Pray er Requests

Prayer Requests (6-28-15)
*For those grieving:
Please pray for the family and friends of:
Linda Douglas (a friend of DeeAnn Novakosky’s), Lane Smith, Charlsie
Swadley, Larry Norris, Jay Bandy(Debra Robinson’s father, Rachel DeLorme (a
friend of Sarah Johnson’s), 3 month old baby Reynolds ( Billie Wooley’s aunt’s
son and wife lost this child to SIDs),and Warner Baker(Judy Baker’s father),
Judah, David & Cheryl Rempel’s grandson, George Kelly (Jamie Skagg’s
uncle). Also, be in prayer for Debbie Keil and the rest of the family of Bobby
Reynolds, a beloved member of FOHC Church family for many years.
*Praise for Who God is.
*Our Country’s Leadership: Godly wisdom and direction for our leaders.
*Pray for Ongoing Ministries:
Estelle Faith First Initiative: Pray for the teachers and inmates who will be
living and teaching in the new Faith Based Wing at the unit. Pray for
Christian growth for all and for the ministry to expand.
Restore Texas Ministries: Our mission is to equip men to succeed in life by
discipling them in Christian character and training them in skilled work. There
are two residents at this time and they need jobs in the lawn maintenance
field. Contact Monte Robinson if you are interested.
*Those who have cancer and for their families and caretakers:
Debbie Pool (Leukemia, in remission at this time. Pray for continued good
health). Sherry Murray is still taking the drug to prevent her cancer from
progressing. She is leaving tomorrow to meet her daughter and very much
for your prayers. Please pray for Marvin Raney, Cordy Raney's father, who is
battling colon cancer. He seems to be doing pretty well right now. His
chemo was started again recently. Please pray for minimal side effects and
for healing for him and peace for his family. Thank you for all your prayers!
Susie Cecil, Melissa Purgahn’s aunt, has been taking chemo to shrink turmors
in her pancreas. This was successful, and they did surgery to remove them.
The doctors think they got all of the cancer. Praise God for this good news
and pray that the cancer never returns. A close friend of Max Coleman’s has
been diagnosed with leukemia. The treatments that the doctors have tried
so far have not helped so they are trying an experimental drug. Please pray
that this treatment will be used by God to heal him. Also, please pray for his
family for peace and God’s comfort. Please pray for Tanya Johnson’s aunt,
Arlene Mullally, who still needs prayer for healing after having her colon
cancer removed. Tim, Arlene’s husband, also needs prayer for comfort.
Cheryl McCracken is undergoing chemo treatment for a cancerous breast
tumor. Please pray for healing and comfort at this time. Kathy Hazlewood’s
cousin daughter, Trisha Jordan, had a kidney removed two years ago
because of cancer and now has a spot on her pancreas. Pray that God will
heal her and that the doctors will have wisdom in how to treat her. Please
pray that her cancer is treatable and for peace for her and her family. She
and her husband have a daughter in college and a 15 year old son. Tanya
Johnson’ aunt's sister, Darlene, has stage four gall bladder cancer, with 3-4
months left to live. She has a husband and three grown kids, one being a
disabled war veteran, and taking his mother's situation very hard. Please
pray for Christ to comfort them and bring redemption to every painful place
in their lives.
*Those who have heart problems:
Please pray for God’s continued protection over Donn Seale. His last checkup was great. Praise God for his care and healing. Please continue to pray
for Don Keil. He was diagnosed with diabetes last year and has been on a
diet to control this problem since. This has helped his overall health so that he
feels much better. Praise God for his care over Don that he may continue to
improve. Please pray for the Henderson family, Beth Primm's friends. Their
adopted daughter Maggie had a stroke and two brain surgeries to relieve
abscesses in her brain. She is doing miraculously well. She still has a little
weakness in one arm but her scans show nothing bad. She has a heart defect that will have to be dealt with in the future, so please pray for God to
heal her and give her family peace and strength as they go through this illness with her. Evelyn Neagle’s brother, James Ford, had a severe stroke recently. He in a rehab facility and is improving. Please pray for healing for
him and for comfort for his family. Please pray for Tanya Johnson’s Uncle Bill.
He had a pacemaker placed recently and the surgery went well. He is a
cyclist and was told not to ride his bicycle, but rode the next day. Please
pray for him to grasp the importance of listening to his doctors and pray for
healing for Bill and peace for his wife.
*Those with other health issues:
Please continue to pray for T.F. (Gretchen Browning’s sister). Her leg wound is
not healed, but it is not worse. Her lifestyle is very limited because of her
health issues. When the LORD brings her to mind, please pray for HIS glory
and will in her life. Also pray for Norma and Chuck, (Gretchen’s parents).
Please pray for pain relief for Norma and for strength for Chuck, the
caregiver. Pray for God’s grace for this family. Please continue to pray for
Len George, who became paralyzed almost 3 years ago. He has been
battling bed sores for all of that time. He is taking a trial medicine to help
heal the bed sores so that he can go into the TIERS Hospital for rehabilitation.
He is showing improvement toward that goa, but it is very slow. Please pray
that he might improve enough to take this next step. He is thankful for your
prayers. Andrea Schafer’s friend’s baby, Amira, was born at 22 weeks and
had some heart and hearing issues at birth. She is doing miraculously well
and her hearing issues are improving. Please continue to pray that she may
be able to develop normally. Please continue to pray for Keary Vaughn's
back. He is doing better. Pray that his back continues to improve. Tammy
Hensel is asking prayer for her brother-in-law, Aaron Meyrick. He has an
aneurysm in his brain. He will be having surgery soon to repair it. Please pray
for a safe and successful surgery and God’s grace and protection through
this time. Please continue to pray for Wayne Pool. He is now at home and
taking chemo to get his cancer (Myeloma) into remission. The chemo seems
to be doing the job, but is causing some side effects. Wayne is on his last few
treatments, so pray for minimal side effects. The plan after that is to look at
putting him back on the heart transplant list. Also, please pray for God’s
hand to be seen in this process and for peace for the Pool family. The Pool
family is very thankful for your prayers. Penny Meyers’ great grandbaby,
Zaiden Cortina, is not due to be born until July. Pray for God’s protection
over him as the placenta is not in the correct position. Maxine Triplett, Susan
Ellis’ mom, is now at the Lexington. Please pray for healing and peace for
Maxine and strength and comfort for her family. Praise God! Trish Bowman’s
foot is much better. Rose Farris, a friend of Tanya Johnson’s, is on a list for a
liver transplant soon. Please pray for comfort for Rose and a quick transplant.
Chris Tuck, Sharon Redden’s co- worker and friend, has breast cancer and is
taking chemo. Please pray for minimal side effects and for healing. Nana
Rodgers’ friend, Marilyn Burkland, had exploratory surgery on Friday on her
esophagus. Pray for the best report and that doctors can treat her problem
easily. The Beebe family has asked for prayers for reconciliation and for their
entire family at this time. Allison, Kathy Hazlewood's is in Houston now staying
with Kathy’s brother. Pray for the best treatment and healing for her,
spritually and physically. Please pray that she will have a blessed future here
in Texas. Please pray for Evelyn Neagle, who is suffering lots of pain in her
lower back and legs. She had a procedure recently on one side of her
back, but it didn’t seem to help. She had the procedure on the other side
last Friday. Please pray this gives Evelyn relief from the severe pain. Pray for
wisdom for her doctors to find a solution for this ongoing problem. Also,
please pray for Evelyn’s stepdaughter’s aunt, Shirley. She was taken to the
ER last week with lots of pain. Pray for wisdom for her doctors to find the
cause of her problems and a quick solution. Please pray for Kerry Berry’s
mother, Jean Neisius. She is in Hospice care. Kerry is asking for prayer that
her mother remains comfortable and that family members and all siblings will
come together in love at this time and that God be glorified during this
difficult time. Montie Shelton’s husband, Dan, had a blood clot in his jugular
vein 6 months ago. He has been treated with Xeralto since, but the clot has
returned. Please pray for him and for wisdom for his doctors. Please pray for
Karolyn Kent, who had an eye injury while playing ball on the mission trip to
Amarillo with the youth. Her eye is improving so please pray for God to heal
it completely with no further problems. Thank you for your prayers.
*Missionaries in harm’s way throughout the world.
Please pray for protection for all missionaries who risk their lives to proclaim
the Word all over the world. Pray for God’s protection over them and that
many will come to Christ through their efforts.