VOLUME XXXI CCLI # 570302 JUNE 14, 2015 James 1:27 Luke 15:4 Philippians 2:12 Luke 19:10 Matthew 28:18-20 Times of Services Bible Class 9:00 AM Service 10:00 PM Service 5:00 Wednesday 7:00 ELDERS Mike Brumley (699-7574) Jimmy Carlile (349-0369) Pat Darden (689-7916) Bryan Mason (638-3888) *Steve McClaine (557-1147) Kyle Peck (520-2025) Lynn Richardson (901-568-3109) Smokie Thorp (638-9940) Ray Tobias (686-7760) Visitors, we are so glad to have you with us today at Fairmont Park. Please give us a chance to meet you! We also invite you back at 7:00 this evening for VBS. VBS IS HERE! 7:00-9:00 P.M. Tonight-Wednesday *indicates Elder down front MINISTERS Don Mitchell Dylan Fabrizio Come here inspirational lessons from the life of Elijah each night! (699-7233) (501-388-9761) Classes for birth-99! VISION Be sure to register and invite your friends to register too at Our vision is to be Christ centered, to be a place where people can find grace, hope, love, and healing, and discover their purpose in life by being a Christ-centered family, equipping believers for lifelong faith and service through worship and personal sacrifice. STATISTICS Bible Class n/a Worship 438 Evening 227 Weekly Budget $25,452 Contribution $21,156 Building Loan Balance www.fmpvbs.com. Come early to the foyer to get your name tag and room location! You don’t want to miss a minute of class! As you know, all classrooms were set up during the Work Day yesterday (and will be finished today if necessary). Therefore, ALL children’s classes (except birth & ones) will meet in the Tweener Room for a group lesson and devotional during class time today only. The teen and adult classes in the Youth room, Tweener room and the Green room will combine in the auditorium. The adults in Classroom 1 & 2 will combine in Classroom 2 this week only or attend the auditorium class. $903,528 3813 N. MIDLAND DR. PHONE 432 -699-7064 WWW.FMPCHURCH.COM PAGE 2 New members Baptized May 27th Jose & Rebecca Morales 5801 Deauville Blvd. #4112, 79706 934-9939 Hailey, Bailey, JC Baptized June 7th Dustin Dubose Placing membership Dustin & Tisha Dubose 41 Laurel Valley Dr. Odessa, 79765 Brody Heart to Heart Train Wreck There was a terrible train wreck on a recent Tuesday night, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The train derailed as it was traveling from Washington D.C. to New York City. Seven people died and over 200 were seriously injured, out of the 243 people involved. The scene was described as horrific with badly injured commuters and twisted metal. As bad as this train wreck was with a simple derailment, the early years of the railroad industry were known for horrific train wrecks. Without a dependable communication system for coordination of schedules and tracks, there were often head-on collisions. In those early years before airplanes many of these trains carried thousands of people around the U.SS. And a train wreck equaled numerous fatalities. Because of tremendous amount of destruction in these situations, the phrase “train wreck” began to describe other situations where there was death, devastation, and wreckage. It reminds me of what Jesus said in Luke 13:1-5 where he receives two terrible reports. First, several Jews had been killed by Pilate and their blood mixed with his idolatrous sacrifices. Then there was the accident involving a tower falling and killing eighteen innocent people. With these two “train wreck” situations it seems Jesus would have offered condolences. Instead, he points to the horrors that will occur to people who do not repent of their sins. Jesus’ words were fulfilled in the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD when the Roman army destroyed the city and killed multitudes of people. My hope is all mankind will repent of their sins and commit to Christ before Judgment Day. Jesus is the only hope for us to avoid the great “train wreck” at the end of time. Think about it! Billy Reed Monahans Church of Christ Encounter students—leaving at 1:00 p.m. High School Mission Trip—Detroit Michigan July 12-18 All essays & $ due by 6/21. June 14 Wedding Shower For Ainsley Rea Children’s Ministry Oldest daughter of Carol & Randy June 26 Lambs Party June 27 Pre-4th of July Congregational Fellowship June 28 Wedding Shower For Echo Johnson Today, because of VBS decorations, all children’s classes will meet in the Tweener Room Plan Ahead! You are invited to a dinner/swim party on June 26th, 6-9pm, at 4565 Shady Oak Ct. Be there for some special surprises! PAGE Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Ice Cream & Cookies Saturday, June 27th We will eat at 5:00pm. MPD will be here at 6pm for bicycle safety so bring your bicycle and helmet! Come check out our new playground! 3 You are invited to a Wedding Shower For Ainsley Rea,(oldest daughter of Carol & Randy) bride-elect of Conoley Olson Today, June 14th, 1:30-3:00pm At the home of Susan Ivanhoe 5604 Heartland Court Selections at Dillard’s and Bed, Bath, & Beyond, gift cards to Home Goods Children MUST be accompanied by an adult You are invited to a Bridal Shower honoring Echo Johnson Sunday, June 28th 1:30-3:00 p.m. At the home of Jessica Carlile 5009 Northcrest Selections: Target; Bed, Bath & Beyond; Ivy Cottage; Carter’s Gift Shop (located in Carter’s Furniture) Join us in celebrating Bill and Mildred Crozier’s 70th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, June 20, 2015 2:00 - 4:00 pm Cimmaron Place Lobby 3400 Caldera Blvd Our sympathy is also extended to Heather Moxley at the loss of her grandfather, Ed Billingsley, on Tuesday. Services were Friday at the Lamesa Church of Christ. Our love and sympathy is extended to the family of Loy Mitchell, who passed on to his heavenly reward Tuesday morning. Services were held Friday at the 14th & Main congregation in Big Spring. Burial will be Monday in Topeka, Kansas. Condolences to Paige Pipkin and family at the loss of Paige’s grandmother, Anna Turner. We also extend our sympathy to the Mark Wright family in the loss of his father, Wes. Services are pending. Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort The elders would like to make the congregation aware of a churches of Christ operated disaster relief operation based in Nashville, TN that is providing a lot of help to the flooded areas in Texas like Seagraves, Wimberley, and Houston as well as other disaster areas in other states. Because of the many areas needing assistance, they are asking for donations. If you would like help this effort, please give your donations to one of the elders or Scott Mims and the collected funds will be sent to the organization from Fairmont Park. If you prefer to donate directly to them, you can go to their website to do that. To learn more about this church ministry, look at their website via link below and how they are able to help so many through the donations from many congregations across the nation. http://disasterreliefeffort.org/ Recent report posted on bulletin board. Prayer List Bret Pearcy is doing well following his second chemo round. He returns to Houston on June 16th for treatment. Hamp Kerby had an endoscopy done on Friday. He is not doing well. Grady Lobley is having a lot of health issues. Priscilla Stitt is continuing to recover from the infection. Lynn Richardson has seen improvement in his incision, but the doctor will decide next week about surgery. Becky Waldrop will have knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, June 16th. Janet Hayse is having health issues and will have surgery on Thursday, June 25th. Robert Wilson has developed another infection in his foot. Tavares Fowler, son of Wayne Fowler, is under the care of Hospice. Verda Hardegree, mother of Becky Carlson, Deana Hardegree, & Kim Gerstenberger, was taken to a Lubbock hospital after being found unresponsive from a heart attack. Melva Allen will soon be moving but can’t until she has a doctor lined up in Kerrville. Please be praying about this. Becky Shroyer, Melva Allen’s sister-in-law, is having emergency back surgery for a ruptured disc. Burke Brack and Mitchell have been able to go home to continue rehab. Terri Upchurch, cousin of Roxanne Ogden & Jay Harrell, is under Hospice care and is now at home. Sharon Sparkman’s sister, Vickie Craigshead, will be having surgery when school is out. Remember in prayer: Melva Allen, Grady Lobley, Joan James, John Hamrick, Erin Hunt, Robert Browning, Betty Collins, Tammy Borches, David Rogers, Terri Upchurch, Loretta Grace Merritt, Brett Foster, Georgia Bartlett, Madilyn Pettitt, Bradley Roberts, Kay Carter, Jan Sizemore, Jeanette Dragisic, Mandy Bogart, Fay Prichard, Glenn Hibbens, Bobbie Hill, Betty Scott, Crozier Family, Lee & Dorothy Ansley, Jim McClaine, Glenda Winkley, Mary Alice Tidwell, Juanita Eudy, Leon & Sue Ford, LaVerne Foster-Watson Because CHRIST DID IT “More” than a BASKETBALL SKILLS CAMP ATTENTION ALL BOYS 6 – 9 Mark YOUR CALENDARS and SIGN UP IN THE FOYER (limited to 25 attendees) Dates: July 16, 17, 20, 21 (Thursday, Friday, Monday & Tuesday) Time: 6:30-8:00 Location: FMP GYM Sign-up: IN FOYER or call Bryan Mason at 432-638-3888 The camp will be run by a highly successful and former Varsity Head Coach Matthew Mason and assisted by: Rich Gill & Bryan Mason. Prayer and Devotional focusing on “Discipline” before each practice. Offense, Defense and Rebounding Skills Drills Team Scrimmages Each Participant receives a FMP Basketball Birthdays 14—Dorothy Blair, Dean’na Wickham, Linda Seago, Paige Pipkin, 15—Lila McGowan, Lan Bundy, Addison Collins, Alyssa Durham, 16—Thelma Brazell, 17—Bud James, 18—Dana Howard, Kim Wuthrich, 19—Leon Ford, Fred Frantz, Amy Penland, 20— Cody Wilcox Missions We Support Hadyn Griffith-Houston Texas Bryan Bost -Sao Paulo, Brazil Gottfried Reichel-Germany George Hall-Honduras, Guatemala & Nicaragua Ozzy McDaniel-Rapid City, S. Dakota J. Don Rodgers-Ukraine Denzel Roberts-Nevis W. Indies Andrew Soloman-St Lucia SEARCH-TV Ministry
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