Mixed Money Problems levels 4 and 5

Farsley Farfield Primary School
Name __________________ Date ______________
Mixed Money Problems levels 4 and 5
Q1.Chen and Megan each buy a sandwich.
Chen gets 5p change from £2
Megan gets £2.25 change from £5
How much more does Megan pay than Chen?
2 marks
Parveen buys 3 small bags of peanuts.
She gives the shopkeeper £2 and gets 80p change.
What is the cost in pence of one bag of peanuts?
2 marks
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Farsley Farfield Primary School
Some children go camping.
It costs £2.20 for each child to camp each night.
They go for 6 nights.
How much will each child have to pay for the 6 nights?
2 marks
There are 70 children.
Each tent takes up to 6 children.
What is the least number of tents they will need?
2 marks
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Chris saves 50p coins.
He has saved 45 of them.
How much money has Chris saved?
1 mark
Michelle has saved £8.40 in 20p coins.
How many 20p coins does Michelle have?
2 marks
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This is the cost to visit the waxworks.
On Friday morning 12 adults and 20 children visit the waxworks.
How much do they pay altogether?
2 marks
Guide books cost £1.50 each.
The waxworks sells £24 worth of guide books.
How many guide books is this?
1 mark
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Mr Singh buys paving slabs to go around his pond.
He buys 4 rectangular slabs and 4 square slabs.
What is the total cost of the slabs he buys?
2 marks
Mr Singh says,
‘It would cost more to use square slabs all the way round’.
Explain why he is correct.
1 mark
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Shenaz buys a pack of 24 cans of cola for £6.00
What is the cost of each can?
2 marks
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Nicola has £50.
She buys 3 flowerpots and a spade.
How much money does she have left?
2 marks
Seeds are £1.45 for a packet.
Steffan has £10 to spend on seeds.
What is the greatest number of packets he can buy?
1 mark
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The cost to hire a boat on a lake is worked out using the information below.
Four friends hire a boat for five hours.
They share the cost equally.
How much does each person pay?
2 marks
Chen’s family hires a boat and pays a total of £15
How many hours did they have the boat for?
1 mark
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M1.Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 80p OR £0.80
If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of
appropriate working, eg:
£2.00 − £0.05 = £1.95
£5.00 − £2.25 = £2.75
£2.75 − £1.95 = wrong answer
Accept for ONE mark £80 OR £80p OR 0.80p as evidence of
appropriate working.
Working must be carried through to reach an answer for the
award of ONE mark.
Up to 2m
Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 40p
Accept £0.40p
If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate
working, eg
(200 – 80) ÷3 = wrong answer
£2 – 80 ÷ 3 = wrong answer
Calculation must be performed for the award of ONE mark.
up to 2
Award TWO marks for the correct answer of £13.20
Accept £13.20p OR £13 20 OR £13 20p OR £13-20p.
Do not accept for TWO marks incorrect representations
of money values, eg
£1320 OR £13.2 OR £1320p.
award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate
If the answer is incorrect,
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working, eg £2.20 × 6 = wrong answer
Calculation must be performed for the award of the mark.
Accept £13.2 OR £1320p OR £1320 - for ONE mark.
Up to 2
Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 12.
If the answer is incorrect award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate
working, eg 70 ÷ 6 = answer other than 12.
Accept as appropriate working 11 OR unrounded or
inappropriately rounded calculations of 70 ÷ 6, eg11 /
OR 11 remainder 4 OR 11.6 even if no method is shown
OR the two consecutive multiples of 6 which straddle 70,
ie 66 and 72.
Up to 2
£22.50 OR 2250p
Accept £22.50p OR 22.50 OR 2250 OR 22 50.
Do not accept £2250 OR 22.50p OR £22.5.
Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 42
If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of an
appropriate method, eg
840 ÷ 20 OR 8.4 ÷ 0.2
Accept for ONE mark, £42 OR 42p as evidence of an
appropriate method.
Answer need not be obtained for the award of the mark.
No method mark is awarded for 8.40 ÷ 20 alone.
Up to 2
Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 192 OR £192.00
If the answer is incorrect
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award ONE mark for evidence of an
Farsley Farfield Primary School
appropriate method, eg
£8.50 × 12 = £102
£4.50 × 20 = £90
cost = £102 + £90
Accept for TWO marks £192.00p OR £192 00
Accept for ONE mark £192p OR £19200 OR £1.92 OR
£19.20 OR £1920 as evidence of an appropriate method.
Answer need not be obtained for the award of the mark.
Up to 2
Award TWO marks for the correct answer of £21.80
Accept £21.80p OR £21 80
If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate working, eg
3.50 × 4 = 14.00
1.95 × 4 = 7.80
14.00 + 7.80 = wrong answer
Accept for ONE mark £2180p OR £2180 OR £21.8 as
evidence of appropriate working.
Calculation must be performed for the award of ONE mark.
Up to 2
An explanation which recognises that each square slab costs more than half
a rectangular slab or equivalent, eg
‘Half of £3.50 is £1.75, which is less than £1.95’;
‘Two square slabs cost more than one rectangular slab’;
‘Because 12 squares cost £23.40’;
‘Because it would cost £1.60 more’.
Do not accept vague or arbitrary explanations, eg
• ‘Because he would need more slabs’;
• ‘Because square slabs are cheaper than rectangular
• ‘Because it costs more’;
• ‘He is right because the square slabs are £1.95 each and
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rectangular slabs are £3.50 each’.
Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 25p OR £0.25 OR 25 pence.
If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate working,
eg 600 ÷ 24 = wrong answer.
Accept £0 25 OR £0.25p OR £0 25p OR 25 OR 0.25 OR £025.
Calculation must be performed for the award of ONE mark.
Up to 2
Award TWO marks for a correct answer of £2.10
Accept £2.10p OR £2 10 OR £2 10p
Do not accept for TWO marks £210
OR incorrect representations of money values,
eg £2.1 OR £210p
If answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of an appropriate method, eg,
Calculation need not be performed for the award of the mark,
but a complete method must be apparent.
50 – (12.75 × 3 + 9.65)
Accept £2.1 OR £210 OR £210p as evidence of an
appropriate method for ONE mark.
up to 2
Do not accept non-integer answers such as 6.8
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! Money
For 2m and 1m, do not accept misreads of numbers given as
words, eg:
• four instead of five
22 seen
Shows or implies a complete, correct method, eg:
c = £4.50 + £3.50 × 5 = £4.50 + £17.50 = £21 (error)
£21 ÷ 4
! For 1m, accept answers with incorrect or ambiguous units
as evidence of a correct method, eg:
• £550
• £550 p
• £5.5
! Correct embedded solutions
For 1m, condone a response which shows £5.50 embedded
irrespective of how it is obtained
Do not accept incomplete methods, eg:
• 3.50 × 5 = 17.50
• 14.50 ÷ 4 = 3.63
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