The O c t ago n Severna Park UMC February 15, 2015 H Severna Park United Methodist SPUMC eNewsletter To receive our weekly electronic newsletter with up-to-the-minute info about what’s happening at SPUMC, send an email to: [email protected]. Octagon Articles Worship Services: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am 731 Benfield Road Severna Park, MD 21146 410-987-4700 [email protected] The next Octagon will be published on March 1st. All articles must be received by noon Friday, February 20th. Please email information to: [email protected]. Rev. Ron Foster, Lead Pastor Rev. Nicole C. Houston, Executive Pastor Rev. Byron Brought, Pastoral Care Rev. Lee Ferrell, Christian Education and Youth A Dramatic Season ard to believe that we are already on the edge of Lent, one of the most significant – and dramatic – seasons of the liturgical year. It begins on Ash Wednesday when we “remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return,” and we take the mark of the cross on our foreheads. Then the season takes us on a journey of forty days and six Sundays that move us through the triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the betrayal and agony of Holy Thursday, the horror of Good Friday, and finally the surprise and joy of Easter. What a roller coaster ride! Our theme at SPUMC for the season – A Broadway Journey through Lent — has elicited a whole range of reactions. Some folks are simply curious, others excited, and a few have expressed skepticism about what in the world Broadway songs and themes could possibly have to do with Jesus, anyway. I would suggest a lot. This series was developed by a team of folks at my former congregation in Bethesda. Starting with the assigned lectionary texts for the various Sundays, we came up with a number of shows and songs whose themes overlapped with the biblical passages and put them in conversation with one another. For example, the song for Ash Wednesday is “Seasons of Love” from the musical Rent (an entire play about living with our mortality) which poses the question, “How Do You Measure a Life?” When we explore the covenant between God and Abraham, we’ll look at it in the light of the signature love song from Phantom of the Opera, “All I Ask of You.” I invite you to dive in with us on this musical and mystical journey through the season. Come to worship not only to enjoy the special music, but to let it capture your heart and faithful imagination. Sign up for a Morning Matinee or Evening Ensemble (small group Bible study) and dig into the scriptures with others. The hope and the goal is that we would all be drawn more deeply into God’s dramatic and passionate love for us in Jesus. Rev. Ron Living Well on Wilkens (Formerly Brigette’s Place) In 2012 SPUMC rehabbed a home on Wilkens Ave. in Baltimore for the purpose of creating a day resource center for women caught in addiction, prostitution, and homelessness. SPUMC has been offered the opportunity to purchase the home and grow the ministry. Our vision is to be a compassionate Christian presence on Wilkens Ave. as we provide resources to help women meet their immediate physical needs and long term goals for getting off the street. The Church Council has approved the formation of a 501c3 nonprofit entity to take up this ministry and carry it on pending approval by the Church Conference. Important Dates Information Sessions: Febr u ar y 15 th at 12:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary & February 22nd at 11:00 a.m. in the Church Parlor Church Conference Vote: Mar ch 1 st at 12:15 p.m. in the Frequently Asked Questions 1. Why are we creating Living Well on Wilkens as a 501c3? A 501c3 is a tax exempt non-profit organization. Creating a 501c3 to purchase the home and run the ministry allows for healthy liability separation between the church and the mission. Setting up a 501c3 also allows us to better broaden our base of volunteer and financial support by approaching partner churches and applying for grant funding. The 501c3 will be run by a board of directors, the majority of which will be SPUMC members or individuals approved by the SPUMC Missions Committee. 2. How will we fund Living Well on Wilkens? Detailed financial breakdowns are available on the Living Well on Wilkens fact sheet located on the Welcome Desk. Funding for the mission will come from individual gifts, the approved Missions budget, partner churches and grants. Currently we are $2,370 short of obtaining the full purchase price of the home and the funds needed to fully run the mission for the first year. The purchase price is set at $23,500 (closing costs included). No debt will be incurred on behalf of this mission. 3. Who will maintain the home? The home will be maintained by the Living Well on Wilkens Board of Directors, not the SPUMC building and grounds manager. 4. Are Capital Campaign Funds being used? No. Capital Campaign Funds are designated funds and cannot be used for other missions, ministries, or expenses within the church. For more information, please join us at one of the information sessions listed above. Our church will be hosting a Leadership Training Day for the Southern Region of the BWC on February 21st. Workshops will be offered for church leaders in both program and administrative areas. We need people willing to serve as hosts for the morning (8 a.m.—Noon) to help provide hospitality and guide people through our building. Contact the church office if you can help out. Church leaders and committee members are also encouraged to be part of this training event that you won’t have to travel very far to attend! Inclement Weather Policy Information The Church follows the closings and delays of Anne Arundel Community College. The Nursery School follows those of Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Our website homepage will include announcements about all closings and delays: In the event of inclement weather on Sunday mornings, Rev. Ron will make the judgment call by 6:00 a.m. If you do not see a notice of cancellation on the website, then church services will be held. For more details on any of these events in the newsletter, go to our website ( under Headlines or Current Events. Backpack Buddies As we send home food every Friday with 20 children, we are in constant need of many food items for our weekly packings. Our most pressing needs at this time are for peanut butter (14-16 oz. jar), Chef Boyardee, shelf life milk (any flavor), cereal, raisins, granola bars, juice boxes, nut packs, applesauce, and tuna salad or chicken pouches or kits. All items should be single serving size. Check in Fellowship Hall in the Mission Corner for lists of these and other needed items. Thanks in advance for your donation. Save These Dates! United Methodist Men’s Breakfast on March 14 The UMM will present a Kairos Prison Ministry talk and video as UMM shares breakfast with a men's Kairos prison ministry team participating in a training day at SPUMC On March 14 at 7:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Garage Sale on May 2 This is the best time of year to start cleaning out those closets and drawers, especially when we are cooped up inside hibernating from the cold. Clear out some “stuff” and repurpose it for a great cause, our Volunteers in Mission ministry here at SPUMC. A Broadway Journey Through Lent Later this month we’ll begin a creative season of Lent in worship and in small group Bible study. Music and themes from Rent, Les Misérables, Miss Saigon, Phantom of the Opera (and others) will help us journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Sign-ups for our Evening Ensembles & Matinee Meetings (Small Groups) are on the Welcome Center today. SPUMC’s Broadway Journey Through Lent Overture: Ash Wednesday, February 18th Rent (Mortality) Act I: February 22nd, Luke 4:1-13 Wicked (Temptation) Act II: March 1st, Luke 15:1-3, 11-32b The Lion King (Identity) Act III: March 8th, Luke 13:6-9 Les Miserables (Grace) Act IV: March 15th, Genesis 15:1-2, 17-18 United Methodist Women’s Retreat The UMW Women’s Retreat will take place on Saturday, September 19th at the Bon Secours Spiritual Center. Don't forget to tell your family and friends...all women are welcome to attend! Phantom of the Opera (Covenant) Act V: March 21st, Philippians 3:4b-14 Man of La Mancha (Quest) Act VI: Palm Sunday, March 29th Jesus Christ Superstar (Passion) Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17th, 2015 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 993 in Fellowship Hall Cost: Adults - $6.00, Seniors & Children 5-12 - $4.00 Children under 5 are free. Pancakes, Sausage Links, Apple Sauce, Brownies, Ice Cream Lenten Musical Members of every SPUMC musical ensemble, band and choir will come together once again for our Lenten musical. “Messengers of the Promise” will be presented Sunday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. Begin your journey through Holy Week in a special way as the story of the Gospel unfolds in music and drama. Would you like to participate? There’s always room for a few extra singers, musicians, speakers or support staff. Contact Jon Brewer for more information at [email protected]. Appalachia Service Project Plans are underway for our 2015 mission trip to Kentucky with the Appalachia Service Project, June 27-July 4. “ASP” is a non-profit home repair ministry affiliated with the United Methodist Church which seeks to engage youth in putting their faith into action as they do home repair with and for the poor of central Appalachia. Led by faithful adults, teams of youth meet an Appalachian family, learn a whole new culture and work to make homes warmer, safer and drier. If interested, and if you were unable to attend the first meeting, please contact Rev. Lee Ferrell for the necessary information [email protected]. ASP Talent/Service Auction Sunday, March 22nd, 6:00 pm Plan to attend the 2015 Appalachia Service Project Talent/Service Auction to raise funds for this year’s youth trip to two counties in Kentucky. Enjoy good dessert and beverage, sometimes raucous and hysterical bidding and great fellowship! Children are welcome, but childcare is provided. Pease consider donating a service or skill to be auctioned. Donation forms are available on the Welcome Desk. Volunteer in Missions VIM is sponsoring a trip to Costa Rica from August 9-16. We will be working on Costa Rica Mission Projects in the southern part of the country where we have worked on three previous trips. This is more of a construction oriented trip than the trips to Strong Missions where we have gone the last two years. If you are interested in going on this trip, please call or email to GET YOUR NAME ON THE LIST NOW. It will fill up quickly. You can get further information on this project by checking their website. Heaven’s Kitchen Heaven's Kitchen serves a hot meal to folks in the Brooklyn community once a month (every 4th Saturday). Volunteers may help cook, set tables and serve or provide clothing, toiletries and other essential items. All are welcome to help in this ministry. Contact Heaven'[email protected]. A Souper Thank You Thank you for your generous donations to the Souper Bowl of Caring. Over $3,800 was divided between Heaven’s Kitchen and SPAN, and many bags of food were delivered to the SPAN Food Pantry. This was over double the amount of money that was raised last year and the most we have ever given to the Souper Bowl of Caring outreach. February ALL Meeting On Tuesday, February 24, ALL (Adults Loving Life) will host Erica Benjamin, Director of Children’s Ministries, as their next speaker at noon. Grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and neighbors of all ages are an important part of the faith development of future generations. Come and learn how you can help raise another generation who know and share God’s abundant love. Memorial Garden Clean-Up The Memorial Garden Committee needs your help to prepare the garden for the Easter Sunrise Service. We’ll be mulching on Saturday, March 21st from 8:00 a.m. – noon so bring your wheelbarrows and rakes. Come for an hour or as long as you can. Prayer Shawl Ministry Would you like to make a lap robe, but just don't have time? If you can knit or crochet a 9 inch x 9 inch square, you can. All you have to do is make the square and leave them in the Prayer Shawl Ministry Basket. We will put them together to make a lap robe. If you want more information, please call Cindy at 410.647.8453 or Dawson at 410.647.3436. Our next meeting is February 18th in room 302 from 1-3 p.m. Ash Wednesday Worship season together. Join us as we begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday worship services on February 18th at noon or 7:00 p.m. Come receive the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion as we embark on this holy Connections Are you new to the church? Want to know more about SPUMC? Do you want to get more involved in church activities? The next Connections Class and luncheon will be on Sunday, April 12. Class is at 11:00 a.m. in the Parlor, followed by lunch in the Fellowship Hall at 12:15 p.m. Moms Connect This is a group for all moms. We gather the first and third Thursday of the month in the church parlor at 6:30 pm. Child care is provided. Upcoming programs include: February 19 - Holiday Traditions March 5 - The Bible March 19— Disciplines for All Ages April 2 - No meeting due to Spring Break April 16 - Overcoming Hardship May 7 - Help Me Get Organized May 21—Keeping Secrets Contact Erica ([email protected]) for more information or to RSVP. Women’s Retreat Sign Up Daughters of the King Annual Spring Retreat at Sandy Cove is scheduled for March 20th through 22nd. Sign up now in Fellowship Hall by the Nurses’ Station. Only a few slots remain! Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Easter Eggstravaganza UMYF Happenings Severna Park United Methodist Church 731 Benfield Rd., Severna Park, MD 21146 Saturday, April 4, 2015 9:00-11:00 a.m. Games, Crafts, & Snacks Egg Hunt Begins at 10:00 a.m. Bring a Basket Sunday, February 15, 7:00 p.m. Group building. Remember we are in Room 208 this week. 8:40 p.m. — ICUs. Sunday, February 22, 7:00 p.m. Program, Favorite Hat Night, Games. 8:40 p.m.—ICUs. Sunday, March 1, 7:00 p.m. Choice Night 8:40 p.m.—ICUs. Legos Needed for Summer Sunday School This Summer our Sunday School classes will be using lots and lots of Legos. Please consider donating your Legos or if you see Legos at a yard sale, buy them for SPUMC. The more Legos, the more learning, the more fun. Mentors Still Needed for Confirmands Our 2015 Confirmation Class will each be needing a mentor for this very important time of preparation for church membership. Mentors are adults who can love middle highs and are willing to spend some time encouraging and supporting them as they grow in their faith. The time commitment is what you make it. The possible relationship with one of our youth is immeasurable. If you think you may have the gifts to be a mentor, or would like Super Sixth News Super 6th meets on February 22 for bowling at Severna Park Lanes, 1:00-3:00 p.m. $10 per person gets you games, shoes and a pizza lunch. If you bring a new friend, let Rev. Lee know ahead of time ([email protected]). Arrange your own rides to and from. Try to bring cash, not check. See you there!
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