St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish “One Family in Christ”

St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish
“One Family in Christ”
March 22, 2015
5th Sunday of Lent
Director of Religious Educaon
Holy Mass Schedule
^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ;sŝŐŝůͿ͗ϰWDʹCorpus Chris
ϲWD;ƐƉĂŹŽůͿʹCorpus Chris
^ƵŶĚĂLJ͗ϳ͗ϯϬDʹCorpus Chris
ϭϭDʹCorpus Chris
DŽŶĚĂLJͲ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͗ϳ͗ϯϬDʹCorpus Chris
dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͗ϲͲϳWDʹCorpus Chris
ϯ͗ϭϱͲϯ͗ϰϱWDʹCorpus Chris
ϱ͗ϭϱͲϱ͗ϰϱWD;ƐƉĂŹŽůͿʹCorpus Chris
Sco Greenwald • Charles Hassler WĂƐƚŽƌĂůŽƵŶĐŝů
Eucharistic Adoration
dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͗ϲͲϳWDʹCorpus Chris
Parish Contacts
Religious Educaon:džƚ͘ϯϭϲͻzŽƵƚŚKĸĐĞ͗džƚ͘ϯϭϯ
Catholic Charies:ϴϱϲͲϮϵϵͲϭϮϵϲ
Rosary RecitaonʹďĞĨŽƌĞǁĞĞŬĚĂLJ
>ĞŐŝŽŶŽĨDĂƌLJʹaer Thursday morning Mass
ϳͲϵWDʹCorpus Chris
Sacrament of Bapsm:Call office to schedule both Bapsm and PreͲ:ŽƌĚĂŶĐůĂƐƐ͘
Z͘͘/͗͘͘Rite of Chrisan Iniaon for Adults. If interested, call to meet with a priest or deacon first. Any quesons, email Thomas Ma,oli at tma,[email protected].
Saturday, March 21
Pennsville - 8:30am
Intentions of the Parish
Saturday, March 28
Pennsville - 8:30am
Intentions of the Parish
Carneys Point - 4:00pm
Tony Marandola
Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McAllister
Grace Marie Newman
Req. by Ms. Celeste Hewitt & Family
Betty Morton
Req. by Pat Racer & Family
Joan Norris
Req. by Eleanor Meyer & Family
Carneys Point - 4:00pm
Joseph Catalano
Req. by Sue & Fred Catalano & Family
Tony Marandola
Req. by Christine & Kip Myers
Grace Marie Newman
Req. by Ms. May Weisgerber
Joan Norris
Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brown
Carneys Point - 6:00pm Spanish
Carmen Caban
Req. by The Munoz Family
Gabriel Carmona
Req. by Flor Carmona
Sunday, March 22
Carneys Point - 7:30am
Conchetta M. Jackson
Req. by The Jackson Family
Michael S. Graham Sr.
Req. by Kathleen Schmidt
Monday, March 23
Carneys Point - 7:30am
Peter Lattanzi
Req. by wife, Ida Lattanzi
Tuesday, March 24
Carneys Point - 7:30am
Intentions of the Parish
Wednesday, March 25
Carneys Point - 7:30am
Intentions of the Parish
Carneys Point - 7:00pm Spanish
Lidia Avilés
Req. by daughter, Elena Ríos
Salem - 8:00am
Intentions of the Parish
Thursday, March 26
Carneys Point - 7:30am
Intentions of the Parish
Pennsville - 9:30am
Catherine Marcakis
Req. by Mary Conway
Michael Donelan
Req. by The Starcevich Family
Peggy Lloyd
Req. by Marge Roeske & Family
Friday, March 27
Carneys Point - 7:30am
Anna Rutili
Req. by Ida Lattanzi
Carneys Point - 11:00am
Salem - 8:30am
Rita C. Hassler
Req. by the Hassler Family
Intentions of
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Req. by Devoted Students
Pennsville - 6:00pm
Youth Mass
Intentions of the Parish
Readings for the Week of March 22, 2014
Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33
Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/Jn 8:1-11
Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30
Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38
Thursday: Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59
Friday: Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42
Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56
Next Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/
Mk 14:1--15:47 or 15:1-39
Schedule for Holy Week and Easter
Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper - Corpus Christi, 7 PM
(no holy hour beforehand) (Church will remain open until 11PM)
Good Friday - Confessions - Corpus Christi - 10 AM
- Living Outdoor Stations - Corpus Christi and Parish Center - 1 PM
- Celebration of the Lord's Passion - Corpus Christi - 3 PM:
- Spanish in Church—English in Hall
- Tenebrae Service - Corpus Christi - 7 PM
Holy Saturday - Confessions - Queen of Apostles - 9 AM
- Blessing of Food - Corpus Christi - 12 Noon
- Confessions - Corpus Christi - 3 PM
- Easter Vigil - Corpus Christi - 8 PM—begins with blessing of fire outside, then: - English Mass in Church—Spanish Mass in Hall
Easter Sunday - Regular Sunday Morning Mass Schedule
Carneys Point - 6:00pm Spanish
Intentions of the Parish
Sunday, March 29
Carneys Point - 7:30am
Conchetta M. Jackson
Req. by The Jackson Family
Felix Giova
Req. by Vera Baeriswyl
Salem - 8:00am
Jason Kolar
Req. by Ed & Sara Lawrence
Adrian Winstell
Req. by Marie Devlin
Libby May
Req. by Daughters, Nancy & Barbara
Pennsville - 9:30am
Teresa Marcakis
Req. by Mary Conway
Marie Giosa
Req. by Manny & Theresa Salvador
Deacon Barry Demarest
Req. by Pat Demarest & Family
Carneys Point - 11:00am
Arline Field
Req. by Maria & Lewis A. Munoz
Pennsville - 6:00pm
Youth Mass
Intentions of the Parish
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of:
Pamela Wilson, Martha M. Banco,
June Italiano, Mabel Fox
Kindly remember in your prayers the members of our
parish who are ill, housebound or recuperating:
Grant Schermerhorn, Ellen Pompper,
Joan Hassler, Charlie Ramsey
Jean Marshall, Tony Garbini,
Arthur Clemente, Lisa Moffett, Bob Watt
Cynthia Spall, Sophie Stump, Kay Halter,
Jack Bayles, Peggy Haines ,Cheryl Mason,
Brittney Bevers
From the Pastor’s Desk…
Dear Parishioners,
“The Seven Last Words of Christ” refer, not to individual words, but to the final seven phrases that Our Lord uttered as he hung on the
Cross. These phrases were not recorded in a single Gospel but are taken from the combined accounts of the four Gospels. Greatly
revered, these last words of Jesus have been the subject of many books, sermons, and musical settings. The following meditations are
from an online article by J. Rutherford based on the writings of Archbishop Fulton Sheen in his book, Seven Words of Jesus and Mary.
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." (Lk 23:34)
When Jesus was hanging on the cross he asked for forgiveness for the people who were responsible for this great evil, and he gave a
reason that they should be forgiven. He said it was because they were ignorant of their deeds. Bishop Fulton Sheen says their ignorance
was a great blessing to them. We often hear that you get to know life through experience. This is true in the areas of travel and fine
dining, but it doesn't apply to everything. We should all desire to be free from the experience of sin just as a healthy doctor is free from
disease. It is the disordered craving for knowledge that destroyed the unity that Adam and Eve had with God.
Keeping a safe distance from sin is what allows us to know how horrible it really is. You learn just how strong an enemy is by defeating
it in battle, not by surrendering to it. If knowledge and experience was the key to happiness and morality then we would be the most
virtuous people who ever lived.
Our Lord's Passion was so horrific because He was so innocent. Sinning against someone of infinite virtue brings with it infinite guilt,
but as He hung there on the cross he asked that the offenders be forgiven. Through our sins we too are equal parties in Passion, but we
have an equal opportunity to be forgiven. Only the Sacrament of Reconciliation makes it possible for you to be forgiven for the times you
have “experienced” too much.
“I thirst.” (Jn 19:28)
The fifth last word of Christ echoes Isaiah 55:1, “Come, all you who thirst.” Whether you acknowledge it or not, everyone has a thirst for
God. Everyone desires something deeper and seeks someone higher. As Our Lord hangs on the cross, He says that it works two ways.
God is also on a quest for our souls: He is the Hound of Heaven. We tend to desire God, but we want proof before we will commit to a
God who seems so far away. We fail to realize that it we who have distanced ourselves from God and not He who remains distant from
us, for He seeks us like a shepherd seeks a lost sheep.
There are many people who hate God and His Church that can't seem ever break away from its influence. These people should be prayed
for because they are like St. Paul before his conversion. They may do great evil but their refusal to abandon God can be the source
of their eventual return. Despite the reasons they give for hating the Church, they most likely realize that problem is really within
themselves and does not have to do with God. The consciousness of their sins creates a vacuum that only grace can fill. God thirsts for
the souls of even the worst sinners and while no one can deserve God, everyone can receive Him.
As we come closer to the time of commemorating the greatest act of love ever performed, that is, the Passion and Death of our Savior, let
us accompany Him in our hearts to the Cross, that His words of longing for our salvation may not be in vain, and that we may always
carry His saving love to the world in which we live. God bless you!
Talk on the Catholic Faith
On Thursday, March 26th, Deacon Bob will
give a talk on the “Holy Spirit & Prayer”.
It will be held in the cafeteria of the parish
center at 7:30, with refreshments to follow.
Queridos feligreses,
"Las siete últimas palabras de Cristo" se refieren, no a las palabras individuales, sino a las últimas siete frases que Nuestro Señor pronunció mientras colgaba en la Cruz. Estas frases no se registraron en un solo Evangelio, pero se han tomado de las cuentas combinadas de los
cuatro Evangelios. Muy venerado, estas últimas palabras de Jesús han sido el tema de muchos libros, sermones y arreglos musicales. Las
siguientes son las meditaciones de un artículo en línea por J. Rutherford basado en los escritos del arzobispo Fulton Sheen en su libro,
Siete Palabras de Jesús y María.
"Padre, perdónalos porque no saben lo que hacen." (Lc 23,34)
Cuando Jesús estaba colgado en la cruz, pidió perdón por las personas que fueron responsables de este gran mal, y él dio una razón por la
que deben ser perdonados. Él dijo que era porque eran ignorantes de sus obras. Obispo Fulton Sheen dice que su ignorancia era una gran
bendición para ellos. A menudo escuchamos que se llega a conocer la vida a través de la experiencia. Esto es cierto en materia de viajes y
la buena mesa, pero no se aplica a todo. Todos deberíamos deseo de ser libres de la experiencia del pecado sólo como médico sano está
libre de enfermedad. Es el deseo desordenado de conocimiento que destruyó la unidad que Adán y Eva tuvieron con Dios.
Mantener una distancia segura del pecado es lo que nos permite conocer lo horrible que es en realidad. Se aprende lo fuerte que un
enemigo está al derrotar en la batalla, no por rendirse a ella. Si el conocimiento y la experiencia fueron la clave de la felicidad y la
moralidad entonces seríamos las personas más virtuosas que han existido.
Pasión de Nuestro Señor era tan horrible porque era tan inocente. Pecar contra alguien de la virtud infinita trae consigo infinita culpa,
pero cuando estaba colgado en la cruz, pidió que los delincuentes sean perdonados. A través de nuestros pecados que también son partes
iguales en la Pasión, pero tenemos la misma oportunidad de ser perdonado. Sólo el sacramento de la reconciliación hace posible para que
usted pueda ser perdonado por las veces que se ha "experimentado" demasiado.
"Tengo sed." (Jn 19:28)
El quinto última palabra de Cristo se hace eco de Isaías 55: 1”. Vamos, todo lo que tienen sed" Ya sea que usted reconoce o no, todo el
mundo tiene sed de Dios. Todo el mundo desea algo más profundo y busca a alguien superior. Como Nuestro Señor colgado en la cruz, Él
dice que trabaja de dos maneras. Dios también está en la búsqueda de nuestras almas: Él es el sabueso de los Cielos. Tendemos a desear a
Dios, pero queremos una prueba antes de que se comprometan a un Dios que parece tan lejano. No nos damos cuenta de que somos nosotros los que
hemos distanciado de Dios y no el que quede lejos de nosotros, porque Él nos busca como un pastor busca una oveja perdida.
Hay muchas personas que odian a Dios y su Iglesia que no se parecen nunca romper con su influencia. Estas personas deben oraron por
porque son como St. Paul antes de su conversión. Ellos pueden hacer mucho mal, pero su negativa a abandonar a Dios puede ser la fuente
de su eventual retorno. A pesar de las razones que dan para odiar a la Iglesia, lo más probable es que se dan cuenta de un problema que es
realmente dentro de sí mismos y no tiene que ver con Dios. La conciencia de sus pecados crea un vacío que sólo la gracia puede llenar.
Dios tiene sed de las almas, incluso de los peores pecadores y aunque nadie puede merecer a Dios, todo el mundo puede recibirlo.
A medida que nos acercamos a la hora de conmemorar el mayor acto de amor jamás realizado, es decir, la pasión y muerte de nuestro
Salvador, vamos a acompañarlo en nuestros corazones a la Cruz, que sus palabras de anhelo por nuestra salvación no puede ser en vano, y
que podamos siempre llevar su amor salvador para el mundo en que vivimos. ¡Que Dios les bendiga!
Fr. Chuck Colozzi
¡Desde el escritorio del Padre Chuck!
El Padre Chuck
Offertory (Weekly) Income
Week of March 15, 2015
Total Collections to date as
of July 1, 2014
Schedule for Stations of the Cross during Lent
Corpus Christi
Every Friday morning after the
7:30 Mass
Corpus Christi
Every Friday Evening at 7pm
Queen of Apostles Every Saturday after 8:30am Mass
(Confessions will also take place at this time)
Please Note: St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish Fiscal Year is: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
*Weekly collections and Budget amount does not include Christmas, Easter or Holy Days.
Small Christian Community Faith Sharing
St. Mary
Every Friday: after 8:30am Mass
Volunteers Needed
Please note that we put the following week’s Gospel passage in this
space so you can prepare all week for proclamation of the Gospel
the following Sunday. Faith Sharing helps ordinary people connect
their faith with everyday life experiences.
Volunteers are still needed for the formation of a new Hall
Committee. In the past year we have attempted this twice:
First it transformed into our bingo committee which has been overwhelmingly successful, and next it transformed into our new fundraising committee, which also has great plans to successfully assist
the growth of our parish. However, we still need some
parishioners who might be willing to oversee and administer the
organization and rental of our halls, both in Carneys Point and
Pennsville. If interested, please call the main office.
Excerpt from the Gospel for the Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 Mark, Chapters 14 and 15
“While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke
it, and gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is my body.” Then
he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank
from it. He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which
will be shed for many…” {pause} “While Peter was below in the
courtyard, one of the high priest’s maids came along. Seeing Peter
warming himself, she looked intently at him and said, ”You too
were with the Nazarene, Jesus.” But he denied it saying, “I neither
know nor understand what you are talking about…” {pause} Pilate
questioned Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus said to him
in reply, “You say so.”
Apostles, who should know who Jesus is, betray, deny, and flee.
Ironically, it is from enemies and foreigners that we come to
understand who Jesus is: the religious leaders ask Jesus if he is “the
Christ, the son of the Blessed One”; Pilate condemns him as the
“king of the Jews”; the Roman centurion confesses that “Truly this
man is the Son of God.” As we stand this day at the foot of the
cross, whom do we see?
Questions for Reflection and Sharing:
1. What is God saying to me in this Gospel passage?
2. What word or phrase in this Gospel speaks to me?
3. What word or phrase in the Reflection resonates with me?
Bereavement Ministry News
The Diocese of Camden Faith and the Family Life
Formation is offering Bereavement Ministry Training
and Certification in the National Catholic Ministry to
the Bereaved.
The next session will take place April 15, 22 & 29 and
May 6 & 13, 2015 from 7pm-9:30pm.
Christ the Good Shepherd Parish at St. Isidore the Farmer
Church , 1655 Magnolia Rd., Vineland, NJ 08361-6598
For an application or to discuss any questions please contact
Bonnie DiJoseph at 856-514-3766 or Rectory Office 856-299-3833
Mentor Couples
Father Chuck is looking for married couples from the parish to
become involved in preparing young couples for the Sacrament of
Matrimony. Requirements include faithful Mass attendance,
adherence to the Church's teachings, and having enjoyed at least a
few years of successful married life (realizing of course that
nothing is perfect). Some training from the diocese will also be
necessary. Please contact Father Chuck if interested.
Chrism Mass 2015
Bishop Sullivan invites the faithful of the
Diocese to join him and his priests for the
Chrism Mass at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, March 31st
at St Agnes Church/Our Lady of Hope
Parish in Blackwood. The Chrism mass is a
celebration of the priesthood and the occasion
on which the Bishop consecrates the sacred oils used in the
sacramental life of the Church. Your presence and prayerful support will be greatly appreciated.
Easter Flowers Memorials
“Senior Youth Group”
If you would like to remember a loved one, friend or
parishioner, kindly print the names of your loved
ones on the outside of the envelope, enclose your
donation and drop it off at the office or in the
collection basket.
The names of all the donors and their loved ones will
be printed and available at each worship site.
Fridays from 6pm to 8pm — Grades 8 thru 12
At the Parish Center
“Junior Youth Group”
Father Chuck is running a Junior Youth Group
after the 6pm Mass at Queen of the Apostles Church.
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.
All youth, grade 5 to 8 are welcome
Church Store
Faith Filled Kids for Christ
The Religious Article Store will be open
on the First Sunday of each month following the
11:00am Mass or by appointment.
The store is located in the room next to the Chapel
at the Corpus Christi Church.
If you have any questions please call
Debbie 299-3394.
All children grades K-5 are welcome to join us every third
Saturday of the month from 1-3:30pm at the Parish Center to learn
more about their faith. There will be games, snacks, talks, music
and crafts.
For more information contact Julie Shields 856-430-1629
Every Thursday at 7pm
(Doors open at 5:30 and sales start at 6)
at Monsignor Rocco Continello Hall
With a Progressive Jackpot.
Volunteers Needed, please contact us at:
[email protected]
Visit us on our Facebook Page:
Saint Gabriel the Archangel BINGO!
Date: Sunday, March 29, 2015
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Where: Msgr. Rocco Continillo Parish Hall, Carneys Point
$8 - Advance sale
$9 - at the Door
Children: $5 - (under 10 years old)
Menu: Eggs, omelets, toast, sausage,
sausage gravy, pancakes,
home fries, juice, tea & coffee. ETC.
Lunch with
The Easter Bunny
March 28th 1-3pm
Corpus Christi Hall
369 Georgetown Rd, CP
For tickets:
Come join the Easter Bunny
Rectory Office – 856-299-3833
Mary Albence – 856-299-2154
Dave Moffett – 856-769-0947
Lorraine Jones – 856-678-9411
Angela Frease – 856-935-5607
for lunch and kid activities.
Ken Brown – 856-299-4698
Marie Gaskill – 856-678-3183
Art Clemente – 609-420-5560
Tickets are now available!
Softball Players Needed
Free event Sponsored by FEN
St Gabriel’s is putting together a softball team again this year.
Men and women 21 years of age or older are welcome to join.
Call Deacon Bob at the Parish Office 856-299-3833 x306 or
e-mail rfa n el li. s g @ g m a i l .co m
Father Chuck is running a prayer group for people in their
30s, an age group often forgotten, that can use a little
break from the stresses of work and raising their children.
We meet once a month and focus on issues concerning
how to build strong Catholic families in our contemporary
society. Our next meeting will be in the parish meeting
room lounge on Friday, April 3, at 7 PM. Spread the
Please Support the Food Pantry
St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish supports two
Food Pantries. They are Catholic Charities at
the former Saint James Church site in Penns
Grove and the Mickey Bowman Food Pantry
located at the First Baptist Church on Broadway
in Salem.
Upcoming Parish Golf Outing
St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish will soon be holding its
next annual golf outing. A committee has started meeting to
plan the event and volunteers are needed! If you would like
to be on the committee, or if you would merely like to help
by connecting us with local businesses to become hole sponsors, please call the office and let us know.
In Loving Memory Of
Sandy McCarthy
Requested by:
Allen & Karen Bloemer
In Loving Memory Of
IRELAND, 2015!
Richard Sauer
Father Chuck is running a pilgrimage to Ireland in
August of 2015. Start saving now!
Trip will be Aug. 5-14. Price is $1799 plus airfare.
It includes Dublin, Waterford, Cork, the Blarney Castle,
Galway, the cliffs of Moher, Knock, and an overnight stay
at an authentic 15th century Irish Castle.
Reserve a spot or merely express your interest by calling
Worldwide Travel at 610-644-3000, or you can call the
Requested by:
Regina & Mary McGrory
In Loving Memory Of
William Dougan
Requested by:
Shirley & John Dougan, Jack & Rosanne Plale
La Comunidad Hispana
San Gabriel Arcángel
Marzo 22, 2015
(856) 299-0161
Linea Hispana
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma
Se acercan ya los días santos de la muerte y la resurrección
del Señor. Nosotros queremos acompañarlo en su camino,
contemplar su rostro, dejarnos llenar de su vida. Él es el grano
de trigo sepultado en la tierra, que dará mucho fruto. Su amor
hasta la muerte dará mucho fruto.
La Semana Santa
Domingo de Ramos
Santa Clara de Asís -Swedesboro 1 pm
Triduo Pascual
Jueves Santo
Santa Clara de Asís -Gibbstown 7 pm
Viernes Santo
San Gabriel Arcángel -Carneys Point
El Viacrucis - 1 pm seguido por la Liturgia
de la Palabra, la Pasión del Evangelio, la
Veneración de la Cruz y la Liturgia de la
Sábado de Gloria
San Gabriel Arcángel -Carneys Point 8 pm
¡El padre René les espera a todos!
Easter y a disfrutar de acvidades
Salon, Iglesia Corpus Chris ƐƚŽĞƐƵŶĞǀĞŶƚŽgra$s
Necesitamos Monaguillos, Lectores y Ministros de Eucaristía
Padres de niños/as que ya hicieron su primera comunión,
necesitamos monaguillos para servir en las Misas de los miércoles
y sábados. Si su niño/a esta interesado o si usted le gustaría que su
niño/a sirviera en el altar, por favor llame al 856-299-0161 para
mas información.
Si algún adulto desea ser ministro de lectura por favor anótense
llamando al 856-299-0161.
Ministros de Eucaristía
Necesitamos ministros de Eucaristía. Para ministros de eucaristía,
debe de estar casado/a por la iglesia católica, soltera o viuda (no
viviendo en pecado) y haber hechos sus sacramentos (bautizo,
comunión, y confirmación). Llame al 856-299-0161
si esta interesado/a.
Próxima Excursión de Golf Parroquial
La Parroquia San Gabriel Arcángel pronto celebrará su
próxima excursión anual de golf. ¡Un comité ha empezado
a reunirse para planear el evento y se necesitan voluntarios!
Si a usted le gustaría estar en el comité, o si simplemente
quiere ayudar porque nos conecta con las empresas locales
a convertirse en patrocinadores enteros, por favor llame
a la oficina y déjenos saber. Gracias, padre Chuck
Si usted esta interesado en obtener la
Horario de oficina
Biblia Latinoamericana en letra
grande, pase por la oficina hispana a
Lunes: cerrado
depositar $25.00 para ordenar su
biblia. El precio incluye manejo y
Miércoles: 1 a 7 pm
franqueo. Ultimo dia para ordenar
Viernes: 1 a 5 pm
sera, el Viernes 27 de Marzo.
Julius A Rapone DDS
Anthony J Rapone DDS
David S Rapone DMD
P.O. Box 322
586 N. Broadway (Rt. 130)
(856) 299-2818
Eve. & Sat. Appts
Deepwater, NJ 08023
294 Harding Highway
Carney’s Pt., NJ 08069
Fax: 856-299-5925
266 Shell Road, Carneys Point
10 Village Center Drive, Swedesboro, NJ 08085
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111 South Main St. • Elmer, NJ 08318
(800) 808-0887
Marc Adams, Manager, Funeral Dir.
NJ Lic.# 4410
Lic.# 2250
Lic.# 4687
Full Service Shoe Store &
Shoe Repair Shop
Rx’s Filled on premises
Buy 1 Pair, Get 2nd Pair
Half OFF or
15% OFF single pair.
315 Merion Avenue
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
Call 856-299-0300
Car & Light Truck Repair
Our focus is on wellness ahead...
Emily Abeledo-Adams, NJ Funeral Dir.
151 North Broadway
(856) 935-8176
One Friends Drive
Woodstown, New Jersey
18 Maple Ave. • Penns Grove, NJ 08318
William Adams, NJ Funeral Dir.
NJ LIC. #8310
Providing the Latest in
Pain-Free Laser Dentistry
Voted Best of
Salem County
2003 – 2009
(856) 678-2033
D.M.D., P.C.
210 N. Broadway
Pennsville, NJ
Italian Kitchen
& Roman Pantry
Come in and see us
We Do
Catering and Party Trays
506 South Pennsville Auburn Rd
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
Call For Details:
T 856-351-9222
F 856-351-9232
339 Hook Rd. [email protected]
447 Harding Hwy.
Evasio R. Cagande, MBA,
Financial Advisor
An Ameriprise Platinum
Financial Services® practice
An Ameriprise Financial Franchise
Financial Services, Inc.
141 West Broadway
Salem, NJ 08079
Tel: 856.279.2375
Fax: 856.279.2597
[email protected]
CA Insurance #0D02520
Funeral Homes
856-299-3300 www.pointe$=1?%A
“For All Your Lawn Care Needs”
FEBRUARY 19, 2015 1:38 PM