the 2015 season
2015 Issue 1
31 March 2015
We’re back on guys...
from time to time and
usually when we don’t
want it. This can impact
on training and weekend
The club will filter news of
ground closures through
the managers.
Check the wet weather
line on 9952 8244 after
3pm on a weekday to
see if the grounds are
open for training. This is a
rough guide.
“The field was like a bowling green”. Well, yes it was this year for the mini gala day up at Brush Park.
A summer of cricket,
beach days and weekend
sleep-ins is over, and the
winter sports scene is
back with a bang. A late
start to the season this
year sees all of our football teams kick off on the
weekend of April 11th /
12th, with only a break for
Anzac Day until the very end
of the season in late August.
Again, West Ryde Rovers is
boasting one of the biggest
number of teams in the area,
and again we have come
navigated the tricky registration and grading process
For weekend games,
assume the game is ON
unless you hear from the
We’re ready for the off,
and we’re all looking forward to the challenge.
Stand by for an exciting
and intriguing 2015 of
football, and Up The Rovers!
New Newsletter Editor sought
This year 2015 sees another exci ng year
for West Ryde Rovers, and you could become part of the family by taking on the
role of Newsle$er Editor. Current Editor in
Chief, Pete “Tex” Smith, will be stepping
down this season, and we are looking for a
new brand and style of wri ng to take us
forward into the future. Do you have a
passion for wri ng and a passion for West
Ryde Rovers? Do you spend your weekends
on the football fields of Gladesville Hornsby?
Do you have a li$le bit of me each month
to knock out a few pages about your favourite club? Do you own a camera? If the answer to any of these is yes, then you are a
candidate. Contact the club by the usual
means, and thanks for your interest. Right,
I’ll fetch my coat...
No paparazzi please...
2015 ISSUE 1
A warm welcome to the 2015 season. We now
boast 79 teams and almost 1,000 registered players, ranking us No 2 in the area, up there with
West Pennant Hills.
Exciting times are ahead at the Rovers, as we get
those 79 teams onto the park and into competition, and for many of the Rovers family, this will
be the culmination of a lot of hard work behind
the scenes since October 2014. We look forward to seeing you all
around Meadowbank Park, in the canteen, on the field, refereeing, supporting, coaching and managing. We are always looking for Nu Cru
members to join us on Saturdays and Sundays to get the fields prepared
for play - an early start and a free BBQ is surely enough to entice you!
This season, there is an emphasis on fun, and that means tolerance and
El Presidente sweeps the gongs
patience when things aren’t quite going our way, as well as understanding and empathy when things aren’t going the way of our opponents. Rovers teams should play hard, but
should play fair, and anything against the ethics of our club and our associations will not be looked on
lightly. Coaches and managers have been given guidance of the expectations of the conduct of players and
members, so please make sure this information makes its way to the players and the watching supporters.
The opening day of the season always gives us a special feeling, that’s why we do what we do. Good luck
to all teams, and let’s hope to see those smiling faces continue from April to August. Go the Rovers!
The beginning of the journey : mini gala day 2015
This years Mini Gala day was just a little
different to our previous ones.
This year, we took the Under 6 and under
7 teams up to Brush Park Bowls Club and
had a day of bare-foot Football on the
bowling greens.
Ryde Council would have had a fit, but Brushie came up trumps for Mini Gala Day
With a lovely warm March day, and a
BBQ cooking up a storm of bangers for
lunch, ably staffed by Brush Park, the
business of getting our youngest Rovers
into their first games as teams was off
and running, literally!
The kids seem to have a great day, and we were very pleased to see them all laughing and smiling as they ran
around the bowling green 'pitches'.
Thank you to Trevor and the Board of Brush Park Bowls Club for hosting the day. Noting the success of the day,
future events like this seem to be quite promising.
Good luck to all our newest and youngest Rovers for the year.
If you have not already secured your major sponsorship package, supplied your artwork for a set of shirts and a banner for display on
the weekend, and you would still like to assist with the printing costs of In Off The Post, please contact [email protected] for
newsletter-only sponsorship at super competitive rates. Supply your logo or artwork and reach over 900 local players and their families for an outrageously small fee. Newsletter only adverts tend to get a big space too...
2015 ISSUE 1
What an absolute blast the Asian Cup
turned out to be, and Sydney was
treated to a bumper extravaganza of
football at Sydney Olympic Park.
Beram and Smith turn the tables on the refs
West Ryde Rovers players, coaches
and parents were out in force, taking
advantage of the close proximity,
and some memorable moments on the field were
matched with memorable moments off it. Uzbekistan made
the first impression, with some
fabulous football and a pocket
of vociferous fans, as Sydney
was treated to the first prematch festival, before Australia
came and conquered in a flowing game against Oman. Cue Carn Aussie! And then we won!
the Iranians, potentially the
loudest fans of any code ever at
ANZ Stadium, who put on a
show for the rest of Asia, before a low key dead rubber
game with Bahrain and Oman
that still provided some high
quality football. On to the quarter finals, and the South Koreans took out Uzbekistan, before a semi final of high drama
saw Japan beaten on penalties
by UAE to make the final. What
a final it was too, Australia giving their fans value for money,
conceding a last
gasp equaliser to
set up the drama
and excitement
of extra time,
before steering
the ship home to
a win and lapping The boys take up UFC cage fighting at the Asian Cup
up the plaudits in
a packed Stadium
Australia. A tournament that will
live in our hearts
forever, roll on
the next one.
The Rovers EPL all stars hit ANZ stadium supporting the Uzbeks
We got to keep the match ball too!
2015 ISSUE 1
and Sydney United both
moving into the next round.
You need some grading done? I’m your man...
Hawkesbury City 7-0 West Ryde Rovers : not the most encouraging of
results, and the pattern of first round
knockouts continued this season in
the Waratah Cup, the NSW qualifying
rounds for the national FFA Cup competition, after falling at the first hurdle last season against Revesby Rovers. That reverse, the biggest score in
the third round, was eclipsed though
in round 4, Hills Brumbies going
down 8-1 to Northern Tigers, while
Earlwood Wanderers were on the
wrong end of a 13-0 reverse to
Hurstville FC and Bulli FC beat Bonnet
Bay FC 11-1. Closer to home, Kenthurst
and Ryde Saints United faced off at
Christie Park, Kenthurst demolishing
tyeir Super League counterparts 8-0.
Our victors Hawkesbury City recorded a fantastic 1-0 win in extra time at
St George and move into round 5. A
number of former NSL teams have
joined at this stage, Sydney Olympic
This exciting competition
sees all levels of football
thrown together in a single
competition, providing the
excitement of cup shocks
and the possibility for park
footballers to play at some
impressive stadia on the
way to the FFA Cup first
round proper.
Teams from all the states and territories will be playing in their respective
qualifying competitions to derive the
first round competitors in the FFA
Cup, and that’s where the fun really
starts, with the A-League teams
thrown together with the qualifying
teams to give some outrageous
cup ties. Who remembers Sydney United v Sydney FC last season, magical stuff!
tuned to
In Off The
Post for
news of
the FFA
the Waratah Cup reaches it’s latter stages and
the games get bigger and more
Next year West Ryde Rovers will be
back for another shot at the FFA
Cup, hopefully though it is a more
fruitful campaign than this year.
Still, there’s always the state cup.
Bring it on! Go the Rovers.
We are now following :
Open training session as the fans watch their heroes put through their paces for the new season
The GHFA Cup has never returned anything meaningful
for the Rovers Super League squad, and this year it’s all
over already before the season starts. A Wednesday
night fixture under lights at the home of GHFA, Chris e
Park, saw a 1-0 reverse against a Ryde Saints United
team who ended the game with ten men. An inspired
goalkeeping display kept the Rovers at bay and saw the
blue and whites bow out in Round 1.
In other games, North Epping flexed their muscles, disposing of Ararat, and newly relegated Thornleigh
smashed Glenhaven All Age 6-0. No other shocks in
round one, so all eyes on GHFA HQ for the second round
draw when the big guns from the Premie League are
thrown into the ring with the victorious teams from
round one. Next year boys!
Ready to go!
Rovers ponder Super League’s GHFA Cup defeat
2015 ISSUE 1
Is the season over yet?
Hard to believe we
have been registering
players since November 2014 and here we
are 5 months later about to kick off.
The early registra on experiment proved to be successful
with over 200 players registering prior to the December 30
cut off to ensure a discounted rego fee. This was way above
expecta ons and while there are teething problems with
the mechanics of it, I think early regos are here to stay.
Overall registra on numbers (971) are up on last year and
is the closest we have come to reaching 1000 registered
players at the club in a single season.
Whether that’s a good thing remains to be seen, as while it
does mean we are must be doing something right if we are
con nuing to a$ract good numbers, it does create an extra
workload for our commi$ee in geEng everything ready for
the start of the season, whether it be grading, geEng
enough equipment for all teams and making (as best we
can) sure all players are ready for the first game of the season.
Sue signs on for 2015!
The presidents wee Rover signs up!
Interes ng reading below, a difficult decision needs to be
made for certain age groups as to how many players to
carry per team. AAW should never be short of players!
Interes ngly we saw a huge increase in All Age numbers in
the men’s with 11 teams, although this was offset with a
decrease in All Age Women’s numbers.
Our numbers in the various juniors age groups have remained steady, although our U6 numbers were slightly less
than we had an cipated, although for the first me in Rovers history we will be fielding an U6 team in the NWSWF
compe on.
This year we will field Division 1 teams in – GHFA – U10,
U11, U12, U14, U16 and U18(x2) and NWSWF – U12, U14
and U15.
On behalf of the registra on team, I would like wish all 79
teams a very enjoyable and successful season ahead and
hopefully some silverware will come your way at season’s
David Cooper (GHFA
Nable Rahme (NWSWF
Chantelle Donald
(Assistant Registrar)
A hat-trick of Rovers - say cheese!
Main club sponsors will automatically see their logo in our monthly newsletter. However, if
you would like to assist with the printing costs of our premier publication, please contact
[email protected] for newsletter-only sponsorship at really competitive rates. Supply your logo or artwork and reach over 900 local players and their families for a small fee.
2015 ISSUE 1
A guide to the science of grading
This year saw us grade over 400 children into 27 or so teams from U8s to
U16s; I am sure this raises a few questions in the minds of many parents so
here goes with some answers! Remember our grading policy is on the
website if you want to see the clubs process and policy.
accepting than we give them credit for!
How do we grade?
Whilst not an exact science we are looking for a few
key attributes as well as actual skill on the ball. For example, does the
player look up when he receives the ball, does he look for the pass rather
than going for a run head down?
Ball Control / Dribbling, Passing, Shooting, Heading, Tackling, One on
One, First Touch, Speed and endurance, Team Work and Strength. The
last eight or so attributes are for U11 upwards, we do also look at how
players work together as a team – especially at the higher divisions we do
need to select the best player in each position. The actual process is defined in the grading policy; we have a grading committee run by the grading coordinator and we always have graders independent of the group
Rami and Abs give a warm welcome to their new U11 Div 1 team
being graded. Ie. we will not have a parent directly grading the teams their
child will be placed in. This is to maintain transparency in the selection
Why do we grade?
Well for a couple of reasons – firstly we need to get like teams playing with
like teams across the competition. Its no good having a really lop sided
results in games each week – whether competitive or uncompetitive! I am
sure you would agree losing 10 – nil each week is soul destroying and winning 10 – nil does nothing to build a team’s skill. In fact often the opposite
happens and the team that is winning by big margins will actually learn
less and probably go backwards skill wise. Secondly a player will gain far
more enjoyment from the game if they are playing at the right level – if
they are placed in a team above their level they may become frustrated
that they cant keep up and this is not what we want.
process. Our graders are always experienced coaches within the club and
we follow guidelines set out by GHFA and our grading policy. The grading
committee’s draft teams have to be approved by the Management Committee – this isn’t just a “rubber stamp” process – the MC look at players
that have moved and query this in conjunction with the grading notes
from the day!
Do we get it right?
Well – most of the time you have to say we do – if you look at the honour
roll for teams over the years we do go pretty well! But the most important
thing is that we get players enjoying their football and seeing faces on
Meadowbank Park on a weekend and seeing comments on our Facebook
Who do we grade?
page I think we achieve this!
We actually rank or grade all teams – this is very “soft” for U6s and U7s in
What can you do if you think we have it wrong?
that we just give teams a rating A, B or C, just to try and get balance in the
games during the season. For U8s we grade individual players and there is
one graded team that we will nominate for if our graders think we have
the players for it. The other divisions are ranked – again so that we don’t
have lop sided contests during the season – this does mean players may
not get to play with friends from the previous seasons but is preparation
for full grading at U9s. I often liken this to what happens each new school
year – the teachers do not keep the classes the same – they mix and match
to get the best learning environment. I often think we as parents worry
more about this than the kids – they are very much more resilient and
As our grading policy sets out you can ask for the grading committee to
review and reconsider the grading result – if you are still not satisfied then
you can ask the secretary for a review by the full committee. Often I think
that the children are more resilient than we give them credit, and although they may be disappointed at first often they do overcome this and
enjoy making new friends. I can give you an example of a player, who a
few of years ago didn’t make the team they was wanting to get into. They
were very upset at first but overcame this and had a great season. But that
wasn’t the end – they then spent many summer evenings practicing skills.
The following season they made the next grade. They weren’t satisfied
with this and wanted to improve further and the following season got
promoted again.
So we hope you have a really great season and if you haven’t made the
team you wanted – don’t give up – keep practising!
Your grading co-ordinator Phil Baker
2015 ISSUE 1
Sponsorship announcement
WRRFC is very pleased to announce our marquee sponsor of the
club for the next three years, and hopefully beyond, in a partnership that will ultimately benefit the growth of grassroots football
within the Ryde Community, and more importantly within Rovers.
Upcoming events
Our new event co-ordinator
Michelle Prasad has her work
cut out this year organizing the
following activities for the 2015
Golf day
@ North Ryde golf
club - date to be confirmed :
West Ryde’s finest golfers including Chris Goddard and Paul
Henry battle it out in a very
good value all day extravaganza. Stand by for news.
Trivia night
@ Brush Park Bowling Club - date to be
advised : this is the biggest night of the social calendar
and is always a sell out. Get in early when tickets go on
sale, as it is an absolute ripper of an evening.
Kids disco
@ Ermington Community centre - date yet
to be set : we had a taster last year when this event returned to our calendar, this year it will be back bigger
than ever.
Junior and senior presentation day : We’re
P.J. Gallagher’s group bought the Royal Hotel Ryde in late 2014.
Discussions were held in relation to the sponsorship that the Hotels previous owners had provided for our Super League team over
the past few years.
Patrick Gallagher has agreed with us that sponsorship is an integral partnership which can benefit both parties, and for Rovers, it
putting this one out to you, the footballing public, to
come up with suggestions for a winning formula for our
senior presentation night. The junior version is such a
blast, that the senior night has a lot to live up to. Talk to a
committee member if you have any cunning plans to attract all senior teams to an end of season event.
If you have any ideas, prizes or time to contribute to the
organization of our many events, please contact Michelle
who will welcome you with open arms!
provides us with the funds to replace gear and equipment and to
implement policies like Kickstart for our minis.
So P.J. Gallagher’s Royal Hotel Ryde are now the major sponsor of
the WRRFC, and we would ask all our members that when looking
for a place to drink (for our senior players, parents and spectators),
or for somewhere to take the family for a lovely bistro meal, then
please head up to The Royal, and tell them you are a member of
the Rovers Family and you won’t be disappointed.
Great news to be celebrated!
U12s Stevie Russell holds her own in an O30W trial game. Future star!
2015 ISSUE 1
BIG NEWS : Recently WRRFC was given its Accreditation
approval for the Football Federation Australia (FFA) National Club Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) – Level 1.
The NCAS is an initiative of FFA to raise the standards and
promote best practices of our grassroots clubs, which will
ultimately lead to a better footballing experience for players, officials, volunteers and parents.
This is achieved through a clear model that identifies and
recognises best practice in all areas of club administration,
and will set guidelines and criteria for best-practice models which can be replicated in clubs throughout the country.
This program is designed to benefit clubs by directly engaging them with their member federations, bringing together all elements of Game Development including coach
education, volunteer development, refereeing, small-sided
football, good governance and the National Curriculum, as
well as promoting and raising the profile of quality clubs
across Australia.
WRRFC is committed to provide a plan for the clubs future
with developing plans, processes and actions that will secure the Rovers traditions into its 60th year next year and
Trampolining Centre
Good technique!
Textbook throw-in action on show in trials at Meadowbank Park
2015 ISSUE 1
He’s found his gloves and he’s back on the paddock ...
Coach Profile
Matt Wrixon
Welcome to coach extraordinaire and general good guy Matt...
Q : Your role at the Rovers for 2014
A : Coach of the 'yet to be mighty' Under 8 Browns and goalie of the
Over 35/2s
Q : How many years have you been with the club
A : This will be my third season
Q : Your previous clubs
A : UWA Social, Barnes Division 3 (UK), Ararat Super League
Q : Your honours in soccer
A : Man of the match in a 7-0 defeat during an FA Cup Qualifying Match
for Barnes (17 saves from 24 shots).
Q : Favourite A-League team
A : Perth Glory
Q : Overseas soccer team
A : West Ham United (COYI - I'm a bit of a tragic, getting up to watch every game live - It would be more fun if I supported Barcelona or Man U)
Q : First professional soccer match attended
A : West Ham v Blackburn 1993
Q : What skill do you have that not many people know about
A : This is a family club and there is a reason not many people know!
Q : Describe yourself in three words
A : A big kid
The important stuff :
Place of birth : Jersey, Channel Islands
Favourite TV show : Game of Thrones
Q : The meal I am best at cooking is
A : Roast pork - mmmm, crackling....
Film : The Princess Bride
Q : Most admired sports person (not including football)
A : Shane Warne - 2 reasons; 1: for his Post World Cup interviewing style ,
2: Liz Hurley
First car : Toyota Corona
Q : Which other sport do you wish you could play
A : American Football
Q : If I didn’t play football
A : I would be in much less pain on Sundays
Q : What was your wedding waltz
A : Songbird - Eva Cassidy
Q : Describe yourself in three words
A : A big kid
Music : Les Mis or The Cure
Drink : Yes, I do
Holiday destination : New Zealand. (True
Restaurant : Stuyvesants House in Crows
Nest (before the fire!)
My favourite way to relax away from football is : One of the best things about having kids is having a real excuse to play
with Lego
Good stuff, Matt, and good luck for your junior and senior teams this year
2015 ISSUE 1
The Mean Whistler
We’ve secured his signature for another year. He’s
the meanest whistler around, just ask AA17s!
Welcome back to another season and a special welcome to the
Rovers amongst the 100 or so new referees who’ve just completed their training.
Changes in 2015
The good news is there are no significant changes to FIFA’s
Laws of The Game for this season. There are, however, a couple of changes for our local compe ons
U10s are now non-compe ve
Following the pa$ern of phasing in non-compe ve age
groups, this year U11s are the lowest age that will keep scores
and have semi finals and finals. In 2016 U12s will be the youngest and there is no intent to take this to older age groups. U10s
will s ll have official referees most weeks who will apply all the
rules, so it’s s ll football, it’s just friendlier.
U9s won’t have official referees this year
More pitch me for the coach and manager.
U12s and U13s now have a ’25m rule’ for goal kicks.
Here’s how it works (see diagram):
Marker cones should be placed 1m off the sideline, 25m out
from each goal line, before the game starts.
When a goal kick is awarded, all the a$ackers must move outside the 25m line marked by the cones.
Who do we sing for? We sing for Rovers! Some happy Rovers at WSW.
to a team mate who is within the 25m area.
A$ackers are not allowed to enter the 25m area un l the
receiving defender has control of the ball
If there are any infringements, eg an a$acker comes in too
early or the kicker kicks it beyond the 25m area, the goal
kick should be re-taken.
Our governing bodies have introduced this to encourage
juniors to get used to playing the ball out from the back rather than boo ng it long.
The person taking the goal kick (usually the keeper) must play it
Future columns
I’ll be back in the next edion of In Off The Post. If
you’ve got any ques ons
about the Laws of the Game,
interpreta ons of interes ng
issues in our game or other
technical issues you’d like to
see addressed, send an
email through to the Editor
and he’ll pass it on.
All the best for a fun and fair
start to the season and don’t
forget to be nice to the refs,
especially as many of them
are just star ng out.
Editor can be contacted on
h [email protected]
and he will reply!
2015 ISSUE 1
Super League action
Rovers juniors to be promoted into the squad.
Before pre-season training began in early January, six of
the squad (Jimmy, Eagle, Ged, Max, JC & Buzz) took
part in the Good Sports Cup, a 4-a-side tournament for
association and state league clubs held in a portable
ground at Circular Quay. On the Saturday WRR finished
2nd in their group (missing top spot by 2 goals), before
returning Sunday to claim the division 2 title with a nail
biting 1-0 win over Belmore United in the final.
This was followed by a few trial games with various results, as new & old players took time to adjust to the
changes in personnel. Things started to get serious as
Rovers when they were drawn again State League club
Hawkesbury City FC in the FFA Cup. The squad made
the long trip out Richmond, and held their own in the
first half unlucky to go to oranges down 2-0. Hawkesbury’s class and Rovers own naivety in the second half
showed as the Hawks added 2 quick goals after the
resumption and added a couple more late on to finish
7-0 winners.
Early silverware not an omen for the FFA or GHFA Cups
Rovers by name, Rovers by nature. That pretty much sums
up the Super League squads pre-season. From a small
sided tournament overlooking the Sydney Opera House,
trial games on the Northern Beaches and Western Sydney,
to an FFA Cup game at Richmond, Rovers have churned
out the miles before the season even kicks off.
Not long after the 2014
squads end of season trip,
trials for the 2015 squad were
held in November of last year.
The squad went through a
big transition this year with
numerous older members of
the 2014 squad calling it a
day, allowing several
Rovers man mountain at the back
Next up saw Rovers taking on local Super League rivals
Ryde Saints United in the GHFA Cup. Unfortunately despite dominating the second half against 10 players,
Rovers couldn’t convert past the excellent Saints keeper
to bow out of the Cup 1-0. The lads won’t have to wait
long to get the chance to exact revenge with the clubs
meeting in the opening round of the Super League season at LH Waud. Rovers have been perennial slow starters to the season in recent years and will be looking to
get off to a good
start in 2015.
Special thanks to the
squads major sponsor
the Royal Hotel Ryde,
who after 5 years
supporting the squad
have upgraded their
involvement and are
now the clubs major
Onwards for 2015!
Super League trials in the heat
2015 ISSUE 1
April Super League fixtures
Saturday 11th April : Ryde Saints United (H) LH Waud Stadium,
Meadowbank. 1pm reserves, first grade at 3pm.
Saturday 18th April : Thornleigh (A) Oakleigh Oval, Thornleigh. 1pm
reserves, first grade at 3pm.
Saturday 25th April - Anzac Day : North Epping Rangers (A) North
Epping Oval. 3pm reserves, first grade at 5pm under lights.
All April fixtures for all GHFA
teams are now up on the
at, the women’s season fixtures are on You will
League and Super League are
playing on Anzac Day. The Matheson fends off a friendly foe in SL trials
remainder of fixtures will be loaded up in the coming days. Good luck to all our
teams young and old, established and rookie, hope you enjoy your season.
November’s trials in the baking sunshine always provides the Super League new boys a chance to show their fitness
At a recent GHFA Management Committee Meeting a set of motions was put to the member clubs in relation
to what fixtures, if any, would be played on ANZAC Day 2015. The options were as follows:
1. No play at all,
2. Premier League and Super League only in the afternoon,
3. All games of an afternoon, no games in the morning (ie AA and seniors only)
4. All games with a minutes silence at all.
The first meeting had a voting result of all games will be played with a minutes silence. Due to the feedback
from many clubs and their members, a rescission of that vote was passed, and the issue was voted on again,
after the Clubs discussed various aspects of logistics that needed to be considered.
Subsequently the decision agreed to was that only Premier League and Super League would play on ANZAC
Day, after midday due to the fact that these competitions have no spare wash out days available.
Remember this is a big anniversary for Anzac Day. Lest we forget.
2015 ISSUE 1
Rovers committee delivers another season
WRRFC would not run without a very hard working team, o en in the background
going un-no ced, carrying out the myriad of jobs and thankless tasks that are required to be done to get 78 teams onto the field in 2015. For example, the grading of teams has taken in excess of 60 hours of me, and been conducted by not
only 4-6 members of the, but also with the assistance of approximately 10-12 volunteers who made up the Grading team that spent their me observing, repor ng, selec ng the kids for each team.
The registrars,
registrars who have spent well over 100 hours to ensure all the registra ons
get into the system, allocate the players into the teams, arrange and ensure photos are in place, that Coaches and Managers are registered in the appropriate Bec and Lindsay “promulgate” shorts and socks
system, and processing / chasing payments for registra ons. The equipment staff have had to order the clothing and balls,
arrange their deliveries get the sponsors printed, allocate them to team bags, pump up the 200+ balls, and arrange the issue
of kits, socks, shorts and training gear. There has also been the never-ending paperwork and administra on, mee ngs with
Councils, Associa ons, running the mini Gala Day etc etc.
The list is so long the en re could be devoted to all that is accomplished.
The ul mate thing to remember is that the is comprised of VOLUNTEERS that spend a lot of their own me and
effort to ensure, that as a Club, we can get players onto the field to play the wonderful game of Football. Without these people, the Club would not operate, especially the size it is. So when you see a Member, par cularly those you may
rarely see or know, then just take the me to let them know that you appreciate the work they do for the Club. And of course
lastly, if you feel that you would like to have the sa sfac on and the great feeling of accomplishment when you see the smiling faces of our young children receiving their club football, or scoring their first goal, then please contact myself for further
details of joining our team of volunteers.
Personally I would like to extend my thanks to those members of the that have
worked through from the end of last season, and all the pre-season to get the Club ready, I appreciate your hard work. To those that have recently stepped away from the, Rebecca Lang, Col Harrison, Peter Smith, thank you for your me and commitment to the you have given.
Welcome to Rovers in 2015, and on behalf of Cupcakes by Emma Simms!
the I wish all our teams all the best for a great season in 2015.
Lindsay Donald (Club secretary)
The new sponsorship officer, Greg Cameron
2015 ISSUE 1
Pre-season action
This pre-season will go down as one of the most difficult to
organize, with Ryde Council doing their best to deprive the
Rovers of any meaningful field allocations for the number of
teams in the club. A number of teams will be going into the
season with only one internal trial under their belts after a
glorious afternoon at Meadowbank Park on the weekend of
the 28th / 29th March, a weekend which brought the 2015
season to life.
Other enterprising teams have gone through the pre-season
period with a full program of games, including the new Over
35 Div 2 team, who travelled to take on Abbotsford Juniors in A very early start to the 2015 season, with an October 2014 game.
a hard fought 2-3 defeat at the impressive Lambert Park in early March. This was followed by a scrappy 3-3 draw with Winston
Hills 35/1 at Macquarie Uni, an internal trial with the AA4 team that ended in a 2-4 reverse before a final hit out against the
AA16 team saw them surrender a three goal advantage to again draw 3-3. This new team now has a good footing to start what
should be a tough season. The AA4 team also teed up a game with the Super League reserves which ended in an embarrassing
5-1 drubbing, the SL boys never at the races that day.
A run out for the all new AA10 team saw Putney Rangers Under 20s come to Meadowbank 9 and the Rovers held their own for
a good chunk of the game before superior fitness saw Putney turn the game around. The 30W black team (Div 3) got their preseason, and indeed their history, underway with a 6-2 defeat at Abbotsford, scoring their first two goals in the process and also
conceding two penalties in an entertaining encounter. That was followed by a round robin tournament where they went down
to the Div 1 team, and held the Div 2 team to a 1-1 draw, the Div 2 team scoring their first goal in the process in a thrilling
The AA6 team made a first appearance on the trials weekend at Meadowbank Park, although player numbers are a little lower
than they would have liked, and the 35/5 got their one trial in, taking on the West Ryde Eagles on Meadowbank No 9. Good
luck to all our teams this season, all 79 of them!
Lambert Park, home of Apia Leichhardt, is graced by the O30W Black superstars in a friendly.
Meadowbank 2 trials on proper grass
2015 ISSUE 1
The GHFA Skills Acquisition Program (SAP), aka Rovers
Skills Removal (RSR), has snapped up last year’s Under
10 player Alex Henry, thus depriving the Rovers Under
11s team of one of their star players, as well as last
year’s coach Paul. Zach Smith has also swapped Under
11s for U10 SAP, and they join former team mates Oliver Varga, Matthew Pozzebon and Charlie Stark at
Christie Park. Congratulations to those boys for making
the squad for 2015 and you will be missed at the club.
Hope to see you around Meadowbank Park this year.
Stay tuned for details of the GHFA Academy, a 15 week
course on a Monday night at Christie Park, beginning in
May, where players from every club can trial for a spot
in this prestigious club. Check out ...and we thought it was LH Waud. Zach Smith arrives at Football NSW HQ.
trials are on Monday 27 April. Book your spot!
Meadowbank Park latest
Meadowbank Park somehow survives a summer of abuse and misuse to be
groomed to perfection for the first game of the season - of course its all
downhill once the first wet weekend hits. Changes this year include another
go at fixing up the sewage smell by the mini fields, results are yet to be favourable, resurfacing of a number of the fields including the pick of the fields
No2 and No3 that are heavily used for training under floodlights, a reconfiguration of the equipment shed used by Rovers and a tidy up of the toilets and
changing rooms next to the canteen. The Walk to Cure Cancer also took over
LH Waud and No9 for a weekend late last year and No 9 is still recovering
from the experience, and there is a new mountain range next to field No 5, a
peculiar land formation that has drawn much debate about its origin.
The weekend of April 11th sees the first full round of games down at the park,
and with the barbecue sizzling, children enjoying the fresh outdoors and
some quality football
LH Waud’s organic mushroom crop
ready for the start of
another big Rovers
season. Stay tuned
for our next issue
with photos from the
Cantina, which opens
its doors on the first
day of the season.
Equipment guru Chris Goddard in his new den
Housing shortage solved as the tent embassy moves to LH Waud
2015 ISSUE 1
Transfer news
A West Ryde Rovers pre-season is just like the EPL, with comings and goings at all levels
during a busy transfer window. At the pinnacle of the Rovers tree is the Super League, and
last year saw the swansong of Icelandic superstar Sjonni Runarsson which has left a void in
midfield. Coach Justin “Smurf” McLeay has been quick to bolster numbers, calling on the
West Ryde youth scheme and promoting the likes of Luke Goddard to the super league
squad for 2015. Sjonni himself has moved to the newly formed Over 35 Div 2 team on a
Bosman, so his talents will still grace LH Waud during the season. With 35s numbers doubling from last season, we also welcome back former Super League players Stu Jackson
and Johan Bustamante to the fold, snapped up on free transfers, and former Ravens man
Brendon Harden has secured a one year contract to join former AA5 man Adam Leto.
A major coup in Under 11s has seen the return of Fletch Sheehy to the fold after a season
adjusting to the rigours of rugby league - his decision to play both codes has been welcomed by the Rovers coaches. Making the step up to join him in the Under 11s is Rowan
Emeleus, trading the safety of the Under 10s for a shot at the big time and a chance to play Runarsson is back!
for points and trophies, and there is a warm welcome back to Ollie Andrews to the Under
11s after a year away playing rugby. Noah O’Sullivan also looks to be a good acquisition in the Div 2 team and Michael Muscio’s long awaited multi-million dollar transfer from local rivals Putney is a huge boost for the Div 1 squad. In Under 14s, James
Di Giulio has taken the plunge and has moved up a year to ply his trade with the older boys, well done for making the move.
Rocking the boat in Under 12s, Julian Varga has been sold for a record fee to Epping
YMCA, where he will join former Rovers team mate Flynn Henry in a star-studded
team for the 2015 season. The fans are expected to queue around the block for tickets for the Rovers v YMCA clash. The Under 13s are boosted by the return of Lachie
Andrews from his rugby sojourn, and his team are looking good for a big season. All
eyes will also be on Under 10 Div 1, where the addition of young Tom Janson to a
talented group of players should make for a very strong team.
Over in the NWSWF competition, Rovers ranks are bolstered by the arrival onto the
scene of the Over 30s Black team, coached by former Granville superstar Sergio, and
boasting an array of famous Rovers names, wives and Mums to current and former
players who have decided to don the boots for a shot at silverware. The Under 9
girls have been rocked by the departure of Lucy Williamson to follow her professional dancing career, however with some quality coming in, the season looks bright
for the Rovers team. A three year wait for an Under 6 girls team is finally over too,
Deadline day signing Pace-Muscio all smiles
as a six strong squad looks to shake up Morrison Bay in 2015 and begin a fantastic
journey through to Under 18s in 2027.
Finally, some staff changes this season see Dave and
Vanessa Little take the reins in U6W, while Johnny Ralston
joins the coaching team for 12/4s. The club will be making
efforts to sign them all as players for next season as they all
play their football in other associations. Welcome too to
Justin Coull, new coach of the AA4, and there’s a move for
Scott Randell, trading 35W for U6 boys in a major reshuffle.
Welcome to all of our new signings, you are going to have a
lot of fun this season, and you’re in very capable hands as
the club enters an exciting phase of its history.
We couldn’t tempt Dad to sign up, but we got our main targets...
2015 ISSUE 1
You’re wearing the wrong kit!
Ex SL man Craig looks good
Sienna the Redback
Aurelia grins and bears the YMCA shirt
Famous for fifteen seconds...
Got any photos? Send em
through to the news desk
at [email protected]
Cisse, Tiote, Smith and Smith. Rovers at St James Park earlier this season
Sydney FC’s Janko and his crew of Rovers football and cricket stars
Max of the U11/2 adorns the wall of Eastwood Library (far left)
Marc Janko meets his idol, Matz Edwards, at Mac Uni
2015 ISSUE 1
Photo corner
The Wombles of Meadowbank at Clean Out Day
Got a photo you’d like to share with us? Send it to
your newsletter editor at [email protected]
and it WILL be published. If it’s a good photo.
A packed Meadowbank No2 for trials
The pinnacle of anyone’s playing career
At a recent Committee Meeting, Lindsay Donald requested that on behalf of the Club, that a donation be considered to
Legacy (NSW) in recognition of the Centenary of ANZAC, and to assist those families that have lost loved ones whilst serv-
ing their country. The Committee agreed to donate the amount of $500 to Legacy on behalf of the Club.
Our Club Secretary then put forward a request to approve the establishment of the WRRFC ANZAC Centenary Challenge.
The intention of the Challenge was to challenge all the member clubs, and the board of GHFA to match, or better, the donation to Legacy in the year of the ANZAC Centenary. The Committee subsequently approved the idea, and the challenge
was formally sent to the Clubs and Board of the GHFA.
Gladesville Sharks promptly accepted the challenge, and raised the bar to $1000. WRRFC also decided to match Sharks
and raised our own donation to $1000 also. To date there are approximately 6 clubs, plus the board (via vote of member
delegates) have all pledged to donate to the challenge, and the amount currently stands at above
WRRFC are proud to donate to such a worthy cause in an extremely significant year that commemorates the events that have helped mould the traditions and pride of our nation, and of those
that have, and continue to serve our home.
Lest We Forget - 100 Years of Sacrifice
Looking for a JP? Statutory Declarations, Affidavits, Certified True Copies, signing over traffic fines – there are
many occasions when you need a Justice of the Peace to witness
your signature. With new rules in place requiring JPs to justify
renewal of their license, it can be difficult to find one when you
need one. Rovers members requiring JP services are welcome to
2015 ISSUE 1
Who do we sing for…?
We sing for Bernie! The lads meet their idol Ibini after a long wait at the player entrance
We sing for Wanderers! Ole ole ole.
Sydney til I die! All age Simon and O35s Pete
We’re both Sydney FC fans, but we’re at the Wanderers, ole ole ole.
Represen ng the GHFA at the Wanderers home game v Newcastle were a team featuring West Ryde Rovers U9 and U10 players,
with a few more of our players represen ng other teams for the day. A er the main event blew for half me, on came the Rovers to
entertain the crowd and show the RBB just what real football is. A great day out for the girls and all the parents too!
Epping YMCA v West Ryde Rovers at Parra Stadium - priceless!
Ezia watches on as Rovers’ Mia stalks Epping YMCA’s guest player.
Player profile
Nathan Di Giulio
We welcome a young man approaching his testimonial year...
Q : Your role at the Rovers for 2014
A : Player U16/3
Q : How many years have you been with the club
A : 9 years
Q : Your previous clubs
A : Ermington United
Q : Your playing position
A : Centre Attacker / Midfielder / Left Midfield
Q : Your honours in soccer
A : Ermington United Player of the season!
Q : Favourite A-League team
A : Sydney FC
Q : Overseas soccer team
A : Manchester United
Q : First professional soccer match attended
A : Australia v China, Sydney 2007
Place of birth : Sydney
Favourite TV show : The Footy Show / NCIS
Film : Fast and Furious
Music : Hilltop Hoods
First car : Need to get my licence first!
Drink : Lemonade
Holiday destination : Want to go to Hawaii
Restaurant : Lee’s Fortuna Court, Crow’s Nest
Q : What skill do you have that not many people know about
A : I play the guitar
Q : What do you do during the summer
A: Play futsal soccer, hang out at the beach
Q : My favourite way to relax away from football
A : Watch and read anything and everything
about cars
Q : Describe yourself in three words
A : Loud, annoying, funny
Q : The meal I am best at cooking is
A : A mean Thai Beef Salad
Q : Which other sport do you wish you could play
Q : Most admired sports person (not including
A : Michael Hussey
Q : If I didn’t play football...
A : I would sign up to play football!
A final word from our editor : In Off The Post Edition 2015 Edition 1
is brought to you thanks to the contributions of Lindsay Donald, Dave
Cooper, Tom Emeleus, Phil Baker, our two profile stars Matt Wrixon
and Nathan Di Giulio, and our super league correspondent Matt
Hanchard, Thanks to everyone who appeared in a photo - with all the
rules regarding taking photographs at sporting events, we would
appreciate a hand with taking photos, so if you’re at a game and it’s
ok by the parents, take a few snaps and send the good ones
through. Cheers. Tex.