PhiLang 2015 – Fourth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics Department of English and General Linguistics, University of Łódź, Łódź, 14-16 May 2015 Venues: University Conference Center (Kopcińskiego 16/18) and Faculty of Philology (Pomorska 171/173) PROGRAMME [as of 12.05.2015] Thursday, 14.05.2015 8.30-10.00 10.00 Registration at reception desk, Pomorska 171/173 (one can also register on Wednesday, 13 May 2015, from 18:00 to 20:00, Kopcińskiego 16/18) Conference opening: Piotr Stalmaszczyk (University of Łódź) (Aula 5, Pomorska 171/173) 10.15-11.15 Plenary lecture 1: Manuel García-Carpintero (Universitat de Barcelona) Predicativism and the Presuppositional View of Proper Names (Aula 5, Pomorska 171/173) 11.15-12.15 Plenary lecture 2: Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska (University of Warsaw) Context, Vagueness, and Reference (Aula 5, Pomorska 171/173) Transfer to Kopcińskiego16/18 (12.15-13.00), all subsequent events that day at the Conference Center LUNCH (13.00-14.15) Section A (Room 1) Section B (Room 4) Gabrielle Mras (University of Vienna, Austria) The Sense of Frege’s Reference (14.30-15.00) Andre Bazzoni (University of California, Berkeley, USA) The Cluster-occurrrence Theory of Proper Names (15.00-15.30) H.G. Callaway (Rowan University, New Jersey, USA) Semantic Contextualism and Scientific Pluralism (14.30-15.00) Tibor Bárány (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) Expressibility, Effiability, and Background-Dependence (15.00-15.30) Matthew Cameron (University of St.Andrews, UK) Speaker’s Intention and the Formal Representatuion of Context (15.30-16.00) Mark Pinder (University of Reading, UK) Are Folk Semantic Intuitions Relevant to Arguments from Reference? (16.00-16.30) Tadeusz Ciecierski & Aleksander Latkowski (University of Warsaw, Poland) Belief Reports and Context Dependence (15.30-16.00) Paweł Grabarczyk (University of Łódź, Poland) Why Is Narrow Content still Relevant? (16.00-16.30) Krzysztof Posłajko & Jacek Wawer (Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland) Re-reading Kripke’s Normativity Argument (17.00-17.30) Dan Zeman (University of the Basque Country, Spain) Relativism and the Multi-perspectivality of Predicates of Personal Taste (17.30-18.00) Gregory Bochner (Université Libre de Bruxelles & Universitat de Barcelona) The Problem of the Essential De Re (17.00-17.30) Andrei Moldovan (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain) The Pragmatics of Non-denoting Descriptions (17.30-18.00) Luis Fernández Moreno (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) Is the Semantics of Natural Kind Terms Extendable to Artifactual Terms? (18.00-18.30) Dušan Dožudić (Centre for Croatian Studies, Zagreb, Croatia) The Nature and Content of Propositional Attitudes: Lessons of the Explication Problem (18.00-18.30) Section C (Room 2) Dariusz Głuch (Jagiellonian University, Poland) Semantics of Epistemic Modal Must (Necessity) (14.30-15.00) Leszek Szymański (University of Zielona Góra, Poland) An Empirical Contribution to Aspect-Modality Interaction Studies: Negated Must and Verbal Apect in American English (15.00-15.30) Cristina Corredor (University Valladolid, Spain) Commitment in Illocutionary Acts (15.30-16.00) Maciej Witek (University of Szczecin, Poland) Phatic Meaning, Token-reflexive Content and Deictical Intentions (16.00-16.30) REFRESHMENTS (16.30-17.00) CONFERENCE DINNER (19.30-21.30) (Kopcińskiego 16/18) Wojciech Rostworowski (University of Warsaw, Poland) Attributive Descriptions and Non-Existential Interpretation (17.00-17.30) Andrew Schumann (University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland) On the Meaning of Performative Propositions used by Traders (17.30-18.00) Wiktor Pskit (University of Łódź, Poland) Linguistic and Philosophical Approaches to NPN an (P)NPN Structures (18.00-18.30) Friday, 15.05.2015 (all events at Kopcińskiego 16/18) 9.30-10.30 Plenary lecture 3: Richard Gaskin (University of Liverpool) Reference and Linguistic Idealism (Aula, Kopcińskiego 16/18) Section A (Room 1) Section B (Room 4) Stefan Riegelnik (University of Zurich, Switzerland) On the Very Idea of Predicate Reference (10.30-11.00) Justyna Grudzińska (University of Warsaw, Poland) Indefinites Revisited: A Type-theoretic Perspective (10.30-11.00) Matthew McKeever (University of St. Andrews, UK) Predicativism Refined (11.00-11.30) Peter Ridley (King’s College London, UK) Who’s Mum (11.00-11.30) Section C (Room 3) Nina Pawlak (University of Warsaw, Poland) Discourse Properties of the Reference System for Coding Spatial information in Hausa (10.30-11.00) Pierre Cardascia (Université de Lille 3, France) Time-reference and Pragmatism in Logical Analysis: The Dialogical Case (11.00-11.30) REFRESHMENTS (11.30-12.00) Nathan Duckett (University of Manchester, UK) Allegedly Isn’t an Epstemic Modal (12.00-12.30) Jiří Raclavský (Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic) Nominal Description Theory and Modal Argument (12.30-13.00) Ashley Atkins (Simon Fraser University, Canada) Modality as a Window into Cognition (13.00-13.30) Giulia Felappi (King’s College London, UK) ‘That’-clauses and Singular Terms (12.00-12.30) Massimiliano Vignolo (University of Genoa, Italy) Saving Uniqueness (12.30-13.00) Marcin Wągiel (Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republik) The Inclusive and Exclusive Interpretation of Plural Nouns (13.00-13.30) Arkadiusz Gut (Catholic University of Lublin, Poland) Opacity of Mind and Metalinguistic Awareness (12.00-12.30) Natalia Karczewska (University of Warsaw, Poland) Challenges to Metalinguistic Negotiation as Disagreement (12.30-13.00) Katarzyna Paprzycka (University of Warsaw, Poland) Methodological Reflections on Academic and Experimental Philosophy: the Case of the Omissions Account of the Knobe Effect And the Butler Problem (13.00-13.30) LUNCH (13:30-14:30) 15.00-16.00 Plenary lecture 4: Wolfram Hinzen (ICREA/Universitat de Barcelona) The Grammar of Essential Indexicality (Aula, Kopcińskiego 16/18) Kasia M. Jaszczołt (University of Cambridge, UK) The Demise of the First-Person Indexical (16.00-16.30) Katarzyna Kijania-Placek (Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland) Indexicals in Proverbs (16.30-17.00) Janusz Badio (University of Łódź, Poland) Horizontal and Vertical Aspects of Construal and Linguistic Coding of Narrative (16.00-16.30) Crister Nyberg (University of Helsinki, Finland) Does Fiction Make Sense? Understanding Fiction (16.30-17.00) Arno Goebel (University of Konstanz, Germany) Indicative Conditionals, Probabilistic Relevance and Discourse Structure (16.00-16.30) Michał Sikorski (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) Simple, Probabilistic, True: A New Version of Probabilistic Semantics for Simple Conditionals (16.30-17.00) REFRESHMENTS (17.00-17.30) Lukas Bielik (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava) Thought Experiments in Semantics: An (Apparent) Puzzle (17.30-18.00) Izabela Skoczeń (Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland) Is Minimal Semantics (Im)Practical? (18.00-18.30) Zsófia Zvolenszky (Eötvös University, Hungary) Fictional Characters and Goodman’s Inadvertent Creation Challenge (17.30-18.00) Verbena Giambastini (University of Pisa, Italy) Goodman and Calvino: A Productive Exchange of Views (18.00-18.30) Antonio Duarte Calvo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) Interpretation of fallacies through abduction (18.30-19.00) Krzysztof Kosecki (University of Łódź) Philosophy of Life in Ernest Hemingway’s Short Story A Clean, Well-Lighted Place: A View from Cognitive Poetics (18.30-19.00) Antonio Blanco Salqueiro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) On the so-called ‘Cognitive’ Theory of Metaphors (17.30-18.00) Alina Kwiatkowska (University of Łódź, Poland) Visual Representation of Complex Philosophical Concepts in Philographics by Genis Carreras (18.00-18.30) Aleksandra Majdzińska (University of Łódź, Poland) The Same but Different (18.30-19.00) Saturday, 16.05.2015 (all events at Pomorska 171/173, including lunch) 9.30-10:30 Plenary lecture 5: Marián Zouhar (Slovak Academy of Sciences) Against Descriptivism: On an Essential Difference between Proper Names and Definite Descriptions (Aula 5, Pomorska 171/173) Section A (Room 2.20) Heimir Geirsson (Iowa State University, USA) Empty Names and Error Theory (10.30-11.00) Luca Sbordone (University of Cambridge, UK) Vagueness, Contingency and Assessment-sensitivity (11.00-11.30) Section B (Room 2.21) Ryan Nefdt (University of St Andrews, UK) Linguistic Modelling and Science (10.30-11.00) Martin Hinton (University of Łódź, Poland) Lies, Damned Lies, and Linguistic Intuitions (11.00-11.30) Section C (Room 2.22) Wiktor Piotrowski (University of Warsaw, Poland) Semantic Problems of Relevance Theory (10.30-11.00) Konrad Kobyliński (University of Silesia, Poland) Evolutionary Grounds for Relevance Theory (11.00-11.30) REFRESHMENTS (11.30-12.00) Henry Kelly (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) Gender Normativity and Auxiliary Languages (12.00-12.30) Delia Belleri (UNAM Mexico City) Externalistic Derogation (12.30-13.00) Jan Wiślicki (Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland) Weakened Compositionality and a Unified Semantics of Quotation (12.00-12.30) Adam Przepiórkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences & University of Warsaw) Compositionality in Constrained-Based Linguistic Theories (12.30-13.00) Mirela Fuš (University of St. Andrews, UK & University of Rijeka, Croatia) Direct Reference for Social Kinds: Pejorative Terms as Recognitional Files? (13.00-13.30) Vasil Penchev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Semiotics of Ontological Quanta (13.00-13.30) 13.30 Martin Vacek (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava) Alien Properties and Impossible Worlds (12.00-12.30) Halina Święczkowska & Beata Piecychna (University of Białystok) Reflections on Some of the Issues of Rationalist Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Language. Remarks on the Margins of a Philosophical Discourse Concerning Speech by Gerauld de Cordemoy (12.30-13.00) Magdalena Król (Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland) Philosophy in Construction Grammar (13.00-13.30) Conference closing: Piotr Stalmaszczyk (University of Łódź) (Aula 5, Pomorska 171/173) LUNCH (13.45-14.30) (Pomorska 171/173)
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