Sponsorship Letter

April 1, 2015
Potential “MEMORIAL” Sponsors
Dear Potential Sponsor,
We are pleased to provide an opportunity for you to be a sponsor of the 2015 TOMMY BOLT MEMORIAL. The Memorial will be held on Saturday, June 27, 2015. For twelve years, the Memorial has
grown in stature, and provides sponsors a great opportunity to link their name to an ever increasingly
popular sporting event. The 2014 tournament welcomed a great field of teams, and generated nearly
$9,000 for the beneficiary of this charity event, FOUNTAIN PLACE.
Strong interest in this event continues as evidenced through participation of teams from not only central
and northeast Arkansas, but several additional states. The Memorial has become recognized as a first class
golf tournament in a wide market area. Your sponsorship provides an investment of a viable advertising
dollar, while also supporting much needed financial support to a unique and deserving non profit retirement center.
The enclosed brochure provides information about this year’s tournament for your reference. Sponsors
contemplating participating at $500 or higher must have confirmation to us by May 25, 2015 so that their
logo can be included in the Team Registration Flyer that has a scheduled mailing date of May 31, 2015.
The 2015 team entry fee remains at $250, and includes lunch, refreshments, range balls, team picture, and
of course the popular gift bag.
We hope you will favorably consider this advertising opportunity. All donations are tax deductible within
the extent of the law.
Kindest regards,
Steve Thompson
Tournament Chairman
25 Yosemite Drive, Cherokee Village, AR 72529