SPRING HILL AERIE 4208 “EAGLE WINGS” Vol. 1 Number 5 May, 2015 Published monthly by Fraternal Order of Eagles 4208 Aerie, Auxiliary and Eagle Riders Check out our website www.foe4208.com 8517 Bolton Ave Hudson, FL 34667 727-868-5754 If you would like to have the newsletter emailed just send me a note or give me a call. Comments or Questions contact: Ana L. Mahar Newsletter email [email protected] telephone: 727-858-0205 Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday 7:00 pm Secretary email [email protected] AERIE 4208 OFFICERS FOR 2014 THRU 2015 J P Worthy President — Randy Baim Worthy President — “OJ” Beaudoin Worthy VP — Mike Krawchuk Chaplain — Julie Crawford Secretary — Tom Rusiecki Treasurer — Bill Blackson Conductor — David Henderson Intside Guard — Frank Crawford Trustees 2 year — Jim Hinkle 1 year — Jack Hess 1 year — Nancy Hinkle 1 year — Ed Heineman 1 year — Gil Smith LETTER FROM THE WORTHY PRESIDENT My Brothers By this time, most of you are aware that there have been some major changes at Spring Hill Aerie 4208. Our charter has been temporarily suspended. NOT revoked. Business will continue as usual. We have not closed. Some of the Aerie Officers have been removed from their positions. New Officers have been appointed by the Grand Aerie Agent, State Secretary, Jeffrey Patton. Newly appointed officers are; Worthy Chaplain Julie Crawford, Inside Guard Frank Crawford, Worthy President Oliver “OJ” Beaudoin. We have the ability to prove to the Grand Aerie that we are worthy of having our charter reinstated. With teamwork of officers and membership working together, I am very confident that we will succeed in this endeavor. Respectfully yours, 4208 Worthy President Oliver “OJ” Beaudoin Committees for 2014 thru 2015 Interviewing Committee Auditor - Mark Blackston Pat Scott - Chairman Dan Henderson Joe Weston These are just some of the required committees AERIE 4208 WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS Kim Capasso Steven Domanski John Quail Eugene Rohrwasser Vincent Santoro Jon Sheldon William Sloan Auxiliary Meeting 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm 2014 - 2015 Auxiliary Officers Jr P. M. President ...Beth Bendl President..........Ann Krysheski Vice President...... Diane Irwin Chaplain............ Barbara Cole Secretary.............. Ana Mahar Treasurer......... Gail Vienhage Conductor............... Linda Erb Inside Guard....... Linda Irving Outside Guard..... Ruth Osteen Trustee........ Cherryl Andrews Trustee................ Dawn Hartz Trustee..... Barbara Fitzpatrick Spring Hill 4208 Auxiliary Committees 2014 -2015 BY-LAWS: Kay Scott Chairman,Beth Bendl, Bonnie Baim, Tracy Singer FINANCE: Cherryl Andrews, Dawn Hartz, Barbara Fitzpatrick VISITING: Barbara Cole CONCILIATION: Helen Huffman, Dawn Hartz, Beth Bendl, Kay Scott, Alice “Lollie” Petruzzi PUBLICITY: Barbara Danciak MEMBERSHIP: Barbara Fitzpatrick INTERVIEWING: Barbara Cole, Rose Lynn, Barbara Fitzpatrick AUDITOR: Marlene Gordon SCRAPBOOK: Marlene Gordon Spring Hill Auxiliary 4208 Secretary 727-858-0205 email [email protected] 8517 Bolton Ave - Hudson, FL Incoming Officers for 2015 - 2016 Jr. Past President-----------Ann Krysheski Madam President------Beth Bendl Vice President------Diane Irwin Chaplain-----------Barbara Cole Secretary--------Ana Mahar Treasurer-------Barbara Danciak Conductor------Ruth Osteen Outside Guard------Linda Irving Trustee-----Barbara Fitzpatrick Trustee-------Dawn Hartz Trustee------Gail Vienhage ********************************************** My Dear Sisters It is the month of May and the flowers are in bloom. I hope everyone will remember their Mother and hopefully will honor her in someway, on her special day which is May 10, 2015. We'll be selling some of these flowers and plants at our next function this month, along with our food and fun. Come Join us!! Madam President Ann Krysheski Happy Birthday Auxiliary Members with May Birthdays 1 - Tina Senter 4 - Barbara Cole, Sue Krahula, Hazel Sakowski 7 - Barbara Pierce 8 - Monica Simmons 9 - Jerri Ziebarth 16 - Marlene Gordon 20 - Joanne Appleby, Jean Stumpf 25 - Mary Doyle 27 - Donna Henry, Jennifer Hughes 30 - Tracy Singer 31 - Dawn Hartz, Betty Tolsdorf Spring Hill Auxiliary would like to welcome the following new member Nancy Smith Spring Hill Eagle Riders #4208 8517Bolton Ave - Hudson, FL 34667 April 25, 2015 Trip to Leesburg EAGLE RIDERS OFFICER 2014 THRU 2015 President.................Dan Klein Vice President.......Leo Krahula Secretary..............Kelly Davis Treasurer.........Vacant Chaplain.............Vacant Road Captain........ Road Captain.......Paul Young Sgt..............................”Popeye” Sgt................Mike Vanderputten Sgt..................................”Hoss” Merchandise.......Janet Baker Events..................Lisa Baker Hello 4208 Eagle Riders We had a great meeting Saturday April 4th. Over 30 eagle riders attended and also signed up more new members. I’d like to welcome Paul Molloy, Mark Blackson, James and Joan Labenski, Karl & Gail Hosp, Henry & Fran Ballue and Shar Burlovich . We also donated $100 to our chaplain Allison Zinno who is doing a Muscular Dystrophy Walk in Raymond James Stadium with her team the J-Dawks. Another subject that came up is an Eagle Rider trip to the Tampa Bay Rays baseball game. Beth and Earl Soimski have graciously volunteered a small school bus to take a group of us up there. We also decided to give a small gratuity to our bartenders who helped us raise money for our booze bottle raffle. Big George, our road captain for many years has decided to resign from being one of our road captains. He will still remain an Eagle Rider. On behalf of President Dan Klein, myself and the rest of the 4208 Eagle Riders we like to thank you for the many years of service and safe trips you have given us. Thank you George! Continue on next page Deaths Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to family and friends Get Well Soon Barbara L (Stevens) Knowles Ernest M. Lanci Dan Klein Hello Eagle Riders Our President Dan Klein went into the hospital last week. He thought his pacemaker was out of sync, it turned out he had a blood clot near the heart. After the operation he is doing better and sounding better than he has been the last couple of weeks. He is at Bayside hospital in Port Richey if you’d like to give them a call and wish him well. Saturday April 18, Hoss’ poker run went off without a hitch. We had over 30 bikes and 45 members attended. Door replacements and ramps at Hoss’ house are completed. Later that evening, everyone was invited to Beth and Earl Soinski’s house for a party. Special thanks to Ladies Auxiliary who once again came through. Ladies you are great. Eagle Riders have travel to Saint Petersburg 4147 all the way to Oldtown 4520 and all the Aeries in between. When one of these other Aeries members ask what’s the best thing about the 4208, the Eagle Riders say with pride, their friendship with the Ladies Auxiliary. The two groups do what the Fraternal Order of Eagle is supposed to do. April 25th Leesburg run. 16 Eagle Riders and friends attended the Leesburg annual bikes festival. Six of the Riders camped overnight. Ten of us rode up on Saturday. The place was a madhouse with thousands and thousands of motorcycles in the streets and bands playing everywhere. It was a great time but with the crowds and events going on it seem like everyone got lost. Impossible to stay in a group. May 2 to Eagle Rider meeting 11:30. Road Captain Paul Young, will do a fun ride afterwards. I will be in Chicago to see my four year old granddaughters, first ballet recital. Also I will be getting things ready for the arrival of my first grandson William Robert, who will be coming in the next few months. May 13 Wednesday. Big George is organizing an honor guard motorcycle run to Bushnell National Cemetery for Ernie an Eagle member and veteran who passed away last week. Ernie was an Air Force captain and always supported Eagle Rider events in the past. Kick stands up at 9:15 at the 4208. We will then head to the funeral parlor and then to Bushnell. Saturday, May 30. Humane society of that Nature Coast Poker Run. This is an event that I have been doing for seven years. The last three years my brothers and sisters from 4208 and Crystal River have helped me make this one of the biggest poker run in the area. Last year with the help of the Eagle Riders I managed to have over 200 motorcycles and made over $6000 for the Humane Society of the Nature Coast. I’d like to do even better this year. Ride starts at Hernando Animal Hospital, 5335 Applegate Dr Spring Hill. Registration starts at 9:00. Continental Breakfast will be provided. Kick stands up at 10:30am. Live music and door prizes at the end of the ride at R-Beach restaurant. You don't need a motorcycle to join. See website, http://cruisingforcritters.com or Facebook. I am not going to be at the 4208 for the first half of May. The only event I have on the calendar is May 30. We have the 9th, 10th, 16th, 17th, 23rd and 24th. If you have an idea or some place you’d like to go please stand up at the next meeting and say so. I will put it in the next newsletter after the meeting. All you have to do is pick a time you want to leave the 4208 and have directions to the place you want to go. I’m sure there will be at quite a few riders who would like to go with you and are just looking for someone to point the direction. If someone doesn’t stand up it’s going to be a real quiet May. Ride Safe Leo Krahula VP Eagle Rider [email protected] [email protected] BEVERLY’S KITCHEN SUN MON Breakfast 8 - 11 am Wings & Things 1 - 6 pm TUES WED Taco Lunch Tuesday 11 am -1:30 pm 11 am - 7 pm Dinner 4 pm- 7 pm Lunch 11 am -2 pm Dinner 4 pm- 7 pm THURS FRI Lunch 11 am -2 pm Lunch 11 am -2 pm Fish Fry 4 pm - 7 pm SAT BINGO 2pm *********** Subs at BAR Aunt Rosemary’s Desserts 727-859-8931 Be sure to tp off your meal with Aunt Rosemary’s delicious desserts!! Cheesecake - Bread Pudding - Key Lime Pie - Cream Pie Dark Chocolate Cake - German Chocolate Cake - Coconut Cake SUGAR FREE BOSTON CREAM PIE $1.50 - $3.00 Spring Hill Aerie, Auxiliary & Eagle Riders of 4208 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri May 2015 Calendar Tentative Schedule always subject to change 3 5 4 1 6 17 18 Catch the Eagle 6:00pm 24 25 Catch the Eagle 6:00pm 19 Queen of Hearts 7:00 pm 26 Queen of Hearts 7:00 pm 7 8 Auxiliary Meeting 6:30 pm 13 14 20 21 Auxiliary Meeting 6:30 pm Initiation 28 27 Aerie Meeting 7:00 pm 31 Kentucky Derby May 2, 2015 “Run for the Roses” 9 Kicking Karaoke 5:30 pm 15 Ladies Aux16 event ++++++++++ Karaoke 5:30 pm 22 23 Aerie Meeting 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00pm 2 Eagle Riders meeting 11:30 Fun Run Catch the Eagle Queen of Hearts 7:00 pm 6:00pm 11 12 Happy 10 Mothers Day Catch the Eagle Queen of Hearts Sat Karaoke 5:30 pm 30 29 Karaoke 5:30 pm
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