1 13500 Triadelphia Rd. | Ellicott City, MD 21042 | 410.313.1506 | 410.313.1514 - Guidance | http://fqms.hcpss.org/ April 17, 2015 NEXT WEEK Folly Quarter is proud to recognize the following students as our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Students of the Week: Jennifer Ruth: 6th grade Andrew Buscher: 7th grade Morgan Reese: 8th grade PARCC TESTING SCHEDULE Attendance for the entire administration is important so please be mindful of absences, including late arrivals and early dismissals during this testing window. Thank you. PARCC EOY- All Grades Grade 7: Day 1: Tuesday, April 21st Grade 6: Day 1: Monday, April 27th Grade 8: Day 1: Wednesday, April 29th Day 2: Wednesday, April 22nd Day 2: Tuesday, April 28th Day 2: Thursday, April 30th Day 1: Math Units 1 and 2 - Periods 1 -7 (normal schedule); Testing will occur during Periods 1 -3. Day 2: ELA Units 1 and 2 - Periods 7, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1; Testing will occur during Periods 7, 6, and 3. 2014-2015 MEMORY BOOKS ORDER DEADLINE APRIL 20TH! This year Lifetouch is offering different packages or you can create your own! The basic price is $25. Online ordering is available, visit www.ybpay.lifetouch.com (yearbook ID: 5635915). Order forms were handed out to students and also are available in the front office. Place your order today! Order Deadline is April 20th! 2 FROM THE HEALTH ROOM **IMPORTANT – NEW IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS** Effective the first day of school, 2015-2016, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine will be required by the state of Maryland for all students entering Grade 7. If we DO NOT receive proof of immunization, your child will be excluded from school. Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record. Please contact your child’s doctor and send/fax a signed updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room. Our fax # is (410) 531-2473. If you have further questions, please call Folly Quarter Middle School at (410) 313-1506 and ask for the Health Room. Thank you, Elizabeth Collora, Cluster Nurse Colleen Spedding, Health Assitstant FROM THE G/T OFFICE: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The FQMS G/T Enrichment Fair will be held on Wednesday, 5/20/15, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Media Center. Please come by to see some of the projects our students have been working on! THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! The teachers, students, and staff of Folly Quarter would like to express our sincere appreciation to the parents/guardians of our community for your contributions of time and talent to our school. Since April 12– 18 is National Volunteer Week, we would like to express our appreciation to our volunteers with a Board of Education of Howard County proclamation, an “Outstanding Volunteer Service” certificate along with a letter inviting you to a Volunteer Breakfast to be held on May 18th at 8 am. These items were sent home today via your student. THANK YOU PTA FOR THE OUTDOOR CLASSROOM! Thanks to the PTA and all the volunteers who put together the picnic benches for our new and improved Outdoor Classroom! It is awesome! FROM GUIDANCE: Naviance “Strength Finder” Counselors have met with all students to introduce Strength Finder in the internet-based program, Naviance. Students took a Strengths Explorer assessment, which identified their top 3 strengths. The 6th, 7th and 8th graders also learned that their top three strengths are skills which are more natural or dominant than others, tend to make us more productive, energize us, and keep us more engaged and connected. However, our strengths are neither a label nor a limitation, since we all develop various skills over time. Students were also challenged to find a way of incorporating one of their strengths into their academic goal. Please have your students share their Strength Finder results and updated academic goal using Naviance. Students use their HCPSS 9 digit student number and their media password to access Naviance. The link is on the FQMS website under “School Resources.” Students will continue to explore the many features of Naviance with school counselors during the 2015-2016 academic year. Parents are asked to contact Ms. Anacker-Maas or Ms. Coonts with any questions. SOLES4SOULS: COLLECTING SHOES NOW – MID-JUNE Girls on the Run of Folly Quarter is having a Soles4Souls Shoe Drive, just in time for Spring Cleaning! Please donate shoes you no longer need. We will take all styles and sizes! There is a collection box in the front lobby. Shoes will be collected through mid-June, and delivered to the Soles4Souls warehouse. Last year we collected an amazing 441.5 pairs of shoes! Our goal is to top 500 this year! SUBJECT: Asset of the Week #37 - Personal Power Having personal power means understanding and accepting the things we can and can’t control. You can find a new job, work out a conflict, or move to a new location if you choose. When young people feel empowered, they feel more confident to make their own choices—to get good grades, participate in activities they enjoy, and take action to find solutions to problems. Personal Power is Asset 37 of Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets, the qualities, experiences, and relationships that help young people grow up healthy, caring, and responsible. Here are the facts Research shows that young people are more likely to grow up healthy if they feel a sense of control over the things that happen to them. A sense of personal power gives young people the confidence to embrace positive attitudes and behaviors, and walk away from risky situations and behaviors. About 42 percent of young people, ages 11–18, feel that they have control over things that happen to them, according to Search Institute surveys. Caring adults provide opportunities for young people to make their own decisions. Tips for building this asset Young people who have a strong sense of their own power believe that when good things happen to them, they had some control over the outcome. If things go wrong, help young people focus on the positive steps they can take to remedy the situation. Help them see how they can make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. 3 Also try this In your home and family: Teach your child practical skills, such as how to change a tire, cook a meal, and sew on a button. Well-prepared young people are more likely to feel a sense of personal power. In your neighborhood and community: Support young people’s efforts to be industrious. For example, buy lemonade from their lemonade stand, read their homemade newspaper, and attend a play they put on in their garage. In your school or youth program: Challenge the young people in your class or program to come up with a creative way to raise money for an underprivileged family or a charity in your area. Then put the plan into action. Serving others helps young people realize they can make a difference in the world, which gives them an enormous sense of personal power. Want to know more about the 40 Developmental Assets and ideas for helping young people build them? Visit www.searchinstitute.org/assets. ------------------------Developmental Assets® are positive factors within young people, families, communities, schools, and other settings that research has found to be important in promoting the healthy development of young people. From Instant Assets: 52 Short and Simple E-Mails for Sharing the Asset Message. Copyright © 2007 by Search Institute®, 877-240-7251; www.search-institute.org. This message may be reproduced for educational, noncommercial uses only (with this copyright line). All rights reserved. SUMMER CLASSES & CAMPS The 2015 Summer Classes and Camps catalog is now posted on the Howard County Public School Website, http://www.hcpss.org/summer/ COFFEE & CONVERSATION WITH THE BOARD The Board of Education of Howard County regularly holds Coffee & Conversation sessions at schools throughout the county. These meetings provide citizens with an opportunity to share a cup of coffee and chat informally with Board members. The meetings are held in various regions of the county but interested persons from throughout the county are invited to attend any or all of the meetings. The next Coffee & Conversation With the Board of Education will be held: Saturday, May 9th, 9:30-11am Waverly Elementary School Media Center 10220 Wetherburn Road, Ellicott City CORRECTION: There will be no coffee & conversation on April 23rd. The next PTA Coffee and Conversation will be on May 18 at 8 am and will include the Volunteer Recognition Breakfast. th WESTERN HOWARD COUNTY SOCCER Fall registration begins April 15th! Last year the FQMS PTA received over $500 from this wonderful association and has partnered with them again this year. Sign up for FALL SOCCER and WHCS will contribute a portion of the registration fee to the PTA. Registration information is available here: www.whcsoccer.org. FQMS LEGACY BRICK GARDEN The Falcon Legacy Brick Garden is the perfect opportunity to leave your mark at FQMS! The Brick Garden defines the entrance to FQMS and is a lasting reminder of Falcon Pride, participation and community spirit! Details and the order form can be found here: http://www.follyquarterpta.org/portals/0/Images/FQMS/BrickGardenOrderForm.pdf The cost? Only $35 per brick, or purchase a package of 3 bricks for $100. The result? A legacy that lasts a lifetime – PRICELESS! RIVER HILL RHHS CHEERLEADING The River Hill Cheerleading program is hosting a Saturday cheer clinic in April! The clinic will be run by the River Hill Cheerleaders & Coaches on April 18, 9 AM – 12 PM IN THE RIVER HILL HS CAFETERIA. Questions? Visit www.RHHScheer.weebly.com or http://rhhscheer.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/3/2/13323240/rhhs_cheer_clinic.pdf 4 GLENELG GLENELG SILKS Glenelg Silks workshop/auditions information: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday April 27th - 29th, 6:30 - 8:30 GHS Main Gym. Attendance required all three days. Students will be learning skills that they will audition with on Wednesday the 29th. Open to rising 8th - 12th graders Need to wear clothing they can move easily in - need tennis shoes - hair tied back out of face No pre-registration necessary. A 1-2 minute solo presentation and questionnaire required to audition for officers' positions No previous experience necessary. For further information contact Director, Jen Blizzard-Sisk @ [email protected] Come be a part of the award-winning GHS Marching Unit as a member of the silks/indoor guard squad! Performance opportunities, great friends and fun for all! These events are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Howard County Public School System. GREENFEST 2015 Living with Wildlife! April 18, 2015, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Howard Community College. Complete information can be found here: http://www.howardcountymd.gov/DisplayPrimary.aspx?id=4294967857 FOOD PANTRY THE GLENELG UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (GUMC) FOOD PANTRY IS OPEN EVERY THIRD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH 9-11am. This month the food bank is open April 18th. Call 410-489-7260 or email: [email protected]. We are accepting cash donations. THE BATTLE OVER HOMEWORK:Common ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents April 22nd, 7:00pm, Glenelg Country School Upper School Forum Lively and thought-provoking, Professor Cooper will explore the changing face of homework in today’s academic and increasingly technological environment. RSVP HERE HCYP BASEBALL & SOFTBALL We offer programs for all ages and skill levels, from instructional coach pitch to kid pitch programs. Details here: www.HCYP.org HCYP SCHOOLS OUT FOR SPORTS: SUMMER CAMPS Please visit here for more information. http://www.hcyp.org/Default.aspx?tabid=812699 WESTERN HOWARD COUNTY 5K AND FUN RUN TRIADELPHIA RIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RETRIEVER RUN Registration is now available for Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School (TRES) PTA’s Retriever Run on Sunday, April 12th. Please visit http://tinyurl.com/TRES5k for online registration. GLENELG COUNTRY SCHOOL CAMPS Dragon Elite Camps, Summer 2015. Basketball, lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, tennis. 410.531.8600. [email protected]. For more information, go to http://www.glenelg.org/DRAGONELITE THINK SUMMER! JOIN IN THE FUN AT MARRIOTTS RIDGE! Registration is now open for the Marriotts Ridge Booster summer sports and music camps. Check out the website: http://www.mrhs-boosters.com/summer-camps HOWARD COUNTY REC & PARKS SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Here are links to the County website and a pdf of the guide http://www.howardcountymd.gov/departments.aspx?ID=4294969779 http://www.howardcountymd.gov/uploadedFiles/Home/Facilities/Recreation_and_Parks/2015%20Camp%20Guide.pdf 5 COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION SUMMER CAMPS 2015 Over 20 different camps offering nature, art, sports, adventure trips and much more! OPEN HOUSE May 13 • 6-8pm at the Columbia SportsPark. http://www.columbiaassociation.org/services/camps MT. HEBRON BAND-A-THON Come support the Band! Friday April 17th, 3:00-9:00pm at Mt. Hebron High School. For more info email: Karen Freerksen, [email protected] HC DRUG FREE HC DrugFree and Howard County Police are once again holding a Drug Take Back Day to collect over-the-counter and prescription medications. Date of collection will be Saturday, April 11, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. For more information about the nine convenient collection sites around the County, please visit www.hcdrugfree.org/drug-take-back-day/ CEDAR LANE SCHOOL Cedar Lanes Annual Walk for Our Stars, Sat. April 18, 10 a.m., Maple Lawn Community Center. Come join us for this fun, non-competitive walk. All money raised will be used to support our students with significant special needs and our staff. Please support The Walk and help those who can't walk, learn to stand on their own and those who can't speak, find their voice. For further information, please contact Cedar Lane School at 410-888-8800 or [email protected] WOMENFEST Womenfest, A Health & Wellness Event for Women, Sat., Apr. 25, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. FREE. Gary J. Arthur Community Center at Glenwood, Cooksville, MD. For more information visit the event’s website at www.howardcountyaging.org/WomenFest or call 410-313-5440. LUNGevity Help fight lung cancer. Join us for Breathe Deep Columbia, a 5K walk in Town Center on Sat., Apr. 25 sponsored by the LUNGevity Foundation. Register at www.LUNGevity.org/columbia UMBC SUMMER DAY CAMP The UMBC summer Day Camp will be celebrating it’s 36th year of existence in 2015, and we hope that you will send your child to spend all or part of the summer with us. Please let us know if you have any questions 410-455-2638 or email us at [email protected] CENTENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL BOOSTERS 2015 Lady Eagles Basketball Camp, girls ages 8-14, July 13-17, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m., Centennial HS, 4300 Centennial Lane, Ellicott City, MD. For information contact Bobby Macheel, 443-474-5558, [email protected]. YOUTH ULTIMATE DISC LEAGUE 6-17 years/8 weeks/$64 at Lime Kiln MS. More information here: www.howardcountymd.gov/rap
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