www.friendsofuwis.org www.facebook.com/friendsofuwis Spring 2015 THE TRAIL GUIDE The Newsletter for the Friends of the Upper Wabash Interpretive Services MISSION The mission of the Friends of the Upper Wabash Interpretive Services is to develop and support projects and events that enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the property and promote community awareness. Mark Your Calendar Mississinewa Fishing Derby (6/6) Outdoor Adventure Showcase (6/12, 6/13) Outdoor Adventure 5k Fun Run (6/13) Youth Target Shoot (6/27) Ouabache Welcome Back-Bison Hike (5/2) Fishing Derby (6/6) Ouabache Wonders Day Camp (6/15, 6/16, 6/17) Bison Bash (6/20) Salamonie Taste of Spring (5/2) Bird Extravaganza (5/3) Senior Monday Luncheon (5/4) Senior Monday Luncheon (6/1) Fishing Derby (6/6) Horse Lovers Day Camp (6/23, 6/24, 6/25) Mississinewa Lake Welcome to the Friends of the Upper Wabash Interpretive Services! Naturalist John Muir once said, “In every walk with nature one receives for more than he seeks.” In that spirit, the Friends group exists to support opportunities for all people to “walk with nature.” Formed in 2009, the Friends have supported numerous projects such as: the Raptor Center, raptor supplies, handicap accessible doors, Interpretive Services programming supplies and equipment, the Nature Center television, and the conference room projection system. To secure finances for these projects, and future projects, the Friends rely on membership dues, grants, Adopt-A-Bird, and fundraisers such as: fall pumpkin sales, pancake breakfasts, and the vending machine at the Roush Lake Shooting Range. As you can see, there are a variety of ways for you to get involved! Please contact us to see how you can use your passions and gifts to make a difference in someone else’s life so that he can “receive far more than he seeks.” Ouabache State Park Salamonie Lake www.friendsofuwis.org WE NEED YOUR HELP! To help support our mission, the Fr i e n d s a r e p l a n n i n g t w o pancake fundraisers. The first event will take place during “Christmas in July” on July 18th. The second event will take place d u r i n g “ O c t o b e r Fe s t ” o n September 12th. Both events will take place at the Salamonie Lake Modern Campground. Watch for email, website, and Facebook updates to see how you can get involved! Recently, Friends member Rex Whiteleather received a grant to make horse trail improvements at Salamonie Lake. With support from the Friends, he is purchasing and installing new signage which will improve safety and navigation. Thanks for all your hard work on this project Rex! 2015 Officers President Steve Park Vice President Charles Chapman Secretary Open Treasurer Liz Sanders www.facebook.com/friendsofuwis Although the colorful spring wildflowers are beginning to bloom and the spring peepers are performing their nightly concerts, the realities of a frigid, harsh winter are still fresh in our memories here at the Salamonie Lake Raptor Center. Our great horned owl, in particular, developed a severe infection in his foot. The infection, called bumble foot, requires daily intensive care as well as trips to a veterinarian. With financial support from the Friends, our great horned owl is expected to make a full recovery. In addition, the Friends purchased materials to construct various new interchangeable perches for the raptors. The perches will improve the health and conditioning of the birds by encouraging them to stay off the ground. Next time you are at the Salamonie Interpretive and Nature Center, be sure to check out the new signs attached to the fence of the Raptor Center. The signs, purchased by the Friends, educate visitors by providing a description of each raptor. The removable signs were designed so that Interpretive Specialists can take them on the road when giving presentations away from the Center. Director At-Large Sharon Ernst Director At-Large Jean Ross Director At-Large Jim Emmons Mississinewa Lake Spring 2015 2015 Friends Meetings June 10 August 19 October 21 December 16th Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at the Trinity United Methodist Church, 530 Guilford St., Huntington at 6pm Ouabache State Park Salamonie Lake
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