TVPA Past, Present & Future: Elevating the “Human” in Human

TVPA Past, Present & Future: Elevating the “Human” in Human Trafficking
2015 Freedom Network Conference
Monday, April 20th
Evening Early Registration
Tuesday, April 21st
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
Plenary: The Urban Institute Report on Labor Trafficking in the U.S. & Survivor Perspectives
10:30 AM
Track 1 (Service Providers)
Medical Services to Survivors of Human Trafficking
Track 2 (Immigration Legal)
USCIS/VSC: Trafficking-Related Immigration Petitions
Track 3 (Civil Legal)
Legal Services to US Citizens Human Trafficking Survivors
Track 4 (Law Enforcement)
HT Investigation: Overcoming Challenges, Obstacles & Mind-Boggling Frustrations
Track 5 (Freedom Network Training Institute)
Module 1: Dimensions of Human Trafficking
Break Out
12:15 PM
1:15 PM
Track 1 (Service Providers)
Best Practices: Facilitating Survivor Support Groups
Track 2 (Immigration Legal)
Interview Skills; Decreasing Trauma for Attorney & Client
Track 3 (Civil Legal)
Criminal Re-Entry Work
Track 4 (Law Enforcement)
Challenges to Prosecuting Forced Labor Cases
Track 5 (Freedom Network Training Institute)
Module 2: Social Services: Advancing Case Management
Track 1 (Service Providers)
Long-Term Service Delivery
Track 2 (Immigration Legal)
Advanced Immigration Legal Issues
Break Out
3:15 PM
Break Out
Track 3 (Civil Legal)
6:00 PM
Civil Legal Roundtable
Track 4 (Law Enforcement)
Creative Partnerships to Identify Labor Trafficking (DOL & EEOC)
Track 5 (Freedom Network Training Institute)
Module 3: Understanding the Legal Framework
Wellstone Award Ceremony
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Wednesday, April 22nd
8:30 AM
Plenary: Freedom Network: The “Who”, “What” and “Why”
9:30 AM
Plenary: Worker-Driven Social Responsibility
10:45 AM
Under-Identified: The Unique Vulnerabilities of the LGBT Communities
Break Out
Intersection of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking: Best Practices for Services,
Investigations, & Prosecutions
Developing & Sustaining a Pro-bono Legal Network
Human Trafficking Advocacy: Current Legislation and Why it Matters to You
1:15 PM
Survivors Speak Out: We Are More than our Trafficking Story
Narratives, Vision, & Values on Human Trafficking: Framing the Message
Sex & Labor: Implications for a False Dichotomy
The Federal Overview: Departments of Justice, Homeland Security & Health and Human Services
3:00 PM
Under-Identified: Boys & Unaccompanied Children Survivors of Human Trafficking
Task Force Troubleshooting
The Signal International Forced Labor Case
Effects of Trauma: Practical Interventions to Increase Survivor Engagement
4:30 PM
Wrap-Up & End of Conference
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