October 19th, 2014 @ 10:00 am Welcome to our Service this Morning Clergy: Rev. Bob Thompson, 519-426-8496, cell: 519-427-6616 V.A.M. – Joan Willis – 905-776-2798 V.A.M. – Rev. Bryan Melick Pianist: Joan Houser ****Please stand if you are able**** Piano Prelude: Please allow for Spiritual Meditation time in preparation of the service. We are called to worship by our Church Bell We light the Christ Candle AThe flame of the Christ Candle symbolizes Christ as the Light of the world and God=s presence in the midst of the Church and our Worship.@ Sung response: VU #679 Let there be light. Let there be understanding. Let all the people praise God. Hallowed be God=s name. Call to Worship: Blessed are those who gather in God’s house. We come to worship and praise the one who gives us life. Blessed are those who speak the truth of our Lord. We come with open hearts and minds to be filled with God’s truth. Blessed are those who humble themselves and pray to God. Bless us this day, O Lord! Prayer of Approach: see back of bulletin ***Hymn: “Now Thank We All Our God” VU # 236 Welcome & Announcements: Our Work Ministry & Sharing Time Time with the Children SERVICE OF THE WORD Approach to Scripture Break now the bread of life, dear Lord, to me as once you broke the loaves beside the sea,, Beyond the sacred page I seek you, Lord; my spirit waits for you, O living Word.... VU # 501 RESPONSIVE READING: Psalm 107 SCRIPTURE READING: Mark 8: 27 - 30 VU # 831 ***Hymn: “The Church Is Wherever God’s People” VU # 579 Sermon: “A Modern Look at the Creeds” Offering During the presentation of our offerings, our prayer concerns will be brought forward to be placed on the Communion Table. Offertory Hymn: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise Jesus Christ and In God grow, Praise to the Holy Spirit give, that we with God in Love may live. Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Hymn: “ The Church’s One Foundation” (tune # 331) - (words #332) VU # 332 Commissioning & Benediction ***Parting Blessing Go now in PEACE, never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of ev=ry day, Go now in FAITH, steadfast, strong and true, know God will guide you in all you do. Go now in LOVE, and show you believe, reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there watching from above. Go now in PEACE, in FAITH, and in LOVE. Amen, Amen, Amen. ANNOUNCEMENTS - MINISTRY, WORK AND WITNESS We sincerely welcome you to our service of worship this morning and pray that you might experience the presence of Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, we hope you feel welcome. Please introduce yourself to Rev. Bob or a member of the South Cayuga Community Church congregation. Happy 50th Anniversary to Keith & Edna Richardson! There will be a cake served during the coffee hour after the service. Join the family in this special celebration. As a gesture for Thanksgiving and for each Sunday to Christmas, we are asking the congregation to bring healthy food items to be given to the Dunnville Salvation Army Food Bank for distribution. Items that would be appreciated at this time are: boxed cereal, canned meat, canned vegetables, soups, pasta and sauce, pancake mix and syrup. If you wish to give fresh vegetables they can accept squash, bags of potatoes or onions. Tuesday, Oct. 21st: 7:30 - 9:00 pm: Rev. Bob is planning another study for the fall. The study is based on the book “Christianity after Religion” by Diana Butler Bass. The book theme is “A Reflection on Faith in our lifetime.” The first session looks at the question “who Christ really is for us today”? The session is in three parts. A look at our book, special CD presentation with Dr. Butler Bass and time for discussion. If you could bring a toonie ($2.00) each week as that will cover the cost of the books. Please leave your name on a sheet in the office as books are being ordered for all participants in the study. Friday, Oct. 24th @ 6:30 – 8:30 pm: All kids of all ages are invited to join us at South Cayuga Community Church for a Halloween party. Sr. Fun Zone have plans for some pretty spooky activities, so COME IF YOU DARE!!!!! Sunday, Oct. 26th @ 9 a,m, - Fund Raising Committtee Meeting to finalize plans for Nov. 1/2014 Fund Raiser. PLEASE NOTE TIME!!! Saturday, Nov. 1st @ 12:30: Fall Feast & Fabulous Musical Event. Dinner will be served at 12:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall followed by entertainment by Deb Misener Jones who is an accomplished vocalist, yodeler and guitarist. She also plays the Alpine Bells. The tickets are $25.00 for the whole event but if you can only come for the entertainment which will be at 2:00 pm, there are tickets available for $15.00. Check out the poster on the Community Wall for all the information. Tickets are available from Linda Simons. PLEASE CHECK LIST ON BULLETIN BOARD FOR DONATIONS FOR DINNER…THANK YOU! Sunday, Nov. 2nd – Sunday School have planned a Goody Bag Bake Sale for Coffee Hour..The children will have the bags of baked goods available for $5.00 and $10.00. Buy a bag to share or take it home to enjoy during the week! Wednesday, Nov. 19th – Men’s Club with coffee @ 6:30 p.m. and meal @ 7 p.m. Tickets are $12.00 and available today. Prayer Cycle for the Churches in Hamilton Conference: Our prayer focus is for Bridgeport United Church in Waterloo Presbytery. The Congregation, a former EUB (Evangelical United Brethren) church, celebrates its 136th Anniversary this year. On the website we read: “In our church family we celebrate God’s gift of life with worship, fellowship and service. We grow and learn together through our Christian Education programs for children, teenagers and adults. As Christians we seek peace and justice in our church, community and world.” Check the calendar for any new announcements.
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