M A S T E R M A S E R AT I R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Please fill in the form in capital letters and send to the fax number 0039 0525 551140 or email to [email protected] P E R S O N A L D E TA I L S NAME: LAST NAME: COMPANY: DATE OF BIRTH: (DD / MM / YY) ENGLISH KNOWLEDGE: Good Fair / / Very good ADDRESS: NUMBER: AREA/CITY: POST CODE: COUNTRY: TELEPHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: DEALER: DRIVING LICENCE NO. OWNED CAR: Brand ONLY FOR MASERATI-OWNERS: Model Model Year of purchase Chassis No. SELECTED COURSE MASTER ITALIAN LIFESTYLE EXPERIENCE SELECTED DATE: 6/7 June MASTER GT 1 DAY 17/18 October SELECTED DATE: 27 May MASTER GT 2 DAYS SELECTED DATE: 30 September Do you wish to book the COURSE WITH OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION as described in the brochure? YES 23/24 April 10/11 July 14/15 May 11/12 September 26/27 June 2/3 October MASTER HP SELECTED DATE: 13/14 June 21/22 October Your non-participating guests: NO PAY M E N T M E T H O D 1. Payment is required through a bank transfer in favour of Maserati S.p.a. citing the object of payment as ‘MGT’, the name of the participant and the date of the course. Transfers should be made to: BANCA POPOLARE DELL'EMILIA ROMAGNA - Via San Carlo 8/22 - Modena - Italia ACCOUNT NR. 894454 - SWIFT / BIC BPMOIT22 - IBAN CODE IT46 L 05387 12900 000000894454 2. On confirmation of your registration, and at least 45 days prior to the course, you must fax Maserati (0039 0525 551140) a copy of the bank transfer receipt. It is possible to cancel your registration up to 45 days before the course starting date. In the event of cancellation after this date, or no-shows, once in receipt of this form with the client’s signature, Maserati will be entitled to retain the course enrolment fee/bill the client for the total course enrolment fee. Signature of acceptance Date Under and by operation of articles 1341 and 1342 c.c. I accept point 2 of ‘Payment Method’. Signature of acceptance Date P R I VAC Y You are kindly requested to consent to the use of your personal data by Maserati S.p.A., its subsidiaries and the Maserati sales network in Italy and abroad. After reading the disclaimer below, I specifically consent to the use of my personal data by the procedures and for the purposes stated therein, including the provision of the said data to the subjects referred to and/or any transfer of the same abroad. For the organisation and holding of demonstrations, tests drives and promotional and other events; I consent I do not consent For the production of statistical and market surveys and research, and for the analysis of consumers’ tastes, preferences, habits, needs and choices, for the dispatch of informative and marketing material, including promotional material, advertising material and/or offers of goods and services by E-mail, Post, Telephone, Fax and SMS/ MMS, (*please specify the means by which we may contact you for this purpose) from Italy or abroad (including from non EU member states), by Maserati S.p.A. and its controlling, controlled and/or associate entities, or parties, individuals or organisations under contract to Maserati S.p.A. and/or which collaborate in the business of Maserati S.p.A. in any way. I consent* * E-mail Date I do not consent Post Telephone Fax SMS/MMS Signature D I S C L A I M E R O N T H E U S E O F P E R S O N A L DATA For the intents and purposes of Italian Decree Law n. 196 of 30 June 2003, (Data marketing material, advertising material and/or offers for goods and services; (iii) Protection Law), kindly be informed that the personal data you voluntarily place at the production of statistical and market surveys and researches, and the analyses of the disposal of Maserati S.p.A. (hereinafter also “the Company”), through its sales consumers’ tastes, preferences, habits, needs and choices; consultants assisting the network or by other means, will be used in compliance with the relevant Italian and Company in various ways with special reference to legal, fiscal, welfare, accounting European regulations governing the protection of personal data, and in accordance and organisational aspects; and any other subject to which the data have to be with the principles of confidentiality central to all the Company's activities. provided under specific legal requirements.Your personal data may be transferred abroad, in compliance with the relevant regulations, including to non-EU member 1. PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE DATA ARE USED states, wherever the Company pursues its interests. The personal data you make available to Maserati S.p.A., its subsidiaries and the 5. DISCLOSURE OF DATA Maserati sales network in Italy and abroad will be used: (a) for the organisation and holding of demonstrations and promotional and other events; (b) for the dispatch of Your personal data will not be disclosed, except for the authorised purposes detailed informative and marketing material, including promotional material, advertising in point 1. material and/or offers of goods and services by post, Internet, Telephone, Email, SMS and MMS from Italy and or abroad (including from non EU member states), 6. RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECT by Maserati S.p.A. and its controlling, controlled and/or associate entities, or parties, individuals or organisations under contract to Maserati S.p.A. and/or which With regard to the aforesaid use of your personal data, you are entitled to exercise collaborate in the business of Maserati S.p.A. in any way; (c) for the production of your rights as envisaged by art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree n. 196 of 30 June statistical and market surveys and research, and for the analysis of consumers’ tastes, 2003. For your convenience, the full text of this article is as follows: ITALIAN preferences, habits, needs and choices. LEGISLATIVE DECREE No. 196 OF 30 JUNE 2003, art. 7 - right of access to personal data and other rights. 2. PROCEDURES FOR USE OF THE DATA 1. The data subject is entitled to obtain confirmation as to whether or not data re l a t i n g t o h i m a re h e l d , eve n i f t h ey h ave n o t ye t b e e n re c o rd e d , a n d t h e Your personal data will be used by means of suitable paper, electronic and/or IT communication of the same in an intelligible form. media, by procedures appropriate to the purposes stated above, and in all cases in 2.The data subject is entitled to obtain the following information: a) the origin of such a manner as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. the personal data; b) the purposes and procedures of use of the data; c) the logic applied in case of electronic processing of the data; d) the identity of the data 3. PROVISION OF THE DATA AND CONSEQUENCES OF ANY REFUSAL controller, the trustees and the representative designated under article 5, subsection 2; e) the subjects or categor ies of subjects to which the personal data may be It is up to you to decide whether to provide your data. However, should you refuse provided or which may become aware of the same as designated representative, to provide your data and/or should the data you provide be inaccurate and /or within the State, trustees or appointees. incomplete: 3.The data subject is entitled to obtain: a) the updating, correction and, when this is - we may be unable to organise and hold demonstrations and promotional and in his interest, the integration of the data; b) the deletion, transformation into other events; anonymous form or freezing of data used in breach of the law, including those the - we may be unable to send you informative and marketing material, including conservation of which is not necessary for the purposes for which the data were promotional material, advertising material and/or offers of goods and services; collected or subsequently used; c) the certification that the amendment and deletion - it may be impossible for us to produce statistical and market surveys and research, operations as per points a) and b) have been reported, also with regard to their or to analyse consumers’ tastes, preferences, habits, needs and choices. contents, to those to whom the data have been communicated or distributed, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort. 4. COMMUNICATION OF DATA The data subject is entitled to oppose, completely or partially: a) the use of the personal data relating to him, for legitimate reasons, even if such use is relevant to Within the Company, your personal data may come to the knowledge of the the purposes for which they were collected; b) the use of personal data relating to shareholders, the members of the board of directors or other administrative body, him, in whole or in part, for the dispatch of advertising or mail order sales material, the members of the board of auditors, the internal auditors and the company's or for the performance of market research or business communications. personnel, especially employees of the Sales and Marketing Management, and the After-Sales Service, and, in general, the internal and/or external Data Trustees and 7. DATA CONTROLLER AND DATA TRUSTEE the people appointed to use the personal data as part of their duties by Maserati S.p.A.Your personal data may be disclosed to subjects which supply Maserati S.p.A. The data controller with regard to the personal data is Maserati S.p.A., with with ser vices useful for the above pur poses, including (but not limited to) registered office in Modena,Via Ciro Menotti 322. The Data Trustee on behalf of controlling, controlled and associate companies; individuals, organisations and/or the company is the Human Resources Department, at the aforesaid registered office. companies which manage and/or contr ibute to the management and/or Any enquiry relating to the personal data used by the Company, including those maintenance of our Internet sites and the electronic and/or computer tools we use; concerning the exercise of the rights referred to above, may be sent to the Data suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, banks and/or insurance companies, or Trustee at the registered office, by email to [email protected] or by fax to controlling, controlled and/or associate companies; dealers, importers and other +39 02 57760060. The up-to-date list of Data Trustees is available from the subjects which make up the Maserati sales network in Italy and abroad; subjects, Company and may be obtained by means of an enquiry submitted as detailed above. organisations and/or companies which provide the Company with services relating t o ( i ) t h e o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d h o l d i n g o f p ro m o t i o n a l a n d o t h e r eve n t s a n d demonstrations; (ii) the dispatch of promotional and other infor mative and
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