CHaraCTer bOOkleT lOnGCHOps "THE HUNTER" ® Male Gatorman Brigand/Monster hunter Description: A hulking bipedal gator covered in muscles and a thick, scaly hide. Wears a jury-rigged harness across his back to carry the tools of his trade: a powerful hunting rifle and other gear useful in hunting strong, dangerous creatures. Background: As a gatorman, you are driven by the hunt. Others may be content hunting weaker prey, but you have always sought out the deadliest game you could find, testing your talents against some of the mightiest predators the wilds have to offer. To augment your natural talents, you modified the stock of a heavy rifle you took off a hunter who intruded in your swamp and taught yourself to use it. Unfortunately, something’s happened to the river that feeds your swampy hunting ground. The river is drying up, and it’s driving away all your prey. You considered picking up and finding a new land, but the Tharn Zocha made you an offer: help her fix what’s wrong with the river and take down the farrow warlord Morrg. ™ In return, you have free reign to hunt in her tribe’s territory, a place notorious for the deadly beasts that roam within—and that’s not counting the Tharn. Attitude: There’s no predator in the world as powerful as a gatorman with a huge gun, so you are pretty easygoing, at least for a gatorman. The others tend to confuse your grin for a hungry leer. Well, that’s probably in their best interest. Personal Goal: Morrg’s warband is said to breed a particularly nasty strain of razor boar, massive creatures able to chew through skin and bone with ease. Your ultimate goal is to secure rights to hunt in the White Maw tribe’s land, but along the way you’re hoping to bag a few razor boars as trophies. Relations with others: Gullin Oakbreaker, “The Chief” – He’s a brave little thing, that’s for sure. Traveling with the pyg has given you opportunities to hunt bigger and better prey than ever before, and he’s good at coordinating the group in a fight. You can’t help but wonder what one of his whelps tastes like, but that can wait—for now. Zocha, “The Guide” – She’s a good tracker and scout, but her methods are strange to you. She spends too much jumping through the trees and leaping down to stab things. By the time she’s plunging her magic blade into something, you’ve already filled it with bullets. Lurk, “The Mystic” – You two have traveled together for years. You’ve saved his life a few times, and he’s helped you out of trouble, too. Sometimes the two of you fight over which bits of a creature he gets to keep or you get to eat, but it usually works itself out in your favor. UNLIKELY HEROES Zocha convinced you to join her with a promise. She says that if you help her, you’ll be permitted to hunt within the territory of the White Maw tribe, Tharn land to the west of your own. It is filled with a diversity of deadly creatures unlike anything you’ve hunted before, which will let you test your mettle against some of the deadliest beasts in the Blackmarsh Valley. You just need to help take out Morrg first. You’re an apex predator and bring your deadly skill with a rifle to the group; however, your jaws are as deadly as any weapon. You can bite a farrow in half up close or take him down from afar with one well-placed shot. ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. lOnGCHOps arCHeType: skilleD This character relies on his wits, skill, and luck in equal measure. A Skilled character gains an additional attack during his Activation Phase if he chooses to attack that turn. Big Game hunter Additionally, a Skilled character begins the game with one of several benefits. Characters gain additional benefits as they accumulate experience points. Longchops has Virtuoso: Rifle. A character with the Big Game Hunter ability has hunted more than his fair share of game in the wilds of western Immoren. When a character with Big Game Hunter makes an attack against a natural animal or beast native to the wilds of Immoren, he gains a bonus on attack rolls equal to his Survival skill. Virtuoso: Rifle Find Cover When making a non-AOE attack with his rifle, this character gains an additional die on his attack and damage rolls. Discard the lowest die of each roll. (This benefit can be taken more than once, each time specifying a different military skill.) amphibious Gatormen treat water as open terrain and gain concealment while within water. Amphibious characters never make Swimming rolls and always advance their full SPD while swimming. Flesh of Steel While this character is unarmored, double his PHY when determining his ARM. Gnawing hunger A Gatorman must eat at least once every four waking hours. If a Gatorman character does not eat within this timeframe, he suffers –1 to Willpower rolls until he eats again. Luckily Gatormen are not particularly picky eaters and will happily devour any meat they can get their jaws around. Imitative Power At the start of combat before initiative is rolled, this character can immediately advance up to twelve feet (2˝) and perform a quick action to take cover or go prone. hunting Ground [Swamp] Choose an environment type (desert, forest, mountain, or swamp) when you select this ability. The character gains +2 to Sneak and Tracking rolls while in the selected environment. This ability can be taken more than once. Each time this ability is selected, choose a new environment type. onslaught At the start of this character’s turn before moving or taking any action, he can make one ranged attack. After the attack has been resolved, the character must charge or run. The ranged attack is made before declaring a charge target. Precision Strike When the character hits with a melee attack, he chooses the branch of the target’s life spiral or the column of the target’s damage grid that is hit, if applicable. All gatormen are deep believers in sympathetic magic. They often deck themselves out in the trappings of their enemies, believing such charms and trinkets enable them to steal a portion of the other’s power. While wearing or holding at least one relic, tool, trinket, or piece of clothing that was once possessed by a member of another race, the Gatorman character gains +1 on social rolls against characters of that race. ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. RaCe aRCheTYPe INT (PhY + INT) WILLPoWeR 10 PeR MAX 2 4 MAX MAX aRC — MAX 4 MAX MAX MAX PoI aGI MAX PRW 3 3 STR 6 PhY MAX SPD 5 7 STaTS ChaRaCTeR PoRTRaIT Gatorman ShIeLD MoDIFIeR + INT + STaT CoMMaND RaNGe SPD + PRW + PeR + STaT STaT STaT INITIaTIVe PhY + STaT aRM SPD + aGL + PeR + STaT STaT STaT DeF NoTeS NaMe CoMMaND SKILL eqUIPMeNT MoDIFIeRS aRMoR MoDIFIeRS RaCIaL MoDIFIeR aDDITIoNaL WeaPoN NoTeS NaMe NoTeS Once per round NaMe Bite MeLee WeaPoNS NoTeS NaMe NoTeS NaMe Heavy Rifle RaNGeD WeaPoNS CaReeRS + + aBILITY MoDIFIeRS = = = = MaT aDDITIoNaL MoDIFIeRS oTheR MoDIFIeRS 7 4 RaT MaT eqUIPMeNT MoDIFIeRS aMMo RNG aMMo + + RaT RNG 15 Shots 6 14 FaITh ToTaL CMD RaNGe 4 ToTaL INITIaIVe 10 ToTaL aRM 14 ToTaL DeF 10 P+S P+S 11 PoW + + + + + + 4 2 4 3 2 2 RIFLe (poI) detectIon (peR) LoRe: ZooLoGY (Int) Sneak (aGL) SuRvIvaL (peR) tRackInG (peR) E 1 6 5 2 I = = = = = = = = + + + + + + + + 3 3 4 5 3 6 5 ToTaL Crippled Intellect: –2 DEF and cannot upkeep spells. Crippled agility: –2 to attack rolls. Crippled Physique: –2 STR. = + = = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 = = + 3 4 AGILITY DaMaGe CaPaCITY 1 + 4 Hand Weapon (pRW) 2 SKILL LeVeL heIGhT 6‘1“ WeIGhT 385 lbs. PaReNT SeT VaLUe SKILLS PLaYeR NaMe PoW 12 DeFINING ChaRaCTeRISTIC(S) Brigand/Monster Hunter Kossk (Mild) ChaRaCTeR NaMe Skilled Male Sex Longchops IRoN KINGDoMS UNLeaSheD aDVeNTURe KIT ChaRaCTeR SheeT ECT LL TE IQ N ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. PHYS U When using rifles, roll additional die on attack & damage rolls and discard lowest die Treat all water as open terrain and gain concealment while within deep water While unarmored, ARM is equal to double PHY VIrtuoSo: rIfLe AmphIbIouS fLeSh of SteeL Take cover before battle (see reference) CURReNT FeaT PoINTS 3 FeaT PoINTS On melee attacks, chooses the branch of the target’s life spiral or the column of the target’s damage grid that is hit Can shoot then run or charge • • • • • • Remove a continuous effect Reroll a failed roll Perform a relentless charge Perform a Run & Gun Perform a Two-Fister Perform a Heroic Dodge Feat points can be spent to: • Boost a non-combat skill roll • Make a quick action • Shake • Sprint • Parry • Walk It Off Feat points can be earned by: • Critical success on a skill roll • Given by the GM • Destroy an enemy precISIon StrIKe onSLAught huntIng grounD [SwAmp] Gain +2 to Sneak and Tracking rolls while in selected environment fInD coVer Attacks against a natural animal or beast gain a bonus on attack rolls equal to Survival skill Gain an additional attack Archetype: SKILLeD bIg gAme hunter DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS ® NaMe BeNeFITS & aBILITIeS ToTaL xP eaRNeD LeVeL Hero ™ ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. Spend a quick action to set. A character that moves over the steel jaws trap suffers a POW 12 damage roll and is made stationary for one round Steel JAwS trAp NaMe DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS CoNNeCTIoNS NaMe WoRN aRMoR PaGe # NaMe CoST RNG aoe ® PoW UP oFF aRCaNe TRaDITIoN ____________________________________________________________________ SPeLLS ™ 15 GC GoLD KOSSK ReLIGIoUS BeLIeFS QUOR-GAR MOLGUR-TRUL SPoKeN LaNGUaGeS PeRMaNeNT INJURIeS NoTeS Copyright 2002-2014 Privateer Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Iron Kingdoms®, Unleashed, and its logo are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to make photocopies for personal, non-commercial use only. SPD aRM Adds 18 feet (3˝) to effective range and 90 feet (15˝) to extreme range during turns you aim rifle Scope DeF Can draw a round and load it into a firearm as part of the same quick action Ammo BAndolier powder And Ammunition for 15 ShotS BeNeFIT NaMe GeaR
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