firmus energy Distribution Limited Forecast Network Capacity Statement for Gas Year 2015/16 20 March 2015 1. Licence Obligation to publish a Forecast Network Capacity Statement As per licence condition 2.12 of the firmus energy conveyance licence, firmus energy Distribution Limited (feDL) book and hold capacity on the Postalised Transmission Network for all shippers who operate within the feDL licence area. As per this licence condition, feDL book this capacity to ensure that sufficient gas can be conveyed to meet daily firm demand which is likely to be exceeded only in 1 year out of 20 years. feDL is further required under this licence condition to carry out a consultation process with gas suppliers acceded to the feDL Distribution Network Code and to then produce and publish a Forecast Network Capacity Statement. It should be noted that, due to proposed changes to the transmission regime within Northern Ireland (NI), from the 1st October 2015, feDL energy will book and hold the required capacity at the relevant exit point only. Gas suppliers operating within a distribution network will be required to secure sufficient capacity at the entry point into the NI transmission system. 2. Determining the forecast daily firm capacity for Gas Year 2014/2015 In calculating the postalised capacity feDL has considered the relationship between consumption and temperature. Regression analysis was carried out on historical volume data and the corresponding temperature data, which looked at the temperature on the coldest day in the last 50 years (which was -10.1 degrees Celsius), and the corresponding firm consumption. We examined our firm volume on our peak day in the current gas year and applied the relationship between temperature and volume to estimate the peak day for the current firm customer base for a 1-in-20 year’s peak demand. Load growth has been accounted for by uplifting the calculated peak in proportion to the increase in firm AQ from winter 2014/15 to winter 2015/16. 1 Table 1: Forecast capacity booking for Gas Year 2015/16 Firm peak day to date Uplift to account for load growth and a 1-in-20 winter Total (000s therms) 195 84 (MWhs) 5,723 2,462 279 8,186 3. Impact on Postalised Capacity Charges Under the proposed changes to the Northern Ireland Transmission regime it is anticipated that the current Postalised Capacity Charge will be split into an Entry and Exit charge from 1st October 2015, however, at the time of preparing this statement the forecasted Entry and Exit tariffs for Gas Year 15/16 are not yet available, therefore, the tariff used to demonstrate the impact of the proposed change to the capacity booking is based on the current published forecast Postalised Capacity charge for Gas Year 15/16. Using the published forecast capacity charge for Gas Year 2015/16 and the forecast volumes for the feDL network, feDL estimate an increase in firm capacity of 1,126 MWh (38k therms). This equates to an increase in the forecast Postalised Capacity Charge of 3%. Table 2: Current capacity booking for current Gas Year and forecast capacity booking for Gas Year 2015/2016 for firm distribution volumes Current Postalised Capacity Booking Forecast Postalised Capacity Booking Variance Capacity Booking (000s therms) 241 Capacity Booking (MWhs) 279 8,186 38 1,126 7,060 Table 3: Forecast capacity charge expressed in commodity terms Gas year 2015/2016 Current Postalised capacity charge expressed in commodity terms for current capacity booking Forecast Postalised capacity charge expressed in commodity terms for revised capacity booking Forecast increase Percentage forecast Increase Pence per kWh 0.1878 Pence per therm 5.504 0.1938 5.679 0.006 0.18 3% 2 4. Conclusions and recommendations Using regression analysis, forecasted load growth and experience of a 1-in-50 winter, feDL believe the methodology used above is fit for purpose. Furthermore, feDL did not receive any comments or queries regarding the Draft Forecast Network Capacity Statement published for consultation. feDL will therefore submit an application to the Transmission Operators to request an increase in the current capacity booking of 7,060 MWh to 8,186 MWh. feDL will request this additional firm exit capacity for the period 1st October 2015 to 30th September 2020. 3
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