IMng room/dln!ng room, garaga and Car-Home-life- Health *4e.0O0. Naw raef, naw paint, 3-badroom, 1 bath horn* in nict nciohborhood. NOW OPEN! »J«,000 Ooaatoaohool, 3-badroom, 21/2-batti, on comar lot. Modam kitchan, dan, OaraQa, wdm-lars* rooms. PRICE REDUCED: $53,000. BaautHui SpaAtarvatyta houaa with aoanle vtaw, *-badtoom»; Uving room, braaMaat room, large kitchan, larga baaamant and guast houM. Alplna'a N t w t f t , . Most Ploturaaqua RVPirfc Brad Mund Paisano Hotel 729-4519 Livingston Real Estate Otf»r listing* on norms, lots and commardal propartiat 208 San Antonio St.. Marfa. 729^306 Full Hook-ups • Spacious 90 Ft. Pull Thrus •0 antp laorlM • Loctfd 6'A ml. south on Hwy 118 P.O. Box 1376 - 915-364-2293 • 2.00 OFF Rftt Nlftht'i Stay • whh thlt Adi • The) Cantar of H AM In th« llfl l«nd PROFESSIONAL Same 1/2 Price Rent this 1/2 price Space $ 1 4 3 For Six Months YOUR INVESTMENT NEEDS For Sale STOCKS TBONOS • CDs • Mirnw. FUNDS • ANNUTSS. 100-year-old fascinating adobe structure. 20 rooms, 12 bathrooms restored. 206 W. Court St., Fort Davis, TX. $165,000. : (915)426-3933 Call today for federally tax-free insured investments. A.GEdnards Call 729-4342 *S WTSTMEXTS SINCE WQ MARY ANNfiE BEANLAND MOSES Investmeni Broker • Certified Financial Planner (800)333-5131 CONSTRUCTION CO. REMODELING & ROOFING FREE ESTIMATES N e w to Alpine? Retiring? Desire to live in t h e country? "WE MAKE LAND OWNERSHIP EASY" Double Diamond Ranch CHARLIE KADOW (915)426-3056 P.O.Box 318 It you don't own a mountain, you should! Call Today P.O. Drawer 9610 915-364-2400 Alpine, IX 79831 wmi Fort Dtvis,TX 79734 Garcia Construction Co. Free Estimate* Help save the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave thaOavfa MwmtainaTrma-Pacos Haritaga Association is'dadcatad to pr'asarvihgtha Lafidarxttti ftasoureas through Privata Ownarahlp. For fraa Information, writa to: P.O. Box 1036* Fort Davis, TX 79734. together we can save our land and heritage /or generations to come. .11 Ml Wild Horse Trading Co. New Home Construction , modtiing Additions b Remodtiing. Concrete - Roofiing ' H CB Convenient No Waiting Fort Davis, Brewster County Crimestoppers Rav Farmer ...- d.S. Post Office No Parking Problems 7:00 A.M. - 11:00 P.M. Seven Days A Week E. Hwy 90. Alpine (Across from Dairy Queen) (915)837-5503 Center for Area Artists art oftinBig Btnd...tht Sottihwist..Mid Mexico Dft. OAOF Itt M. AMOT re via t m 837-2643 m •OUTHWtST TfXAS MUH1CIML NATURAL GAS SERVICE For AlpiM, Marfa 729-4367 iowa |- ram* If you see or know of a crime committed CaU 837-3333. We guarantee yoo win remain anonymous. We'd liki to bt your pktun-fimtr g photography, location portraits, $ehooi portraits 10$ tost Holland, alpine, ttxas, 79830, phoMt 915-837-3067 SCR WESTTEX C«rp«tefu&laiCo. Track Ifottfit attain Chaser Th# Smart Cash Register Business Computer Systems MafiB«714 ' ftwallty Work Fumltur* * Vthlol* Alae JACK ROACH (918) 837-3747 Ship300K.HoUtad i. TX 7B630 (915) 887-7180 P.O. Boxt71 Alpta*; TZ 7t«SI NIGHTS • WEEKENDS • HOLIDAYS MARFA 729-32U-729-31M ALPINE •37.9M7 • S3749W • S37-M44 BALMORHEA 37M4a* OR CALL MARFA NUMBERS Spriggt Boot & Saddle Boot, Shoe ft. Saddle Repair Custom Boots; Saddles & Tack 606»£. Holland AipincTX 79830 *»*«,»** , (915)837-7392 Mall order - UPS delivery SlIRtA f AS PRODUaS INC. "Your LP dealer for the Davis Mountains • Big Bend area" 1 Plumbing • Air CondltlenlrtJl * f (Mtricol • Mrig«rati<M\ Propan* tanks for l«as« or aala Qaa. appNanc* t«1a# and Mrvict ; Mart*. PreskUo. Fort Davit. Valentine CAD CAQ l-eOO-446-2969 1-800-446-2909 or in Alpine .837-3348 or in Alpine .837-3348 MkhMiul ConMid . 915^7.5121 A j . FAX; 915426-30*3 EAttoWARDS . P.O. loi(147 V * Alptoe, Ttxa* 79831 , Reagan Ntanann NC AM) SOUTHWEST 2-WAY RADIO ITNES TUDI art Ballet ClattetDaily WOOD . Professional Quality: Business Service*' . Secretarial - Notarial - Creative ACVMI Fraw Icftwty ALPINE, TX ALPtm, TXXA8 78881 ' >. ' -T. - :. , ? > Lk.>.j,y i. The Bi'y Bend Sentinel Marfa. T e x o January IK, KMJH f-fl DEATHS THE CLASSIFIEDS -THE CLASSIFIEDS tract out of Section 7 4 9 , Hemphill, Attorney, and Elbert Abstract N o . 3 3 8 3 , T . C . Basham, Surveyor, respectively Ry.Co. Survey, being desig- in a certain cause in said Court, nated as Tracts 3 and 6 in the No. 5317 and styled Clark Judgment rendered in Cause Legate d/b/a Legate Company Darlene "Toad" Bradley, 66, Ruth Newton, 75, of Fort No. 5317. vs. Robert C. Bledsoe, et al, of Pecos, died Thursday, Dec. Davis, died Thursday, DecemAnd levied upon as the placed ih my hands for service, 27, 1990, at Reeves County ber 27, 1990, in El Paso. property of Conchita Stewart I, R.D. Thompson as Sheriff of Hospital in Pecos. Service was Saturday at the Rosary was Sunday evening at and that on the first Tuesday in Presidio County, Texas, levy Pecos Funeral Home chapel St. Joseph's Catholic Church in February 1991, the same being on certain Real Estate, situated with the Rev. Billy Foster of- Fort Davis. Service was Mon- the 5th day of said month, at in Presidio County, Texas, ficiating. Burial was in Mount day morning at the church with the Court House door, of described as follows, to-wit: Evergreen Cemetery. Pecos the Rev. John Lucido officiat- Presidio County, in the.town of Those two certain tracts in Funeral Home was in charge of ing, burial in St. Joseph's Marfa, Texas, between the Presidio County, Texas, one hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., being a 28.00 acre tract out of arrangements. Cemetery directed by Memorial by virtue of said levy and said Section 7 4 9 , Abstract No. She was born Aug. 9, 1924, Funeral Home. Order of Sale I will offer for 3383, T.C. Ry.Co. Survey, the in Florence, Texas. She was sale and sell at public vendue, other being a 12.10 acre tract preceded in death by her husShe was born Oct. 8, 1915, for cash, to the highest bidder, out of Section 749, Abstract band Jack C. Bradley in 198S. she had lived in Fort Davis all She was also preceded in death her life. She was a homemaker all the right, title and interest of No. 3383. T.C. Ry.Co. Surby a son, Larry A. Bradley in and a member of the Catholic the said Conchita Stewart in vey,-being designated as Tracts and to said property. 2 and 7 in the Judgment -•1970. church. She attended Fort And in compliance with law, I rendered-in Cause No. 5317. Toad, Jack and children Davis public schools. lective advertising give this notice by publication, And levied upon as the moved to Pecos in 1948 from El Paso. She was a member of Survivors include a daughter in the English language, once a property of A.S. Gold and that week for three consecutive on the first Tuesday in the Church of Christ. and son-in-law, Cora and Frank weeks immediately preceding February 1991, the same being S u r v i v o r s i n c l u d e t w o Morales Jr., of El Paso; two daughters, Barbara Conger of . brothers, Arthur Dutchover of said day of sale, in The Big the 5th day.of said month, at Pecos and Judy Rowe of Santa Alpine and Paul Dutchover of Bend Sentinel, a newspaper the Court House door, of Presidio County, in the town of Anna; three grandchildren, Jeff Pecos; three grandchildren, published in Presidio County. Witness my hand, this 12th Marfa, Texas, between the Conger of McCamey, Jarret Cordee Duron, Joe Machuca hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Conger of Pecos and Jesslea. Jr., Chris Machuca; two great- day of December, 1990. by virtue of said levy and said /s/ R.D. Thompson Rowe of Dublin; a brother, grandchildren. ' Order of Sale I will offer for Sheriff Presidio County, Clyde Heffington of Austin; sale and sell at public vendue, Texas. and one sister, Mrs. Estelle Pallbearers were Andy Duron, for cash, to the highest bidder, Moore of Pecos. Jimmy Slate, Gilbert PC-Dec. 20, 27, 1990, Jan. 3, all the right, title and interest of Dutchover, Bernie Sierra, Julio the said A.S. Gold in and to 1991 .. 7 Hartnett, Martin Munoz. said property. A.M. Gillespie, Alex Revez, et PUBLIC NOTICE Electrolux. Singer - others, And in compliance with law, I al, W.B. Johnson, Roy Tyler, SHERIFFS SALE Emiliana F. Marquez, 75, of since 1952, Sew-Vac Sales and give this notice byvpublication, et ux, Florine Beane, Stella J. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Service, Nita and Stan Dempsey, O d e s s a and formerly of ,in the English language, once a Christian, R.I. Bledsoe, and all COUNTY OF PRESIDIO 520 N. Austin, 729-4292. P.O. Presidio, died December 24, week for three consecutive of their heirs and assigns, N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y Box 487, Marfa. tfp 1990, in an Odessa hospital. Anita Quiroz, 67, of-Fort GIVEN That by virtue of a cer- ' weeks immediately preceding Defendants. Service was Wednesday, Dec. Davis, died Saturday December tain Order of Sale issued out of said day of sale, in The Big A brief statement of the nature 26 at St. Joseph's Catholic 29, 1990, at her residence. the Honorable 83rd District Bend Sentinel, a newspaper of this suit is as foljows, to-wit: Church in Odessa with burial in Removal of Clouu anu possesCourt of Presidio County, published in Presidio County. Rose Hill Cemetery, directed Shop Frontier Mobile Homes Rosary was Sunday evening at' Texas, on the 12th day of Witness my hand, this 12th sion of Title on Real Property: by Martinez Funeral Home. at 6720 Andrews Highway, Lots 1 and 2 , Block 11, St. Joseph's Parish Hall in Fort December 1990, by the District day of December, 1990. She was born May 5, 1915, at Davis. Mass was Monday at St. Odessa, for All your used Is/ R.D. "Rick" Thompson Anderson Addition to the town Clerk of said Court for the sum Palomas Ranch near Presidio. Joseph's Catholic Church with Mobile Home needs. Top of $7.11 Court Costs under a Sheriff Presidio County, of Presidio, Texas She was a housewife and a the Rev. John Lucido officiatquality Homes at affordable . The officer executing this writ Judgment, in favor of the Dis- Texas. member o f the Catholic ing, with burial in St. Joseph's prices. Huge cash discounts, shall promptly serve the same trict Clerk of said Court, in a Church. Cemetery, under the direction certain cause in said Court, No. PC-December 20, 27, 1990, according to requirements of financing available. Open daily Survivors include her hus- of Memorial Funeral Home. law, and the mandates hereof, & SundayJtil 6 p.m. Call (915) 5317 and styled Clark Legate Jan. 3, 1991 band, Ursulo Marquez of Odes362-2594.-. v and «ake duereturnas the law d/b/a Legate^C^ropja.ny ys sa; five softs, Simon; Marajoea< ! SHe was born June 2fc, 1923, Robert C. Bledsoe, et al, placed directs. RENTALS of Grand Prairie, Manuel Mar- in Fort Davis, she was a mem- in my hands for service, I, Witness, Ramona Lara, Clerk quez, Alvaco Marquez, Adolfo ber of the Catholic Church. R.D. Thompson as Sheriff of of the District Court(s) of Office for Rent - A/C, heated, Marquez and Abel Marquez, all Presidio County, Texas, levy Presidio County, Texas. carpeted, near post office, call of Odessa; six daughters, Survivors include one son, on certain Real Estate, situated Issued and given under my 7294571. 11-tfb Eufemia Alvarado, Natividad Jimmy Quiroz of Odessa; and in Presidio County, Texas, hand and seal of said court at Galindo, Maria Aguirre and one sister, Elvira Alvarado of described as follows, to-wit: office this the 5th day of H o u s e f o r R e n t - T w o uedroom, unfurnished, comGrade Sifuentez, all of Odessa, Fort Davis. That one.certain tract in December, A.D. 1990. , pletely remodeled, near Marfa Irene Cruz of Georgetown and Presidio County, Texas.-being /s/Ramona Lara Clerk, High School, has fenced yard. Ofelia Carrasco of Presidio; a Pallbearers were Danny Es- a .72 acre tract out of Section District Court Presidio Coun- $275 per month plus deposit. brother, Natividad Floresj)f_ covedo, Lolo Escovedo, Raul 749, Abstract No. 3383, T.C. ty, Texas. Can 837-5855. 19-tfb San Juan, Chihuahua, Mexico; Duarte, Tomas Escovedo, Ry.Co. Survey, being desigP.O. Box 789 32 grandchildren; and 29 great- Frank Cauble and Norman nated as Tract 4 in the JudgMarfa, Texas 79843 PUBLIC NOTICE Sutle. grandchildren. ment rendered in Cause No. NOTICE WINCHESTER Employment opportunity 5317. ARMS You have been sued. You may And l e v i e d upon as the with the City of Marfa, employ an attorney. If you or APARTMENTS, propertyt)f H.A. Leavertcn and Presidio County, Texas Golf Course 3oad Men?orial The City of Marfa is accepting your attorney do not file a writthat on the first Tuesday in ten answer with the clerk who Fliqeral Thoughtfully dedicated to applications for a part-time February 1991, the same being issued this citation by 10:00 New Rates!! families in Jeff Davis the 5th day of said month, at police patrol officer, 20 to 25 a.m. on the Monday next folhours per week. Must be a cerRental Assistance and Presidio Counties the Court House door, of Marfa, Ttxtu 79S43 tified Texas peace officer. lowing the expiratiori^of fortyPresidio County, in the town of Available Now two days after you were served (913) 739-4422 •All tlictnc Marfa, Texas, between the Salary negotiable. For more in- this citation and petition, a Efficitnt hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., formation or an employment -default judgment may be taken •Funeral Prearrangements •Monuments application, contact: John J. by virtue of said levy and said against you. * Member The Order Of The Golden Rule • C t n t t l l H i l l I An Order of Sale. I will offer to Jimenez III, P. O. Box 768, 'Jesus M. Hernandez Marfa, TX 79843. Telephone At«» sale .and sell at public vendue, •Laundry R««m • «< Plaintiff (915) 729-4393. An EOE. •H«i«ie»pptd Unit! Avulltli for cash, to the highest bidder, 707 Myrtle Avenue [\HP WANTED COM 12-20-90/tfb PUBLIC NOTICES all the right, title and interest of EHPaso, Texas 79901 the said H.A. Leaverton in and One Bedroom Big Bend Telephone Inside to said property. PUBLIC NOTICE PC-Dec. 13,20,27, 1990 & Minimum - $220 PUBLIC NOTICE Plant Technician .__: And in compliance with law. I Citation By Publication Jan. 3, 1991 Maximum - $234 SHERIFFS SALE The job will include, installagive this notice by publication, The State of Texas The State of Texas, tion, operation, and repairs of in the English language, once a To: Reyes Armendariz, WilFOR SALE County of Presidio Two Bedroom numerous types of central ofweek for three consecutive liam Christian, A.M. Gillespie, N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y Minimum - $267 fice switching equipment, digiweeks immediately preceding Hartman Farms' tal toll radios, VHF and UHF GIVEN That by virtue of a cerr said day of sale, in The Big A l e x R e v e z , et al W . B . .Maximum - $284 red-top and sugar-drip radios, as well as DC power tain Order of Sale issued out of Bend. Sentinel, a newspaper Johnson, Roy Tyler, et ux, Estela Quintela, Mgr. Florine Beane, Stella J. ChrisHAY FOR SALE the Honorable 83rd District equipment, and other electrical published in Presidio County. Office - 72*4490 tian, R.I. Bledsoe, and all cf Round bales and small square Court of Presidio County, equipment. Chamber - 729-4942 Witness my hand, this 12th their heirs and assigns, Adbales. Makes excellent horse ' Also included in the working T e x a s , on the 12 day of day of December 1990. Home - 729-4918 (after 5 p.m. ft] dress unknown, Defendants, and cattle feed. December 1990, by the District weekends) . environment will be occasional /s/R.D. Thompson Greeting: Call (915) 395-2285. tower work, heavy lifting, daily < Clerk of said Courtforthe sum Sheriff Presidio County, YOU (AND EACH OF YOU) 39-4tb driving of many miles, over- of $ 4 5 5 . 7 2 Court Costs, REAL ESTATE A R E H E R E B Y COMTexas. $2,295.63 Attorney's Fees, and time, and week long duty MANDED to appear before the MISCELLANEOUS status. Electronic experience U $895.04 Surveyor's Fees under LOT FOR SALE - Good PC-Dec. 20, 27, 1990, Jan. 3, R3rd Judicial District Court of a plus. Pay will commensurate a Judgment, in favor of the Dislocation, near school. For more Presidio County at the Court1991 trict Clerk of said Court, John Looking for reasonable priced with qualifications. house being located at 320 N. javelina hunt. Call after 5 p.m. information call (915) 447Hemphill, Attorney, and Elbert Applications will be accepted' PUBLIC NOTICE 41-4tp Highland, in the City of Marfa, (915) 363-0438. Basham, Surveyor, respectively 41-ltb 4751. for one week after this ad apSHERIFFS SALE Presidio County Texas, by in a certain cause in said Court, Nice home for sale - 3 bdm, 1 pears. THE STATE OF TEXAS. filing a written answer at or No. 5317 and styled Clark bath, nice neighborhood. Call Merle Norman Cosmetics: Please tend your resume to COUNTY OF PRESIDIO before 10 o'clock A.M. of the Legate d/b/a Legate Company Jake at 729-4347 or. 729-4282. For all your cosmetic needs, Big Bend Telephone Co., Inc., vs Robert C. Bledsoe, et al, N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y first Monday next after the ex- 411 N. Main St., Fort Stockton Reduced To Sell: P.O. Box 1024, Alpine, TX placed in my hands for service, GIVEN That by virtue of a cer- piration of forty-two days from (915)336-5315.-38-tfb 3 BR/2 Bath/Out BuOdinp 79831, Attention: Inside Plant I, R.D. Thompson as Sheriff of tain Order of Sale issued out of the date of the issuance of this On City block S3MM Supervbor. '. •;:••";*"*••••.• • Pretidio County, Texas, levy the Honorable 83rd District citation, the date for answer BOOTS - BOOTS - BOOTS owner financed at 91/2% ' ' ' on certain Real Estate, situated Court of Presidio County,' being the 16th day of January, Handmade Ropers, Bullhifle, Now LfatiM $55Jat 1990 in Presidio County, Texas, T e x a s , o n t h e 12 day. o f A.D. 1990, to Plaintiff s PetiExotics. 3 BR/2 Bath-2Car Garaac described as follows jto.wJU- December 1990, by the District tion filed in said court, on the Lowest Prices, Highest Quality. Beautiful Tiew-Red weoiiWdk Those two certain "tracts in "Clerk of said Courtforthe sum 5th day of December, A.D. Factory Direct - We Deliver! of $ 3 6 6 . 0 7 Court C o s t s , 1990, in this cause, numbered Presidio County, Texas, one Fox Info/Order For ftirtbar being a 35.61 acre tract put of $1,844.37 Attorney's Fees, and ,5636 on the docket of said • Contact CaraNa Call (915) 283-9003 Section 7 4 9 , Abstract No. $818.96 Surveyor's Fees under court and styled Luis A. ALAMITO RKA1 ESTATE After 6 p.m. Ask For Ruben. 729-4K4ar n » 3 M 3383, T.C. Ry. Co. Survey, a Judgment, in favor of the Dis- Jimenez, Plaintiff, vs. Reyes 39-4tb the other being a 15.19 acre trict Clerk of said Court, .John Armendariz, William Christian, Bradley Newton Classifieds Public Notices Marquez Quiroz Big Bend Simiinal. Mirfa T>)ta< l,n..^ry ftl Ctowwl TV 16 win EVENING O tvati Daw g 0 Movie: Tna Oil I Waal 0a>NFLPrinaTkM 0d)CaaiMOaa9 10:050 CD NifM Tracks: Ctwutbwten 10:30 CD 0 Saturday Nia>t Lhra CD Amor do Nadte CD Dales g Mnuoaer el Id) Himrial! • ! • • ! • • »«i • 0N RodrtoMt • CD Seas sad Dangkters MCMRD 0{QCefteaeiukeaaN • CfiCrosstra •MCMrtD •:350CDTkeJerlenees 7:00 (2 0 CD Top Cops g 0MOWS 0 Marder. Ska Wrote g \Mj rfWtmRWmt OMsEye 7:05 0w llBCNeayLekror NewsHoar 0 C D Movie: Tke Big Rod Dae 7:3OCD0Btossamg OCDTfceFteskg ' 0CeskySkaw 0 NBA BaskattaH 8:00(2) '8SSrsg OCDAawMNadte I CD Movie: 0 [HBO] 0 C C 0 Movie: The Ftoal Opoea (HBO] 0 ( 1 ) Movie: TIM Accased g 11:00 m (L Movie: OFMftrMajtersg • 0 Ray Bradkafy Theatre 0 CZ)OeMe}ares • CCMMtti C C Q ^ Uacauy 11:300 Cteeme Skewcasa OCD Mom: B Ckackares 0AOCNewsg OAtovre: School Spirit 0S)EvoasaadNevak 11:45 0 A n e a t o HattH Weekend Jamg 12H»CD0lyraaAliea 0 3 ) News Update 12*5 O Movie: Mack Widow g 1 2 : 1 0 0 0 ) Travel Gaide 12-^5 IHBO]0(D Atone: I. 2 Perfect Simeon g 0 Tke Htttkklter • News [HBO] • ® Atowe; Ntxt ol Kte g 9-JM0CD Movie: Saads el Iwo 9 : 3 t 0 M>We Thrt« Kinds el Hut f t B«i* Ptettt g e t TMM 0 CvMgfc ttofl It 100: A PMC9 OI DfMfM sssr* 12:00 CD 0 NFL Footktf 0 Geverameat by Co 0CD Wemca's College Va%Mnftfl 0WarM Swbnmmg aad Or*- • OlMhfwIili al , OAmtttaf 6MMS 0 MacGyver g • Q NASCAR: I AtoWe: AssleameattoKM Mi 1 2 : 2 0 0 CD Movie: Paradlsa. Style HawaHaaraaS* . 12:30 0 Faeaa aa Sodaty O CART: Yaar hi Review An 11300KI «ONdyfeL •CCSiMwMzTi SWersg MajM Vidaas NawiNUM Uadata Maw Yarti Ftoast SAT.. JAN. S EVENIN6 •JOCDOlHaaHaw OlHaaHa Aft A Far Avay g • LaM L Aft 11*0(3)0 I M Mf* WMi David KCSkewwbTadvr - 1 2 * O C D CM I pfiMtol iNNQ O Tates Frem Me OarksMe ea Ceaatorslrika Q SpamCoBtei fT\ iU^mh laa ;MaaeyleB«ra 1:310 Far Veteran Oaiy 2^00 Wiiakuww Weak la Revi ewI • IWvMV S8.8S5 Kid 2M0CD 0 Afowe. CBS Saaday Star Trek: Tka Neil ratal Movie: Vampire at g JakMy Caaalas. Network Eartk Vtool 0Gpmaida a Mentors (HBO]0(3)Dream D u g 10-Jt CS 0 Carraat Affair Weekead . 0 ( 2 News 0GDPaMPraora«mtog Atone: 4.-OOCC0 Tka Yaar hi Sparts 0HrtafUM 0 twana Tkiaf 0 O Dansai weatea at pop Taw aad Jerry's 9:30 O CD NeaWere IwMsiea 10:00(3)0 O C D News O C D Movie: Camtae Al lalierM g Ol Miami Viceg C4J i U W M Y n M 0W«MCawig [HM10O)lu5la IkeHaH P 10:30 C£0Toaiah1 Skew 0CDM*A^*H OmSpertsCmter 0 C C Sparts TeaiaM ScDCBSLsteNieM 0News O Tke EwtaHzsf i BaskelkaM Movie: MiMea tons* Deiar Arsaaie Hal g 11:50 0 ( £ Na«et«l Goearipkk Tree Caartg* , . ' 1 0 M ( H M I 0 OD Mow*. Caid Freat P , 10:30 CS0TaakfM Skew CDM'ATS*H lOSperttCeater iCCSpertsTeaifM iNker 11.-OO SpaMaM OD C B Lato NkjM ' I ivto 0 Tke toaaiior 0CCNewsWoM 11-200CD Movie:tosidetke TkM 11:30(2)0 lite Wakt WMi David Metie . » 0 Afowe. Brebraad 11:35 11:40 ( H M ) 0 ( D CaWaraia AtoWff; Mack 12:00 0 CD Desde Hattywaad O Badweiser Tuesday Went Fifkts aCCSkowBtzTeday 12:050(2) CBS Lato NbjM 0 Movie: ScrawkaTHetol 0 Arsealo Had g 12:30 ( 3 ) 0 Later WMi Bek Castes 0(3)NiltiiraUahtoB 0 CO NewsWiM Update" 0 Movie: Eaeary e t i e Law I H B O I 0 S ) Movie: Glory! Gtaryf(Pt2ol2)g 10:45 0Atov/e:Ske-DevHg 11KM 0 BM Movers' World of Mess . WED.. JAN. EVENING p N k j M Cawt 0M 0 ^ . 0°MaaavBBa . p I Dream at Jeeaate (HM]0(I)lasidatB«NFl 1 - 0 5 0 CD Hapyy Days 6:30 OP P CerraBt AWatr p ^ ©ODDeklBteres 'P ^ B •^•JvTTw^VOT Mvl^rwT a^HB0kawtt4% 0 Movie: Nasty Here 11:480 Dee HasMas 124OCS0 0CD Paid Praommwaf 0(Z)Mevto. . p t a r Tret Tka Next Greatest 12:35 JBNkjktHaeg PsareOtoMa 48 Hears D TIf. rV/TW> BWIWer 0 Hows Harder, Ska Wrote g rTkeSeaJers eaJers j JO10CD EVENING 0.-00 CD O O CD News O CD AmaadaSaaate? 0O SpertsCaatar I^PWaVyVavV 0CCMaaeyt 0 rDream at Jeanaie M S P C D Hapf* Dart OCFoeMateras 0CJD(MdeaGir1*g pOGNawsQ 0OCeteaeiMkefM« 0CDCreKtfln 0MiMCe«tg MOVH: Tka 7.-OS0(£SkakaZaM(Pt3) 7:30 0Cesky Skew l-MCSPHwjtorp Ceartg ^ p VBjnB. WVWI I - IkaIvrota « B MeVwVft eMv 12:300(3) Mempre ea DeaHafe 1 2 - 4 * 0 Movie: Akeal Uat NkjkL. 1 M 0 r s Skewima at Ike • _ Apalto PJai I I TUES.. JAN. 8 aw laBwy w MON., JAN. 7 i«»!«l^."«»!«^«P Off 1249 mipliOjajMow*. Aaeat Last • 0 : 3 6 0 CD AadyGrMM 0 CD NewsNteM Update m Movie: Mystortees Mr. ~ 0d)WfrMVitiea • 0CD 0 Paid Proarammiag 0QDWarMTememw • MCMtwtg 0 O NFL's Greatest NFl's t 12:30 ( 3 ) 0 Later WM Bah Castas 0CSNaNchJroUaMsiaa 0 mOYIt. WWW T R I I 0 O 0ONFLPrimaTime 0CD World Repari R M I flapfft M K M M 1 BW^V^P . 0COtkewttiTeda.y 12:2O[HBO]0(D Movie: I Lave 11.-00 0 (X Jekaay Oaaalas 0CZ)D. Jamas Keaaedy 0 Atewe: Uador Covtr 0News |B ilajefywvM mPWi P<B 0 P a < PPTtr»m«itQ T Teey Irawa wa's Jearaal DHama . 0 Atov»e: Backllra OCDjCNNEveniagNews tB Newt ' 9:05OCD Movie: Tke Devil's a^B^Bj Ba^eajwvaw#weWf av >g NFL FaeaMHl ITs Barry Skaadiaa's Skew Las 12M0CS)PMtada ' ' Fee ia 3 M CS 0 NK Uv« PeataMie 0 Adam SnWi's Maaey WarM 8:30OCD Mi Peeveaa Sotedad OSDesifiiMgWemeag • O CoHofo uskattaa9 : 0 0 0 Travels g OCDPertada O C D Trials el Rosie O'Neill 11:30(3)0 Lato WfM WMi DavM 11:30 (X) 0 Georie • Mlckaal't g 7 : 0 6 0 CD Mw*: Btfte el Me NIBOMI eoograpMc 9M 0 Masterpiece Tfceelre g a Movie: Predator 0 Movie: ABC Saaday NNJM ktevieOMaa«rg OTkaEMMHtar 0 CD CNN Eveaiat News The Maia Street 0l£EartyPrkM fflM]0(3) EVENWG BIIMIIIIIIII Etplaror 0 America's Fmniosl Homo Videasg 0 CaMttrstrika 0 OS Tap Rank Oaiiag 0 G D Weak ia Review (HM]0(SMoWe;TnaWuol fee Ames g 8:30 0 America's Faaaiest Ptopto MOVt6! D T M M )YeaTake»eKklsg lAtot*. ABaaFremLA. rr\ LflJ I IHIavllVwof m Movie.Fkst Yaa Cry 7:30 0 Fred Wariae/s Amarica 8:00 ( X 0 Movie: N K S u a d a y N M M altttWM#ViM r$fff Mas—: Tkt Cue el aW /MaM / h g 0 Travels I I CD Movie: Mama. Soy 0NAfiaN 0ODtpamSaainia* 0i1MJHF«rtaMH«ri itdicsi. • , UIAB> liit LaWTVMv ft PH O CD Amerde Nadte 0 CD Murpky Browa g BPrtmoflmtWrosttog 0 CD Larry KlaaUvel Atom: A Desperate i Atowe. Heriem 0 CD Mwdar. Ska Wrote g O Movie: Heart CaadWaa 0UteGaasOag 0 ( Q 30 Years alAM's Wide WarM al Sparts 0EmpaaJeaM 0O)FMaal/Seeear Saasattka y Bradley. «*g a, , , , • OHoriS«a g №\m®(3) Movie: 11:350 12:30 CD I 6:30 O News 0(ISNFLPriineTiaM 0 Q D Spans Srnday 7 : 0 0 ( 1 0 Real Ufa Witt J I N aatag SkaN Eacyclepadia g 1 1 : 3 0 ® m Lata Wgbt WHk David UtaratM . Year n nfiltW [HM]01(STEt lafttHad ICDCNNEvaatoT News 9-.20OCD Movie: Farce 10 From •a Tbo IS 9M 0 C D Afcrttv Aa*aak Bey JO S lammwMftlHaw) MaWsatt ABBBBWI 4V E 0OD AFTERNOON • i rmrnw. IM M 0 News 1 ktwaw. Sho Wroto g 0gpPrh Movie: Rama al Yea* » 1 0 ( D Net Net Necessarily Nece me YearteReview g 7:OS0CDSkakaXa«j(Pt1) 7:3OCD0Btossemg icDMaierDadg 8:OOCD0 Atowe. NBC Meeday OOXSportsCester NawsWatck 03) Atov/». 12:45 0 Movie: Star Trek: The SUN.. JAN. 6 • 0AKMwsg 0 Movie: AH Sit PmUtat's 0iZ) 10:30 CD BTMigM Ska* OCDMSako O Mont: B tSKferw. U I M H W U M Ike PraMa: He Was Only 12:300 CD Pbnacle 12:500 CD Ntofcl Tracks 11M010MMOM 0 Z ) Deck*. Doctor g • OCaltftBMkMaa lLawg TkreesolAparmeid 0CSMWau»ng mOVM MpffV M WaT evRMf | 3 • 20/20 g BNUMdWctg • OESPN'lSpHitWMk 0CSM'A*S*H 0 1 0 SlWttCwrttr Mow. Psrfcy's RivtMt CD Larry Kk* live! « Pratlkal Jakes g 0 Loaesame Ptoa Spedais 0 C Z ) Sienara ea Damlaea 0C£WMVU Tka Unli'L M S 0 CD Mast* Days 0.-O0CX • HwVa* ISWN CNN IQD 0CDEvaaia|S 7:30 0Casky Skew 8.-00 CD OBNteMCawtg Stttton V defttdte 0 Tke Weaker Tears g P Movie: Tkk Baa)torfire O 0 D Larry Nag Uv«l Ty utur^ * « t\ ri«nh. Tx EVENING •BK911D Stofia'lafeeRaia (EMovie: Tka Naked a He Flea at Pease •x 4 * p ( S CafWa Ptoaet aad fte 5.-00 CD 0 IwJMwy WM tto R M IFi 0 7«OOStta2ato(Pt2) " M O CD OtoMe Haat at Ma MajM Movie: Tamer aad tteeck S Star Trak 0 Harder, Ska Wrekt g • O P U Teen Year ia CD t t t * Tee;toYear 0qpTWa Weak ia the NIA •BrirCkrt 7 J O C D 0 Freak Prteoo at M Air I/Laarar Newslleai "ilBfSl THIS PRIME SPACE FOR RENT ONLY #26 Weekly CALL 729-4342 "••»•»*»• Sponsored by Ydur are* jr/ocer Alpint, WJtrfa ami Van Horn
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