Franklin School 2400 Montana Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90403 April 13, 2015 Volume 1, Issue 3 THE BOLT PARENT PROM Staff and parents dressed up in prom theme to attend a fun-filled evening with cocktails, dinner, and auction at Le Meridian Delfina in Santa Monica. INSIDE THIS ISSUE The CAASPP............................ 2 Depth and Complexity ............ 2 Upcoming Dates...................... 3 CAASPP Calendar ................... 3 Testing Accommodations........ 3 Honorary Service Awards ....... 4 Campus Safety ........................ 4 Franklin Alum Visit................. 4 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST Learn about the new state test Prepare for upcoming events Parents and staff honored Campus safety tips Visit from a famous Franklin Alum THE CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND PROGRESS (CAASPP/SBAC) April and May are state testing months. This year will be the first year when students will receive scores for their performance on the (CAASPP) test (however the school and District will not receive an API or AYP score this year). This computer-based test is quite different from summative state tests given in the past; this article will give you some information about this new exam. The CAASPP is composed of four sections: 1. ELA Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) 2. ELA Performance Task (PT) 3. Math CAT 4. Math PT DIMENSIONS OF DEPTH AND COMPLEXITY The CAASPP focuses on examining students’ critical thinking and higher level thinking skills. Specifically, the test questions will focus on various levels of depth and complexity, which are embedded in the Common Core State Standards. Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) As each student takes a CAT, the test delivery system adjusts the difficulty of the items to be tailored to how the student is performing on the assessment. This means that the questions get harder or easier depending on whether or not the students get the question correct. This is unlike a “fixed -form” test where all students see the same items. This helps to ensure sufficient breadth and depth at the student level to obtain a reliable score. The ELA and Math CAT sections each contain about 35-40 questions. Types of questions on the CAT section include: Multiple choice- select one correct answer, select multiple correct answers Matching- yes/no, true/false Fill-in Tables Select or order text/graphics Drag and Drop Graphing Short Text Response Long Essay Performance Tasks Each student will receive 1 ELA and 1 Math Performance Task. Students are given “stimuli” (video clips, audio clips, graphs, pictures etc.) and asked to solve about 5-6 complex questions that are centered on a common theme or real-world problem. The content of PTs focus on those aspects of the Common Core State Standards that rely on research, problem solving, and application and transfer of knowledge, including higher Depth and Complexity. The PT will be scored for Purpose/Focus/Organization, Evidence/Elaboration, and Conventions. Some PTs will be scored automatically, while others will be scored by hand. The PTs include a 30 minute classroom activity that must be given at least 3 days prior to the test. This activity is designed to build students’ knowledge of terms and concepts prior to taking the individual test. Students will be permitted to work together on the classroom activity, but cannot bring any notes from the activity to the test day. 2 APPROXIMATE TESTING CALENDAR Day/ Start Time Monday 10:30am Tuesday 10:30am Wednesday 10:30am Thursday 10:30am Friday 10:30am 5th Grade CST April 20-24 Prepare for SBAC 3rd Grade April 27May 1 ELA CAT Part I UPCOMING DATES 4th Grade May 4-8 (10:45am start time after PE) 5th Grade May 11-15 ELA CAT Part I (5th teachers to training) ELA Performance Task ELA Performance Task ELA CAT Part 1 5th Grade Science CST/ CMA/ CAPA Part I Math CAT Part I Math CAT Part 1 ELA Performance Task 5th Grade Science CST/ CMA/ CAPA Part 2 Math Performance Task 5 Grade Science Makeup Testing April 16- PTA Meeting April 17-19- 5th Grade Pali Camp April 20- Site Governance Meeting Prepare for SBAC th Makeup Testing May 1822 Makeup Testing April 21– Parent Ed event April 22- May 22-State Testing 3rd-5th Makeup Testing Makeup Testing April 29- Science Club Night May 5- Budget Meeting May 7- Staff Appreciation Luncheon May 7- PTA Meeting rd 3 grade Makeup Testing Day (4th teachers to training) Math Performance Task Math CAT Part 1 Math Performance Task Makeup Testing Makeup Testing Note that teachers have flexibility on when they give the test as long as they complete all testing within the testing window of April 20-May 22. This calendar is intended to be a general guide. Check out for practice tests and more information about the state test. TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS While the test in not timed, it is estimated that each section will take students about one hour to complete. All students may use scratch paper. The test is not timed, so students have ample time to finish. All students will have “Universal Tools” on their test such as a highlighter, strike through, digital notepad, dictionary, glossary, spell check, zoom, and calculator on certain questions. Students with IEPs may have specific accommodations. May 13- Outdoor Assembly- 2nd Grade May 13- Science Club Event After School May 14- Parent Volunteer Breakfast May 14- STAR End-ofYear Party May 18- Site Governance Meeting May 20- Open House May 21- School Tour May 27- Outdoor Assembly- 5th Grade May 27- Franklin Follies May 28- PTA Meeting May 29- Staff End-ofYear Luncheon June 3- 5th Grade Graduation June 5- Last day of School 3 THE HONORARY SERVICE AWARDS Staff, parents, and others who have had a positive impact on Franklin were honored at the HSA awards last month. Thanks to all of you for you dedication and support! CAMPUS SAFETY Procedures when entering campus will be strictly enforced. AN ALUMNI VIST Gary Hart, a Franklin alum, toured his old campus and spoke with some of our Student Committee members. Mr. Hart served in the California legislature for 20 years having been elected as both an assemblyman and senator. There he authored numerous educationally related bills. After his tenure in the legislature, he founded the CSU Institute for Education Reform. Gary also served as the State Secretary of Education under Gray Davis. 4 Office staff will ask you why you are here. You must have an appointment with the teacher or be a scheduled volunteer. The office will call the teacher to notify them of your arrival. Be aware that visits or observations are not permitted without an administrator present, are no more than 20 minutes, and must be scheduled ahead of time with the teacher and administrators. Write your name, date, and reason for visit clearly on the sign-in log. Take a visitors badge and place it in a visible location on your body. Students have been taught to let a teacher know if they see someone without a badge. If you see someone without a badge (all staff wear a badge as well) immediately let the office know. The office will buzz you in. When you leave campus be sure to sign out. The office needs to know your location in case of emergency. Even if the office knows you, you will still need to follow these procedures for the safety of the campus. Thank you for your assistance in helping to keep our campus safe.
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