NAGAGAMI FOREST 2007 –2012 INDEPENDENT FOREST AUDIT MANAGEMENT UNIT ACTION PLAN Page1 Table of Contents Action Plan Signature Page ........................................................................................3 Prepared by: .........................................................................................................3 Reviewed by: ........................................................................................................3 Submitted by:........................................................................................................3 Approved by:.........................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................4 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................5 Recommendation #1: .........................................................................................5 Recommendation #3: .........................................................................................6 Recommendation #4: .........................................................................................7 Recommendation #5: .........................................................................................8 Recommendation #6: .........................................................................................9 Recommendation #7: ....................................................................................... 10 Page2 Action Plan Signature Page Prepared by: Boris Michelussi, R.P.F. Forester Jackfish River Management Ltd. Original signed on October 3, 2013 Zachary White, R.P.F. Management Forester MNR Wawa District Original signed on October 4, 2013 Reviewed by: Carlo Bin President Nagagami Forest Management Ltd. Original signed on October 3, 2013 Submitted by: John Peluch District Manager MNR Wawa District Original signed on October 4, 2013 Approved by: Corrinne Nelson Regional Director MNR Northeast Region Original signed on December 16, 2013 Page3 INTRODUCTION An Independent Forest Audit (IFA) was conducted on the Nagagami Forest by KBM Forestry Consultants Inc. during 2012. The field portion of the audit took place between September 17th and September 21st inclusive, with the document examination and interviews taking place prior to, during, and subsequent to this period. The audit assessed implementation of the 2006‐2026 Forest Management Plan (FMP) for the period April 1st, 2007 to March 31, 2011 as well as the planning and approval of the 2011‐2021 FMP and the first year if its implementation, i.e., April1, 2011 through to March 31, 2012. The audit was completed under the 2010 Independent Forest Audit Process and Protocol (IFAPP). Nagagami Forest Management Ltd (NFM) has held the Sustainable Forest License (SFL) since May 2004. The Licensee was previously held by Abitibi‐Consolidated Company of Canada. NFM was previously a co-operative venture between Olav Haavaldsrud Timber Company Ltd, Weyerhaeuser Company of Canada Ltd, Columbia Forest Products and Longlac Wood Industries Inc., but due to mill shutdowns and bankruptcies it has been reduced to a single shareholder: Olav Haavaldsrud Timber Company Ltd. Jackfish River Management Ltd. (JRM) is the management contractor who acts on behalf of NFM regarding the administration of the Nagagami Forest, including forest management planning and operations. The audit identified one best practice and seven recommendations. There were two recommendations directed at NFM and two were directed to MNR Wawa District; two were directed at both NFM and MNR, and one was directed at Corporate MNR. The current version of the IFAPP requires this Action Plan to address the 6 recommendations directed at the Company and Wawa District MNR. The one MNR Corporate recommendation is not part of this action plan. This action plan has been prepared jointly by JRM, on behalf of NFM, and the MNR Wawa District and MNR Northeast Region. The action plan provides a description of the actions required, organization and persons responsible, the deadlines for each of the action items and status and/or date of accomplishment, methods for tracking progress of the action. Page4 RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation #1: MNR engage Ginoogaming, Constance Lake and Pic Mobert First Nations to conduct values mapping and prepare Aboriginal background information reports and contact Hornepayne Aboriginal Community to update their values maps and background information report. Actions required: 1. Prior to the production of the 2016‐2021 Phase II FMP, the MNR will meet / correspond / inform the First Nations and Hornepayne Aboriginal Community about this IFA recommendation. 2. During the production of the 2016‐2021 Nagagami Phase II FMP, MNR Wawa District will attempt to engage Ginoogaming, Constance Lake and Pic Mobert First Nation to conduct values mapping and preparing aboriginal background information reports. The District will contact Hornepayne Aboriginal Community to update their values maps and background information report. (At the request of the communities in the District, Values maps are not a public document and are housed in the Wawa District office and are only used by the planning team to ensure First Nation Values are protected). Organization and position responsible: (Lead) MNR Wawa District, Resource Liaison Officer, Management Forester and the Forest Management Planning Supervisor Deadline date: 1. Prior to the commencement of Phase II FMP production. 2. Ongoing throughout the production of the Phase II FMP. To be completed by April 1, 2016 Method of tracking progress: 1. Correspondence and/or meeting minutes and/or note to file. 2. Proof of engagement (i.e. Correspondence, meeting minutes, note to file). The following sections of the Supplementary Documentation of the 2016‐2021 Phase II FMP 1) 6.1.2 ‐Aboriginal Background Information Report 2) 6.1.3 ‐Updated Summary of Aboriginal Involvement 3) Central Filing Hornepayne Aboriginal Community:; Ginoogaming First Nation:; Constance Lake First Nation:; Pic Mobert First Nation: Page5 Recommendation #3: NFM ensure that, where possible, a component of large live conifer trees are left in harvest blocks where herbicide treatment is likely. Background The audit team observed that most residual stems left following harvest within harvest blocks were hardwood. A concern was raised by the audit that the potential useful life of large living trees left following harvest is greatly shortened when follow‐up herbicide treatments occur. Since conifer trees are unaffected by the herbicide spray, when applied at the correct time, they should help to meet the intent of the FMP that there be a component of large live trees left following harvest. Actions required: 1. NFM will identify on an annual basis, within orientation training / info sessions for harvest supervisors and operators, harvest blocks where herbicide treatment is likely. 2. NFM to organize orientation training / info sessions for harvest supervisors and operators at the start of the AWS to make sure that operators understand prescription for wildlife tree residual in harvest blocks. 3. NFM to organize field visits periodically to discuss with harvesting operators and operations supervisors the requirement to leave large live conifer trees in harvest blocks, where herbicide treatment has been noted as a possible treatment. 4. NFM / MNR to conduct the regularly scheduled block compliance audit of the compliance reporting area where this function of the Cutting Activity will be assessed and reported. Organization and position responsible: 1. NFM Silviculture Specialist 2. (Lead) NFM Operations Supervisor NFM Silviculture Specialist 3. (Lead) NFM (JRM) Compliance Inspector NFM Silviculture Specialist 4. NFM (JRM) Compliance Inspector Deadline date: Ongoing through to March 31, 2016 Method of tracking progress: 1. Training materials that are associated with this action. 2. Record of training and/or info session of the contractors and operators training. Notes or slide shows or meeting minutes. Attendance records from meetings. 3. Compliance Inspector’s field notes or report 4. FOIP Page6 Recommendation #4: NFM, with the technical assistance of MNR, conduct a study on the effect of stand and site conditions, harvest method and treatment type on the content of balsam fir in the future forest condition, and that the NFM report on its findings in the Annual Report following completion of the study. Background: Because of the present silviculture practice on the Nagagami Forest (i.e., CLAGG harvesting on the high balsam fir content sites and tree planting with relatively little or no mechanical site preparation) a concern was raised by the audit that the proportion of balsam fir on the Forest may be increasing, which may result in greater vulnerability to future spruce budworm attacks. Actions required: 1. NFM and Wawa District MNR Study Team to develop methodology to address the recommendation. The study will record the change in species composition from the pre‐cut to the post FTG condition by forest unit, harvest method and treatment type. 2. Using the methodology developed in 4.1 above NFM and Wawa District MNR will conduct research, and / or analysis to address the recommendation and will obtain findings which will be analyzed by both NFM and the MNR to develop a report. 3. NFM will prepare and publish the report findings within the Annual Report. 4. NFM may use the findings and conclusions from the report to determine strategies in the next Phase I FMP, or to assist in wood supply modelling assumptions. Organization and position responsible: 1. and 2, (Co‐Lead) NFM Silviculture Specialist (Co‐Lead) Wawa District, Area Supervisor 3. (Lead) NFM Forester 4. NFM Plan Author Deadline date: March 31, 2016 Method of tracking progress: 1. Two points: Study team meeting minutes or conference call records. Methodology documented within meeting minutes or conference call records. 2. Three points: Study team’s field visit records, if applicable Summary of data and analysis (findings) Short report on the finding of the study Page7 3. Annual Report(s), where applicable, containing the study findings 4. 2021‐2031 Nagagami Forest Management Plan and Supplementary Documentation, if applicable Recommendation #5: MNR Wawa District and NFM come to an agreement on the conifer utilization associated with topping in excess of 10 cm diameter that will, as a minimum, specify precisely: What merchantable material that has been left unutilized without authorization will be recovered for use and the Crown charges that will apply on this material, and What merchantable material that has been left unutilized without authorization is beyond recovery for economic or other reasons, and the Crown charges that will apply on this material. Background MNR neither approves nor authorizes the SFL to leave merchantable fibre at roadside, or in the harvest blocks. This practice is considered an operational issue, and therefore these incidents must be documented. This recommendation is to address a situation which occurred in the 2006‐2026 FMP. It is not anticipated that this Action Plan will be used on areas harvested in the current FMP. Actions required: 1. MNR Wawa District and NFM will review and come to an agreement on the conifer pile locations where merchantable material will need to be recovered for use that will require Crown charges to be assessed‐on. MNR Wawa District and NFM will work together to establish a scaling procedure for the Crown to be able to measure Crown charges on merchantable material left remaining within slash piles. MNR Wawa District and NFM will work together to establish the volumes per block that NFM will be required to pay Crown charges on. 2. MNR Wawa District and NFM will review and come to an agreement on the conifer pile locations where merchantable material will not be recovered for use that will require Crown charges to be assessed‐on. MNR Wawa District and NFM will work together to establish a scaling procedure for the Crown to be able to measure Crown charges on merchantable material left remaining within slash piles. MNR Wawa District and NFM will work together to establish the volumes per block that NFM will be required to pay Crown charges on. Organization and position responsible: (Co‐Lead) NFM Forester (Co‐Lead) Wawa District, Area Supervisor Page8 Deadline date: March 31, 2015 Method of tracking progress: Documentation: Meeting records Report of agreement Documented scaling procedure Report on volumes per block Recommendation #6: NFM investigate the costs and benefits of increased productivity and reduced balsam fir composition through the use of mechanical site preparation and prescribed burns by establishing and monitoring trials within the next two years. Actions required: 1. NFM to form a study team that will define terms of reference, or scope of project related to the costs and benefits of Mechanical Site Prepared and Prescribed Burn Areas, in reducing balsam fir regeneration. Study team to develop terms of Reference that will describe type of survey required, requirement for sampling procedure, and method of monitoring. Study team to conduct the survey. 2. NFM to analyze study team results and prepare report summarize cost/benefits Organization and position responsible: (Lead) NFM Silviculture Specialist Deadline date: 1. May 31, 2015 2. May 31, 2016 Method of tracking progress: 1. Two points: Study team formed. Checklist will be established to outline research project terms of reference. Sample plots may be required, as applicable under the terms of reference. The plot information will be available for audit purposes. 2. Records, analysis, conclusions and summary report will be available for audit purposes. Page9 Recommendation #7: NFM and MNR Wawa District review compliance reporting practices and ensure that there is a clear understanding and consistent application of the concept of Operational Issues associated with compliance inspection reporting requirements. Actions required: Conduct quarterly joint compliance meetings involving NFM and MNR Wawa District representatives. Standard agenda item for these meetings will be “Operational Issues, their calibration, and their consistent application associated with reporting requirements”. MNR will review meeting minutes on an annual basis. Organization and position responsible: (Co‐Lead) NFM Forester (Co‐Lead) Wawa District, Area Supervisor Deadline date: Ongoing through to March 31, 2016. Method of tracking progress: Meeting minutes or notes. P a g e 10
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