PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMM]SSIONER OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION AN DH RA PRADESH : : HYDERABAD Present: M.V. Satyanarayana, l.A.S., Rc. No.Vocl -2101 /2015 Dated:30.04.2015 Education - Part Time Junior Lecturers drawing D.A., - Revised Object Heads - Atlow to draw with Minimum Time Scate sataries under Sub Detaitd Head 020/022 instead of under 010'Sataries - Sub:- lntermediate Vocational Lopy Lornmufileateu - r€garcTng Read:- Govt. Memo No.906/lEl A1/2A15 dated 21.04.2015. The Attention of the Regiona[ Joint Directors of lntermediate Education, Kadapa, Guntur and Rajahmudnry and District Vocationat Fducation Officers in the state are invited to the reference read above wherein the tuovernment l,as informed that since the sataries of Part-time Junior Lecturers working under Minimum Time sc4te would not be given under 01O-sataries, but under 0201022 - Contingent l(rl which YvlllLrl budget witt be provided by way of re-appropriation for payment ElllPLuyEE), for t t/ fiployees, t Gt tf ld-' D 'lS of sataries (remuneration). Copy of the said Memo is hereby communicated (Enctosed) and instructed the Principals concerned to make ctaims in respect of the staff working in vocational stream in the state accordingty. SD/ - , M.V. SATYANARAYANA COMMISSIONER OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION To The Regionat Joint Director of lntermediate Education, Kadapa, Guntur & Rajahmundry Copy to The District Vocationat Education Officers in the state (communicate the Govt. Memo to the Principats concerned). Spare-1 ll l.c.f .b.o. ll q. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH EDUCATION (IE) DEPARTMENT scHool Dated:21-04-2015 Memo No.905/IE/A1/2015 Education Part-time lunior Lecturers -Heads drawing Minimum Time Scale with D.A. Revised Object instead Allow to draw salaries under sub detailed head o2olo22 of unde5 Ol0€alaries Reg. vocational sub;.,rrr Intermediate Refi_ Hycerebad From €omrrissiorief_of{{ nternnediate Hu,eatlonr AP, Lr.Rc.No.V oc.r-ziotliBl;: dated 24-ot-2or5' of While inviting attention to the reference cited, the Commissioner salaries the since Intermediate Education, A.P., llyderabad is informed that, would not of Part-Time Junior Lecturers Working under Minimum Time Scale ;;di;;miri';,'iiXT:f .ra{1,ffi '' YJffi ,?ilHff l'#B:"ffi""?,':i salaries (re:nuneration). 2. is further The commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., Hyderabad of relaxation informed that, however, it will be tonsidered ior issue of till than' he and Gove.rnment Treasury Control orders undertQ2Q-022 by the shall prefer claims to the Treasuries.under these heads' I (EBS'IV'SE'HE) This Memo issues with the concurrence of Finance 16-4-2OL5' rlated Department, 'ride tn"it u.o'rtro.ross/+o/EBs.IV.HE /2AL5, 3. V"u \, "$y R.P.SISODIA, SECRETARY TO GOVERNEMENT ._( r,issioner of Intermed iate Education, A. p., Hydera bad. ll Forwarded :: BY Order ll Ls,\-|& oFFICER S.r,o* rt
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