1st May 2015 Dear Year 12 Parents/Guardians and Students Your son/daughter attended the pre-exams briefing today. So that the exam season progresses smoothly for your son/daughter and for the other candidates, please remind him/her of the importance to remember and act on what was covered in the briefing. I have outlined below the main points: Final timetables and other information were emailed home during the Easter break. A few students have been emailed amended timetables since then, so please check your emails. Make sure you read the Information for Candidates and list of those in lunchtime supervision. School uniform is essential. Most exams are held in the Sports Hall. If you forget your candidate number or seat, you can look at the exam register and seating plan which will be displayed outside each exam room. Arrive at least 15 minutes before exams. Leave your mobile phone and other data storage devices at home. This includes the i watch or smart watch. They will not be allowed in the exam room. If a phone goes off in the exam room, you may be disqualified from the exam. If you do bring your mobile phone (or other data storage device), it will be collected outside the exam room and returned to you outside the exam room after your exam. Bags – no storage space outside of Sports Hall. Only bring what you need. Leave bags in 6th form common room. Bags may be stolen if left outside of the Sports Hall. Exam room equipment: clear pencil case; black pens, pencils, rubber, ruler, sharpener, calculator without lid. Remember to bring spares. Invigilators have only emergency spares for when your calculator or pen does not work. Water bottle – clear bottle with label removed. Put this on floor next to desk. If you have a coloured card on the desk it means the following: green timetable for extra time; blue card – supervised rest break – pre-arranged with the Exams Office; orange card (clash candidate) for under supervision after morning exam(s). If you are a clash candidate, bring a packed lunch and something to do. You will not be allowed to buy any food from canteen. After your morning exams you do not leave the exam room, but remain seated and wait until you are collected by an invigilator and taken to a room where you are isolated from the rest of the school. Word processor users: row 11. Check your timetable – have you been allocated a WP if you are a WP user? You are under exam conditions from the time you enter until you leave the exam room – you must remain silent. HEADMASTER ROBERT MASTERS B.SC. Brook Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 2PN telephone: 01732 770880 facsimile: 01732 771661 email: enquiries @judd.kent.sch.uk website: www.judd.kent.sch.uk Read the front of your exam paper. Make sure it is the correct exam. Several exams may be happening in the Sports Hall at the same time. If you need additional answer paper write your candidate number and name on the additional paper as soon as you receive it. Do not write in the margins of your script – it annoys examiners and may disadvantage you. When you are told to stop writing, it means that. You cannot finish the sentence. You will be given a 5 minute warning before the end of the exam. If you think you will be late, phone the school’s reception immediately. A message will be relayed to the Exams Office. Go straight to the exams hall – the invigilators will know you are on your way. If you think you will be very late (after 10:00am or 2:30pm) do not go to the exam hall, go to the school’s reception – I will come to you. You may get no marks for the exam. Read your timetable carefully. Make copies of your timetable to display in prominent places at home – bedroom, kitchen. If you do not turn up for an exam, I will be told by invigilators and you will be tracked down. If ill on the day, ring the school. A message will get through to me. If you feel unwell during an exam, raise your hand and inform an invigilator. Come to see me in the Exams Office after the exam. If you have a pre-existing illness or other issue which may affect your performance please come to see me (if school does not already know about it). Do not suffer in silence. You may email me at [email protected] Normal School Rules apply throughout the exam session. Do not fall foul of the system and attract attention from staff/invigilators. You have my best wishes for your coming exams. Mrs Dobra Exams Officer Contact details School Telephone: 01732 770880 Exams Office: [email protected] HEADMASTER ROBERT MASTERS B.SC. Brook Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 2PN telephone: 01732 770880 facsimile: 01732 771661 email: enquiries @judd.kent.sch.uk website: www.judd.kent.sch.uk
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