The new and entertaining country trivia range!

Learn while playing!
The new and entertaining
country trivia range!
Fun for everyone!
• Features multiple-choice questions that guarantee fun
for players of all skill levels.
• Everyone answers at the same time, using answering
• Questions in six categories:
- History
- Science
- Culture
- Sports
- Geography
- Miscellaneous
• Content: 400 cards with
600 multiple-choice
questions, game board,
answering tokens, pawns,
category marker, game
UK version available in May 2015.
Raumanjuovantie 2, P.O. Box 4444, 28101 Pori, Finland
Tel. +358 (0)2 624 4144 • Fax +358 (0)2 624 4111 • [email protected]
Tactic® is a registered trademark owned by
Tactic Games Oy, Finland. All rights reserved.