Proverbs 22:6 T he FMZ Chil dre n' s Mi ni st ry Ne wsl e t ter Whe re Chi l dre n Ma t te r Proverbs 22:6 – The FMZ Children’s Ministry Newsletter is published bi-monthly. V O L U ME 1, I S S UE 1 MA R C H/ A PR I L The Children’s Ministry mission is to assist parents in training their children to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Children’s Church Classes 2 Children's Church Lesson Plan Seed Planter of the Month ~ 3 Mr., Ben Duckinfield Kid’s Corner 4`5 Children’s Ministry Bulletin Board 6 Children’s Ministry Staff Directory 7 March Jesus teaches about commitment - Mark 8: 31 - 38 Jesus clears merchants from the temple - John 2: 13 - 22 Jesus explains why God sent him - John 3: 12 - 21 Jesus notices a widow's giving - Mark 12: 41 - 44 April Jesus appears to his disciples - John 20: 19 - 31 Paul teaches about spiritual gifts - 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 27 Peter tells the Sanhedrin about Jesus - Acts 4: 5 - 14 201 5 PAGE 2 Children’s Church Classes PROVERBS 22:6 THE FMZ CHILDREN'S MINISTRY NEWSLETTER WHERE CHILDREN MATTER VOLUME 1, PAGE Seed Planter of the Month Mr. Benjamin Duckenfield Mr. Benjamin Duckenfield has been a member of First Mount Zion Baptist Church for 13 years. Ben has been a member of the Children’s Ministry for the past 10 years as an Assistant Teacher and Teacher. He currently teaches the 5th grade class, and plans to serve Salvation Station in the summer of 2015. Ben is the son of Benjamin and Lucille Duckenfield and grew up with two brothers and two sisters. Ben is married to Korreain (Jenkins) Duckenfield for almost 23 years and has four children ~ Benji, Olivia, Julian, and Carmen. Ben attended Highland Springs High School in Richmond, Virginia where he was the Key Club President, held various Track records, and was one of the initial members of SODA, (Student Organization for Developing Attitudes). Ben received his Undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education from East Carolina University located in Greenville, NC, and a Masters Degree with a concentration in Curriculum Design and Administration from McDaniel College located in Westminster, MD. Ben is a Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Ben is currently a Residential Real Estate Agent for the state of Virginia, and a Real Estate Management Specialist for the Federal Government in Washington, DC.. PROVERBS 22:6 THE FMZ CHILDREN'S MINISTRY NEWSLETTER WHERE CHILDREN MATTER PROVERBS 22:6 THE FMZ CHILDREN'S MINISTRY NEWSLETTER WHERE CHILDREN MATTER VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 5 The Greatest Events in History CHOCOLATE-COVERED EGGS RECIPE INGREDIENTS Can you name the greatest events in history? Yes, there have been many events in world history which can be named; battles and wars, discoveries and inventions… but there are several events which are mentioned in the Bible which have affected every person on the face of the earth. What could these events be? Do this crossword puzzle and find out! Across 3. Someday, we will live there with God. (_ _ _ _ _ _) (6) 6. Created without sin, but he brought death to all mankind. ( _ _ _ _ ) (4) 8. Judgment upon all mankind, except for 8 people. ( _ _ _ _ _ ) (5) 1/4 cup butter, softened 1 jar (7 ounces) marshmallow creme 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 cups plus 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar, divided 3 to 4 drops yellow food coloring, optional 2 cups (12 ounces) white baking chips or semisweet chocolate chips 2 tablespoons shortening Icing of your choice Assorted decorating candies DIRECTIONS 1. In a large bowl, beat the butter, marshmallow creme and vanilla until smooth. Gradually beat in 3 cups confectioners' sugar. Place 1/4 cup butter mixture in a bowl; add yellow food coloring if desired and mix well. Shape into 24 small balls; cover and chill for 30 minutes. Wrap plain mixture in plastic wrap; chill for 30 minutes. 2. Dust work surface with remaining confectioners' sugar. Divide plain dough into 24 pieces. Wrap one piece of plain dough around each yellow ball and form into an egg shape. Place on a waxed paper-lined baking sheet; cover with plastic wrap. Freeze for 15 minutes or until firm. 3. In a microwave, melt chips and shortening; stir until smooth. Dip eggs in mixture; allow excess to drip off. Return eggs to waxed paper. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until set. Decorate with icing and decorating candies as desired. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Yield: 2 dozen. Down 1. The mother of all humans. ( _ _ _ ) (3) 2. God, in the flesh, came to give life to mankind. ( _ _ _ _ _ ) (5) 4. He and his family were saved from the worldwide judgment of sin. ( _ _ _ _ ) (4) 5. Where God caused people to speak different languages. ( _ _ _ _ _ ) (5) 7. Our Creator and Redeemer. ( _ _ _ ) (3) PROVERBS 22:6 THE FMZ CHILDREN'S MINISTRY NEWSLETTER WHERE CHILDREN MATTER CM BULLETIN BOARD Happy Birthday to All of Our March & April Children & Servants CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CLOSED DATES FOR 2015 FEBRUARY 15TH ~ President's Day Weekend March 29th ~ 5th Sunday Unity Service (10 am; SS 8:30) April 5th ~ Easter Sunday May 10th ~ Mother’s Day Next Me May 24th ~ Memorial Day Weekend May 31st ~ 5th Sunday Unity Service (10 am; SS 8:30) 4th Sund rcantile ay, April Bring Yo June 21st ~ Father’s Day 26th ian ur Christ r Dollars Characte July 5th ~ Independence Day Weekend . August 30th ~ 5th Sunday (10 am; SS 8:30) September 6th ~ Labor Day Weekend October 11th ~ Columbus Day Weekend November 29th ~ 5th Sunday (10 am; SS 8:30) December 20th ~ Christmas Program (Music & Arts) December 27th ~ Christmas Weekend PROVERBS 22:6 THE FMZ CHILDREN'S MINISTRY NEWSLETTER WHERE CHILDREN Looking for a place to serve? Consider The Children’s Ministry… our children need you! Comments or questions concerning the Children’s Ministry should be directed to the appropriate staff listed below: Children’s Ministry Director: VACANT Nursery Director: Sis. Shemone Fullilove 571-237-5786 ~ [email protected] Asst. Children’s Ministry Director: VACANT Asst. Nursery Director: VACANT Worship Coordinator: VACANT Training Coordinator: VACANT Asst. Worship Coordinator: VACANT Music Coordinator: Sis. Zelda Simpson ~ 703-490-8184 Children’s Church Director: Sis. Michelle Wallace 240-602-5929 ~ [email protected] Mercantile Manager: Sis. Judy Best ~ 703-670-0746 [email protected] Asst. Children’s Church Director: Sis. Shemone Fullilove 571 - 237-5786 ~ [email protected] Registration Coordinator: Vacant Teen Volunteer Coordinator Sis. Toshiro Stovall [email protected] Salvation Station Director: Sis. Judy Best / Bro Ben Duckenfield 703-670-0746 ~ [email protected] Proverbs 22:6 Newsletter Editor: Sis. Kathy Wilson 540-273-4749 ~ [email protected] Salvation Station Asst. Director: Sis. Shemone Fullilove 703-221-2422 ~ [email protected] Teen Volunteer Requirements Teens interested in serving in Children's Church must be between the 8th - 12th grades and have parental approval in order to participate. All teen volunteers 16 years of age or older need to have the FMZBC Volunteer Screening completed before they can serve in Children's Church. Teen volunteers will be responsible for assisting with snack preparation, as well as other duties assigned where needed in Children's Church. If parents have any questions, please contact Teen Volunteer Coordinator, Mrs. Toshiro Stovall, at email [email protected]. PROVERBS 22:6 THE FMZ CHILDREN'S MINISTRY NEWSLETTER WHERE CHILDREN MATTER
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