April 9, 2015 - Friendship International Lexington

A gift of Christian love to international women living in the Lexington area!
Newsletter April 09, 2015
Welcome! If you are new to Friendship International, please go to the registration desk first.
Regular Weekly Schedule
The Japanese Handbell Choir will play
for us today. We also look forward to
our choir class’ first public
Bible Stories
Coming up…
Cultural Show & Tell is next week.
You should have signed up with
Carol Sue by now. All audio-visual
material or internet links are due to
her TODAY. Please see her if you
have any questions.
Thanksgiving and Prayer Concerns
We are praying for these people who have
physical needs:
 Ryoko Marlin (lung cancer)
 Chip Derber's grandson (dealing with
Gillian Barre)
 Paddie Stipp (recovery from knee
Susan Folsom's husband does not need
to have heart surgery at this time.
Bus pick up
Today we go to Panda Cuisine for lunch. It's
located near Trader Joe's at 2358
Nicholasville Rd. The price for most things
on the lunch menu is $5.75-6.95. If anyone
wants to go but needs transportation they
should meet near the registration table.
Today, during class time you should receive
one or more invitations to FI Sunday. If by
chance you do not, please ask your teacher or
any volunteer about this.
Please consider your invitation or invitations,
and respond to each with either a “YES” or a
“NO” when we meet next week. In our
culture, we do very much want you to accept
our invitation, but this will be the only
invitation given. So, we do want you to
respond to it. Also, in our culture, it is
important for the host to know how many
people to plan for. She can plan best if you
do respond to her and express that you
accept OR that you decline. (It’s more polite
to decline, than to not respond at all, or to
respond with a “yes” and then not come.)
If you get multiple invitations, you can
respond “yes” to only one, because they are
all for the same day. However, if you would
like to also go to another church, please tell
the host that and she can arrange for you to
come and visit at another time.
This semester we would like to tell you some of the events that are recorded in the Bible. The Bible is in two major parts (1)
the Old Testament and (2) the New Testament. The Old Testament begins with creation and goes through many centuries
of God’s revelation and instruction to mankind. The New Testament starts with Jesus and goes through his lifetime and
basically the lifetime of his disciples. The Bible is a collection of “books” written by a variety of authors. This semester we
will be sharing with you some of the stories from the life of Jesus found in the New Testament. When a scripture passage
from the Bible is referenced we will give the name of the book and the chapter and verse number, like Mark 10-1-20. Most
often the book name is the name of the author (though not always.) If you have questions about any of these stores, please
ask your table hostess, or teacher, or any Friendship International volunteer.
Appearances of Jesus after His Resurrection
John 20:19-29, 21:1-14
After Jesus death and resurrection, the Bible accounts show that Jesus appeared twelve times to
different groups ranging in size from 1 person to 500 people. Today's story shares three of those
When Peter and John discovered that Jesus had risen from the dead, they went back to tell
the other disciples. That night, all of the disciples, except Thomas, were at the same house.
The disciples locked the door because they were afraid the Jews may try to capture them.
While the disciples were there, Jesus went to the house. He showed them the nail marks
in his hands and feet. He even ate a piece of broiled fish to prove that he really was alive!
When Thomas went back to the house, Jesus already had gone away. The others couldn't
wait to tell Thomas what they had seen. When they did, Thomas didn't believe them. He
said, “When I see for myself the nail marks in Jesus' hands, then I will believe that he is
alive.” The next week, Jesus went back. He walked up to Thomas and showed him his
hands and his side. When Thomas saw the nail marks in Jesus' hands, he believed. He said,
“My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have
believed. Blessed are those who have not seen me but still have believed.”
After this, Jesus appeared to his disciples again. It was by the Sea of Galilee. Here is what
One night, Peter, John, and five other disciples went fishing on the Sea of Galilee. They
fished all night and didn't catch anything. The next morning they were still in the boat
hoping to catch some fish. A man standing on the shore asked the men if they had caught
any fish. The disciples said no. Then the man told them to put their net on the other side
of the boat. When they did, they caught over 150 fish! The net was so heavy, the disciples
couldn't pull it into the boat. John looked closer at the man who was standing on the
shore. Then he said, “Look! That man is Jesus!” When Peter heard John say this, he jumped
into the water and started swimming toward the shore. The other disciples rowed the
boat to shore. They had to drag the fish net behind them. Jesus told the men to bring over
some of the fish that they had caught and they would eat breakfast together.
Jesus spent many days with the disciples after he had risen from the dead. But the time
came when he had to leave the earth. Before ascending to heaven to be with his Heavenly
Father, Jesus blessed the disciples and told them they needed to go out and tell others
about him. Next week we will hear some of the amazing things the disciples did after
Jesus' ascension into heaven.