view - Forest Lake Branch

June 2015
Welcome to the June Meeting!
Good morning and welcome to our June meeting. Well, it’s winter
woollies time again … as woolly as it can be in sunny Brisbane!
Visitors to our Branch Meetings
The committee warmly welcomes you to attend to a total of 3
Branch meetings before deciding to join. Please see our
Treasurer, Val to find out more about the cost to join and the
many benefits of becoming a National Seniors member.
Do you know of any unwell Members?
To our members who have been unwell, and there have been
quite a few, we wish you a return to good health. Our good friend,
Vera Somerwil, is progressing very well after recent hip
replacement surgery. It is with sadness we announce the passing
of Joan Nilon (Aunty Joan) on 14 May. Rest in Peace Aunty
Joan. If you know of any member who may be unwell, please let
committee member Annette know on 38791212.
Joyful June Birthdays
Best Wishes are extended to all our valued members celebrating
birthdays during the month of June. We hope you have a
wonderful day and wish you many happy returns.
Queensland Day – An important Birthday!
Queensland Week is an annual
celebration of the state’s culture,
heritage, people and industry and is
held from 30 May till the 7 June. The
week-long celebration centers around
the state’s birthday on the 6 June and
acknowledges the “birth” of Queensland
as a separate colony. Since 1981,
Queensland’s birthday has been
officially promoted by the Queensland
Government. A highlight of Queensland Week is the prestigious
Queensland Greats Awards which is announced by the Premier.
Other events held include the state’s official Citizen Ceremony.
It’s a time to reflect on how blessed we are to be part of such a
wonderful lifestyle.
What's on Today?
Raffle Prizes
There are some really great prizes up for grabs in today’s raffle,
so make sure you have your “Lucky Tickets” for the draw.
Today’s Special Guest
We are very pleased to welcome our guest speaker today from
Mercy ships. We’re looking forward to another informative talk.
Recent Events & News
Logan Entertainment Centre
Tuesday 19 May. A combined National
Seniors and Probus group enjoyed morning
tea followed by an hilariously funny
performance by Judy Glen at the Logan
Entertainment Centre. A number of our group
stayed on for lunch in the Bistro. We’re still
Trip to the Tweed
Thursday 21 May. This was our first major trip for 2015 and what
a great day is was! Thirty eight members and friends set out early
on the bus. Our first stop for morning tea was over the border at
Point Danger … such a lovely spot. We headed further south on
our scenic drive venturing as far as Pottsville, then inland for a
Editor: Christine White
very enjoyable lunch at the historic Tumbulgum Hotel. Next stop –
the Tweed Art Gallery for a view of the very impressive Margaret
Olley exhibition. What a fabulous Gallery – really worth seeing.
The views from the building were also quite spectacular.
Trip to the Cinema
Friday 22 May. Our trip to the cinema to see “A Royal Night
Out”, a lovely uplifting story. Six of our group then enjoyed a light
lunch at Forget Me Not Tea Rooms, just a few doors up from the
Regal Cinema at Graceville.
Ladies Fashion Function
Wednesday 4 June. Portfolio Fashions held a parade at the
Lions Club, Richlands providing a glimpse of the current styles
and a fun get-together with morning tea. Some of our members
and friends also stayed on for lunch, which is always a fun time.
Remember there’s always discounts for members at Lions.
Helping the Farmers out St George Way
The Crochet Group, which meets at
Settlers, has been very busy filling urgent
requests from out west. Thirteen boxes of
much needed warm beanies, scarves,
knee rugs, covered hot water bottles and
many more wintery items have been
speedily transported to our farming
friends. Several of our members,
including Terry, (see pic on back page)
enjoy being part of this wonderful group. Our Branch has also
donated a large amount of wool for the group.
Update of Recent Happenings and some
“Pretty Pleases” by Julie
I know April was busy, well, it turns out so was May for some of
our enthusiastic, fun seeking members! It all started with a great
group for the Wednesday Coffee Morning, followed by a huge
attendance at our Mother’s Day Branch Meeting with our terrific
entertainer. Logan Entertainment Centre was next where
comedienne Judy Glen had us in stitches, plus we learned how to
be opera divas! We continued the
laughter througha lovely lunch in
the Bistro. We had a fantastic trip to
the Tweed and for the cinemagoers, the lovely movie “A Royal
Night Out” at the Regal followed by
lunch at the Forget Me Not Tea
Rooms. Last but definitely not least,
another highly successful Zone 101 Conference with special
thanks to Settlers/Ingenia for their sponsorship. Can we keep up
the pace? Of course we can! For those on email, please check
your mail prior to Branch Meetings for any special reminders
from Val or Julie. This Newsletter contains up-to-date
information for the Calendar, howeverit may sometimes be
necessary to make a change to the original calendar, for
example, guest speakers, trip destination updates, etc. P.S.
Dan! Terry and Annette Weaver are not here today as they’re
enjoying a great holiday in Canada. We miss their happy faces
and the great work they do each month. Jealous much! Oh, and
must tell those who know how great Norfolk Island is – a group
from the Calamvale Branch has just visited the island and said it
was brilliant and a wonderful place to visit. I want to go again!
Maybe 2016? Who’s going to put their hands up?
What’s Coming Up in June?
Warwick & Surrounds November 23-25
Forest Lake Movies and Theatre Group
Hurry, this trip is closing off! Some deposits have been paid and
those still wanting to join the adventure can pay a $100 per
person deposit today or speak with Julie today to arrange your
deposit payment within the week.
Why not consider joining this fun group? Let Julie know if you’d
like to come along to our movie mornings.
Thursday 18 June – A visit to QIMR (Queensland Institute of
Medical Research) at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital
Complex. Important reminder: The Research Facility cannot
cater for visitors with mobility issues, for example, those who
need walking sticks, wheelie walkers, wheel chairs, purely for
safety reasons. The duration of the visit will be approximately 2
hours and include morning tea and biscuits (You can bring your
own morning tea if desired). There is no cost for this outing.
Lunch can also be enjoyed in the City at your own cost following
the tour. We need to make an early start to the day starting with
the 460 bus from Mc Donalds at 8:35am sharp, changing to
the 333 bus at the Cultural Centre for travel to the Hospital
Things you may not know about
National Seniors Member Alex Passaris, JP
Monthly Coffee & Chat Morning
Our next Coffee Morning will take place on
Wednesday 1 July at Diamantes Forest
Lake Shopping Centre from 9:30am.
Please provide your name to the lovely
Ros to ensure enough seating is made
Snapshot of June’s Calendar
Wednesday 10 - Branch Meeting, Mercy Ships Guest Speaker
At today’s Branch Meeting we are also collecting payment and
menu selections for Christmas in July to be held at Flaxton
Gardens on Thursday 16 July
Thursday 18 - Trip to QIMR, Royal Brisbane & Women’s
Hospital, Herston
Snapshot of July’s Calendar
Wednesday 1 – Coffee & Chat Morning at Diamantes, Forest
Lake Shopping Centre from 9:30am
Wednesday 8 – Our Branch Meeting will be held with a guest
speaker and “Fourth of July Theme”. Dress up (USA Theme) for a
chance to win a great prize! Independence Day, commonly
known as the Fourth of July or July Fourth, is the National Day
and a federal holiday in the United States. It commemorates the
Declaration of Independence on that date in 1776, declaring
independence from Great Britain
Thursday 16 – We’ll celebrate our Christmas in July at Flaxton
Gardens Restaurant, Flaxton at a cost of $60 per person for a
delicious lunch. The $60 payment and menu selections are being
collected at today’s meeting.
Snapshot of August’s Calendar
Wednesday 5 - Reminder: Our Branch Meeting to celebrate
our 4 Birthday will be held on the 1 Wednesday NOT the 2
Wednesday due to the Public Holiday.
Friday 21 August – Seniors Week celebrations – details soon
Thursday 27 August –Lunch at the Forest Lake Tavern
Trips Calendar for 2015
The Management Committee thanks you for your support of
these opportunities to have an enjoyable time. Reminder: Please
place your name, full cost and trip details on an envelope
and seal your payment inside the envelope and hand it to the
Trips Table. Full payment will be collected in 2015 at the monthly
meeting before the trip. Where possible, the approximate cost of
a trip is included on the calendar or will appear on the Trips Desk
posters. Trips Request: Members and guests coming along on
outings are kindly asked to leave the first 2 rows of seats on
either side of the bus for people with difficulties and/or Committee
Members who are required to sit near the driver or tour guide. If
you have special seating or food needs on any trip, please
let us know when you are booking and/or paying.
Trips Away for 2015
Hervey Bay Whale Watching September 15-17
(QRail and National Seniors Travel) – If you are coming along on
this great trip, please contact Maria Dunning at National Seniors
Travel as soon possible to secure your booking. We have had a
very good response with twelve members having paid their
deposits, so we encourage you to join the group for a fun trip.
I am of Greek origin and my ancestors came from the Greek
Islands in the Aegean Sea. I was born on the 28 December
1934 at 11:45pm at my home, No. 10 Brook Street, South
Brisbane. When mum took me to the Mater Hospital, the
midwife asked “What name are you giving your son?” Mum
replied “He will be a leader of men, so I will call him Omegas
Alexandros, after Alexander the Great. No second name!”
I was considered the black sheep of the family as I was the
only member of our extended family to marry an English
lady. We were blessed with a family of four girls and one
boy, sixteen grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren.
In February 1971, I became a qualified Justice of the Peace
at Richlands Courthouse, always on duty. Amen! In 1982, I
joined Toastmasters and was tutored by the Distinguished
Toastmaster, Arthur Gorrie. I became a Distinguished
Toastmaster within five years of joining which is the highest
degree in Toastmasters.
On my birthday in 2014, a friend stated that I had been
awarded the O.B.E. I said “but I am not British!” to which
she replied “Well, you are ‘Over Blooming Eighty’!”
One day in the “Never Ending Story”, we shall meet this
Omegas Alexandros Passaris, JP, DTM, OBE – the leader
of men. But that’s all Greek to me!
Thank you Alex for an insight into your life
The National Seniors Website
A previous issue of the Newsletter included an informative piece
on the travel section on the National Seniors website. Today,
we’d like to spotlight the ways your voice can be heard on the NS
website. There are many issues confronting and concerning older
persons in Australia and these, of course, can change over time.
One way to remain informed and more importantly, be heard in
discussions on such issues, is to become a member of National
Seniors and contribute to discussions held at meetings on various
relevant topics. Another way to be heard is to log onto the
National Seniors website (see address above) and click onto the
members’ page section entitled Be Heard. On the left side is a
menu. The first item on the menu is Our Policy Process, Policy
Advisory Groups. According to the information provided in the
section, the National Seniors organisation focuses on improving
the quality of life for Australians over
fifty “by combining grassroots
feedback with top level research to
form an evidence-based lobbying
platform”. From this basis, NS
advocate for seniors and lobby
government to create and change
policy to support older Australians.
Advisory groups are set up to lobby state, territory and federal
agencies on behalf of seniors. To give yourself a voice you can
contact the organisation (click on a link within the text and follow
the prompts), or you can download and complete a form to notify
the organisation of issues of concern to you as a senior. You can
also join the current campaign’s email to register at
[email protected] and if you desire to go further and
join a policy group, you can apply by emailing
[email protected]
(The majority of this article has been taken from the Springfield
Branch of National Seniors, May Newsletter. Thank you for
allowing us to use the information)
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
They somehow know what you truly want to become”
Steve Jobs
“We should all start to live before we get too old.
Fear is stupid. So are regrets”
Marilyn Monroe
Activities at Settlers Village
Sewing & Craft Group
The group meets every 2 and 4 Monday from 10am.
This is a fun group that you can join at any time –
everyone over 55 is welcome, male and female.
Crochet Group
The group meets every Thursday from 10am in the Settlers
Village Community Room. Come along for a cuppa and chat.
A Confession - Funny Retirement Speech
A priest was being honoured at his retirement dinner after 25
years in the parish. A leading local politician, who was also a
member of the congregation, was chosen to make the
presentation and give a little leaving speech at the dinner. He
was delayed so the priest decided to say his own few words while
they waited.
'I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I
heard here. I thought I had been assigned to a
terrible place. The very first person who
entered my confessional told me he had stolen
a television set and, when stopped by the
police, had almost murdered the officer. He had
stolen money from his parents, embezzled from
his place of business, had an affair with his
boss's wife and taken illegal drugs. I was
appalled. But as the days went on I knew that
my people were not all like that and I had,
indeed, come to a fine parish full of good and loving people.'
Just as the priest finished his talk the politician arrived full of
apologies at being late. He immediately began to make the
presentation and give his speech.
'I'll never forget the first day our parish priest arrived, 'said the
politician.' In fact, I had the honour of being the first one to go to
him in confession.' Oooops!!
Doreen Cotter enjoying the wonderful Tweed Trip recently
Our Website
Invite your friends to view our wonderful, informative website at
Did you know you can also access National Seniors Australia on
Facebook? It’s a great way to keep up-to-date.
Members wishing to submit their apologies can contact Julie
32787274 or Val 33724405.Son,
Committee Members for 2015
Dan Baldwin: President
Shirley Cawley: Vice President/Activities/Events/Safety
Julie Baldwin: Secretary
Val Hannan: Treasurer/Membership
Eileen Brown: Assistant to Treasurer
Annette Weaver: Providore/Tours/Welfare Officer
Merv Gibson: Greeter/Host
Barry Weston: Guest Speaker Co-Ordinator
Rod Humphreys: Asst. Webmaster/Dine-Outs/Safety Officer
Terry Weaver: Fundraising/Raffles/Tours
Lyn Martin: Providore//Activities/Tours/Events
Val Summerville: Branch Meeting Host/Co-Ordinator
Other Committee contact telephone numbers:
Val (Treasurer) 33724405
Annette 38791212
Postal address:
The Secretary
National Seniors Australia Forest Lake Branch Inc.
PO Box 4530 Forest Lake Qld 4078
Terry Siggers with boxes of crocheted goodies for our Farmers
Meeting Venue
Branch meetings are held at the Lions Soccer Club, 133 Pine
Road Richlands on the 2 Wednesday of the month except
January. Due to the public holiday, the August meeting is held on
the 1 Wednesday. Sign in at 9:30am for a 10:00am start.
Our much-loved NS committee members Annette & Terry Weaver
on their fantastic Canadian adventure
Thank you to all our sponsors and supporters for your assistance
with photocopying and distributing our newsletter, meeting
agendas and other material. Your assistance is very much
appreciated and helps our Branch to thrive and grow.
For all your Home Loan enquiries, contact
Mark Newman on (07) 37149399