dddddd Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments 701.232.3242 • FAX 701.232.5043 • Case Plaza Suite 232 • One 2nd Street North • Fargo, North Dakota 58102-4807 Email: [email protected] To: MAT Coordinating Board Members From: Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) Metro Area Transit (MATBUS) Date: RE: March 17, 2015 MAT Coordinating Board Agenda and Correspondence http://www.fmmetrocog.org 55th Meeting of the Metro Area Transit Coordinating Board March 18, 2015 – 8:00am Fargo City Commission Chambers – 200 3rd Street North, Fargo ND Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order and Introductions – Kevin Hanson (Chair) 2. Review and Action on Minutes from January 21, 2015 (Attachment 1) 3. Consider Consultant Selection for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan (Attachment 2) – Adam Altenburg 4. Consider Section 5310 Grant Application (Attachment 3) – Dan Farnsworth 5. Discuss Fargo-Moorhead Mass Transit Operational Services RFP (Attachment 4) – Lori Van Beek, Julie Bommelman and Adam Altenburg 6. Discuss Survey Results for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan (Attachment 5) – Lori Van Beek, Julie Bommelman and Adam Altenburg 7. Operations and Ridership Report – December 2014 through January 2015 – Lori Van Beek and Julie Bommelman (Attachment 6) 8. Other Business Questions, comments or concerns prior to the meeting can be directed to Adam Altenburg (701.232.3242 x34; [email protected]) or Dan Farnsworth (701.232.3242 x35; [email protected]). People with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and need special arrangements should contact Kate Wurtzler at Metro COG (701.232.3242 Ext. 31), at least two days before the meeting to make arrangements. A PLANNING ORGANIZATION SERVING FARGO, WEST FARGO, CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA AND MOORHEAD, DILWORTH, CLAY COUNTY, MINNESOTA 54th Meeting of the Metro Area Transit Coordinating Board January 21st, 2015 Fargo Commission Chambers Attachment 1 Members Present: Kevin Hanson, Chair Jim Haney, Moorhead City Council Larry Weil, City of West Fargo Jim Aasness, Dilworth City Council Brit Stevens, NDSU Sue Oatey, Concordia College Angela Mathers, M|State Members Absent: Mellissa Sobolik, Fargo City Commission Mike Williams, Fargo City Commission Brenda Elmer, Moorhead City Council Jan Mahoney, MSUM Brian Arett/Paul Grindeland, Valley Senior Services Others Present: Lori Van Beek, City of Moorhead Julie Bommelman, City of Fargo Jim Gilmour, City of Fargo Bill Christian, Metro COG Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG Adam Altenburg, Metro COG Chair Hanson called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM. 2. Review and Action on Minutes from August 20, 2014 and November 18, 2014. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Haney and seconded by Mr. Aasness. The motion was voted on and unanimously approved. 3. Consider Member Appointment to the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan Consultant Selection Committee Mr. Altenburg informed the Board that Metro COG was beginning to develop the RFP for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan. To help with the procurement process, Mr. Altenburg explained that a selection committee would be formed to help evaluate different consultant proposals for the Transit Development Plan. In addition to staff members from MATBUS and Metro COG, Mr. Altenburg explained that the proposed consultant selection committee would also include the chair of the MAT Coordinating Board as well as one member, elected or appointed, from North Dakota and one elected or appointed member from Minnesota. Mr. Altenburg also explained that it would be proposed that the Board also serve as the Study Review Committee to help review Transit Development Plan milestones and deliverables. The MAT Coordinating Board recommended that Mr. Aasness of the City of Dilworth serve as a selection committee member for Minnesota. Mr. Gilmour further recommended to the Board that a City of Fargo Commissioner serve on the consultant selection committee. Being that neither member of the Fargo City Commission was present at the meeting, Mr. Gilmour 1 informed the Board that he would follow-up with each member and would contact Metro COG with their decision on who would serve on the consultant selection committee. 4. Consider Draft RFP and Scope of Work for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan Mr. Altenburg informed the Board that Metro COG was nearing completion of the development of an RFP for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan which would identify strategies and recommendations to improve transit service delivery in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area. Mr. Altenburg explained that the current TDP was adopted in January 2012 and covers a fiveyear planning horizon from 2012 through 2016. Mr. Altenburg stressed that many of the system goals and objectives outlined in the current TDP have already been implemented and, coupled with emerging service demands in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area, the need is seen to begin the update to the TDP in 2015 rather than wait until 2016. Mr. Altenburg explained that development and adoption of the TDP is recommended by FTA for the purposes of establishing a transit agency’s vision for public transportation, assessing needs, and identifying a framework for program implementation. Mr. Altenburg described that the consideration of both longrange and short-range strategies and actions better enable the development of an integrated multimodal transportation system that efficiently moves people and addresses transportation demands. Mr. Altenburg stated that since program implementation largely depends on funding, grants, and participation from FTA and/or other state agencies, there is a vital need for a comprehensive TDP to guide considerations and policy decision related to operations, maintenance, infrastructure, and capital under a defined panning horizon. Mr. Altenburg explained that the TDP would utilize the services of a contacted consultant, with a not to exceed budget of $150,000. Metro COG would be responsible for eighty (80) percent of the project costs through its Consolidated Planning Grant (CPG) funds, with the remainder made up by a local match from the City of Fargo and the City of Moorhead. A motion to recommend approval of the draft RFP and scope of work for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan, contingent on final approval by NDDOT, MnDOT, and FTA/FHWA, was made by Mr. Weil and seconded by Mr. Aasness. The motion was voted on and unanimously approved. 5. Operations and Ridership Report – October through November 2014 Ms. Van Beek and Ms. Bommelman discussed the operations and ridership data between October and November of 2014. 6. Preliminary Discussion on Fargo-Moorhead Mass Transit Operational Services RFP Ms. Bommelman and Ms. Van Beek informed the Board that transit contracts between Fargo, Moorhead, and First Transit expire on December 31, 2015. Ms. Bommelman and Ms. Van Beek stated that a Fargo-Moorhead Mass Transit Operational Services RFP would be issued in the spring, with award of contracts in the fall of 2015. Ms. Bommelaman and Ms. Van Beek explained that an evaluation team consisting of transit staff and Board members would be assembled to assist and review the full Mass Transit Operational Services RFP prior to distribution, similar to the team assembled in 2010. This team would include the Board Chair, two Board members from the Fargo City Commission, one Board member from the Moorhead City Council, representatives from area colleges, and transit staff from Fargo and Moorhead Mr. Christian made the recommendation that a member of Metro COG also be selected to serve on the evaluation team. Chair Hanson adjourned the meeting at 8:31. 2 Attachment 2 To: From: Date: Re: MAT Coordinating Board Adam Altenburg, Metro COG March 16, 2015 Consider Consultant Selection for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan Metro COG is in the process of initiating an update to the current Transit Development Plan (TDP). The TDP is developed under a defined five-year planning horizon and functions as a sub-element of the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The TDP is intended to identify strategies and recommendations to improve transit service delivery in the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Area. Metro COG prepared project objectives and a detailed scope of work which provided the basis for the Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP was developed in coordination with MATBUS, Valley Senior Services, NDDOT, MnDOT, FHWA/FTA and the MAT Coordinating Board. In January, Metro COG’s Policy Board approved the RFP to secure a consultant to complete the technical tasks outlined in the scope of work under an approved UPWP project budget of $150,000. Metro COG received two (2) proposals prior to the February 19 closing date. The Selection Committee met with and interviewed both of the consultants on March 6 to further understand each consultant’s technical qualifications, understanding of task deliverables, and past project experiences. Based on scoring criteria, written technical proposals, and in-person interviews, the Selection Committee has chosen the proposal submitted by SRF Consulting Group/AECOM. The initial cost form submitted by SRF Consulting Group/AECOM for the TDP is $149,909.86. Total project costs would be split 80% Metro COG; 13.33% City of Fargo; and 6.67% City of Moorhead. Invoices for the local match on this contract will be sent immediately following contract execution. Metro COG entered final contract negotiations with SRF Consulting Group on March 16 to review and finalize the scope and fee for this project. Given the timing of these negotiations, Metro COG is unable to provide the final contract document for the Board to review. Requested Action: Recommend approval of the contract with SRF Consulting Group/AECOM to complete the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan pending contract negotiations to finalize the scope and fee, and the development of a final contract document. To: From: Date: Re: MAT Coordinating Board Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG March 16, 2015 Consider Section 5310 Grant Application Attachment 3 In February NDDOT solicited for Section 5310/5311 grant applications. The goal of Section 5310 is to improve mobility for the elderly and persons with disabilities throughout the country and the goal of Section 5311 is to provide statewide rural public transit. Metro COG notified interested parties regarding the application solicitation and NDDOT advertised the solicitation in the Forum on February 23rd. Metro COG is responsible for coordinating all applications within the Metro COG planning area and submitting to NDDOT. Metro COG received two Section 5310 grant applications and no Section 5311 grant applications. The Section 5310 grants were received from the City of Fargo and from Bethany Retirement Living. The following requests were made in the applications: City of Fargo Purchase 5 (five) Paratransit cutaways for City of Fargo and purchase 5 (five) seven passenger mini vans for Metro Senior Ride • FTA 5310 - $360,000 • Local match - $90,000 • Total cost - $450,000 Bethany Retirement Living Purchase one 13-passenger off center vehicle • FTA 5310 - $52,000 • Local match - $13,000 • Total cost - $65,000 Attached is the Section 5310 grant application which Metro COG will submit to NDDOT, pending MAT Board approval. The application combines all requests within Metro COG’s planning area; therefore both the City of Fargo’s request and Bethany’s request are included in the same application. Metro COG will need to submit the application along with all supporting materials by April 1st, 2015. Requested Action: Consider approval of the Section 5310 Grant Application Attachment 3a Application for Transit Funding For July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 North Dakota Department of Transportation Section 5310 – Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Agency Name City of Fargo Contact Person Jim Gilmour, Director of Planning and Development The goal of Section 5310, the Transportation for Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Program, is to improve mobility for the elderly and persons with disabilities throughout the country. Section 5310 provides financial assistance for capital purchases and operating assistance for transportation services planned, designed and carried out to meet the special transportation needs of the elderly and persons with disabilities in all areas – small urban and rural. The program requires coordination of federally-assisted programs and services in order to make the most efficient use of federal resources. Vehicles may be used to provide meal delivery service for homebound persons on a regular basis in conjunction with passenger transportation. Delivery service may not conflict with the provision of transit services or result in reduced service to transit passengers. Note to Applicants Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan Applicants must be part of a locally derived Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan or part of a regional coordination project and approved by North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) prior to submission of this application. Is the requested project part of a Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan? Yes No If Yes, when did you submit the plan to NDDOT for review and how was this item addressed in the Plan? If you are not sure when you submitted the plan, send the current plan in with your application. If No, why? If awarded a 5310 Grant, there will be additional language in your Project Agreement regarding the responsibility of the purchaser for maintenance, insurance and training of your drivers. Purchasers will be required to have the ability to finance the operation and maintenance of vehicles purchased with FTA/NDDOT funds. Match for Capital requests will require a 20% Local Match. Match for Operating requests will require a 50% Local Match. Match for Mobility Manager’s is a Capital expense at a 20% Local Match. As with most Federal Assistance Programs, 5310 is designed as a reimbursement program. Your agency should be prepared to pay for your equipment upon delivery/acceptance and then request reimbursement from NDDOT. st All applications are due April 1 , 2015. Late and/or incomplete applications may be subject to a penalty % reduction of requested amount. Page 1 of 6 Funding Options Please note: NDDOT will only solicit projects during this open solicitation period ending April 1, 2015. Any request for funds made outside this period will be reviewed at the sole discretion of the NDDOT Transit Staff. This will allow the NDDOT Transit Staff to remain compliant with federal requirements for the use of Section 5310 and other funding. Project Funding Request In the tables below, fill in the proposed budget for your agency and the source(s) of your local match. These amounts should be in whole dollars with no punctuation. All recipients will be required to provide a detailed report stating where their local match officially came from after they have purchased their vehicle. Proposed Project Budget FTA 5310 Local Match Total $360,000 (Fargo) $52,000 (Bethany) $90,000 (Fargo) $13,000 (Bethany) $450,000 (Fargo) $65,000 (Bethany) Sources of Local Match 1. General Fund (Fargo) $ 90,000 2. Annual capital expenditures budget and possibly underwritten by donors (Bethany) $ 13,000 $ 3. NDDOT is required to obtain information about your sources of matching funds. All recipients will be required to provide a detailed report stating what sources of local match were actually expended during the fiscal year. If you receive $500,000 from any federal source you are required to have an A-133 audit. You must provide letters from your source of local match on their letterhead. Section 5310 Project Details This section of the application is broken into two parts – Project Description and Transportation Program Details. The Project Description is designed to get specific information about the capital item(s) for which you are currently applying. The Transportation Program Details is designed to get more general information about your transportation program and how this project request will enhance your existing service. Both portions allow the Grant Review Committee to evaluate your agency proposals and should be used as a way for you to justify your request. Project Description Vehicle Requests What type of vehicle(s) would you like to purchase? (e.g. 12 passenger van) Fargo - 5 (five) Paratransit cutaways for City of Fargo and 5 (five) 7 passenger mini-vans for Metro Senior Ride Non Vehicle Request In the box provided below, please describe in detail your proposed project. Be specific and include a description of what you would like to purchase and how it benefits your transportation program. Bethany – One 13Page 2 of 6 passenger off center vehicle. Will this vehicle(s) replace an existing vehicle(s) from your fleet? Yes No Fargo – Yes Bethany - No Transportation Program Details If yes, which vehicle(s) in your fleet do you plan to Fargo: replace? (Include year and VIN number) #1178 – Yr 2008 VIN #1FD4E45P28DA40015 #1179 – Yr 2008 VIN #1FD4E45P48DA40016 #1180 – Yr 2008 VIN #1FD4E45P28DA51144 #1182 – Yr 2008 VIN #1FD4E45P88DA40018 #1207 – Yr 2008 VIN #1FDFE4FLXBDA13365 Bethany: Not applicable What is the current mileage on the vehicle you are Fargo: requesting to replace? #1178 – 182,915 #1179 – 187,000 #1180 – 197,189 #1182 – 169,730 #1207 – 53,268 Bethany: Not applicable What are the eligibility criteria for persons to be Fargo: eligible to ride your service? Fixed route – no criteria (all people are able to ride) Paratransit – riders must meet ADA federal guideline Metro Senior Ride – riders must be 60 or older Bethany: Need to be residents of Bethany Retirement Living How can people schedule to ride your transportation Fargo: program? Fixed route – no scheduling ahead of time required Paratransit & Metro Senior Ride – reservations are taken via telephone and email Bethany: Events planned by Bethany will have a sign-up. Resident-driven outings will be coordinated through our Community Life department. 1. Fargo: Medical Bethany: Community Events What is the purpose of the three most commonly requested trips that your clients require? (e.g. grocery store, bank, etc.) 2. Fargo: Retail stores Bethany: Social outings for residents 3 Fargo: Employment Bethany: Medical Page 3 of 6 Are you the lead transit provider in your area? If not, what is the relationship of your program(s) to other transportation providers? Yes No What is the need for transit service in your area? Why Fargo: does this need exist? How have you determined this The need is extensive for both fixed route and need? Paratransit. The need exists in our urban area for several reasons: people choosing to ride transit for “green” reasons, students reaching campus facilities located away from the main campus, people getting to employment and medical facilities, elderly and disabled people unable to drive individual vehicles choose transit to help maintain independence. We have determined the need by studies, surveys and ridership trends. Bethany: Among our goals in the care of our residents is to provide a lifestyle that keeps residents as active as possible for as long as possible. We are already limited in our ability to get residents to activities in the community by an inadequate fleet of appropriate vehicles. As the population ages and baby boomers become our residents, their expectation will be that we help the stay active in the community How many trips do you provide on an annual basis? Fargo: Fixed route 2014: 1,741,524 Paratransit 2014: 53,893 Bethany: 120 How will this proposed project address this need for Fargo: service? The purchase of vehicles assists with replacing older, mechanically diminished vehicles, which conversely keeps the maintenance costs lower and enhances the safety of vehicles. Bethany: An additional handicapped-accessible vehicle will allow Bethany to take more residents to activities in the community more regularly. What days of the week do you operate your transportation program? What are your hours of operation for the transportation program? (e.g. 8 am – 5 pm) M Weekdays Weekends T W Th F S Su Fargo: 6:15 AM – 11:15 PM Bethany: 7:30 am – 7:30 pm Fargo: 7:15 AM – 11:15 PM (Sat) Bethany: 7:30 am – 7:30 pm What is the average fare a rider will pay for a trip in Fargo: your transportation program? Fixed route: $1.50 adult; $0.75 senior, disabled, youth Page 4 of 6 Paratransit: $3.00 Bethany: Free Do you market or promote your service? If yes, please provide a description of how you market the program and to whom in the box at the right. Yes No Services are marketed on social media, billboards, brochures, ads in various publications, websites, maps, radio and TV. How do you mark your agency vehicles? Fargo: Describe how a typical vehicle in your fleet Vehicles have our agency name, logo, phone number and looks. (e.g. all our vans are blue and white) website. In addition, they have City of Fargo fleet numbers. Vehicles start as white with blue and green markings, however, most vehicles are wrapped by vendors purchasing advertising space, leaving our identification visible on the very top of the vehicles. Bethany: Bethany vehicles are typically white with the Bethany logo in several locations. Each also carries an identification/fleet number. In some cases, when the purchase of the vehicle has been funded by outside sources, the donor(s)’s name(s) have been applied tot the exterior. Is your agency name on the vehicles? Yes No Is your agency logo on the vehicles? Yes No Do your vehicles have your phone number on them? Yes No Do your vehicles provide any indication that the vehicle is available for public transportation? Yes No If you are awarded a Section 5310 project, you will be required to report a number of performance measures, at least annually, to NDDOT on forms provided to you. These forms will be provided at the time the project goes to agreement. Information you will be required to report may include, but will not be limited to the following: the number of one-way trips; the number of vehicles you have in service; ridership demographics; annual vehicle mileage; and costs associated with your service Page 5 of 6 I hereby certify that as a person authorized to sign for ________________________________. That I have reviewed this document and to the best of my knowledge all statements are correct and representations are made true and correct. I also hereby certify that adequate local share as described in herein will be available to execute this project(s). _____________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative ____________________________ Date Page 6 of 6 Attachment 4 Memorandum To: MAT Coordinating Board From Lori Van Beek, Moorhead Transit Manager Julie Bommelman, Fargo Transit Administsration Date: March 17, 2015 RE: Fargo-Moorhead Mass Transit Operational Services Request for Proposals (RFP)Update At the last meeting, we asked for volunteers to serve on the Operational Services RFP Evaluation Committee. I believe the following members were identified: Mike Williams - Fargo City Commission Melissa Sobilk - Fargo City Commission Jim Haney - Moorhead City Council Shawn Anderson - Moorhead Colleges Britt Stevens - NDSU Kevin Hanson - Board Chair James Gilmour - Fargo Planning Director Julie Bommelman - Fargo Transit Administrator Lori Van Beek - Moorhead Transit Manager Bill Christian - Metro COG Executive Director A large part of the Driver Services RFP is the management staff. One of the tasks to be completed under the Five-year Transit Development Plan (TDP) is to review our organizational structure. We would like to move this task up so that the TDP consultant can review and make any recommendations for contracted staff. The timetable for the RFP includes approval by the MAT Coordinating Board, Fargo City Commission and Moorhead City Council prior to release on May 18th. We expect at least one, possibly two, meetings of the Evaluation Committee to finalize the RFP between now and the April Board meeting. T:\Transit\MAT Coordinating Board\2015\03 March\Memo to Board - Driver Services RFP Update.docx Attachment 5 To: From: Date: Re: MAT Coordinating Board Adam Altenburg, Metro COG March 16, 2015 Discuss Survey Results for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan From February 9 through March 6, MATBUS held a campaign called ‘Impact MATBUS’ Future’. The purpose of this campaign was to better understand the travel habits of MATBUS users and identify user satisfaction with system needs along with potential long-term adjustments. Respondents were given the opportunity to fill-out copies of surveys provided on MATBUS vehicles or complete the survey online at www.matbus.com. Over 1,680 responses were collected during this four-week period. Ultimately, these results will help to better inform the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan. Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! Q1 Which MATBUS route(s) do you live closest to? [Check all that apply]. Answered: 1,646 Skipped: 40 Route 13 Route 33 Route 13U Route 32 Not Sure / Not Applicable Route 34 Route 15 Route 14 Route 16 Route 31 Route 35 Route 11 Route 2 Route 4 Route 17 Route 1 Route 18 Route 5 Route 3 1 / 35 SurveyMonkey Attachment 5a Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Route 3 Route 23 Route 6 Route 8 Route 7 Route 9 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Route 13 28.01% 461 Route 33 27.34% 450 Route 13U 23.21% 382 Route 32 20.84% 343 Not Sure / Not Applicable 16.10% 265 Route 34 15.49% 255 Route 15 11.42% 188 Route 14 9.48% 156 Route 16 8.75% 144 Route 31 7.53% 124 Route 35 6.50% 107 Route 11 6.08% 100 Route 2 4.68% 77 4.13% 68 Route 17 4.07% 67 Route 1 3.89% 64 Route 18 3.71% 61 Route 5 3.40% 56 Route 3 2.43% 40 Route 23 2.25% 37 Route 4 2 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Route 6 1.52% 25 Route 8 1.52% 25 Route 7 1.34% 22 Route 9 0.85% 14 Total Respondents: 1,646 3 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! Q2 Which MATBUS route(s) do you most regularly ride? [Check all that apply]. Answered: 1,647 Skipped: 39 Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 Route 8 Route 9 Route 11 Route 13 Route 13U Route 14 Route 15 Route 16 Route 17 Route 18 Route 23 Route 31 4 / 35 SurveyMonkey Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Route 31 Route 32 Route 33 Route 34 Route 35 Not Sure / Not Applicable 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Route 1 6.56% 108 Route 2 8.68% 143 Route 3 3.89% 64 Route 4 9.53% 157 Route 5 4.13% 68 Route 6 1.82% 30 Route 7 1.46% 24 Route 8 1.94% 32 Route 9 1.82% 30 Route 11 8.14% 134 Route 13 29.93% 493 Route 13U 19.61% 323 Route 14 12.87% 212 22.40% 369 Route 16 10.50% 173 Route 17 3.70% 61 Route 18 4.80% 79 Route 23 3.58% 59 Route 31 8.62% 142 Route 32 19.25% 317 Route 15 5 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Route 33 32.54% 536 Route 34 12.69% 209 Route 35 3.10% 51 Not Sure / Not Applicable 12.26% 202 Total Respondents: 1,647 6 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q3 Are there any MATBUS routes you feel need more frequency (more buses per hour)? Answered: 1,530 Skipped: 156 Yes [If yes, list route(s... No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes [If yes, list route(s) below] 55.62% 851 No 44.38% 679 Total 1,530 7 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q4 Does MATBUS go to all the places you want it to? Answered: 1,595 Skipped: 91 Yes No [If no, list... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 61.38% 979 No [If no, list destination(s) below] 38.62% 616 Total 1,595 8 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q5 Please rank the following improvement options from 7 (Very Important) to 1 (Not Important). Answered: 1,632 Skipped: 54 More Frequent Service duri... More Frequent Service on... More Service to West Fargo More Downtown Area Service Later Evening Service 0 1 (Very Important) 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 8 9 (Not Important) 1 No Opinion 10 Total Weighted Average More Frequent Service during the Weekday 37.98% 605 15.07% 240 14.50% 231 11.24% 179 4.83% 77 3.14% 50 4.65% 74 8.60% 137 1,593 5.46 More Frequent Service on Saturday 27.27% 433 12.72% 202 12.53% 199 10.77% 171 5.10% 81 4.41% 70 12.41% 197 14.80% 235 1,588 4.81 More Service to West Fargo 19.22% 301 9.51% 149 8.05% 126 9.71% 152 6.83% 107 6.51% 102 16.48% 258 23.69% 371 1,566 4.20 19.84% 307 11.83% 183 14.09% 218 13.38% 207 7.76% 120 5.11% 79 11.25% 174 16.74% 259 1,547 4.55 43.29% 693 15.74% 252 11.24% 180 7.31% 117 3.50% 56 3.50% 56 4.50% 72 10.93% 175 1,601 5.67 More Downtown Area Service Later Evening Service 9 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q6 How late should bus service run? Answered: 1,621 Skipped: 65 Current Hours are Sufficient 12:15 AM 1:15 AM 2:15 AM 3:15 AM 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Current Hours are Sufficient 29.06% 471 12:15 AM 30.66% 497 1:15 AM 13.76% 223 2:15 AM 13.14% 213 3:15 AM 13.39% 217 Total 1,621 10 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q7 If service hours are expanded, on which day(s) should the longer service run? [Check all that apply]. Answered: 1,407 Skipped: 279 Monday (into Tuesday... Tuesday (into Wednesday... Wednesday (into Thursd... Thursday (into Friday morning) Friday (into Saturday... Saturday (into Sunday morning) Sunday (into Monday morning) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Monday (into Tuesday morning) 42.08% 592 Tuesday (into Wednesday morning) 42.43% 597 Wednesday (into Thursday morning) 42.29% 595 Thursday (into Friday morning) 49.68% 699 Friday (into Saturday morning) 78.68% 1,107 Saturday (into Sunday morning) 69.65% 980 Sunday (into Monday morning) 35.68% 502 Total Respondents: 1,407 11 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q8 Please rank the follwoing new service options from 7 (Very Important) to 1 (Not Important) Answered: 1,643 Skipped: 43 New Sunday Service Direct Service between Sout... Direct Service from NDSU to... New Service to Hector... New Service from Moorhea... New Moorhead Service Sout... New Service in Fargo on 25t... New Service to the Fargo... New Service to Scheel's Are... 0 1 (Very Important) 7 New Sunday Service 2 6 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 3 2 8 9 (Not Important) 1 No Opinion 10 Total Weighted Average 39.04% 625 8.00% 128 8.62% 138 7.00% 112 4.81% 77 3.62% 58 12.30% 197 16.61% 266 1,601 5.11 Direct Service between South Moorhead & West Acres (without GTC) 16.10% 253 8.21% 129 10.18% 160 9.74% 153 5.73% 90 5.67% 89 16.23% 255 28.13% 442 1,571 4.13 Direct Service from NDSU to West Acres 26.35% 414 12.03% 189 12.48% 196 10.76% 169 5.73% 90 4.77% 75 11.14% 175 16.74% 263 1,571 4.80 New Service to Hector International Airport 30.95% 490 13.01% 206 11.50% 182 10.17% 161 6.00% 95 4.11% 65 9.22% 146 15.03% 238 1,583 5.04 New Service from Moorhead Marriott Transfer Hub to Sanford, Menard's & Sam's 13.60% 213 6.77% 106 8.49% 133 11.75% 184 7.09% 111 6.51% 102 15.84% 248 29.95% 469 1,566 3.93 New Moorhead Service South of 40th Ave. 12.89% 200 5.74% 89 7.67% 119 10.70% 166 6.83% 106 7.87% 122 15.93% 247 32.37% 502 1,551 3.82 12 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey New Service in Fargo on 25th St. between 13th Ave. & 32nd Ave. S. 21.72% 339 10.63% 166 11.15% 174 10.70% 167 6.34% 99 4.93% 77 10.89% 170 23.64% 369 1,561 4.64 New Service to the Fargo Industrial Park 23.15% 365 6.21% 98 6.79% 107 9.07% 143 6.79% 107 6.02% 95 13.95% 220 28.03% 442 1,577 4.39 New Service to Scheel's Arena in Southwest Fargo 22.12% 345 12.82% 200 11.28% 176 10.90% 170 7.31% 114 5.13% 80 9.49% 148 20.96% 327 1,560 4.72 13 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q9 Would you be willing to pay a higher fare if it allowed MATBUS to make certain improvements or offer new services? Answered: 1,598 Skipped: 88 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 65.52% 1,047 No 34.48% 551 Total 1,598 14 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q10 If you would be willing to pay a higher fare, how much more per ride? Answered: 1,031 Skipped: 655 $0.10 $0.25 $0.50 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses $0.10 32.40% 334 $0.25 46.56% 480 $0.50 21.05% 217 Total 1,031 15 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q11 If you would be willing to pay a higher fare, how much more per 30-day pass? Answered: 973 Skipped: 713 $2.00 $5.00 $8.00 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses $2.00 36.90% 359 $5.00 51.59% 502 $8.00 11.51% 112 Total 973 16 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q12 Please rank the following current MATBUS services from 5 (Very Good) to 1 (Very Poor). Answered: 1,563 Skipped: 123 Safety and Security at... Cleanliness of MATBUS Shelters Courtesy / Helpfulness ... Courtesy / Helpfulness ... On-Time Performance ... Number of locations wh... The ability to understand a... Safe Driving by MATBUS Staff 0 1 2 3 4 (Very Good) 5 5 6 7 8 9 4 3 2 (Very Poor) 1 No Opinion 10 Total Weighted Average Safety and Security at Transfer Hubs (Dilworth Walmart, GTC, K-Mart, Marriott, NDSU Union, West Acres) 28.97% 449 30.90% 479 17.23% 267 3.55% 55 1.55% 24 17.81% 276 1,550 4.00 Cleanliness of MATBUS Shelters 24.55% 380 32.69% 506 23.51% 364 8.33% 129 3.81% 59 7.11% 110 1,548 3.71 33.31% 516 33.25% 515 18.98% 294 5.36% 83 2.13% 33 6.97% 108 1,549 3.97 24.89% 382 24.56% 377 14.46% 222 4.63% 71 2.61% 40 28.86% 443 1,535 3.91 18.79% 290 35.19% 543 25.15% 388 9.53% 147 4.54% 70 6.80% 105 1,543 3.58 Number of locations where MATBUS maps / schedules are available 31.62% 487 31.36% 483 18.77% 289 7.99% 123 2.60% 40 7.66% 118 1,540 3.88 The ability to understand and navigate the MATBUS maps / schedules 33.01% 510 33.14% 512 17.80% 275 6.54% 101 4.14% 64 5.37% 83 1,545 3.89 Safe Driving by MATBUS Staff 40.91% 632 33.01% 510 14.30% 221 3.69% 57 1.75% 27 6.34% 98 1,545 4.15 Courtesy / Helpfulness of MATBUS Drivers Courtesy / Helpfulness of GTC Dispatch Staff On-Time Performance of MATBUS Vehicles 17 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q13 How many one-way trips do you make on MATBUS each week? Answered: 1,568 Skipped: 118 0 1-2 3-5 6 - 10 11 or more 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses 0 15.82% 248 1-2 19.83% 311 3-5 24.36% 382 6 - 10 21.17% 332 11 or more 18.81% 295 Total 1,568 18 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q14 How many transfers do you usually make on a one-way trip when you ride MATBUS? Answered: 1,550 Skipped: 136 0 1 2 or more 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses 0 56.84% 881 1 28.13% 436 2 or more 15.03% 233 Total 1,550 19 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q15 Including transfers, how long does your MATBUS trip usually last? Answered: 1,487 Skipped: 199 Less than 15 minutes 15 - 29 minutes 30 - 44 minutes 45 - 60 minutes More than 60 minutes 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Less than 15 minutes 39.68% 590 15 - 29 minutes 26.90% 400 30 - 44 minutes 16.14% 240 45 - 60 minutes 11.50% 171 More than 60 minutes 5.78% 86 Total 1,487 20 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q16 Which times do you frequently ride the bus? [Check all that apply]. Answered: 1,478 Skipped: 208 6 AM - 9 AM 9 AM - 2 PM 2 PM - 6 PM 6 PM - 11 PM 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses 6 AM - 9 AM 46.28% 684 9 AM - 2 PM 63.26% 935 2 PM - 6 PM 64.34% 951 6 PM - 11 PM 30.72% 454 Total Respondents: 1,478 21 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q17 Have you ever brought your bike with you while using the bus? Answered: 1,516 Skipped: 170 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 16.03% 243 No 83.97% 1,273 Total 1,516 22 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q18 If you have brought your bike while using the bus, have you ever had to leave it behind, or wait for the next bus because the bike rack was full? Answered: 246 Skipped: 1,440 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 41.87% 103 No 58.13% 143 Total 246 23 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q19 Do you ride the bus to get to any of the following destinations? [Check all that apply]. Answered: 1,480 Skipped: 206 Work School Health Services Social Services Entertainment Shopping Sporting Events Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Work 49.53% 733 School 60.95% 902 Health Services 28.45% 421 Social Services 17.57% 260 Entertainment 28.58% 423 Shopping 46.49% 688 Sporting Events 11.08% 164 Other (please specify) 9.46% 140 Total Respondents: 1,480 24 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q20 Do you feel the price you pay to ride MATBUS is a good value? Answered: 1,476 Skipped: 210 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 94.92% No 5.08% Total 1,401 75 1,476 25 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q21 Where have you seen/heard advertisements regarding MATBUS? [Check all that apply]. Answered: 1,477 Skipped: 209 Billboards Bus Shelters Facebook Twitter On the Buses Newspaper MATBUS Website Text Alert via Phone Radio Television Mailed Coupon Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Billboards 54.71% 808 Bus Shelters 84.56% 1,249 Facebook 22.82% 337 Twitter 5.69% 84 On the Buses 78.06% 1,153 Newspaper 24.17% 357 MATBUS Website 41.44% 612 26 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Text Alert via Phone 3.66% 54 Radio 23.56% 348 Television 16.59% 245 Mailed Coupon 12.93% 191 Other (please specify) 5.08% 75 Total Respondents: 1,477 27 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q22 Why do you ride the bus? [Check all that apply]. Answered: 1,497 Skipped: 189 Avoid Traffic Can't Drive/No License Help the Environment Only Means of Transportation Parking Issues Save Money Save Time Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Avoid Traffic 28.79% 431 Can't Drive/No License 25.52% 382 Help the Environment 30.39% 455 Only Means of Transportation 34.20% 512 Parking Issues 40.88% 612 Save Money 51.84% 776 Save Time 25.58% 383 Other (please specify) 11.89% 178 Total Respondents: 1,497 28 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q23 How long have you been riding MATBUS? Answered: 1,483 Skipped: 203 Less than a year 1 - 3 years 3 - 5 years More than 5 years 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Less than a year 26.77% 397 1 - 3 years 36.21% 537 3 - 5 years 14.03% 208 More than 5 years 22.99% 341 Total 1,483 29 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q24 Are you currently enrolled in a college, university or taking post-secondary courses? Answered: 1,497 Skipped: 189 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 59.39% 889 No 40.61% 608 Total 1,497 30 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q25 Are you signed up to receive the free MATBUS Rider Alert emails? Answered: 1,504 Skipped: 182 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 15.49% 233 No 84.51% 1,271 Total 1,504 31 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q26 If you are not signed up to receive MATBUS Rider Alert emails, were you aware they exist? Answered: 1,350 Skipped: 336 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 33.04% 446 No 66.96% 904 Total 1,350 32 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q27 What is your current age? Answered: 1,533 Skipped: 153 Under 12 12 - 17 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 54 55 - 64 65 - 79 80+ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Under 12 0.13% 2 12 - 17 0.13% 2 18 - 24 47.49% 728 25 - 34 18.40% 282 35 - 54 20.42% 313 55 - 64 9.59% 147 65 - 79 3.46% 53 80+ 0.39% 6 Total 1,533 33 / 35 Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! Q28 Please provide any other comments or suggestions to improve MATBUS services. Answered: 638 Skipped: 1,048 34 / 35 SurveyMonkey Help us improve transportation in the Fargo-Moorhead metro! SurveyMonkey Q29 OPTIONAL: If you would like to be placed into a drawing to win Beats by Dr. Dre earbuds, a Fitbit, or one of several local restaurant gift cards (donated by Y94 and Froggy 99.9) for completing this survey, please provide us with your name and an email address or phone number which we will utilize to conact you. Answered: 1,048 Skipped: 638 Answer Choices Responses Name 98.95% Company 0.00% 0 Address 0.00% 0 Address 2 0.00% 0 City / Town 0.00% 0 State / Province 0.00% 0 ZIP / Postal Code 0.00% 0 Country 0.00% 0 Email 87.98% 922 Phone 82.82% 868 35 / 35 1,037 Attachment 6 Quality Service Indicators FIXED ROUTE MISSED RUNS Mechanical Failure/Biohazard Clean-up Dec-14 Dec-13 14 7 Volume of Telephone Calls Moorhead Missed Transfers Route 1 FIXED ROUTE - Ground Transportation Center (6:00 a.m. - 11:15 p.m. Monday - Saturday) Dec-14 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-13 8 13 Total Calls Recorded 4,279 26 6,657 25 165 266 Dec-14 Dec-13 3,207 3,322 Accident 4 3 Route 2 16 14 Number of Operating Days Driver/Dispatch Error 0 3 Route 3 6 5 Average Number per Day Passenger Issue 0 0 Route 4 1 4 Traffic 1 1 Route 5 3 16 Weather/Road Conditions 5 6 Route 6 1 N/A Number of Operating Days 22 21 24 20 Route 7 18 1 Average Number per Day 146 158 Total Runs 16,193 15,291 Route 8 4 1 System Percent of Missed Runs 0.15% 0.13% Route 9 0 N/A 57 54 Dec-14 Dec-13 TOTAL MISSED RUNS Total MHD FIXED & PARATRANSIT PASSENGER COMPLAINTS Dec-14 Dec-13 Fargo Missed Transfers PARATRANSIT - MTG (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday) Total Calls Recorded Social Media & Marketing MATBUS.com Substantiated 1 1 Route 11 4 8 Facebook Unsubstantiated 9 31 Route 13 2 0 Twitter Pending 1 0 Route 13U 2 0 YouTube Compliments 0 2 Route 14 6 10 MATBUS Rider Alerts Sanford M3TRO Program Other TOTAL COMPLAINTS Total Monthly Passengers Complaints per 1,000 passengers PASSENGER COMPLAINTS BY TYPE (Excluding Pending/Compliments) 4 0 Route 15 31 18 15 34 Route 16 20 12 184,883 182,060 Route 17 21 11 0.08 0.19 Route 18 5 1 Route 23 1 0 Total FAR 92 60 Dec-14 Dec-13 Rude 2 10 Policy 3 3 Driver Behavior 2 5 Missed Passenger 6 2 Other 4 12 System Percent of Missed Transfers 0.92% 0.75% Dec-13 19,316 22,325 1,931 1,226 364 314 15,225 9,842 video views 1,956 1,439 email subscribers 115 117 page views likes followers participants First Transit Accidents Total Passengers Vehicle Miles FAR Fixed MHD Fixed 142,246 37,951 Paratransit 4,686 79,986 33,376 31,075 6,485 2,416 2,233 Unpreventable Accidents 2 0 0 Preventable Accidents 1 1 0 Accidents per 100k Miles 0.80 0.33 0.00 Accidents per Hour 0.06 0.02 0.00 7 5 3 Revenue Hours A Missed Transfer occurs when a bus arrives too late to make transfers with other routes. Dec-14 Ride Alongs / Spot Checks MOORHEAD FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP December 2014 Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Comparison to Previous Year by Route Change Dec. 2013 Dec. 2014 21 22 1 4 4 25 26 1 MOORHEAD FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP - Year To Date Jan-Dec 2013 compared to Jan-Dec 2014 % Change 5% 0% 4% Revenue Hours Vehicle Mileage 1,996 28,829 2,416 33,376 420 4,547 21% 16% Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 Route 8 Route 9 TOTAL Ridership 5,608 9,763 3,394 9,262 3,929 831 1,386 34,173 6,153 8,760 5,049 9,410 4,412 953 1,114 1,562 538 37,951 545 (1,003) 1,655 148 483 953 283 176 538 3,778 10% -10% 49% 2% 12% N/A 34% 13% N/A 11% (1) 93 (0) -8% 7% -4% Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides per Vehicle Mile 17 1,367 1.19 16 1,460 1.137074545 Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Comparison to Previous Year by Route 2013 2014 Change 255 255 52 52 307 307 - % Change 0% 0% 0% Revenue Hours Vehicle Mileage 24,257 345,721 27,643 394,485 3,386 48,764 14% 14% Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 Route 8 Route 9 Fargo Marathon TOTAL Ridership 77,928 127,479 50,818 112,786 51,770 12,279 19,564 452,624 80,367 129,516 55,715 121,107 48,513 11,165 11,943 19,025 4,424 401 482,177 2,439 2,037 4,897 8,321 (3,257) 11,165 (336) (539) 4,424 401 29,553 3% 2% 10% 7% -6% N/A -3% -3% N/A N/A 7% Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides per Vehicle Mile ROUTE INFORMATION Route 1 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by Concordia to Marriott Route 2 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by MSUM to Marriott Route 3 - Southeast Moorhead by High School, Horizon, Cashwise, Target Route 4 - Downtown to EasTen Shopping Area, Target, Wal-Mart, Cashwise, North Moorhead, Courthouse, Highrises Route 5 - South of I-94 from Marriott, Village Green, M|State, Safari, AmericInn Route 6 - Dilworth by Walmart, CVS, Red River Recovery, Houge Estates Route 7 - Evening North Route to Hwy 10 Shopping, MSUM, Downtown Route 8 - Evening South Route to Concordia, Safari, Sunmart to Downtown Route 9 - SE Moorhead from Walmart to Horizon School, Sanford Health, Sam's Club NOTES: 19 17 (1) 1,474 1,571 96 1.31 1.22 (0.09) ROUTE INFORMATION Route 1 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by Concordia to Marriott Route 2 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by MSUM to Marriott Route 3 - Southeast Moorhead by High School, Horizon, Cashwise, Target Route 4 - Downtown to EasTen Shopping Area, Target, Wal-Mart, Cashwise, North Moorhead, Courthouse, Highrises Route 5 - South of I-94 from Marriott, Village Green, M|State, Safari, AmericInn Route 6 - Dilworth by Walmart, CVS, Red River Recovery, Houge Estates Route 7 - Evening North Route to Hwy 10 Shopping, MSUM, Downtown Route 8 - Evening South Route to Concordia, Safari, Sunmart to Downtown Route 9 - SE Moorhead from Walmart to Horizon School, Sanford Health, Sam's Club NOTES: -7% 7% -7% January 1, 2013, a second bus was added to Route 2 on weekdays from 2:30-6:30 during the academic year. The second bus on Night Routes 7 & 8 for 30-minute frequency was made permanent and the routes were changed to take 6th Avenue rather than 9th/12th Aves by campus. Night service was extended by one hour to 11:15. January 1, 2013, a second bus was added to Route 2 on weekdays from 2:30-6:30 during the academic year. The second bus on Night Routes 7 & 8 for 30-minute frequency was made permanent and the routes were changed to take 6th Avenue rather than 9th/12th Aves by campus. Night service was extended by one hour to 11:15. January 1, 2014, a new Route 6 was added to Dilworth with service only at peak morning and afternoon. On May 1, 2014, the route was interlined with new Route 9 for full service. January 1, 2014, a new Route 6 was added to Dilworth with service only at peak morning and afternoon. On May 1, 2014, the route was interlined with new Route 9 for full service. May 1, 2014, a new Route 9 was added to SE Moorhead. Extensive detours to Main Ave affected the route substantially in June-Sept. 2014. May 1, 2014, a new Route 9 was added to SE Moorhead. Extensive detours to Main Ave affected the route substantially in June-Sept. 2014. Year-end 2014: Added the Fargo Marathon, and rides found at year-end in Out-of-Service. FARGO - MATBUS FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP FARGO - MATBUS FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP - Year To Date December 2014 Jan-Dec 2013 compared to Jan-Dec 2014 Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Comparison to Previous Year by Route December 2013 December 2014 21 22 4 4 25 26 Change 1 1 % Change 5% 0% 4% Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Revenue Hours Vehicle Miles 6,238 86,809 6,485 79,986 247 (6,823) 4% -8% Route 11 Route 13 Route 13U Route 14 Route 15 Route 16 Route 17 Route 18 6,336 16,399 6,671 14,699 27,206 6,857 3,098 5,592 7,174 14,911 5,315 15,783 30,135 7,098 4,160 5,717 838 (1,488) (1,356) 1,084 2,929 241 1,062 125 13% -9% -20% 7% 11% 4% 34% 2% 1,953 2,094 5,276 19,117 19,827 9,188 1,286 - 5,669 15,457 19,559 8,122 1,052 - 393 (3,660) (268) (1,066) (234) - 7% -19% -1% -12% -18% - 143,505 142,246 (1,259) -1% TOTAL Ridership (1) (269) 0.13 -5% -5% 0.08 Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides Per Vehicle Mile Route 23 Route 31 Route 32 Route 33 Route 34 Route 35 ESPN GameDay / Homecoming TOTAL Ridership Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides Per Vehicle Mile 23 5,740 1.65 22 5,471 1.78 MATBUS ROUTE INFORMATION - FARGO 141 7% Comparison to Previous Year by Route 2013 2014 Change 255 255 52 52 307 307 - Revenue Hours Vehicle Miles 74,393 950,598 74,814 951,662 422 1,064 Route 11 Route 13 Route 13U Route 14 Route 15 Route 16 Route 17 Route 18 84,313 197,012 73,869 192,413 349,891 95,553 38,650 71,879 84,339 195,766 65,802 206,586 367,271 88,381 46,296 71,441 26 (1,246) (8,067) 14,173 17,380 (7,172) 7,646 (438) 28,027 28,957 42,250 170,040 231,494 95,370 11,087 - 63,008 171,829 245,023 90,589 9,845 6,391 1,681,848 1,741,524 Route 23 Route 31 Route 32 Route 33 Route 34 Route 35 ESPN GameDay / Homecoming 23 5,478 1.77 23 5,673 1.83 MATBUS ROUTE INFORMATION - FARGO Route 11 - Downtown north and south on Broadway to 25th Ave N, VA Hospital Route 11 - Downtown north and south on Broadway to 25th Ave N, VA Hospital Route 13 - Downtown to NDSU and North Fargo, including Northport & Trollwood Route 13 - Downtown to NDSU and North Fargo, including Northport & Trollwood Route 13U - Downtown to Renaissance, Klai, R.H. Barry and NDSU Union Route 13U - Downtown to Renaissance, Klai, R.H. Barry and NDSU Union Route 14 - Downtown to Kmart, Essentia, 32nd Ave S, 42nd St S and West Acres Route 14 - Downtown to Kmart, Essentia, 32nd Ave S, 42nd St S and West Acres Route 15 - Downtown to 13th Avenue South retail corridor Route 15 - Downtown to 13th Avenue South retail corridor Route 16 - Downtown to CashWise, West Acres and West Fargo Route 16 - Downtown to CashWise, West Acres and West Fargo Route 17 - Downtown to Madison Neighborhood Route 17 - Downtown to Madison Neighborhood Route 18 - Downtown to Jefferson Neighborhood and SE Human Services Route 18 - Downtown to Jefferson Neighborhood and SE Human Services Route 23 - West Acres to Woodhaven, Osgood, Microsoft, 52nd Ave Walmart & PRACS Route 23 - West Acres to Woodhaven, Osgood, Microsoft, 52nd Ave Walmart & PRACS Route 31 - NDSU Campus to Tech Park and Fargodome Parking Route 31 - NDSU Campus to Tech Park and Fargodome Parking Route 32 - NDSU Campus to University Village and Dakota Drive Housing Route 32 - NDSU Campus to University Village and Dakota Drive Housing Route 33 - NDSU Union to Klai Hall, Richard H. Barry Hall and University Village Route 33 - NDSU Union to Klai Hall, Richard H. Barry Hall and University Village Route 34 - NDSU Union to Days Inn, Skills & Tech, Stop-N-Go Center & Niskanen Route 35 - NDSU Evening Route between Library and University Village Route 34 - NDSU Union to Days Inn, Skills & Tech, Stop-N-Go Center & Niskanen Route 35 - NDSU Evening Route between Library and University Village 930 20,758 1,789 13,529 (4,781) (1,242) 6,391 59,676 1 194 0.06 % Change 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% -1% -11% 7% 5% -8% 20% -1% 3% 49% 1% 6% -5% -11% 4% 3% 4% 0.03 COLLEGE RIDERSHIP ON MATBUS 2013-14 Fare Count Year 2013 2013 Total 2014 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2014 Total Grand Total 2013-14 Concordia 1,008 991 990 1,054 924 4,967 1,008 1,093 1,188 1,089 642 631 442 6,093 11,060 Customer Type M|State MSUM 3,444 9,181 4,689 10,549 4,531 11,155 4,187 10,650 3,371 8,660 20,222 50,195 3,861 9,490 3,998 10,766 3,982 10,234 4,179 10,420 2,729 8,354 2,523 6,685 2,225 6,300 23,497 62,249 43,719 112,444 Concordia 975 1,083 1,194 1,120 1,026 5,398 Customer Type M|State 2,861 4,487 4,024 2,857 2,586 16,815 MSUM 9,804 11,357 12,250 10,788 10,215 54,414 16,815 54,414 NDSU Grand Total 34,245 47,878 94,661 110,890 111,851 128,527 89,399 105,290 78,813 91,768 408,969 484,353 84,647 99,006 113,325 129,182 83,219 98,623 95,179 110,867 48,969 60,694 13,333 23,172 12,562 21,529 451,234 543,073 860,203 1,027,426 2014-15 Fare Count Year 2014 2014 Total 2015 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2015 Total Grand Total 2014-15 5,398 NDSU Grand Total 33,761 47,401 97,731 114,658 107,257 124,725 86,700 101,465 71,060 84,887 396,509 473,136 396,509 473,136 % CHANGE Year 2013-14 2013-14 Total 2014-15 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2014-15 Total Grand Total NOTES: Includes NDSU Circulator Routes Concordia -3% 9% 21% 6% 11% 9% M|State -17% -4% -11% -32% -23% -17% MSUM 7% 8% 10% 1% 18% 8% NDSU Grand Total -1% -1% 3% 3% -4% -3% -3% -4% -10% -7% -3% -2% PARATRANSIT RIDERSHIP December 2014 Total Operating Days Hours of Service Comparison to Previous Year December 2013 December 2014 30 29 Change (1) % Change -3% 2,071 2,233 162 8% 28,737 31,075 2,338 8% Total Ridership 4,383 4,686 303 7% Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Dilworth 3,182 712 361 128 3,340 767 470 109 158 55 109 (19) 5% 8% 30% -15% -0.02 0.07 -0.01 0.01 Mileage Rides per Hour Miles Per Rider Total Operating Days Hours of Service 2.12 6.56 2.10 6.63 Comparison to Previous Month November 2014 December 2014 29 29 Change - % Change 0% 2,071 2,233 162 8% 28,076 31,075 2,999 11% Total Ridership 4,093 4,686 593 14% Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Dilworth 2,971 585 407 130 3,340 767 470 109 369 182 63 (21) 12% 31% 15% -16% 0.12 (0.23) 0.06 (0.03) Mileage Rides per Hour Miles Per Rider 1.98 6.86 2.10 6.63 METRO SENIOR RIDE 2014 MOORHEAD & DILWORTH, MINNESOTA Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL MOORHEAD SENIORS 2014 2013 % Change 699 625 11.84% 675 478 41.21% 699 624 12.02% 691 696 -0.72% 670 666 0.60% 581 585 -0.68% 619 608 1.81% 644 686 -6.12% 615 634 -3.00% 666 727 -8.39% 549 605 -9.26% 590 629 -6.20% 7,698 7,563 1.79% Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 2008 236 324 343 389 304 261 296 266 348 428 423 432 4,050 2009 464 442 345 427 426 419 454 417 446 473 398 400 5111 DILWORTH SENIORS 2014 2013 % Change 29 30 -3.33% 36 34 5.88% 31 36 -13.89% 52 32 62.50% 49 35 40.00% 45 21 114.29% 59 29 103.45% 57 34 67.65% 60 42 42.86% 70 85 -17.65% 64 61 4.92% 51 40 27.50% 603 479 25.89% TOTAL PASSENGERS 2010 2011 2012 400 383 614 398 387 598 501 418 635 491 689 685 466 610 669 502 566 595 472 496 590 483 636 682 507 581 617 546 676 673 577 514 617 618 367 517 5961 6323 7492 2013 655 512 660 728 701 606 637 720 676 812 666 669 8042 TOTAL PASSENGERS 2014 2013 % Change 728 655 11.15% 711 512 38.87% 730 660 10.61% 743 728 2.06% 719 701 2.57% 626 606 3.30% 678 637 6.44% 701 720 -2.64% 675 676 -0.15% 736 812 -9.36% 613 666 -7.96% 641 669 -4.19% 8,301 8,042 3.22% 2014 728 711 730 743 719 626 678 701 675 736 613 641 8301 105% Quality Service Indicators FIXED ROUTE MISSED RUNS Mechanical Failure/Biohazard Clean-up Jan-15 Jan-14 44 2 Volume of Telephone Calls Moorhead Missed Transfers Route 1 FIXED ROUTE - Ground Transportation Center (6:00 a.m. - 11:15 p.m. Monday - Saturday) Jan-15 Jan-14 5 12 Total Calls Recorded 26 26 190 248 Jan-15 Jan-14 3,083 3,961 Accident 0 6 Route 2 14 36 Number of Operating Days Driver/Dispatch Error 4 1 Route 3 3 2 Average Number per Day Passenger Issue 0 0 Route 4 8 6 23 3 2 Route 5 3 Weather/Road Conditions 16 0 Route 6 0 TOTAL MISSED RUNS 67 11 Route 7 6 Traffic Total Runs 16,899 8,921 Route 8 3 11 0.40% 0.12% Route 9 0 N/A 42 104 Jan-15 Jan-14 FIXED & PARATRANSIT PASSENGER COMPLAINTS Jan-15 Jan-14 Fargo Missed Transfers Total Calls Recorded 14 System Percent of Missed Runs Total MHD PARATRANSIT - MTG (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday) MATBUS.com Substantiated 2 2 Route 11 8 5 Facebook 9 18 Route 13 0 1 Twitter Pending 0 0 Route 13U 0 2 YouTube Compliments 0 4 Route 14 6 4 MATBUS Rider Alerts Other Total Monthly Passengers Complaints per 1,000 passengers PASSENGER COMPLAINTS BY TYPE (Excluding Pending/Compliments) 5 1 Route 15 25 40 16 25 Route 16 13 16 188,711 193,657 Route 17 10 15 0.08 0.13 Route 18 12 1 Route 23 0 0 Total FAR 74 84 Jan-15 Jan-14 Rude 4 3 Policy 8 4 Driver Behavior 2 3 Missed Passenger 2 1 Other 2 12 Sanford M3TRO Program System Percent of Missed Transfers 0.69% 2.11% 4,947 6,443 Number of Operating Days 21 22 Average Number per Day 147 180 Jan-15 Jan-14 24,828 9,696 page views 1,945 1,265 likes 376 321 15,489 12,034 1,974 1,466 118 121 followers video views email subscribers participants First Transit Accidents Total Passengers Vehicle Miles FAR Fixed MHD Fixed 146,556 37,714 Paratransit 4,441 79,751 33,765 29,186 6,330 2,411 2,141 Unpreventable Accidents 4 2 0 Preventable Accidents 3 0 1 Accidents per 100k Miles 2.39 0.00 0.29 Accidents per Hour 0.19 0.00 0.02 5 3 4 Revenue Hours A Missed Transfer occurs when a bus arrives too late to make transfers with other routes. Jan-14 Social Media & Marketing Unsubstantiated TOTAL COMPLAINTS Jan-15 Ride Alongs / Spot Checks MOORHEAD FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP January 2015 Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Comparison to Previous Year by Route Jan 2014 Jan 2015 Change 22 21 (1) 4 5 1 25 26 1 % Change -5% 25% 4% Revenue Hours Vehicle Mileage 2,272 32,136 2,411 33,765 139 1,629 Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 Route 8 Route 9 TOTAL Ridership 5,796 10,886 3,996 10,525 3,924 984 950 1,414 38,475 6,018 10,477 4,811 8,675 3,886 1,005 829 1,494 519 37,714 222 (409) 815 (1,850) (38) 21 (121) 80 519 (761) 4% -4% 20% -18% -1% N/A -13% 6% N/A -2% 17 1,539 1.20 16 1,451 1.12 (1) (88) (0.08) -8% -6% -7% Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides per Vehicle Mile 6% 5% ROUTE INFORMATION Route 1 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by Concordia to Marriott Route 2 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by MSUM to Marriott Route 3 - Southeast Moorhead by High School, Horizon, Cashwise, Target Route 4 - Downtown to EasTen Shopping Area, Target, Wal-Mart, Cashwise, North Moorhead, Courthouse, Highrises Route 5 - South of I-94 from Marriott, Village Green, M|State, Safari, AmericInn Route 6 - Dilworth by Walmart, CVS, Red River Recovery, Houge Estates Route 7 - Evening North Route to Hwy 10 Shopping, MSUM, Downtown Route 8 - Evening South Route to Concordia, Safari, Sunmart to Downtown Route 9 - SE Moorhead from Walmart to Horizon School, Sanford Health, Sam's Club NOTES: January 1, 2014, a new Route 6 was added to Dilworth with service only at peak morning and afternoon. On May 1, 2014, the route was interlined with new Route 9 for full service. May 1, 2014, a new Route 9 was added to SE Moorhead. FARGO - MATBUS FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP January 2015 Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Comparison to Previous Year by Route Jan 2014 Jan 2015 22 21 4 5 26 26 Change (1) 1 - % Change -5% 25% 0% Revenue Hours Vehicle Miles 6,279 75,918 6,330 79,751 51 3,833 Route 11 Route 13 Route 13U Route 14 Route 15 Route 16 Route 17 Route 18 6,746 18,684 6,452 14,690 26,182 7,336 3,601 6,147 6,772 17,173 5,888 15,115 27,598 6,627 4,074 5,309 26 (1,511) (564) 425 1,416 (709) 473 (838) Route 23 1,940 1,992 Route 31 Route 32 Route 33 Route 34 Route 35 6,351 18,687 22,954 9,638 848 5,945 18,875 22,047 8,232 909 (406) 188 (907) (1,406) 61 -6% 1% -4% -15% 7% 150,256 146,556 (3,700) -2% (1) (142) -0.14 -3% -2% -0.07 TOTAL Ridership Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides Per Vehicle Mile 24 5,779 1.98 23 5,637 1.84 MATBUS ROUTE INFORMATION - FARGO Route 11 - Downtown north and south on Broadway to 25th Ave N, VA Hospital Route 13 - Downtown to NDSU and North Fargo, including Northport & Trollwood Route 13U - Downtown to Renaissance, Klai, R.H. Barry and NDSU Union Route 14 - Downtown to Kmart, Essentia, 32nd Ave S, 42nd St S and West Acres Route 15 - Downtown to 13th Avenue South retail corridor Route 16 - Downtown to CashWise, West Acres and West Fargo Route 17 - Downtown to Madison Neighborhood Route 18 - Downtown to Jefferson Neighborhood and SE Human Services Route 23 - West Acres to Woodhaven, Osgood, Microsoft, 52nd Ave Walmart & PRACS Route 31 - NDSU Campus to Tech Park and Fargodome Parking Route 32 - NDSU Campus to University Village and Dakota Drive Housing Route 33 - NDSU Union to Klai Hall, Richard H. Barry Hall and University Village Route 34 - NDSU Union to Days Inn, Skills & Tech, Stop-N-Go Center & Niskanen Route 35 - NDSU Evening Route between Library and University Village 52 1% 5% 0% -8% -9% 3% 5% -10% 13% -14% 3% COLLEGE RIDERSHIP ON MATBUS 2013-14 Fare Count Year 2013 2013 Total 2014 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2014 Total Grand Total 2013-14 Concordia 1,008 991 990 1,054 924 4,967 1,008 1,093 1,188 1,089 642 631 442 6,093 11,060 Customer Type M|State MSUM 3,444 9,181 4,689 10,549 4,531 11,155 4,187 10,650 3,371 8,660 20,222 50,195 3,861 9,490 3,998 10,766 3,982 10,234 4,179 10,420 2,729 8,354 2,523 6,685 2,225 6,300 23,497 62,249 43,719 112,444 Concordia 975 1,083 1,194 1,120 1,026 5,398 1,336 Customer Type M|State 2,861 4,487 4,024 2,857 2,586 16,815 3,398 MSUM 9,804 11,357 12,250 10,788 10,215 54,414 10,238 3,398 20,213 10,238 64,652 NDSU Grand Total 34,245 47,878 94,661 110,890 111,851 128,527 89,399 105,290 78,813 91,768 408,969 484,353 84,647 99,006 113,325 129,182 83,219 98,623 95,179 110,867 48,969 60,694 13,333 23,172 12,562 21,529 451,234 543,073 860,203 1,027,426 2014-15 Fare Count Year 2014 2014 Total 2015 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2015 Total Grand Total 2014-15 1,336 6,734 NDSU Grand Total 33,761 47,401 97,731 114,658 107,257 124,725 86,700 101,465 71,060 84,887 396,509 473,136 79,193 94,165 79,193 94,165 475,702 567,301 % CHANGE Year 2013-14 2013-14 Total 2014-15 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2014-15 Total Grand Total NOTES: Includes NDSU Circulator Routes Concordia -3% 9% 21% 6% 11% 9% 33% M|State -17% -4% -11% -32% -23% -17% -12% MSUM 7% 8% 10% 1% 18% 8% 8% NDSU Grand Total -1% -1% 3% 3% -4% -3% -3% -4% -10% -7% -3% -2% -6% -5% PARATRANSIT RIDERSHIP January 2015 Total Operating Days Hours of Service Comparison to Previous Year Jan 2014 Jan 2015 28 30 2,329 2,141 31,209 29,186 Total Ridership 4,685 Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Dilworth 3,331 863 364 127 Mileage Rides per Hour Miles per Rider Total Operating Days Hours of Service 2.01 6.66 Change 2 % Change 7% (188) -8% (2,023) -6% 4,441 (244) -5% 3,167 722 431 121 (164) (141) 67 (6) -5% -16% 18% -5% 0.06 (0.09) 3.12% -1.34% 2.07 6.57 Comparison to Previous Month Jan 2015 Dec 2014 29 30 Change 1 % Change 3% 2,233 2,141 (92) -4% 31,075 29,186 (1,889) -6% Total Ridership 4,686 4,441 (245) -5% Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Dilworth 3,340 767 470 109 3,167 722 431 121 (173) (45) (39) 12 -5% -6% -8% 11% -0.02 (0.06) -1.18% -0.90% Mileage Rides per Hour Miles per Rider 2.10 6.63 2.07 6.57 METRO SENIOR RIDE 2015 MOORHEAD & DILWORTH, MINNESOTA Month January TOTAL MOORHEAD SENIORS 2015 2014 % Change 699 699 0.00% 699 699 0.00% Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 2008 236 324 343 389 304 261 296 266 348 428 423 432 4,050 2009 464 442 345 427 426 419 454 417 446 473 398 400 5111 DILWORTH SENIORS 2015 2014 % Change 70 29 141.38% 70 29 141.38% TOTAL PASSENGERS 2010 2011 2012 400 383 614 398 387 598 501 418 635 491 689 685 466 610 669 502 566 595 472 496 590 483 636 682 507 581 617 546 676 673 577 514 617 618 367 517 5961 6323 7492 2013 655 512 660 728 701 606 637 720 676 812 666 669 8042 TOTAL PASSENGERS 2015 2014 % Change 769 728 5.63% 769 728 5.63% 2014 728 711 730 743 719 626 678 701 675 736 613 641 8301
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