APRIL, 2015 The HOOT Folger McKinsey Elementary FROM THE REGISTRAR Parents of students in Kindergarten through grade 4 who will not be attending FOLGER in 2015-2016, please notify Mrs. Bishop in the school office by Friday, May 22, 2015. Transfer papers will be prepared for pick-up on the last day of school for your student(s). INSIDE THIS ISSUE PE News................... 2 If your current 5th grader will not attend SEVERNA PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL in 2015-2016, please notify Mrs. Bishop in the school office so that transfer papers can be prepared for pick-up after 5th Grade Promotion on June 18, 2015. Media Center News . 2 If you are moving, please give the address you will be moving to and the school name. Counselor Corner .... 3 All Out of Area students must have new applications submitted each year. THE DEADLINE IS MAY 1, 2015. No applications will be accepted after that date. The forms are located on the www.aacps.org website under the Parents tab under Forms on the right-hand side column. A FAQ list can also be found there. STEM ....................... 3 Green Committee .... 3 Art Room News ....... 4 KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT Please note the changes for the PARCC End of Year Assessment (EOY) Grade 5: Math April 29 & 30, 2015 ELA May 4, 2015 Grade 4: Math May 11 & 12, 2015 ELA May 13, 2015 Grade 3: Math May 4 & 5, 2015 ELA May 7, 2015 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR WILL BEGIN ON APRIL 8, 2015 AT FOLGER AND CONTINUES DAILY FROM 9:30 AM TO 2:30 PM Anne Arundel County Public Schools NON-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICE The Anne Arundel County Public School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or familial status in matters of affecting employment or in providing access to programs. The Hoot UPCOMING DATES... Page 2 P.E. NEWS March 31-April 6 No School-Spring Break Folger’s Field Day: April 8-9 Monday, June 15th Gr. K-2 Tuesday, June 16th Gr. 3-5 Gr.3 PARCC Math Events will take place on 2-hour early dismissal days, during the final week of school. Again this year, T-shirts will be available to order for those who are interested after Spring Break. April 8 K Registrations begin April 9 Gr.4-5 Strings at SPHS April 10 All students will receive additional information regarding t-shirt design and pricing on a flyer to take home, once we return from Spring Break. Two-hour early dismissal End of 3MP Information for those parents who are interested in volunteering will be released in May's newsletter. April 13-14 Thanks! Gr.5 MSA Science Timothy Smith April 13 4MP begins Science Fair 6-7:30 pm V I P Day was a great success. Thank you to all our visitors and we hope you enjoyed your visit. April 15-16 Spelling Bee April 21 Report Cards go home April 23&27-28 Gr.5 Drownproofing PM 27-28 April 25 Earth Day SPMS April 29-30 Gr.5 PARCC EOY Math April 29 Two-hour early dismissal April 30-May 1 Gr.4 to Arlington Echo April 30 K to Maryland Hall FROM THE MEDIA CENTER Thank you to the entire Folger community for helping to make our Spring Book Fair a huge success! It takes a great deal of effort for all involved to make our event successful and we are very fortunate to receive the support that we do! Through the efforts of PTO and hard work from staff members, we were able to fund a new resource for staff and students, Brain Pop! Brain Pop. It can be accessed at https://www.brainpop.com username: folgerelem password: pop1. This is an outstanding resource for skills practice, enrichment and extension, or to just explore topics of interest. Barnes and Noble Night is our next media event. On Thursday, May 7, Barnes and Noble in Annapolis Harbor Center will host Folger McKinsey Elementary from 6-8 pm. Mark your calendar and look for a flier to come home with your student! Folger McKinsey 175 Arundel Beach Road Severna Park, MD 21146 Phone: 410-222-6560 Fax: 410-315-8196 E-mail: [email protected] Page 3 The Hoot Our annual Science Fair is approaching. The fair will be on Monday April 13, 2015. Please bring your projects in to school by Friday April 10. That day we will shift our lunch schedule, so that projects can be set up in the cafeteria before dismissal (between 12:45-1:30). Projects will be set up that afternoon by classes. All judging for the science fair will take place on Monday April 13. All classes will get to tour the science fair during the day. We will also have a community open house in the evening from 6:00-7:30 PM. Projects can be taken home at the end of the open house, or picked it up on Tuesday morning (3/14) to take home that afternoon. We are looking forward to seeing all the projects! ● Mr. Nebbia 12th Annual Severna Park Earth Day Festival : Saturday April 25, 2015 Plan to make a stop at the annual Severna Park Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 25 from 10am – 1pm at Severna Park Middle School. This event, in its 12th year, has something for everyone, from kids to adults. It’s an engaging event that shares important information, in a fun and positive way. Animals will be on hand, from programs such as MAS Rescue to Eco-Adventures. Every Severna Park school will be present, with a booth offering an Earth Day 2015 activity, from crafts to games. Come learn about rain gardens from watershed stewards and middle school students who helped to install 3 on the grounds of SPMS as part of their hands-on, service learning. Enter a raffle to win a rain barrel. Park Deli will be there as well, selling a great selection, including salads and Paninis. There will be much, much more! Hope to see you there! For more information, check out http:// spearthdayfestival.weebly.com/. ●Chris Myers In my counseling-based classroom lessons for April, we are focusing on careers! In each classroom, we will be exploring what students’ strengths and interests are as well as the many types of careers that are out there. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns about your child’s well-being. Continuing conversations at home about guidance topics reinforces the emotional, social, and academic topics we cover. Warm Regards, Mrs. Rieke The Hoot Page 4 Art News Ms. Cook’s class Kindergarten: Students will create the front view of a snowman using line, shape and texture. We will create several types of texture with paint. We will experiment with art media, processes, and techniques and identify ways they can be used to express thoughts and feelings. We will review how to manipulate art media, materials, and tools safely. We will create a composition of a penguin in its habitat. We will create, foreground, and middle ground and background. We will create color, patterns on the hat and scarf. 1st Grade: Students will create a composition that will be a natural habitat for an animal in the winter: Squirrel or Owl. We will review how to draw the organic shapes of the animal. We will create texture visual with paint. 2nd Grade: Students will create an imaginary animal using the Elements of Art: line, color, shape, space, and texture. Students will draw geometric shapes for their animal. We will use mixed media: markers, watercolor, color pencils and yarn. 3rd Grade: Students will create a straw weaving with yarn, beads or fringe. We will review the weaving parts: Loom, Wrap and the Weft. 4th Grade: Students will demonstrate the ability to print the same image from a Styrofoam owl image onto a clay slab. We will embellish with hand building methods. We reviewed the qualities of glazes. 5th Grade: Students will create a print in the style of Andy Warhol. Students used tools safely and cut their letters or numbers on an "Easy Kut". Students discovered how to print 4 prints on 1 paper. This is called an Edition. Students will do this 2 different ways: Solid colors and Rainbow colors, rolling 2 colors at the same time. Students will use the same image and print into a clay slab and paint with glazes. Ms. Denney’s Class Kindergarten artists are drawing tropical fish from observation. We are painting our work using watercolor techniques, and we will finish our work by creating an underwater collage. First grade artists are creating symmetrical scientific illustrations of butterflies. We will trace our contour lines with glue, then fill in with watercolor paint. Keep up the great work, artists! Upcoming Art Exhibits Art through the Ages in the Gallery at Severna Park High School April14-26. All County Exhibit at Westfield Mall from May 1-13. Gathering of the Arts at the Spring Concert on May 12th, all students will have an artwork in display in the hallways and the showcases on the first floor . The artworks will stay up until May 24th DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH March 16, 2015 Dear Parents and Guardians: Beginning with the 2015-16 school year, there are new vaccines required for children entering kindergarten and seventh grade. • All students entering kindergarten must have had two varicella (chickenpox) vaccinations. This also includes first grade student entries new to the county. • All students, after their 11th birthday, entering seventh grade must have had one Tdap vaccination and one meningococcal vaccination. This also includes 8th grade student entries new to the county. These new vaccinations are in addition to the current school vaccine requirements. Students must be vaccinated according to the Maryland Vaccine Requirements for Children to be allowed in school. You should work with your child’s health care provider to get his/her vaccination record and the vaccinations that are missing. Parents/guardians have up to 20 days (30 days for military families) from the start of school to provide written proof that their child has an appointment for vaccinations with a health care provider or local health department. If you are unable to get a vaccination appointment with your child’s health care provider, please call Anne Arundel County Department of Health’s Immunization Services at 410-222-4896. If you have questions about vaccines that are required for school, please call your child’s health care provider or the school nurse. When your child receives the above vaccinations, please provide a copy of the current vaccination record to the school nurse. If your child has already received the newly required vaccinations, please provide a copy of your child’s current vaccination record to the school nurse as soon as possible this school year. Thank you. Sincerely, Karen Siska, R.N., M.S.N. Bureau Director, School Health and Support Anne Arundel County Department of Health Sarah S. Pelham Assistant Superintendent for Student Support Services Anne Arundel County Public Schools The Office of Fire Safety and Injury Prevention Your child participates in a once-a-month fire drill at their school. Below is information on how you can plan and practice a fire drill at home. Once out, stay out! Go to your Safe Meeting Spot first, then call 911. STEP 1 Install Smoke Alarms inside every bedroom, outside the sleeping areas and on every floor of your home. STEP 2 Plan and Draw a Family Escape Plan Map out two exits from every room. Make sure that windows can be opened quickly. Make sure exits are kept clear, not blocked. STEP 3 Designate a Safe Meeting Spot in the front of the home (not the neighbor’s house or down the street). STEP 4 Practice Your Plan!!!! Practice exiting the home and getting to your Safe Meeting Spot. What to do if you are trapped in a fire: In a fire, crawl low on the floor with your mouth and nose covered with a cloth or towel until you can exit. Stop, Drop and Roll if your clothes catch fire while exiting. If in a room, go to the door and feel with the back of your hand. If hot, use second exit. If trapped, go to the window and wait to be rescued. You can also hang a sheet from the window to indicate the need for a rescue. WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT Each year more than 2,500 people die and 12,600 are injured in home fires in the United States. Here is what you need to know about home fires: Fire is fast! There is no time to gather anything or make a phone call. In just two minutes, a fire could kill you in your home. In less than five minutes, a house could be swallowed in flames. Fire is hot! Heat and smoke could be even more dangerous than the flames. Breathing in really hot air could burn your lungs, and fire produces poisonous gases that can make you sleepy and unable to escape. Fire is dark! It can be hard to find your way out of your house in a fire. Smoke is dark and can burn your eyes. Fire is deadly! Fire uses up oxygen you need to breathe and produces smoke and poisonous gases that kill. For more information, please contact Sharon New, Anne Arundel County Fire Marshal’s office, 2660 Riva Road, Annapolis, 21401 or call 410.222.8303 or email [email protected]. Download a Home Safety Survey at www.aacounty.org/fire. S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 April News from the Health Room Peggy Avery-Sijgers, R.N. Jenny Buch, H.A. Any questions, please call the Health Room 410-222-0902 What is Strep Throat? A disease caused by group A streptococcus bacteria, Scarlet fever is a form of strep throat that is accompanied by a fine red rash that makes the skin feel like very fine sandpaper. What are the signs and symptoms? Sore throat Fever Stomachache Headache Swollen lymph nodes in the neck Decreased appetite How does it spread? If someone in your family of school has strep throat, there is a chance you can catch it. When someone with strep throat sneezes or blows his nose and you are nearby, or if you share the same forks, spoons, or straws, the bacteria can spread to you. How do you control it? 1. If your child has strep throat, your health care provider will probably give you an antibiotic to kill the strep bacteria. Some sore throats are caused by a virus and do not need antibiotics. 2. After taking the antibiotic for 24-48 hours, your child is no longer contagious, but it is very important to take all 10 days of the medication. 3. Keep your child home from school for 24 hours after starting the antibiotics to prevent the spread of bacteria. 4. Give your child a new toothbrush before finishing the antibiotic to prevent re-infection. Anne Arundel County Department of Health School Health Services Save the Date: May 6, 2015 An evening workshop for Fourth Grade and Fifth Grade girls and their parents is being planned. This workshop will be held at 5:00 p.m. in the Media Center at Jones Elementary. More information coming soon! As we head into the spring allergy season, consider taking measures to prevent allergy symptoms before they start. Check with your physician regarding allergy medications and when to start them. Here are some helpful hints regarding seasonal allergies from MayoClinic.com: Stay indoors on dry windy days. The best time to go outside is after a good rain, which helps clean the pollen from the air. Remove clothes that have been worn outside, and you may want to have your child take a shower or bath to wash pollen from skin and hair. Close doors and windows at night or any other time when pollen counts are high. To be effective, your child should be using these medications every day. They will not work as well if just used on an as needed basis. Having uncontrolled allergies can put your child at risk for getting a secondary sinus infection, ear infections, and for having poor concentration at school. It can also make asthma symptoms worse. Immunizations: If you have a child who will be in kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year, please be sure to provide an up to date immunization record. All students entering Kindergarten must have received 2nd Varicella Vaccination. Lead Certificate: Students in Kindergarten and Grade One need a completed Lead Certificate. If your child has never lived in the zip codes on the back of the certificate, please sign the exemption section on the front and return it. If your child has lived in one of the zip codes, please give the certificate to your health care provider to complete. Please call the health room if you have any questions. Thank you. Health Concerns: Please stop by the health room if your child has any health concerns which require modifications or accommodations for next year. We would like the transition to kindergarten to be a smooth one. Medications: If you would like us to administer any medication at school (including over the counter medications), we need a completed Parent Request to Administer Medication form along with the medication in a pharmacy labeled container. All medications must be brought into the school by an adult. Forms are available on aahealth.org under School Health. Immunizations: Please provide the Health Room with documentation every time your child receives a vaccine. 2 April 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS The PTO would like to thank: 4/7- Ledo’s Night 5:00 pm – close • Karoline Bowman and Chris Myers for a wonderful Read Across America Day at Folger (especially since they had to plan twice due to the snow day!) and everyone who donated books that will be given to children who need them; • Elaine Reed for organizing and coordinating VIP Day; • Carrie Kleppe for making the yearly county volunteer report super seamless; • Chris Myers and her team of volunteers for running our Green School program; • Lauryn McAlister Bary for coordinating the Kindergarten Lunch Helpers this year; • Susan Hartley, Phil Kittiver, Angie Cavanaugh, Maria Vitari, Melissa McLay and the many other countless parent volunteers that made our school play “Tales of the Magothy” a huge success; • Jen Fortier and Paula Bongino for reformatting and heading up the classroom Spelling Bee; • Jennifer Kessler, Nancy Kules and the room parents for continuing to make our teachers feel appreciated month after month; • Carolyn Benz for her work with the fundraising spirit nights; • Jeff Koul and his volunteers for heading up the 5K at Folger and the Hoot Scoot; • Charlotte Souder, Brandi Norris and all the parents who are working hard to make the yearbook as awesome as ever; • Carolyn Benz and Brandy Curran for coordinating HOOT books; • As always, any volunteers that may have been overlooked! 4/8- Staff Appreciation Day Fill your teacher’s bucket 4/15- Spelling Bee Grades 1-2 4/16- Spelling Bee Grades 3-5 6:00 pm in the cafeteria 4/20- Fro-Yo House Night 4:00 – 7:00 pm 4/23 Family BINGO Game Night Folger cafeteria 6:30 – 8:00pm 4/25- Severna Park Earth Day Festival S.P. Middle School 10:00am – 1:00pm 4/28- Simple Sands 4:00 – 9:00 pm If you’re looking to become involved, please consider joining us at our next PTO meeting on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30pm in the SACC room at Folger. WE NEED YOU! We have several board positions opening up for the 2015/2016 school year as well as various chairperson positions – please contact any board member for further details. We’d also love to get your input. Do you have a great idea? Want to help on a committee? We have lots of projects on deck for the second half of the school year and we’d love to have your help! Just contact any of the Board Members or send us an email ([email protected]) and we’ll find a place for you! Please join us at the next PTO meeting on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30pm in the SACC room at Folger. We would love to hear your ideas! Spring is the time to welcome the Bees! The Folger School Spelling Bees will be held this month: Grades 1-2: Spelling Bee on 4/15 at 6:00pm Folger Cafeteria Grades 3-5: Spelling Bee on 4/16 at 6:00pm Folger Cafeteria Anyone is welcome to attend to watch and support our school spellers on those nights. We'll need a few volunteers the night of each bee, very simple roles for assistance! Please email us if you can help either night. The bee typically takes less than 2 hours total. Family Game Night How do you spell fun? B-I-N-G-O! Mark your calendar for April 23rd because Family Game Night is back and this year we will be playing the timeless game of BINGO. We are planning an evening full of family fun and prizes for all ages as we take BINGO to the next level and offer many different (and sometimes silly) ways to win! Our BINGO bash will be held on Thursday, April 23rd from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Folger cafeteria. If you have any questions or would like to help in any way, please contact Stephanie Bristol at [email protected] or at 410-975-5195. Folger McKinsey Aluminum Can Update Through 3/20/2015, Folger has collected about 16,000 cans, which is about 0.7 lbs of aluminum per student. Folger is currently third in Maryland in the Great American Can Roundup. We are about 3,000 cans behind the second place school. Students from the OC2 will collect cans in April on Fridays 4/10, 4/17, and 4/24. Consider collecting cans at work and from your friends, neighbors, and families. Jennifer Fortier [email protected] Paula Bongino [email protected] Please join us at the Fro-Yo House on Monday, April 20th from 4-7 pm. Designate Folger when you pay. Karate Club Spring Session Your child will learn fun fitness exercises and the I CAN ATTITUDE with basic karate kicks, footwork, and self-defense. Kick off summer with Confidence! Tuesdays: K-2nd Grade 8:10 AM April 21, 28 May 5, 12, 19, 26 6 weeks total $80.00 Thursdays: 3rd-5th Grade 8:10AM April 23,30 May 7,14,21,28 6 weeks total $80.00 Confirm your child's spot today with "Master Curtis" [email protected] (Curtis Cash) Got TALENT? We know you do! So start planning ahead! Folger HOOTENANNY will be on Friday May 15th Book Drive Thanks! The Read Across America book drive was once again a tremendous success! Thank you for your kindness in sharing these stories to help and inspire other children in the area. These books, through Infants & Toddlers and the Tyler Heights Book-cycle programs, will delight many children. Thank you! And if you have not yet completed your spring cleaning and find that you have more children’s books to donate, place them in the collection box outside of the main office. This box will be in place through the end of May as part of a project for a Folger alum who is completing his SPHS senior Leadership Program capstone project. His goal is to collect 2,000 children’s books to be shared throughout the world in conjunction with B.I.G., Books for International Goodwill. For over 17 years, this program has successfully recycled books for good use by those in need, including schools and libraries, to improve literacy in developing and needy communities. The Parole Rotary Club of Annapolis founded this program, which is now an independent non-profit, whose motto is “Spreading Literacy by Keeping Books Alive”. Thank you for your help in supporting this important endeavor. 12th Annual Severna Park Earth Day Festival Plan to make a stop at the annual Severna Park Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 25 from 10am – 1pm at Severna Park Middle School. This event, in its 12th year, has something for everyone, from kids to adults. It’s an engaging event that shares important information, in a fun and positive way. Animals will be on hand, from programs such as MAS Rescue to Eco-Adventures. Every Severna Park school will be present, with a booth offering an activity, from crafts to games. Folger students will be out in full force as the Outdoor Classroom Club , OC2, is already in the midst of planning two great activities: a recycled materials craft station and an interactive Jeopardy game, complete with prize opportunities! Come learn about rain gardens from watershed stewards and middle school students who helped to install 3 on the grounds of SPMS as part of their hands-on, service learning. Enter a raffle to win a rain barrel. There will be much, much more! Hope to see you there! For more information, check out http://spearthdayfestival.weebly.com/ Keep an eye out, flyers will be sent home in your student's backpack in April. The Severna Park Earth Day Festival is on Saturday, April 25th From 10am – 1pm at Severna Park Middle School WE NEED YOU!!! Green News & Notes We have several board positions opening up for the 2015/2016 school year as well as various chairperson positions – please contact any board member for further details. Recently, OC2, the Outdoor Classroom Club, launched a new program aimed at further promoting the significance of Waste Free Wednesdays. “Did You Know…?” invites students in all grades to answer an environmentally-oriented trivia question each month. OC2 members review the answers from each class to determine the winner, one per class, who then receives a green school prize. This prize is centered around the question itself, and the true award, is that each winner then becomes the expert, as he/she shares the information provided by OC2 to his/her class. As “teacher” for a few moments, the concepts of reduce, re-use, and recycle are furthered in an enjoyable and meaningful way. Positions include: President (board position) Treasurer (board position) Direct Donation Chairperson Spirit Wear Chairperson Annual Audit Business Recycling Clubs Chairperson Halloween Dance Jr. FLL Lego Coordinator others will be listed as openings are determined Please consider one of these positions. The PTO cannot do it without your help! Not only is volunteering fun, but it is very rewarding as you help to make our students’ time at Folger a wonderful experience. Do you know… How many years it takes for a plastic water bottle to decompose when thrown in the trash? Or How many paper bags are made from a single, 15 year old tree (which is about 40 years old)? These were the questions asked the last two months. Ask your children to share what they know. The answers may surprise you! We will provide the answers in next month’s newsletter. Until then, do your part: Reduce (the amount of waste you create), Re-use (look at things differently and put items to use), and Recycle (keep items out of landfills, allowing them to be made into something new and useful). With that, remember that aluminum cans are collected every Friday morning as students are entering school. Folger is in the running to win funds and other useful prizes as part of the Great American Can Challenge. Collect cans in your home, at work; ask neighbors or family. There’s no end to the number of times a single can, can be recycled and it costs far less money and uses much less energy to create a new can from an existing can AND your child’s school receives funds that are put to use in Folger classrooms just because a can gets collected and recycled at Folger. Thanks for doing all you CAN to support this project! Don’t forget to pack your child a waste free lunch every Wednesday! EARTH DAY 2015 April 25th 10:00AM - 1:00PM Application to Participate Dear Festival Participant: On behalf of the Watershed Action Group (W.A.G.), I invite you to participate in this year’s EARTH DAY event. The event will be held on Severna Park Middle School property on SATURDAY, APRIL 25th from 10:00AM to 1:00PM. Set up time is 9:00AM and it is important that all set-up be completed by 10:00AM when the event opens to the public. In order to cover the expenses generated in putting on the EARTH DAY event, we are requesting a fee: • • • • $50.00 for commercial entities selling goods for profit $25.00 for non-profit entities selling goods for profit NO fee for student/school activities NO fee for non-profit information only exhibitors The opportunity for you to raise funds and awareness for your organization is very important to us. Checks can be made out to the “Greater Severna Park Chamber Foundation”. Each application must be returned with a Hold-Harmless Form. Members of the EARTH DAY committee will assist you in finding your assigned location at the Festival on April 26th. We will expect all registrations to be received at 1 Holly Avenue, Severna Park, MD 21146 by no later than April 10th. NAME OF ORGANIZATION/BUSINESS_____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ CONTACT______________________________ADDRESS______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ TELE.________________________EMAIL___________________________________ ACTIVITY PLANNED/DESCRIPTION_______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ SPACE NEEDED________________________ELECTRICITY?_________________ Watershed Action Group (W.A.G.) in cooperation with the Greater Severna Park Chamber Foundation 1 Holly Avenue, Severna Park, MD 21146 - tele. 410-647-3900 - fax 410-647-3999 Watershed Action Group (W.A.G.) and Severna Park Middle School HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT EVENT: Earth Day 2015 DATE OF EVENT: April 25, 2015 EVENT LOCATION: Severna Park Middle School NAME OF PARTICIPANT OR GROUP:__________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ TELE.________________FAX____________EMAIL________________________ PARTICIPANT hereby agrees that it shall indemnify and hold harmless the WATERSHED ACTION GROUP (W.A.G.) and SEVERNA PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL from and against any and all claims and demands, theft, or injury to persons or property (including costs, expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees) that arise from the conduct, management or performance of PARTICIPANT, its personnel or employees during or in connection with the Event. The Event shall be at PARTICIPANT’S own risk, and PARTICIPANT shall bring no claims against the WATERSHED ACTION GROUP (W.A.G.) or SEVERNA PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL or any claims, damages or injuries. WITNESS PARTICIPANT ____________________________ Authorized Signature: ______________________________ Print Name: ______________________________ Date:_________________________ Folger McKinsey Elementary supporting Folger McKinsey Elementary Thursday, May 7, 6-8 Barnes & Noble Annapolis Harbour Center Bookfair ID 11468238 Thursday, May 7, 6-8 Annapolis Harbour Center 2516 Solomons Island Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Listen to stories by staff members Purchase books for summer reading Support Folger McKinsey and our Media Center supporting Folger McKinsey Elementary Thursday, May 7, 6-8 Barnes & Noble Visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support us online from 05/07/15 to 05/13/15 by entering Annapolis Harbour Center Bookfair ID 11468238at checkout. Bookfair ID 11468238
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