A CELEBRATION OF WORSHIP The Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. *All who are able may stand. Bold type spoken by the congregation *The Gloria Patri GATHERING. . . The Prelude *The Assurance of Pardon Hear the Good News. We are restored to wholeness. God’s Love will abide with us as long as we share it with others. Our souls will be fed when we focus on feeding others. We will be empowered by prayer and generosity. In the Name of Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven. Alleluia! Amen. The King of Love My Shepherd Is Charles Gounod *The Peace and Greeting The peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you! (Please stand to greet one another in the name of Christ and exchange this ancient greeting with worshipers seated near you.) The Welcome and Announcements The Introit This is the Time for Praise Douglas Nolan TO HEAR THE WORD OF GOD. . . Cantate The Call To Worship (from Psalm 23:1; John 10:14-16) The Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd. He lays down his life for his sheep. The Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd. He knows us, and we belong to him. The Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd. He speaks, and we listen for his voice. The Prayer of Adoration All praise be unto You, O God, Great Shepherd of the sheep. You gather Your people as lambs to Your bosom; You enfold them with Your all-embracing love. You refresh us like a stream flowing freely with living waters; You nourish us like a host whose table is heavy laden. We gather to hear Your refreshing word of promise and direction, to honor Your Name as our guardian and hope. Glory to You the One Eternal God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. *The Hymn 611 p. 581 in the Hymnal Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee The Prayer for Illumination The New Testament Lesson: Acts 4:5-12 The Psalter Hymn 803 p. 147 in the pew Bible My Shepherd Will Supply My Need The Epistle Lesson: 1 John 3:16-24 The Anthem p. 292 in the pew Bible The Lord is My Shepherd David Childs A Moment With the Children *The Hymn 821 My Life Flows On The Gospel Lesson: John 10:11-18 The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. The Sermon p. 126 in the pew Bible The Miracles of Easter Allen H. Fisher, Jr. *The Prayer of Confession God of all hope and joy, we confess that we continue to live in fear. We speak of Your great love, but our own hearts condemn us. We express concern for the poor, but our own actions betray us. Forgive us, God of grace. . .(time for silent confession). . .Good Shepherd, restore our souls and lead us in right paths for Your Name’s sake; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. *The Choral Response TO RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD. . . *The Affirmation of Faith This is the good news which we have received, in which we stand, and by which we are saved, if we hold it fast: that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day, from New Testament Texts* and that he appeared first to the women, then to Peter, and to the Twelve, and then to many faithful witnesses. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus Christ is the first and the last, the beginning and the end; he is our Lord and our God. Amen. The Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession The Lord’s Prayer The Service of Offering The Gathering of Our Gifts The Offertory The King of Love My Shepherd Is April 26, 2015 p. 35 in the Hymnal arr. Carol Parson *The Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Doxology, p. 606 in the Hymnal Source of healing, Bringer of wholeness, You enter the world and cause the light to shine, the lame to walk , the sins of all to be forgiven. Whatever we bring You is a gift of Your graciousness. All that we offer, You have poured out upon us. Use us and mold us to conform to Your will for all people. Take our talents and apply them to spread the truth of Your love. In Christ’s Name we ask. Amen. TO GO FORTH AND SERVE IN GOD’S NAME. . . *The Hymn 463 How Firm a Foundation *The Charge & Benediction *The Postlude O Sons and Daughters Lani Smith The Rev. Allen H. Fisher, Jr., Pastor E. Bruce Harvey, Jr., Coordinator of Christian Education Mary Ann & Larry Casey, Choirmasters Amy L. Shirk, Organist *1 Cor. 15:1–6; Mark 16:9 (16:1–9); Matt. 16:16; Rev. 22:13; John 20:28 MEETINGS & ACTIVITIES 4/26-5/3 Birthdays this Week Today (4/26) Worship Services, S 8:30 & 11am Church School 9:45am Congregational Mtg, S Begins w/ 11am worship Sacred Dance, U 3:30pm Endowment Committee, CP 4:30pm Cantate, CR 5pm MS w/ parents Supper & Scavenger Hunt 6pm SH Supper & Youth Group, MH 6pm Monday (4/27) Worship Committee, MH 7pm Tuesday (4/28) Men’s Breakfast, Bob Evans Forever Young Lunch, Olive Garden Curriculum Preview Mtg, MH 7:30am 11:30am 7pm Wednesday (4/29) Newsletter Assembly, CP 9am Bible Study Group, MH 9:30am Meditation Group, CP 6:30pm Mid-Week Program Planning Mtg, MH 7pm Thursday (4/30) Ladies Bible Study, MH Handbells, S Adult Choir, CR 9:30am 6pm 7:30pm April 26. Sue Lang, Di Vogel 27. Kalli Hild, David Bailey, Patti Myers, Gillian Conway, Amanda Conway, Connor Pugh, Sophie Ellis 28. Addie Huffman 30. Jeff Eisensmith May 1. Andrew Bernstein, Tracy Mallory, Drew Makovsky 2. Betsy Ellis, Dee Kindred, Gina Whitticar, Peyton King, Rod Hughes, Lisa Harrison, Chuck Penick 3. Bill Crawley, Samuel Rembisz, Josh Noxon Saturday (5/2) Session Retreat SH Hike, Caledon State Park 9:30am Sunday (5/3) Session Retreat Worship Services, S 8:30 & 11am Church School 9:45am Sacred Dance, U 3:30pm Cantate, CR 5pm MS & Supper & Youth Group, MH 6pm THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 810 Princess Anne Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 (540) 373-7057 ~ FAX (540) 370-0210 fredericksburgpc.org Location Key: CP: Church Parlor S: Sanctuary EB: Education Building MH: Middle House CH: Church House Hospital Visitors 4/24-5/2 Harry & Joanne Farley, 371-2631 Stewards of God’s good Earth. Printed on 30% post-consumer recycled paper April 26, 2015 THE WORSHIP OF GOD 8:30 and 11:00 am We are delighted to have visitors worship with us! To aid you in our liturgy, we want to acquaint you with our following custom: In the Lord’s Prayer, we use the words, “Forgive us our debts… our debtors.” We encourage you to stand for singing, if you are able, as the organ sounds the first note of introduction. When appropriate to the hymn, the organist and choir will lead the congregation in singing “Amen.” Assistive listening devices (amplified earphones and telecoilneckloops), and large-print bulletins are available from the ushers. Child care is provided in the Education Building for infants through kindergarten. All worshipers are encouraged to sign the Attendance/Friendship pad, greet your friends, and welcome visitors. Service Attendants The flowers today are given by Susan and Richard Harrison in loving memory of Gerald T. Harrison (Richard’s father), Lawrence Zanetti (Susan’s uncle/godfather), and Caryl Larison (Susan’s aunt). Eric & Kathy Rocholl Capsule of Concern: Rick Brehm, Joan Eck, Michael Hynden, Ray McAfoose, Irene Repanshek, David Rice, Mary Szymanski, Bob Snow Barry & Della Hall, Jim & Linda Ford Our heartfelt Christian love and sympathies are extended to Shirley Eye and family on the death of her husband, William “Bill,” who died on April 20, 2015. Lectionary readings for next Sunday, May 3: Acts 8:26–40; Psalm 22:25–31; 1 John 4:7–21; John 15:1–8 Session has called a meeting of the congregation for today, April 26, beginning with the 11:00 a.m. service of worship. The purpose of the meeting is to hear the report of the Church Officer Nominating Committee and to elect Elders, Deacons and other officers. Liturgists Thomas Coen, Bruce Harvey 8:30 AM Sanctuary Guild Mike & Michelle Gibson Greeters Chauncey & Shirley Kutz, Joe & Betsy Mathias Ushers Harry & Joanne Farley, Wayne Hibbeler, Tom Wimberly Elevator Assistant Wayne Hibbeler 11:00 AM Sanctuary Guild Greeters David Wright, Reid Schattgen, Will & Vanessa Huffman Ushers Elevator Assistant Dave Bohmke Nursery Attendants Sharon Moser, John & Becca Jones, Zach & Stacy Whalen, Thomas & Laura Digges The 2015 Confirmation Journey - The Explorers will meet at 9:45 a.m. this morning on the 2nd floor of the Middle House. They will put together lunches for Micah this morning. Youth Groups - The parents of the Middle School Youth Group are invited to join their youth for a cookout at 6:00 p.m., followed by a downtown scavenger hunt. The Senior Highs will meet at 6:00 p.m. for dinner in the Middle House followed by a discussion on how to be a Christian in school. The Senior Highs will go on a hike at Caledon State Park on Saturday, May 2. We will meet on the porch of the Middle House at 9:30 a.m., and expect to return to the church around 2:00 p.m. Please bring a packed lunch and water in a backpack for the hike. We will eat lunch at one of the picnic areas on the hiking trail. Faith & Movie Class will discuss Skin on Sunday, May 3. Members are invited to participate in a new Church School class today in the Undercroft. Betsy Lewis will coordinate the class that will explore ways our church may support families of children with special needs in our church and in the community. Some time will be spent in Bible study. Both current and new preschool and elementary teachers are invited to a curriculum preview meeting on Tuesday, April 28, at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle House. We will preview the new Presbyterian curriculum to see if we want to use it this fall. The Mid-Week Planning Committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 29, in the Middle House. The Forever Young Fellowship group will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 28, at The Olive Garden in Central Park. Please make a reservation by calling the church office at 373-7057. The Church Golf Tournament is Thursday, June 4, at Fawn Lake Country Club. This will be a Captain’s Choice with tee-times beginning at 1:00 p.m. The cost is $65, which includes lunch. Male and female golfers of all skill levels who are 14 or older are invited to participate. Ladies, mark your calendars for the May 18th Presbyterian Women’s Birthday Luncheon. Kaci LeFebre will provide a delicious box lunch again this year. The cost will be $12. The event kicks off at 11:30 a.m. in the undercroft. Diane Prevary, a former member of our church, will speak on the topic: Women in the Bible. Those who knew Diane in the ’70s and early ’80s will remember her as Diane Kramer, mother of Jennifer, Ginger and Chip. After graduating from Mary Washington College, Diane went on to Union Seminary while under our care. This past summer she preached one of the Sundays that Pastor Allen was on vacation. Please make your reservation by calling Susie Davis, 656-2055, or your circle leader by May 13. The dates for Vacation Bible School are July 19-23. If you would like to volunteer, contact Michele Coffman ([email protected]) or Susie Kuliasha ([email protected]). The session along with newly elected elders will leave this Saturday, May 2, for their annual retreat to Massanetta Springs Conference Center, and return Sunday, May 3, around 1:00 p.m. Session has authorized the Education and Personnel Committees to begin searching for a new Director of Youth Ministry. This person would coordinate and lead the Youth Fellowship Ministries of the church. We are looking for someone with a genuine faith, a love for youth and the church, and a passion for ministry. Do you know someone who may be qualified and interested in considering the position? More information is available through the church office or by contacting CJ Forsing ([email protected]). Attention, Graduates! All those who are graduating from high school, college or graduate school are asked to please notify the church office with the name of the school you will graduate from, and in case of high school graduates, we would like a picture and your plans after graduation. We need the information in the church office by May 17. Mid-Week Program Survey for Fall 2015 - We will be bringing mid-week activities and programs back to our church this fall and would like your help in determining the optimum mix of activities and programs along with favorite dinners. We, the Mid-Week Planning Committee, created a short survey for you to fill out which will greatly assist us in finalizing the right mix. Please go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WSGF9M6, or stop at the table outside the Sanctuary and fill out the survey. If you sign up to help, please sign your name. Thanks for your assistance. The 2015 Sprunt Lectures - Liberating Scripture: Reading Against the Grain - at Union Presbyterian Seminary, are on May 4-6. To see a schedule or to read more about the speakers, go to http://www.upsem.edu/alumni_ae1/2015_sprunt_lectures/2015_sprunt_lectures_schedule_of_e vents/. Register at www.regonline.com/spruntlectures2015 or call 804-278-4245, by April 22. Exciting news! School Dressing Days (an Interfaith Community Council program that has provided back-to-school clothing and supplies to area children for over 40 years) has become part of The Community Give Day, a “one day of giving” campaign for area charities, on May 5. Charitable organizations are eligible to receive additional monetary prizes (a total of $100,000 from the Community Foundation) throughout the 24-hour period of online giving. Our church members have generously donated to School Dressing Days, and this is a way to boost your giving power. To give online, go to thecommunitygive.org and type in School Dressing Days in the search organization box and select your donation amount. Gifts of $25 and above are a “unique gift” and count toward the prizes. If you prefer to donate by check, it can be taken to the “Donation Station” at 725 Jackson St., Mill Race North II Building (the old pants factory) on May 5, between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. or you may put a check in the offering plate (it must be dated May 5), and it will be turned in on May 5. Make checks payable to The Community Foundation with School Dressing Days on the memo line. Last year, with your help, we assisted 1,100 children from the community. This year, with your continued support, we may even win some of the monetary prizes, which will be used to provide our area children with the basic needs for a positive start to the new school year. Together we can make a difference!
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