April 2015 - First Presbyterian Church

4/22/15 2:02 PM
Saturday of Service Photo Review
Summer Programs Shaping Up
VBS Registration Launches
Senior Sunday Coming
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April 24, 2015
Amarillo, TX
Congregational Meeting Called May 3
As part of the transition to ECO, Session has called a
Congregational Meeting and a Meeting of the Corporation
to amend By-laws and Articles of Incorporation.
The meeting will be Sunday, May 3, after each service of worship.
AISD Recognizes First Pres People and Efforts
A number of First Pres folks were recently recognized by the Amarillo Independent School
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District at their Partners in Education banquet.
Will Esler, Director of Urban Mission,
represented First Pres as he received the
America’s Promise Leadership award for
work at San Jacinto Elementary School
where several members are tutoring,
mentoring families, taking kids to summer
camp, and helping the school produce its
first yearbook “in a very long time.”
Dena and Orlando Lopez were recognized out of
some 23 other Adult Volunteer for the Year nominees
for their volunteer work with Boys 2 Men and Women
of Worth, a fifth grade mentoring program, at Sunrise
Elementary School — the location of Sunday services
of El Camino, FPC’s hispanic ministry in southeast
Amarillo. They also established the first ever Parents
Teachers Organization there.
Kim Talley received an award on behalf of The Cove
for its involvement at Austin Middle School helping
refurbish and restart the Austin Middle School greenhouse to grow vegetables for those in
need and also help with Snack Pak 4 Kids at AMS. Ann McKay was among the Adult
Volunteers of the Year. Dr. Alan Keister was recognized for his leadership of Heal the City
Free Clinic in the San Jacinto neighborhood. Howard Griffin and the other 4Amarillo church
leaders were recognized for their activities and help in the schools and deprived
A number of other members who participate in various groups were not individually named
in the Partners in Education program but received group recognition. The names of these
honorees were gathered from several sources. Apologies to any individuals who were
recognized but not named here. Among those is Cheri Doyle who works in the Meet in the
Middle program at Bivins Elementary School. Cheri said, “It was really great seeing so
many First Pres people working and making a contribution in the schools and community.”
Congratulations to all who participated in these missional efforts in the name of Christ!
Saturday of Service Review
First Pres members turned out for Saturday of Service April 18 at the High Plains Food
Bank warehouse and garden, Patsy’s Place transitional home, and a Habitat for Humanity
house on North Tyler Street. They did carpentry work, painting, vacuuming, note writing,
and packaged food sorting for “the least of these.” The photos below represent a sampling
of the many members who participated and the work they did.
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April Session Actions
Session met April 13 and opened the meeting by engaging in theological reflection
about hearing the promptings of God and how that impacts becoming more
Beverages in the Sanctuary Policy Adopted
After a six-month test observing the frequency and maintenance problems created
by worshippers bringing beverages into the Sanctuary, the Properties Committee
recommended that a policy of discouraging drinks in the Sanctuary be adopted. New
pew cushions are on order and because of drink spillage during the test period,
Session voted to adopt the recommendation to help maintain the Sanctuary in good
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condition as a place of traditional worship. Receptacles are available at each
entrance to the Sanctuary to encourage depositing liquids and empty cups there.
Members are urged to abide by the policy.
Building Use Agreement and Fee Schedule
Session also approved a Building Use Agreement and accompanying Fee Schedule
proposed by the Properties Committee and consistent with other churches in town.
Groups presently using the facilities will be “grandfathered” in under their present
arrangements. The business office has copies of the Agreement and Fee Schedule.
New Media Source Subscription
The Family and Adult Ministries Team requested approval to purchase a subscription
to “Right Now Media”, a source of video on many subjects similar to Netflix but with
Christian content of many types ranging from Veggie Tales to sermons of John
Ortberg and many others. Members and groups of First Pres may obtain passwords
to “Right Now Media” to use for Bible studies, home devotionals, personal
entertainment, and small group meetings. Learn more here rightnowmedia.org.
Weddings were approved for Tamala McKenzie and Alan Gurevitch, June 13, 2015
and Jennifer Cordova and Jorge Ortega, April 23, 2016.
Other Business
A new-member class and lunch May 17 in the Fellowship Center was approved.
Session will have a called meeting to receive the new members after the lunch.
Howard Griffin announced that plans are in process for a lunch to celebrate the
church’s 125th anniversary September 27.
Adults Combine for Summer Sunday School
Starting May 31, an combined adult Sunday school class will meet in the Parlor. The
preacher of the day will lead a discussion of the sermon topic from Philippians. If
your class is not meeting during the summer, come join in!
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Baptisms Highlight Weekend Activities
Capping off a weekend full of activities including the Saturday of Service and the "Ladies
and Little Ladies Tea Party", Elizabeth and Rei Newry celebrated the baptism of their twin
daughters, Maebyn and Maebree, and their oldest daughter, Makinlee, at the 11 a.m.
service Sunday. Below, Murray Gossett, hears Makinlee's confession of faith. Elder David
Mullin assists.
"Ladies and Little Ladies Tea Party" Overflows
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Hats of all varieties, feather boas, fancy tea pots, teas from around the world, and
table favors for a parlor full of grandmothers, mothers, and daughters marked the
newly renamed "Ladies and Little Ladies Tea Party" Sunday, April 19. They sipped
and munched, smiled and posed, having a great time. Below, just a sample of the
smiling faces enjoying tea time.
While their opposites were having tea, the guys enjoyed their own Sunday school time.
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Help Send Our Missionaries to Honduras
A team of 25 will be returning to Capon, Honduras this summer to continue work on
a new school for hundreds of Mayan students, as well as sharing their faith in
different small villages. They will proclaim the Gospel, teach hygiene, and play with
local children. Your financial aid is needed. In exchange, our young adult
missionaries are willing to work for your support. If you have odd jobs — house or
yard work, moving, hauling, running errands, washing cars, child care — our
missionaries can help. Please call Kim Talley (584-9523) or Laurie Schmidt (3734242) to connect with a missionary.
Go to Colorado for Christ
Contact Murray Gossett (350-5203) for details about the Colorado mission trip June
Sign a Senior's Bible Before May 10
Connect with a First Pres graduating senior by highlighting a favorite verse or verses
and write a note of encouragement in a senior's Bible. Continuing a new tradition,
Bibles for all graduating seniors will be on a table in the Great Hall. Everyone in the
congregation – family and friends – are urged to write a word of encouragement and
highlight your favorite verse in the Bibles. The Bibles will be presented to the seniors
at the Senior Banquet May 13. What a great personal send-off for a senior!
Senior Banquet May 13
Join us as we honor the A&O graduating class of 2015 with dinner, a video
presentation, and a time of prayer for our seniors May 13, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the
Parlor ($15.00 per person).
Senior Sunday May 17
Seniors will participate in all three Sunday services.
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Summer Is the Growing Season
First Pres Women’s Ministry is planning to offer
home group Bible studies to nurture friendships
and grow faith this summer. Have you felt the
nudging of the Holy Spirit to help others grow in
their faith? Use your gift of leadership, teaching,
or hospitality to lead or host a group Bible study in
your home. Many resources are available to
facilitate Bible study, and materials for any study
can be ordered. Consider asking two or three of your friends to help host or co-lead,
sharing the responsibilities so that vacation or other family activities won’t tie you
down for the whole summer. Many hands make light work! We will help you publicize
your study. In the meantime, talk it up with your friends and neighbors! This could be
the best summer of your life! Call Sherrie Lovato (477-8241) with questions or to
City-wide Conference Edifies Women and Glorifies God
Thanks and praise go out to all those who worked and participated in the recent conference.
Some 500 women heard presentations from Patricia Raybon and Ann Spangler -- an uplifting
experience for all. Plans are underway for the next conference in two years. Start praying now!
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Online Church Directory Updated
The online church directory has recently been updated with corrections to contact
information in the membership list and photos of new members in the pictorial
section. The staff directory with contact information is also available at the link below.
The directories are password protected. To submit your own password or be issued
one, please contact Charlotte Kinch (350-5200). Click firstpres.com/online-directory
to sign in and use the online directory to become better acquainted with other
members of the congregation!
Step into the science lab and take a VBS journey with the Christ's apostles through the ups and
downs of the first-century church. Discover amazing truths from God’s Word about the early
church and experience the Elements of T.R.U.S.T. This science-inspired, Christ-focused
Vacation Bible School creatively walks through the historical narrative of first five chapters of the
book of Acts. First Pres Elements of Trust VBS is June 1-4, 9 a.m.- noon for ages three to justcompleted 5th grade. Sign up for FREE at firstpres.com until May 26. Volunteers are needed!
Call Cindy Rhoten (350-5212) or Tamala McKenzie (350-5211).
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Master and amateur gardeners will present a program for NUFFs at their next
meeting May 14. Wear a creative gardening hat and you may win a prize! Social time
is from 10:15; meeting begins at 10:30; and a catered lunch ($6.00) will be served at
noon. Lunch reservations must be made by noon May 11. Call 350-5219. Guests
are invited!
2015 Financial Results
Year-to-date as of March 31, 2015
Gifts &
Actual Results
$ 580,489
Actual Over/ (Under) Budget
$ (30,122)
Thank you for your commitment and generosity!
If you have any questions, please contact a member of your
Finance Committee, an Elder, the Business Office at 373-4242,
or [email protected]
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Gifts in Memory of
William “Bill” W. Carter
Given by
Mr. & Mrs. John Askew
Kate & John Atkins
Brown & Fortunato, P.C.
Adair Buckner
Edie & Clay Carter
Pattilou Dawkins
Lisa & Keith Dietz
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Edwards
Mrs. Gene Edwards
Nita & Bill Griffin Family
Betty & Joe Howell
A.R. Leach
Kathy & Stan Morris
Carey & Jim Neeley
Margaret & T. J. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Roberson
Janet & Richard Stowers
Toot 'n Totum
Sandy & Jack Waller
Karen Wike
James Robert “Bob” Dunn
Given by
Lisa & Keith Dietz
Kathy & Stan Morris
Carl Eugene “Gene” Edwards
Given by
Cynthia St. Clair
Anne & Robin French
Ellen & Bruce Robinson
In Honor of
Dr. Murray Gossett
Given by
Noble Roberts
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