Our Mission: Friday Addition is an extension of home education designed to provide instruction of specific extracurricular activities and academic classes. Friday Addition exists to: Exalt Jesus Christ Enrich home school families Equip our children through Christian teaching that allows them to. . . Experience God through unique learning opportunities “To equip God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. . .” Eph 4:12 Statement of Faith: 1. We believe the Bible to be the only, infallible and authoritative Word of God, the focal point of which is the person and the redemptive work of the Living Word, Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible reveals to man what he is to believe and how he is to live. 2. We believe that there is one holy, personal, Creator God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that through Him all things were made, according to His Word as it is recorded in Scripture. 3. We believe that God the Father, motivated by His infinite grace and mercy, established His covenant of grace with men and fulfilled that covenant through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Sinless One, who gave His life on the cross in order to pay the penalty for sin on behalf of those who believe in Him, thus redeeming them from the effects of sin. We believe in the resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that one day, He will judge all men. 4. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, and that He testifies of Jesus, convicts us of sin, regenerates and indwells believers, guiding and empowering them to live a life that glorifies God. 5. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, totally apart from human merit and/or works. We believe that the act of regeneration, which is a work of grace performed by the Holy Spirit, produces a new creature in Christ. 6. We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the everlasting blessedness of the just, and the everlasting punishment of the unjust. Our Location: Friday Addition classes will be held at First Baptist Church, 246 W. Main Street, Zeeland. Please enter through the North (front) entrance of the church. Our Teachers: Our teachers are all committed Christians who are experts in their teaching area. They may or may not be certified. A complete list of teachers, a short biography for each, and their contact information is available on our website. 1 Our Classes: Below is a brief description of our classes. Please refer to our website, fridayaddition.com, for each teacher’s philosophy of their class. Kindergarten and 1st Grade – These are self-contained classes for the full day taught by a teacher in each class. Each class includes many hands-on projects to help the younger students adjust to a classroom situation and to allow for movement in their day. There will be an emphasis on language skills, simple math and science, social studies, art, and Spanish. Please note: A student must be 5 by September 1 in order to enroll in Kindergarten. Art Exploration (2nd – 7th) – This class will encourage artistic expression through hands-on experiences using mixed media. Other topics may include: art appreciation, famous artists, and art history. Intro to Drama (2nd-7th)- This class will lend an outlet to the student's creativity while teaching life skills such as effective communication, cooperation, social awareness, problem solving and more. We will seek to learn all of this through fun activities including puppetry, pantomime, reading theatre, drama games, and improvisation. *** For grades 2-7, parents may choose between this class and PE at registration. If either class size exceeds 24 students, the classes will then be split into 2 “30”minute sessions requiring all students to take both PE and Drama. Music (2nd – 4th) – This class will be a combination of music appreciation and music theory on an elementary level. Students will also receive an introduction to great composers. Physical Education (K – 7th) – This class will encourage the development of age appropriate gross-motor skills, as well as teach the fundamentals of various team sports and the importance of teamwork in a fun atmosphere. *** For grades 2-7, parents may choose between this class and Drama at registration. If either class size exceeds 24 students, the classes will then be split into 2 “30”minute sessions requiring all students to take both PE and Drama. Spanish (2nd – 7th) – This class will offer an introduction to conversational Spanish with an emphasis on basic vocabulary and everyday use. Students will also learn about the Spanish culture and customs. Appropriate amounts of homework will be given based on grade level. Geography (2nd-7th)- ”. Students will spend the year studying physical, cultural and regional geography of the world. We will see the country, meet the people, sample their food and explore their art and literature. *** Parents may choose this class or Karate as an alternative. Science (2nd – 6th) – This class will encourage science exploration and experiments. General Science (7th Grade)This class will cover the scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, archaeology, geology, paleontology, biology, and human anatomy and physiology. Students will have an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour of homework each day (Mon-Thurs).Required text: Exploring Creation with General Science 2nd edition by Dr. Wile Writing (5th – 7th) – This class is designed to teach the basics of writing. There will be homework assigned to do at home. 2 Karate (2nd – 7th) – This class is taught by Crusader Martial Arts instructors. It will teach the basics of karate and will allow for belt rank advancements. All students from beginners to advanced will be challenged to move up in their rank throughout the year. Uniforms must be purchased. ***This class is offered as an alternative to Geography. 8th Grade and High School Academic Classes: A description of the academic classes offered by Friday Addition can be found on our website, fridayaddition.com. Our Calendar: K – 7th grade: Classes will meet 13 weeks, first semester and 11 weeks, second semester on Fridays from 8:30 – 3:45, September 11 to March 18. A make-up day may be extended to March 25. 8th - High School: Classes will meet 14 weeks, first semester and 18 weeks, second semester on Fridays from 8:30 to 3:50, September 11 to May 20. New this year is a Zero Hour which starts at 7:15 and concludes at 8:25. *Please see our website, fridayaddition.com, for specific vacation dates. Daily Schedule: Arrival time is from 8:15-8:30. The doors to the sanctuary for Worship will close at 8:30, so please make every effort to get there before that time. If your child does not make it on time, we ask that you sit with your child in the foyer until they are dismissed to their classes at 8:50. *Please note that High School students do not participate in Worship. Their classes begin at 8:30a.m. There will be a brief devotional in the first hour class. Pick-up time is at 3:45 for K-7th students and 3:50 for 8th-HS students. Out of respect for our teachers and First Baptist Church, please be punctual when bringing and picking up your child. Your help with this is very much appreciated. Lunch: Students will need to bring a sack lunch and drink to eat at lunchtime. We ask that you would not bring any red pop/juice, Kool-Aid, or any drink that, if spilled, would stain the floor. *Due to allergy issues with several students, we ask that you not include any peanut butter or items with peanuts in your child’s lunch. Once a month, Friday Addition orders pizza and pop for those interested. The cost is $2 for 2 slices of pizza and pop or $3 for 3 slices of pizza and pop. If your child needs additional food on those days, please provide that through a sack lunch sent from home. Snacks: In our Kindergarten and 1st grade classes, students bring in the snack for the morning when it is their day to be the “Super Kid”. If your student has special needs for snacks or has allergy issues, please provide your own snack each week for your child. It has become increasingly difficult to provide snacks for the wide array of special needs in each classroom. Thank you for your understanding of this. 3 Lost and Found: Each week we accumulate a wide variety of lost and found items. Please label your child’s items: backpacks, lunch boxes, water bottles, folders, books, coats, boots, computers, MP3’s, other electronic devices, etc. Friday Addition is not responsible for these lost items. We do place any items found at the end of the day in the plastic tote labeled “Lost and Found” by the sign-in tables. Please check there for any missing items. Dress Code: To provide the best learning environment for everyone, a dress code has been incorporated. Students are asked to dress properly for the classroom. 1. No exposed midriffs. (No bellies or backs should show when both arms are raised.) 2. No low necklines, spaghetti straps, or tank tops. (Girls should be able to bend over without any cleavage or underclothes showing.) 3. No exposed under clothes (no bras or underpants should show) 4. No excessively baggy clothing. (There should be no need to hold clothing in place while moving.) 5. No form-fitting clothing. (Pants should have at least a centimeter of excess pants at the widest part of thigh. Shirts should hang freely, not cling, around the stomach.) 6. Skirts should touch the knee. 7. No t-shirts with inappropriate language or pictures. 8. No sheer clothing. 9. Any student causing undue attention being drawn to themselves because of hair and/or clothing styles may be dismissed from the class. *Students in violation of dress code will be warned the first time and parents will be asked to bring a change of clothing. Continued violations may result in further action. Friday Addition Code of Conduct: Our mission at Friday Addition is to exalt Jesus Christ as we enrich home school families and equip our children through Christian teaching that builds character and allows them to experience God through learning opportunities. Therefore, we feel that it is necessary to have a code of conduct by which all students agree to abide in order to provide the atmosphere conducive to this mission. 1. Students will have the utmost respect for all teachers, board members, and parents involved in Friday Addition. Students will obey all classroom rules and listen respectfully while the teacher is talking. Students will not pass notes and will refrain from any other disruptive behavior during class. 2. Students will show love to other students. Students will not slander other students; will not write or draw derogatory and unkind notes, pictures, etc. of other students; and will not kick, hit, threaten or in any way hurt another student. Students will seek to resolve conflict peacefully. Students will never threaten the safety of others. 3. Students will use God-glorifying language at all times at Friday Addition. Students will not use profanity and unacceptable language in spoken or written word. 4. Students will speak truthfully at all times. 5. Students will seek to do their best on all projects and assignments given at Friday Addition. Students will make every effort to be on time and ready to begin each class. All work created for Friday Addition in all subject areas will adhere to Biblical values. All middle and high school students will be responsible to make up missed homework due to absences. 4 6. Students will abide by the dress code of Friday Addition. 7. Students will show respect to the building of First Baptist Church. Students will not engage in any activity that destroys property. Students will personally make restitution for damage caused. 8. Students will use the bathroom between classes and at lunchtime in order to minimize class disruptions. 9. Students will participate in class unless for health reasons they are unable. Classroom participation is expected and not optional. 10. Students will show respect in the lunchroom. Students will remain in their seats except to use the restroom. Students will not throw food or in any way destroy property. Students will clean up their lunch area when finished and help the staff to put away tables and chairs when asked. High school students will not leave the building during lunch without written parental permission given to the Friday Mom. 11. Students will refrain from using all electronic devices such as cell phones, MP3 players, game systems, etc. while school is in session. If a student needs to use a cell phone to call a parent, they may use the Friday Addition cell phone with the Friday Mom’s permission. 12. Students will not bring harmful substances in or around 1st Baptist Church. This includes alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal drugs. In addition, students will not bring anything to Friday Addition that is usually thought of as a weapon, including small pocket knives. 13. Students will not engage in physical displays of affection while at Friday Addition. 14. Students will not threaten teachers or students, even in a “teasing” manner. This will result in immediate suspensions or expulsion, depending on the nature of the threat. 15. Students will not cheat on homework, quizzes or tests. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment/quiz/test. Continued violations will result in suspension or expulsion. 16. Students will not leave the classroom or building without parental permission (written or verbal given to the Friday Mom). Violation of this will result in after-school detention or suspension. 17. Suspensions will include a reduction in the student’s final grade. Classroom Rules and Discipline Policies for K-7th Students are expected to show proper respect to board members, teachers, and fellow students. The following steps will be taken to maintain order in the classroom: 1. Review expectations at the beginning of class. 2. Give a student a verbal warning for first infraction and write student’s name on board. 3. Send student to board member if the teacher must speak to the student a second time. The board member will document the situation and speak with the parent(s). 4. If a student is sent to the board member twice in a semester, they will be asked to miss the next Friday. 5. Any student that continues to disrespect the rules of Friday Addition will be dismissed from the program. In addition, all students will be expected to follow the Code of Conduct and Dress Code of Friday Addition. 5 Discipline Policies for 8-12th grades Students are expected to show proper respect to board members, teachers, and fellow students. Furthermore, they are expected to respectfully obey and comply with the Code of Conduct and Dress Code. Students who choose to disobey will receive the consequences outlined in the Code of Conduct and Dress Code. This will be decided at the discretion of the Board. The Lord has put us, as a Board, in charge of Friday Addition. Our goal is to exalt and honor Christ in all we do. As additional issues arise, we will deal with each situation according to Scripture as God is leading us. Study Hall Expectations Friday Addition offers a study hall for those not in classes. This will be a staffed classroom with opportunity for students to study quietly. If your child attends study hall, please make sure he/she has study materials. The following rules govern this class: 1. Study Hall is to remain quiet. 2. Ipads, tablets, cell phone, portable devices and computers can only be used for academic reasons. No internet except by permission of parents and Board One student only on a computer No gaming, texting, talking, or accessing the internet. 3. Ipods and mp3’s may be listened to with ear buds. No one else should be able to hear the music. 4. Students must use a bathroom pass if they need to use the restroom. Only one student at a time is to leave the room. The students must use the basement bathroom by the kitchen. 5. No wandering hallways. 6. Please bring something to work on to stay busy the whole time. 7. Food is allowed as long as everything is picked up and cleaned. 8. If a student comes in late to study hall, all of the above rules still apply. 6 Parent Help: Because this program is to be an extension of home education, parents will be asked to help at Friday Addition. Parents of K-7th grade will be required to help one or two half days per semester. You will be assigned to assist where the need is the greatest. This may include classroom help, lunch hour help, or study hall help. If you desire to observe your child in a class, you are always welcome to visit the class after checking in with the board member on duty. A board member, called the Friday Mom, will be on duty each Friday. You will be scheduled to assist either in the morning or afternoon. This schedule will be given at the beginning of each semester. Please check in with the Friday Mom when you arrive and prior to leaving. If you are unable to help, please find your own replacement and notify Heidi Swieringa of the change. A $50 “no-show” fee will be assessed if you miss your commitment. Registration and Enrollment: Participating students will be given the first opportunity to enroll for the next school year. Registration for returning students will be held from March 1-31. All returning students are guaranteed their placement if enrolled by March 31. Any open spaces will then be offered to new students starting April 1. All students will be notified of their placement in Friday Addition in April. A non-refundable $100.00 deposit per family will be due with registration. This amount will be subtracted from you tuition. Please see our website, fridayaddition.com, for online registration. Tuition: Tuition for the elementary students is $550 per year per child and is due on August 15. Tuition for the year may be paid in full upon enrollment or be paid by using the following payment plan: 50% of tuition paid by August 15th, 2015; 100% of tuition paid by December 28 th, 2015. If there are special circumstances that may cause your payment to be late, please contact us to make arrangements. Note: If you drop your child from K-7th Grade, you are required to pay the balance of your tuition once you have passed the dates mentioned below. Please see our website, fridayaddition.com, for tuition costs for each grade/class. Requests for Refunds must be in writing and follow this schedule: 75% refunded after 9/11/15 50% after 9/18/15 25% after 9/25/15 No refunds after 10/2/15. We require that you seriously consider whether or not your students should be involved in Friday Addition. However, we know that there are special circumstances which may cause you to have to leave the program so for that reason there are a few exceptions to this policy: Serious illness in the immediate family, death or unemployment of a parent, or a family moving more than 50 miles from Friday Addition. NO exceptions are made for students who tire of the program, re-enroll in school, or who don’t want to put forth the required work. We have made commitments to our teachers and their salaries continue, even if your student does not. Tuition will be reduced to $500 for the second sibling and each sibling thereafter when two or more siblings are enrolled in the elementary school. This multi-child discount is only offered to siblings only and not to other relatives. It will be applied to your tuition bill for Kindergarten-7th grade students only. There is no discount for 8th grade - high school students. Non-payment will result in dismissal from Friday Addition. 7 High school tuition is paid per class (a-la-carte) and must be paid no later than August 1. Classes cannot be dropped after August 1st. A refund for classes dropped after August 1st will not be issued. We have made commitments to our teachers and their salaries continue, even if your student does not. All deposits and tuition payments should be mailed to: Friday Addition, PO Box 216, Zeeland, MI 49464 Friday Addition Cell Phone: (616)298-1843 Please use this phone number to contact Friday Addition when school is in session. The cell phone will be turned on from approximately 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Friday Addition Web Site: Newsletters, happenings, course schedules, registration forms, teacher and board member contact information, etc. can be found on our web site: fridayaddition.com Communication: Our goal is to reduce the number of paper handouts. Therefore we will be in communication through various ways in order to convey necessary information and up coming events. We will be sending a minimum of one email per month containing updates from teachers, pizza days, parent help schedule, or any other information. There will be hard copies available at the sign-in table for those who do not have or use email. Cancellation Policy: If the Zeeland Public Schools are cancelled for bad weather, Friday Addition will also be cancelled. In the event of a fog or snow delay, Friday Addition WILL meet as scheduled. Friday Addition will provide up to 2 “make up” days per year for cancellations due to bad weather or church closures. Contacting Us: If you have questions or concerns regarding Friday Addition, please call or email one of the board members: Jason and Brenda Cochran (616) 446-7313 [email protected] Brian and Kim Luurtsema (616) 896-7327 [email protected] Jeff and Heidi Swieringa (616) 846-3499 [email protected] Wayne and Tania Witter (616) 405-1905 [email protected] 8 9
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