Rev. Mike H. Love, Pastor (cell # 817-692-9874) Lucia Murray, Administrative Assistant Seini Mila, Youth Coordinator Darin Hoppe, Director of Music Jeanene Craig, Accompanist Taylor Banks, Building Engineer Rae Bridegam, Nursery Sunday Worship Service at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Illuminating the Path to Christ, Together First United Methodist Church, Watauga 6112 Watauga Road Watauga, TX 76148 Phone: 817-485-0312 Fax: 817-485-0591 E-mail: [email protected] (office) E-mail: [email protected] (pastor) E-mail: [email protected] (youth) Web Site– RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED FUMC WATAUGA Illuminating the Path to Christ, TOGETHER Father’s Day Breakfast - June 21 Youth in Mission - June 14-20 Vacation Bible School - July 12-16 All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us at SYNC every Sunday evening from 4-6PM right here at FUMC Watauga. Come enjoy Sunday School is a time of fellowship learning about the Bible and who we are, all while having fun. Classes begin 9:15am and are open for all ages. Grace to you THE BEACON The First United Methodist Church, Watauga, is a faith community, biblically based, striving to make disciples for Jesus Christ, and to fulfill the ministry to which God is calling us through the Holy Spirit. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, WATAUGA Peace, On May 17, the body of FUMCOW spoke by accepting the Healthy Church Initiative report. Of the items we have in front of us from this report is to develop a vision for the body of Christ here at FUMCOW. We are called together for a stated purpose: FUMC of Watauga is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. As followers of Jesus in the United Methodist tradition this is our calling. A disciple of Jesus Christ is a follower of Jesus. As I came here 4 years ago, I have changed. I know Jesus better today; and his expectations in my following. I hope you know Jesus better today. In three years what will we, as a body of Christ, look like? How are we an instrument of God? Let us do some visioning. Visioning is about seeing what we can be. Let us think in terms of God’s capacity. When Peter stepped out of the boat to walk to Jesus he was doing just fine until he looked down at the waves. He cried out to Jesus and Jesus took him by the hand. (Matthew 14:22-28) Let our visioning not be limited by our circumstances, but guided by Jesus’ hand. When I accepted the call to ministry I accepted a vision from God. It took 12 years before I was ordained. In those long 12 years I waited for God’s strategy, timing, and resources. The vision never changed. The vision God is providing is sacred, and God is faithful. Let us “Illuminate the Path to Christ, Together.” Pastor Mike Children’s Church We are learning about heros of the Bible this month. We have already met Daniel and talked about how he prayed when he was scared of the lions. Guess What!? God answered his prayer! As always,your children, ages 5- 11 are welcome in children’s church right after children’s time in “big church.” Children ages 4 and under are welcome to go into the nursery at that time. Children’s Sunday School We are learning about the fruits of the spirit. Those are the gifts we get when we have a relationship with Jesus. So far we have talked about love and patience. We meet from 9:15 to 10:15 every Sunday morning! Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews to learn about Jesus! We have one class that is for children in 1st grade – 5th grade and one that is for children who are in Pre-K and Kindergarten. We also have a nursery available for children ages 4 and under during the Sunday school hour and during the 10:30 a.m. service. VBS Is COMING!!!!!!!!!! July 12-16th from 6:30-8:00 Our theme this year is G-Force: God’s Love in Action! If you are interested in joining us please call me or speak with me at church my number is 682-559-0770 There will be a registration desk in the narthex starting on June 1! SHEPHERD’S SHOP NEWS The time for vacations is coming up and time to have visitors coming to see you. We have decided we would see if anyone would like to be on call to help at the Shop when we are short of workers. If you are interested please let Dottie Winkelmann know. Maybe you could drop in on a Friday or Sat. and see what goes on. We are easy to work with and have a lot of fun doing it. We could use 1 or 2 to help us out. We are about out of storage room at the shop. It is hard to find a place to store out of season clothing. The front room we use looks kind of trashy as we have boxes and things all over. Can hardly get in bathroom for stuff pushed in there by someone and it blocks the path. We also ask that no one leave clothes on the grass at the ramp to the trailer. They get rained on and we end up having to throw them away. We have no room for furniture but do have a small dresser and an old wooden arm chair. Mike says it reminds him of a "Jesus Chair". Come see it. We invite you all to come and visit with us sometime. Look around and ask questions. We would love to see you. We work for the Lord every time we are there. Dottie Winkelmann [email protected] USHERS There will be an ushers meeting and training on June 7,2015 right after church. Please ALL ushers, adults and youth, come. It will be short. If any others would like to be a part of this ministry, please attend this meeting, too. Remember, part of the church initiative was about commitment. I hope to see everyone! Yoma Johnson A DAY OF PRAYER In June, we will devote a Sunday worship to a day of prayer. It is the kick off to our third phase of Healthy Church Initiative. BUT, actually it is of the utmost importance. We often pray for our loved ones, and we are called to do that. We pray for those who are in harm’s way around the world. Let us pray for the ministry of God’s church? Let us pray for the children of God who are brought here by loved ones. Let us pray for the youth of our church as they go in mission to help strangers. Let us pray for the adults of our church continuing their growth into the likeness of Christ. Let us pray for the music ministry of our church. Let us pray for the Worship Outside the Walls experiences of our outreach. Let us pray for the Shepherd Shop. Let us pray for the Sunday school teachers. Let us pray for the ways we may help Gary across the street. Let us pray for the administrative leaders of the church. Let us pray for the Tech Booth ministry of the church. Let us pray for the Snack Pack ministry and its growth in developing relationships. Let us pray ….. Let us dedicate an entire worship service to the ministry of God’s church, knowing that God has the rest in hand. Christ is depending on us. Council of Ministry Duane R Buckley I am the Church, YOU are the Church, We are the Church Together!!! This is what the Council of Ministry is all about letting us help you, help the Church to make an event spectacular! We have accomplished this so far this year. So far, we have had 16 events planned this year and executed to perfection. The Methodist Women and Methodist Men have set out and fed the masses four times this year and each one was a success. I hear the Methodist Women are trying to outdo the Men’s Mother Day breakfast so gals bring it on. Everyone could tell the kids had a blast at the Easter egg hunt and again more food with the pot luck lunching. Another WOW event was planned and executed and another family in our community was helped, so hats off to all that helped out, we are proud of you. The Youth have feed us, did a 30 hour famine, taken our treasures and sold them in the youth spring fling, led us in worship and now are getting ready for mission trip the week of June 15th, so they will need our prayers and support for a successful mission trip. Upcoming events, May 31 is 5th Sunday which is scheduled for 7pm and check with Darin for details, June 21 Father’s day breakfast sponsored by UMW, Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 12 – 16 get the word out and make this the biggest event of the year so talk with Melanie for details. The Methodist women are busy in July with an event called Painting with a Mission at 630PM and on July 19 a bake sale after 2nd service. By the time UMW gets thru July they will need some down time so they have planned the yearly UMW Swim party on August 1st starting at 530pm check with Doris or Yoma for details. That takes us thru the summer months so come on out and enjoy a little, have some fun and just maybe God’s lite will spark inside you, which you can take out into the community and lite the world with God’s love. God Bless!! What is our objective? Illuminating the path to Christ Together AC15 to be available via Live Webcast! The AC15 Planning Task Force has put together an agenda full of inspirational teaching times and powerful worship experiences, all of which will be available via live webcast. Rev. Rudy Rasmus and Erin Hawkins will serve as conference teachers during the General Sessions and Lisa Greenwood will focus on leadership issues during her keynote to the laity. A schedule for these presentations, as well as times for the always moving and uplifting conference worship services, details on how to access the live webcasts and more can be found at CONCERNS & CONDOLENCES What do we want to accomplish? PRAYERS CONCERNS New Concerns The Maxwell Family David and Christine Crocker Bettye Hammond (S.Tucker) Chris McKenenzie Rose (Harrisons) Gina Bentevenga (C.Hickey’s cousin) Joy Camarillo (C.Hickey’s friend) Harold Floyd (S.Regan) Judi Griggs (B.Gentry) Michelle Birk (C. Hickey) Continuing Concerns Leah Perricone (member) Barry McHenry (member) Sherrie Crawfored (N.Clugsten) Betty Thatcher (member) Winkelmann Family Bill Clugsten (member) Helen Claunch-Jones (B. Gentry) Larry Howard’s Family Berle Dickenson (R. Bridegam) Debbie Barnes (D. Maxwell) Derenda Tate (R. Bridegam) Ron Haws (member) C. Ezernack’s brother (N.McLeroy) Blanks Oglesby (member) Jerry Hickey (M. Hickey) Robert Hickey (M. Hickey) Trey Bomar ( member) Emmalee (S. Reddin) Susan Johnson (S. Tucker) Emme Nees (N. Walls) Tara Fishback (N. McLeroy) Mary Farmer and family John James (M.McLeroy) Jennifer Kittrell (R. Bridegam) Craig Lang ( M.Bledsoe) Dave Roachelle (Winkelmann family) Joan Hines’family (M. Bledsoe) Rick Pearson (C. Hickey’s uncle) Tom Jepsen (C. Hickey’s uncle) John Robinson (N. McLeroy’s nephew) Ken James (N. McLeroy) Jodi Bancroft (B. Gentry) Allyne Weiss (Lillie Watkin’s sister) Dottie Winkelmann (member) Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world Benjamin Bledsoe (M. Bledsoe’s son) Lynne Laski (M. Bledsoe’s friend) Bettye Johnson (Terry Powell’s sister) Betty Williams (member) Gene Fondren (member) JOYS Missions and Outreach Levi Gentry (newborn of Laura and Nick Gentry) Council of Ministry is to support, encourage, lead, inspire and achieve the desired results of each event working together as one body for the ministries of our church and congregation. The new structure is set up of two groups working together to achieve the same goal, the Administrative board and the Council of Ministry. This structure streamlines the way events were done in the past with many committees working independently of each other and at times with conflicting goals. The Council of Ministry meets 6 times a year and reduces conflict as all the leaders are members of the council. If you would like to visit a Council of Ministry meeting please contact myself or one of the council members for the next meeting date. God Bless, Duane Buckley Council of Ministry Bible – ography / ology Every child or youth who solves the Wordsearch gets a prize. Children’s Word Search WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS – June 7, 2015 Greeters: Pastor: Liturgist: Ushers: Counters: Flower Schedule: Sound: Doris Maxwell Rev. Mike Love Kitsi Eakins Darlene Sledge, Rosemary Norris, Isabelle Perricone, Daniel Wallace Eula Mitchell and Jim Bates Rosemary Norris Jim Bates WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS –June 14, 2015 Greeters: Pastor: Liturgist: Ushers: Counters: Flower Schedule: Sound: James Crocker Rev. Mike Love Jim Bates Don Johnson and Yoma Johnson, Lacey Jones, Donye’ Hausman Duane Buckley and Carol McKone Barb Buckley Bill Clugsten WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS – June 21, 2015 Greeters: Pastor: Liturgist: Ushers: Counters: Flower schedule: Sound: Doris Maxwell Rev. Mike Love Celia Stibbens Lee Walls, Debbie Harrison, Logan Regan, Lorin Walls Bill Clugsten and Duane Buckley Nikki Clugsten David Hickey WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS – June 28, 2015 Greeters: Pastor: Liturgist: Ushers: Adults What is the Revised Common Lectionary? Complete the work and return it to Pastor Mike for your prize! Counters: Flower schedule: Sound: Doris Maxwell Rev. Mike Love Gary Shephard Claire Hickey, Clay Eakins, David Hickey, Hannah Newcomer Doris Maxwell and Paul Killion Lisa Shada Chad Russell HEALTHY CHURCH UPDATE 06/01 06/03 06/04 06/05 06/06 06/09 06/10 06/13 06/15 06/16 Merwyn Hickey Glenn Bailey Chris King Doris Maxwell Anesu Nyangani Yoma Johnson Christofer Gray Eileen Kata Gen Carnes Claudia Lewis Dorothy Andrewartha Owen Bridegam Angela Bomar Mason Bass Steven Flake Gary Flynn Karl Rabalais Vaati Vaitai 06/17 06/19 06/19 06/20 06/23 06/24 06/26 06/27 06/28 06/29 06/30 06/30 Tyler Brown Myrtle Clark Janet Gross Stephan Hausman Ryan Banks Deborah Slaton Angie Bowen James Bell Ross Maxwell Debbie Harrison Ann Wisner Lee Walls Shirley Vaitai Janice Poteet James Latu Glenn Shisler Sameera Syed Junior Oto Michelle DeGarmo Connor Clark On Sunday, May 17, 2015, FUMCOW welcomed our District Superintendent, Bob Holloway, to direct our church conference. As a church family, we voted " Yes" during this conference to move forward on the Prescriptions we received from our Healthy Church Initiative Consultation Team. So, here are the next steps we take: Day of Prayer to be held on a Sunday morning, on or before June 30, 2015. Workshop for all Church Leadership to be held by July 31, 2015. Day of Visioning with Coach Jerry and Church Leadership, on or before August 31, 2015. Mission and Ministry Audit Team to be formed by Pastor and Coach by August 31, 2015. Worship Evaluation Team to be formed by Pastor and Coach by August 31, 2015. Be sure to check your Beacon for updates as we continue this process together in the Healthy Church Initiative. Elise Russell Administrative Board Chair
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