About us • • • Scientific Business Solutions Company is an Emirate based environmental company located in Fujairah Free Zone with the focus of environmental consultations, environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring equipment, environmental monitoring activities and programs. We provide quality environmental services and consultancy to individuals, companies and Government Ministries throughout UAE. A key service is the provision of integrated solutions for the management of contaminated sites, from initial assessment, to determining remedial objectives and economics, through site investigation, to EPCM of complete remedial solutions. Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management for Gabbro Rocks Crushers in Fujairah Environmental Impact Assessment The environmental and social impact assessment study would ensure that national regulatory requirements are met and that the crusher activities would be conducted in an environmentally sustainable manner to meet or surpass the environmental requirements of relevant authorities in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and international standards. Objectives of the EIA • • • • • Identify and analyze sensitive components of the existing environment. Review the existing literature and document the regional and site-specific baseline state, and define additional parameters to be investigated in order to describe the pre-crusher environment. All media potentially affected shall be considered. Determine the type, nature and significance of the probable environmental impacts (positive, negative, direct and indirect, reversible and irreversible, short term and long term) during construction and operation phases. Identify and recommend practical and cost effective mitigation measures early in the process to eliminate, minimize, mitigate or avoid negative environmental impacts resulting from the crusher. Develop an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as a part of this EIA in order to detail the environmental protection and mitigation measures and monitoring for significant environmental impacts that needs follow-up during crusher implementation. Ensure that all stakeholders deemed to be influenced by the crusher activities are fully considered and that communication systems are established during the assessment process and remain effective throughout the life of the activities. Regulations • • • • • • The main environmental law in the UAE is the Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 concerning the Protection and Development of the Environment. This law was amended in 2006 by Law No. 11. The Executive Order of the law was issued by the Cabinet of Ministers in two Decrees: Decree No. 37 for the year 2001 Regulation concerning the Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects and Decree No. 12 for the year 2006 which include Regulation concerning Protection of Air from Pollution Recently the Ministry of Environment and Water issued the decree No. 567 for 2014 which include Regulations for Environmental Control in the Quarrying Industry. This decree is composed of 13 articles covering all the regulations of quarrying industry. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to provide guidance for developing appropriate environmental management practices. This will ensure environmental statutory compliance and promote effective environmental management at the proposed Crusher during all phases of the project. Monitoring shall be undertaken and documents as part of the EMP. Methodology and Techniques • Main body of the environmental impact assessment study : • Executive summary • Introduction • Legislative frame work • Project description • Environmental Base line • Alternatives • Impact analysis • Mitigation measures • Environmental management plan • Environmental monitoring program Environmental Baseline A description of the existing environment (baseline data) and surrounding area for baseline assessments as well as a thorough literature review. In order to assess the impact of the crusher on the baseline environment (fauna, flora, air soil and groundwater) we should establish a baseline data describing all the elements of the physical environment Environmental baseline measurements Project Environmental Aspects • An environmental aspect is an element of the project's activities that can interact with the environment. Project Component Environmental Aspect Project Activities Workers' accommodation Blasting of mountains Crushing of rock material Screening of rock material Material and equipment transport/use of vehicles Rock material stockpiling Accidental (Non-routine) Events Spills and leaks Vehicles collision/accidents Mountain avalanche Inappropriate waste disposal Fire Project Environmental Aspects Following the selection of the environmental aspects, the potential impacts resulting from the proposed project can be predicted. An environmental impact is a change to the environment due to a human activity and such change can be positive or negative. Impact Evaluation The significance of each potential impact will depend on the VR category and the project activities. The impact evaluation will be conducted using two sets of criteria, described respectively as basic and supplementary The basic criteria for defining an impact include: Magnitude: describes the quantity of the resource (VR) potentially affected by the activity. Spatial extent: the geographical area over which the impact is experienced. Duration: the length of time over which the impact will be experienced. An impact may be present only while an activity is active, or it could persist long after the activity has ceased, in which case the duration may be regarded as the time the VR needs to recover from the effect. The magnitude of impact is allocated one of the following categories: Very Low (1) A very small proportion of the VR is affected Low (2) A small proportion of the VR is affected Moderate (3) A moderate proportion of the VR is affected High (4) A large proportion of the VR is affected Very High (5) A very large proportion or all of the VR is affected The spatial extent of impact is allocated one of the following categories: Nil (0) No effect Very Low (1) Local scale impact in the immediate area of the activity Low (2) Local impact in the study area Moderate (3) Regional scale impact High (4) National scale impact Very High (5) Global scale impact Duration of impact is described by one of the following categories: Nil (0) No effect Very Low (1) Less than one year Low (2) One to five years Moderate (3) Five to ten years High (4) Greater than ten years Very High (5) Irreversible Assessment of Impact • The highest figure is assigned to an impact when there is uncertainty about the criteria, so as to reduce the chance of underestimating an impact BASIC IMPACT INDEX Magnitude Spatial Extent Duration N 0 0 0 VL 1 1 1 L 2 2 2 M 3 3 3 H 4 4 4 VH 5 5 5 Assessment of Impact Significance • The final impact significance is the result of the combination of the Basic Impact Index and the VR categorization, as shown in Tabel-4 where impact significance may result in one of the following classes: Insignificant (IN), Minor (MI), Moderate (MO) or Major (MA). VR Categorisation L M H Basic Impact Index N VL L IN IN IN IN IN MI IN MI MO M MI MO MA H MO MA MA VH MA MA MA Impact Analysis and Mitigation Measures Potential Impact Proposed Mitigation Environmental Management Environmental Monitoring No unnecessary idling of emissions vehicles/construction from equipment. generator, heavy Only well maintained trucks will equipment, vehicles. be allowed to prevent black smoke emissions. Use only low sulphur fuel for the diesel generators. Any complaints relating to air emissions from construction activities will be promptly investigated and where required, additional controls implemented. Vehicles and machinery will be regularly serviced and maintained to manufacturers’ specifications to optimum working conditions so that emissions would comply with the applicable national limits Daily visual check of the emissions coming from the generator, heavy construction equipment and vehicles. Air Reduction of air quality due to exhaust gas emissions and dust particulate generation Routine inspection and maintenance of combustion emissions sources such as generators, diesel engines…etc. Securely cover all paint containers, thinners and stored diesel at all times to reduce VOC emission and the chance of spills in the facility. Daily visual inspection of the construction crusher site for dust and soil condition; apply dust suppression whenever necessary. Air Combustion Apply dust suppression by spraying water to the crusher site, especially in areas where the excavation will be carried out. Use low sulphur content fuel for machinery/equipment, modify machinery, and switch off machinery/equipment when not in use. Impact Analysis and Mitigation Measures Potential Impact Proposed Mitigation Terrestrial Ecology and Equipment and vehicles should Biodiversity be well maintained to minimize Degradation or loss of flora unnecessary emissions and or habitats leaks. Vehicle tracks and roads should be used to decrease habitat destruction Minimizing areas of excavation and work as possible Noise Use of equipment generating Usage of high noise level noise of not greater than 90 generating equipment. dB(A). Carrying out high noise generating construction during day time only. Installation, use and maintenance of mufflers on noisy equipment. Employees working near high noise equipment will be equipped with ear protection. Noise monitoring during the construction period. Environmental Management Environmental Monitoring The field execution management will ensure that all personnel are aware of any environmental restrictions (i.e. restrictions of operating in protected and sensitive areas) related to surrounding sensitive areas on and adjacent to the crusher site;. Arrange work sites to avoid or minimise truck reversing movements, and ensure vehicles enter and exit work sites in a forward direction. All vehicles and mobile equipment will be equipped with effective silencers and noise reducing insulation Daily inspection of the crusher site for potential impacts on fauna and flora species especially from the movement of vehicles and heavy equipment Regular (quarterly ) noise measurements throughout the construction phase Conclusion The impact of the project over the crusher over the physical environment can be minimized to a minimum using the appropriate mitigation measures doing so the project will fulfill the requirements of both sustainable development and economic growth Scientific Business Solutions FZE Fujairah Free Zone Authority P.O Box: 5232, Fujairah, UAE
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