May 2015 - First Congregational Churchin Bloomfield

The Wintonbury Spire
The First Congregational Church in Bloomfield – United Church of Christ
Grace and Peace to all in this time of transition,
It’s a strange space we are in, isn’t it? I will be departing from
ministry in our church over the summer, BUT we are still engaged in
ministry together, AND yet it feels different because we know there is
an ending and a good-bye in sight. There are hopes and fears,
wonderings and worries. I feel joy and excitement at the thought of a
new Call to serve as Conference Minister in the Maine Conference, UCC,
and definite grief at leaving the First Congregational Church in
Bloomfield, and all of you. What a strange mix of emotions and
Lean in. Be the Church. Show up. Make an Impact. These are
words I spoke in my sermon last Sunday for Stewardship Sunday. In the
midst of change and transition, we are called to turn toward God and
each other. As one writer has expressed it, this is a good time to Keep in
Touch with the people around us, with our truest selves and with God.
(L.Roger Owens, Keep in Touch, Weavings, vol XXX, #2).
This is a time to come to church more often, participate more
fully, pay more attention to the people around us, pray without ceasing,
and enjoy the new energy and opportunities that God will send through
the Holy Spirit. This is the time to give more generously, pray more
regularly, and to trust God more deeply.
This is the time to remember that we are Stewards of this church,
and of the impact it makes and will make. Think of how many people
have been clothed, how many fed, how many educated in our Nursery
School, how many prayers prayed, how many get well and sympathy
cards sent, how many toys delivered at Christmas, how many AA and
NA meetings held --- the list goes on and on.
Let us Keep in Touch during this time of transition – Keep in
Touch with God, each other, our Church, and our community. I will be
keeping in touch as we say a Good Good-bye and get the Church ready
for whatever the next wonderful phase of ministry will bring!
Please call, or email or stop by with your questions, comments,
fears, hopes and joys. I am your Pastor still, until that moment when we
say farewell.
May God bless us all in this time of transition and hope.
Blessings and Peace, Pastor Deborah
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Wintonbury Spire
May is here and the Christian Education Board
is full of activities throughout this month.
is now taking
applications for their summer camp fun. Please see
the CE Bulletin Board for the Camp Brochures or
register online at
The children of the Sunday School are preparing
for Children’s Sunday June 14th.
They will be working on their pieces
of the worship service during
Sunday School during the month of
May. Please have your child attend Sunday school
as much as possible in order to get in practice time.
We are looking forward to this Special Sunday of
celebrating our Children.
Rehearsal for this special Sunday is
Saturday, June 13th @ 10:00 am.
Our Confirmation Class is ready. They have
prepared themselves and worked hard this year.
The Confirmation Class will lead the worship
service and confirm their Faith. Come to Worship
and take part in celebrating our Youth join the
church. Rehearsal is Saturday May 9th @ 10:00
On Sunday May 3rd 3:00 pm - We are hosting the 5th
Annual Youth Revival. “Inside and Out # Affirmed. We
are expecting 16 Churches of the CT Conference to
participate in this wonderful and inspiring Worship
Service for Youth. Rev. DaVita McCallister, Assoc. Conf.
Min. for Youth and Young Adults will preach. Also
participating is Youth Testimony, including Reese Hart
FCCB Youth. Aaron Dang, Beatrice Dang and Olivia
Haughton will share their musical talent with us.
CE BOARD MEETING May 14th @ 6:30 PM
May 3 Communion Sunday. Children will Worship
with their families. Youth Revival 3:00 pm.
May 10 Confirmation Sunday, Children will
Worship with their families.
May 17 Music Sunday, S. School Preschool - 9th
Grade. Youth Group 4:00 – 5:30 pm.
May 24 Sunday School for Preschool - 9th Grade
May 31 Sunday School for Preschool -9th grade.
Vacation Bible School is gearing up and getting
All teachers, helpers and anyone
interested in working Vacation Bible School this
year will meet on Sunday May 31st, after coffee
hour, in the Living Room. We are looking for
teachers for Games, Crafts and Bible. Mark your
calendar for Vacation Bible School,
August 10th ~ 14th 9:00 – 12:00. EVEREST
“Where kids learn to conquer challenges with God’s
mighty power.” An amazing adventure awaits your
young child Ages 4 – 11, learning through music,
bible, games, and crafts/science.
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Wintonbury Spire
“For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also”
Matthew 6: 21
Is in need of children’s and adults
dressers for clothes. Children’s clothes
and toys in gently used condition are
also needed.
Please contact Judi Bunker @
This is the theme for our Season of
Generosity Stewardship Campaign.
Please prayerfully consider how your
financial contribution to our church will
bring NEW LIFE to our current and future
members – and to our community.
Have your contact
information changed?
If so please advise the
church office so we
can update our
Thank you!
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Wintonbury Spire
Save the Date
Vacation Bible School 2015
“Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty
Monday, Aug 10 - Friday, Aug 14
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
First Congregational Church
in Bloomfield
10 Wintonbury Avenue,
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Church Office 860.242.0776
Email [email protected]
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Attendees: D. Blood ex officio, T. Moreland
Regional Minister UCC, C. Delgado, C. Hart,
S. Goetjen, C. Johnson, C. Wilson.
After opening prayer and introductions, Rev.
Moreland shared her background with us.
She will be instrumental in providing
resources and guidance for our church
during the transition process surrounding
Pastor Deb’s announcement of resignation
as she accepts a new call to become UCC
Conference Minister in the state of Maine.
Rev. Moreland will typically meet with us
three to four times as we interview interim
candidates and then candidates for settled
Rev. Moreland first asked what our questions
were as we embark on this process, then
explained the different types of interim
pastors available for varying church needs as
a search process for the settled pastor is
initiated. We will be provided a list of
candidates for interim minister, all of whom
meet the UCC criteria for training and
experience for this position. It was decided
that our church is best suited to a traditional
interim pastor.
A transition team will be formed. The first
activity of this team will be to assess what
we require in the way of attributes and skills
from an interim person and develop a list of
tasks we would expect the interim to
accomplish. The team will create a miniprofile of our church to be circulated to
interested interim candidates. This
“snapshot” will include such items as our
mission and vision statements, average
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membership and attendance, average budget,
number of boards and committees, names
and contact information of transition team
members and pictures of our activities and
facility. A list of “talking points” will be
prepared for the interview process of those
whose profiles meet our criteria.
Other key responsibilities of the transition
team will be to develop a series of dates and
activities surrounding Pastor Deb’s
departure, and to provide clear
communication to the congregation of the
various steps.
Ramp Update: Council approved moving
ahead with the access ramp project using
funding from the nursery school grant and
Gale funds. The contractor will be asked to
provide a payment schedule outlining what
will be done at each step.
Council approved having Charlotte Mottram
train George Zars to take over the position
of Financial Administrator which involves
keeping track of pledges.
Financial Report: Both pledges and building
income are slightly below budget, but in line
with where they were at this time a year ago.
Expenses are tracking on target with the
exceptions of the addition of the Pastoral
Care position expense and the music budget
overage of $2,300. There was significant
snow removal expense this year, but fewer
maintenance costs so far.
Administrative Assistant health insurance:
MSV to increase the Admin. Asst. salary to
cover 50% of silver level policy premiums
under the insurance exchange for this year.
Next meeting - May 21 at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Carol Wilson
May 2015
Wintonbury Spire
Every Sunday
8 & 10 am Worship
12:30 New Birth Community Church
May 3
Communion Sunday
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Youth Revival 3pm
Worship at 8 &10 am
Every Monday
6 pm Bells Reh.
7pm Narc. Anon.
May 4
Lectionary Possibilities:
Acts 8: 26-40; Psalm 22: 25-31; 1 John 4: 7-21; John 15: 1-8
Romans 1: 1-17
May 10
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Confirmation Sunday
No 8 am Service
May 17
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Music Sunday
No 8 am Service
Lectionary Possibilities:
Acts 10: 44-48; Psalm 98; John 15: 9-17; 1 John 5: 1-6 Romans 5: 1-11
Loaves &
Mon May
Tues May12
Lectionary Possibilities:
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5: 9-13; John 17: 6-19
Romans 6: 1-14
May 24
Pentecost Sunday
Lectionary Possibilities:
Acts 2: 1-21; Psalm 104 : 24-35b; Romans 8: 22-27;
John 15: 26-27; 16: 4b-15
May 31
Trinity Sunday
Memorial Day
Church Office
Lectionary Possibilities:
Isaiah 6: 1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8: 12-17;
John 3: 1-17
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Every Wed.
9:30 am Soccer
9:15 am Exercise 7 pm Alc. Anon.
Every Thursday
Every Friday
9:15 am Exercise
7:30 pm Alc.
6:30 pm Music Min 6:30 pm
Wintonbury Flying
Every Saturday
10 am
Loaves &
Serving: Tues
Apr 14
4:00 pm - ABC
6:00 pm NAMI
6:30 pm Music Min
21 3-8 ABC
8:00 am
Music Min
7:00 pm
Church Council
4:00 pm ABC
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5:00 pm ABC
6:00 pm NAMI
Spire Party 10:30 am
May 2015
Wintonbury Spire
Inside & Out
Sunday, May 3 at 3 pm
First Congregational Church in Bloomfield at 10 Wintonbury Avenue
A Racial Justice Ministry Event
Rev. Da Vita ‘Day’ McCallister preaching
WHAT IS A REVIVAL? This is a dynamic worship service that will your renew your spirit. Come and sing
praise, celebrate vitality, and embrace diversity! WHERE WILL IT TAKE PLACE? The Revival will be at
the First Congregational Church in Bloomfield. There is plenty of free, off-street parking available behind the
church. WHO IS INVITED? All youth in grades 5 and up and their pastors, parents, or adult leaders. Bring a
few or bring your whole group; fill up your car and meet us in Bloomfield. WHO IS PREACHING? Rev. Da
Vita “Day” McCallister, Associate Conference Minister for Youth and Young Adults will preach. We will also
have testimony from several youth from around the state. WHAT ABOUT THE MUSIC? There will be lots of
upbeat music provided by Isaac Monts and the praise band from Liberty Christian Center International. WHAT
IS SPECIAL ABOUT THIS REVIVAL? This is our 5th Annual Revival so be prepared for an amazing
celebration that features music, dance, inspiring testimony and more! WHAT IS SCRM? SCRM stands for
Sacred Conversations on Race Ministry. The Revival is a SCRM event because it is intentionally multi-cultural
and multi-racial. We believe God calls us to create a beloved community that affirms the dignity of all
individuals. DO I HAVE TO REGISTER? This event is free, however we request that you reply here to let us
know how many are coming. (Name, church, estimated number)WILL THERE BE AN OFFERING? Yes,
we will take a collection to support Youth Ministry at Bloomfield as well as a designated outreach program in
the Bloomfield Community. WHAT ABOUT FELLOWSHIP? Of course, there will be time to hang out
afterwards! You’ll see friends from Silver Lake and Giv2. There will be refreshments as well as displays about
some of the great programs in our CT Conference. HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED? All who want to sing or
dance should come for a warm-up rehearsal at 2:30 on the day of the Revival. We will post music titles a month
before the event.
OTHER QUESTIONS? Contact Debby Kirk at [email protected] or
860-377-2675 or or #CTUCCYouth2105.
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Wintonbury Spire
32nd Annual
Foodshare Walk
Against Hunger
Sunday, May 3, 2015
140 Garden Street, Hartford
Check-in at 12:30 p.m.
Walk steps off at 2:00 p.m.
FREE Parking at 690 Asylum Avenue
Enfield Food Shelf, Inc.
Farmington Food Pantry
Friendship Service Center of New Britain
Gifts of Love
Hands On Hartford
Hope SDA Church Food Pantry
House of Bread
Loaves & Fishes Ministries, Inc.
Northend Church of Christ (H.U.G.S.)
Food Pantry
Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church
St. Vincent de Paul Middletown
Windsor Food and Fuel Bank
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Wintonbury Spire
The Tower of Tuna Returns!
Did you know that there are many families in Bloomfield who are food-insecure? Thankfully,
the Backpack Program sponsored by the Hyacinth Williams Foundation sends food home with
children every Friday to help sustain their household over the weekend. We can help with this
effort by providing extra protein, which is sorely needed! For the Month of April, let’s build a
Tower of Tuna at the front of the church! Bring canned tuna each Sunday until we have
enough to provide significant support to this worthwhile program. Can’t wait to see how high
we can go!!!
To the FCCB member who brought all
the donated items to Bloomfield Dept. of
Social Services Food Pantry. A very Big
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Wintonbury Spire
First Congregational Church Nursery School is now
accepting applications for the summer and fall.
We have some financial slots available for families that
qualify for the funded slots. Please stop by the nursery
school Monday –Friday 7:30-5:30 for more information
or call Shantel Bremmer at (860)242-0183.
We will have our Mother’s Day Breakfast for the
Mother’s on May 8, 2015. The mother’s will have the
opportunity at drop off and have a delicious breakfast
muffin or danish with their child.
Kindergarten transition
The fours will be taking a field trip to Laurel School on May 27, 2015. The children
will have the opportunity to tour the school and see the kindergarten classrooms
and meet with the teachers.
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Wintonbury Spire
Earthquake in Nepal
Dear friends,
Reports from Nepal have been heartbreaking. Though nobody knows for sure, estimates suggest
that more than 4,000 may have died. It is the worst earthquake to strike Nepal in over 80 years.
United Church of Christ Disaster Ministries is already present on the ground in Nepal, working
through our partners in the ACT Alliance, providing food, water, and temporarily shelter. Those
who survived the quake will need support for many years to come.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Pray for the people and communities impacted by the earthquake.
2. Make a gift payable to your congregation marked for Nepal Earthquake, with the request it be
sent payable to the United Church of Christ, Wider Church Ministries, Financial Services - 6th
Floor, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115.
3. Send gifts, payable to United Church of Christ and marked in the memo portion Nepal
Earthquake, to United Church of Christ, Wider Church Ministries, Financial Services - 6th Floor,
700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115.
4. Make a secure on-line donation to the International Emergency Relief Fund.
Please note: Nepal Earthquake in
the comment section.
Blessings to you,
Rev. Eric S. Anderson
The Connecticut Conference, UCC
Associate Conference Minister for
Proclamation, Identity &
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
10 Wintonbury Avenue
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Church Office: 860-242-0776
Nursery School: 860-242-0183
Church Fax:
The Wintonbury Spire, newsletter of the First
Congregational Church in Bloomfield – United
Church of Christ, is published monthly to
provide information to and about our
members and friends. Items received in
the office by the 15th of the month may
be included in next month’s edition.
The Wintonbury
Spire will be mailed on the Friday of the last
full week of each month. Please sign up for
the “Spire Party” where we stuff, fold, label,
seal & stamp the Spire from 10:30 – 11:30 am.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
May 29, 2015
June 26, 2015 July 29, 2015
Rev. Deborah J. Blood, Pastor
[email protected]
Shantel Bremmer,
Nursery School Director
[email protected]
Andrea Davey-Mercer,
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Dorine DeCarli,
Christian Education Director
[email protected]
“For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also”
Matthew 6: 21
First Congregational Church in Bloomfield
United Church of Christ
Eustace Straker,
Minister of Music
[email protected]
Rev. Joseph Tobin,
Pastoral Care Coordinator
[email protected]
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Wintonbury Spire