FSBA BILL TRACKING LIST (By Bill Number – As of 3/18/15) HB 1

(By Bill Number – As of 3/18/15)
HB 1 – Texting while Driving by Stark (S: SB 246 by Sachs)
Revises penalties for violations of Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Law; provides enhanced
penalties for such violations when committed in school zone or school crossing; removes
requirement that specified provisions be enforced as secondary action by law enforcement agency.
HB 15 – Public School Educational Instruction by S. Jones
Requires school districts to provide instruction in CPR and use of automated external defibrillator;
provides requirements for instruction and instructors.
HB 17 – Driving Safety by Slosberg (I: SB 492 by Thompson)
Prohibits use of cellular telephones and other electronic communications devices by drivers in
school zone or school crossing or on school district property.
HB 19 – School Safety by Steube (S: SB 180 by Evers)
Permits school superintendent, with approval of the school board, to authorize school safety
designee to carry concealed weapon or firearm on school property; provides requirements for
school safety designees; provides exception to prohibition on possession of firearms or other
specified devices on school property or other specified areas; provides for fingerprint processing
and retention; requires that fees be borne by school safety designee or school; requires school
boards to formulate policies and procedures for dealing with active shooters and hostage situations
in consultation with law enforcement; requires district school boards and private schools allow
campus tours by local law enforcement agencies for specified purposes and that their
recommendations be documented; permits district school boards to commission one or more
school safety officers on each school campus.
HB 29 – Financial Literacy Instruction by Fitzenhagen (C: SB 92 by Hukill)
Revises Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for financial literacy instruction; provides that
credit requirements for high school graduation and standard diploma include separate course in
financial literacy; requires DOE to work with nonprofit organizations to develop standards and
curriculum and professional development guidelines for teaching financial literacy.
HB 33 – Prohibited Discrimination by Raschein (S: SB 156 by Abruzzo)
Creates "Florida Competitive Workforce Act"; prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation
and gender identity or expression; defines terms; provides exceptions for constitutionally protected
free exercise of religion.
HB 35 – Out-of-State Fee Waivers / Veterans by Stark (S: SB 7028 by Military & Veteran Affairs)
Revises criteria relating to classification of active duty members of U.S. Armed Services, and
spouses and dependent children, as residents for tuition purposes; classifies veterans, and
spouses and dependent children, as residents for tuition purposes under certain circumstances.
HB 37 – Voluntary Contributions for Education Facilities by Raschein (I: SB 118 by Hays)
Authorizes participating business that registers with DOR to solicit and collect contributions from
customers for construction and maintenance of public education facilities; provides registration
requirements; requires participating business to file return and remit contributions to DOR; requires
DOR to deposit contributions into PECO and Debt Service Trust Fund; authorizes DOR to adopt
emergency rules.
HB 39 – Florida Retirement System by Hill (S: SB 136 by Hays)
Specifies eligibility of monthly death benefit payment to surviving spouse, child, or parent of law
enforcement officer or firefighter employed by state; provides annual appropriation.
HB 41 – Hazardous Walking Conditions by Metz (I: SB 154 by Hays)
Revises criteria that determine hazardous walking conditions for public school students; revises
procedures for inspection and identification of hazardous conditions; authorizes district school
superintendents to initiate formal request for correction of hazardous conditions; requires district
school boards to provide transportation to students who would be subjected to hazardous
conditions; requires state or local entities with jurisdiction over roads with hazardous conditions to
correct condition; provides requirements for governmental entities relating to capital improvement
programs; provides requirements relating to civil actions for damages.
HB 47 – State Minimum Wage by Stafford (I: SB 114 by Bullard)
Increases state minimum wage; provides that an employer may not pay employee at rate less than
state minimum wage; deletes requirement that only individuals entitled to receive federal minimum
wage are eligible to receive state minimum wage.
HB 49 – Tax-Exempt Income by Moskowitz (I: SB 138 by Hukill)
Increasing the amount of income that is exempt from the corporate income tax; increasing the
amount of income that is exempt from the franchise tax imposed on banks and savings
associations, etc.
HB 55 – Children and Youth Cabinet by Harrell (S: SB 878 by Montford)
Revises membership of Children and Youth Cabinet to include a superintendent of schools
appointed by the Governor.
HB 59 – Student Data Privacy by S. Jones (S: SB 480 by Braynon)
Prohibits operator from displaying targeted advertising, using certain information to amass student
profiles for certain purposes, or selling or disclosing covered information; authorizes operator to
use covered information for specified actions; requires operator to maintain security procedures
for protection of covered information and delete covered information under certain circumstances;
specifies certain actions by operators, law enforcement agencies, service providers, and students
that are not prohibited.
HB 61 – Charter Schools by S. Jones (S: SB 1336 by Braynon)
Requires charter school applicant to provide evidence of surety bond or secured escrow account
by specified date to cover first-year operation costs.
HB 63 – Public-Private Partnerships by Steube (I: SB 824 by Evers)
Creates Division of Public-Private Partnerships within DEO; authorizes use of public-private
partnerships for certain contracts; revises provisions related to unsolicited proposals received by
responsible public entities; restricts and requires certain provisions in financing agreements.
(Linked to HB 65 by Steube which provides an exemption from public records requirements and
public meetings requirements for unsolicited proposals as specified in this bill.)
HB 69 – Missing Persons with Special Needs by Porter (I: SB 330 by Dean)
Expands definition of term "missing endangered person"; provides that certain persons are immune
from civil liability in certain circumstances; requires FDLE, contingent on funding, to make
electronic monitoring devices available to certain individuals with autism spectrum disorder;
requires DCF to make annual report concerning such individuals to FDLE; etc.
HB 75 – Department of Economic Opportunity by Combee (S: SB 232 by Hays)
Requires DEO to create web page accessible through its Internet website that provides certain
information; provides purpose of web page; requires DEO to collect all local business information
available to DEO; requires DEO to request relevant local government to provide any otherwise
unavailable information; requires local governments to provide notice of changes in information
collected by DEO; authorizes local government entities to provide summary that includes certain
information for DEO's web page.
HB 77 – Patriotic Film Screening by Combee (I: SB 96 by Hays)
Requires certain middle and high school students to attend screening of “America: Imagine the
World Without Her”; provides exception.
HB 83 – Sexual Orientation Change Efforts by Richardson (S: SB 204 by Clemens)
Prohibits persons licensed to provide professional counseling and various practitioners who
perform counseling as part of their professional training from engaging in sexual orientation change
efforts on behalf of person who is younger than 18 years of age.
HB 85 – Public School Instruction / Terrorist Attacks by Hill (I: SB 358 by Abruzzo)
Requires that instructional staff of public schools provide instruction to students about terrorist
attacks occurring on September 11, 2001, and impact of those events.
SB 92 – Financial Literacy Instruction by Hukill (See HB 29 by Fitzenhagen)
SB 96 – Patriotic Film Screening by Hays (See HB 77 by Combee)
HB 99 – Juvenile Justice Civil Citations by Clarke-Reed (C: SB 928 by Bullard)
Authorizes law enforcement officer to issue warning to juvenile who admits having committed
misdemeanor or to inform juvenile's parent or guardian of juvenile's infraction; requires law
enforcement officer who does not exercise one of these options to issue civil citation or require
participation in similar diversion program; provides that repeat misdemeanor offenders may
participate in civil citation program or other similar diversion program; provides that, in exceptional
situations, law enforcement officer may arrest first-time misdemeanor offender in interest of
protecting public safety; requires written documentation if arrest made.
SB 100 – Student Assessment Program by Bean
Prohibiting a school district from scheduling more than a specified number of school days to
administer local and statewide assessments; requiring the school district to approve additional days
if needed, etc.
HB 101 – Taxation by Steube
Exempts certain obligations from nonrecurring intangible personal property tax; exempts certain
documents that transfer real property from tax; exempts certain notes, written obligations,
mortgages, or other evidences of indebtedness from tax; reduces tax on rental or license fees
charged for use of real property; revises term "mail order sale" to specifically include sales of
tangible personal property ordered through Internet or dealer in foreign country; provides that
certain persons who make mail order sales and have nexus with state are subject to state's power
to collect sales tax when engaged in certain activities; specifies that certain dealers are not required
to collect sales tax unless certain circumstances exist; creates rebuttable presumption that dealer
is subject to state's power to collect sales tax; creates annual sales tax holiday for school supplies,
personal computers, and personal computer-related accessories; cre ates Restaurant and Hotel
Renovation Tax Refund Program with administration by DEO; authorizes applicant to receive tax
refund under certain circumstances; requires DOR to develop system to track changes in sales tax
remitted and submit reports to Governor and Legislature.
SB 106 – Financial Literacy Month by Hukill
Recognizing April 2015 as “Financial Literacy Month” in Florida, etc.
SB 108 – Florida Retirement System by Diaz de la Portilla
Revising eligibility for the purchase of credit for military service; declaring that the act fulfills an
important state interest, etc.
SB 110 – Communications Services Taxes by Hukill
Reducing the tax rate applied to the sale of communications services; reducing the tax rate applied
to the retail sale of direct-to-home satellite services; revising the allocation of tax revenues; etc.
HB 113 – Local Government Construction Preferences by Perry (S: SB 778 by Hays)
Prohibits local ordinances and regulations from restricting a certified contractor's competition for
award of contract for construction services based upon certain conditions; requires state college,
school district, or other political subdivision to make specified disclosures in competitive solicitation
documents; provides construction.
SB 114 – State Minimum Wage by Bullard (See HB 47 by Stafford)
SB 118 – Voluntary Contributions for Education Facilities by Hays (See HB 37 by RascheinI)
HB 123 – Disability Awareness by J. Cortes (S: SB 152 by Ring)
Requires, rather than authorizes, each district school board to provide disability history and
awareness instruction in all K-12 public schools; requires each public school to establish disability
history and awareness advisory council.
SB 126 – Social Media Privacy by Clemens
Prohibiting an employer from requesting or requiring access to a social media account of an
employee or prospective employee under certain circumstances; prohibiting an employer from
taking retaliatory personnel action for an employee’s refusal to allow access to his or her social
media account; authorizing civil action for a violation; specifying that an employer is not prohibited
from seeking access to social media accounts used primarily for the employer’s business; etc.
HB 135 – Elections by R. Cortes
Authorizes high school principal to accept voter registration applications from students during
school year and exempting principal's acceptance of such applications from third-party voter
registration requirements; revises list of authorized methods for identifying elector at polling place;
specifies that voters standing in line at polling place are included within no-solicitation zone;
provides criminal penalties for poll watcher to influence or interfere with elector voting ballot.
SB 136 – Florida Retirement System by Hays (See HB 39 by Hill)
SB 138 – Tax-Exempt Income by Hukill (See HB 49 by Moskowitz)
SB 140 – Taxation by Hukill
Reducing the tax levied on rental or license fees charged for the use of real property, etc.
HB 143 – American Founders' Month by Bileca (S: SB 352 by Flores)
Designates September as "American Founders' Month"; authorizes Governor to annually designate
month; requires district school boards to celebrate American Founders by observing American
Founders' Month; provides that instruction may be integrated into existing school curriculum.
SB 148 – Resident Status for Tuition Purposes by Ring
Revising criteria relating to the classification of active duty members of the Armed Services of the
United States, and their spouses and dependent children, as residents for tuition purposes, etc.
HB 151 – Disclosure of Sexually Explicit Images by Goodson (S: SB 538 by Simmons)
Prohibits individual from electronically disclosing sexually explicit image of identifiable person with
intent to harass such person if individual knows or should have known that such person did not
consent to disclosure; providing criminal penalties; provides enhanced penalties for violations by
persons 18 years of age or older involving victims younger than 16 years of age; provides
exceptions; exempts providers of specified services; requires court to order that person convicted
of violation be prohibited from having contact with victim and requires penalties for violation of order
run consecutively to penalties for original violation.
SB 152 – Disability Awareness by Ring (See HB 123 by J. Cortes)
HB 153 – Literacy Jump Start Pilot Project by L. Lee (S: SB 1116 by Abruzzo)
Requires Office of Early Learning to establish pilot project in St. Lucie County to assist low-income,
at-risk children in developing emergent literacy skills; requires OEL to select organization to
implement pilot project; provides eligibility requirements for participation; requires background
screening for personnel and emergent literacy training for instructors; requires OEL to allocate
funds for pilot project.
SB 154 – Hazardous Walking Conditions by Hays (See HB 41 by Metz)
SB 156 – Prohibited Discrimination by Abruzzo (See HB 33 by Raschein)
HB 163 – Public Records/Contractors by Beshears (I: SB 224 by Simpson)
Defines term "acting on behalf of public agency"; revises definition of term "contractor"; requires
that public agency contract for services include statement providing name and telephone number
of public agency's custodian of records; prescribes form of statement; revises contractual
provisions in public agency contract for services regarding contractor's compliance with public
records laws; specifies circumstances under which court may assess and award reasonable costs
of enforcement against public agency or contractor.
HB 165 – Property and Casualty Insurance by Santiago (S: SB 258 by Brandes)
Requiring the Office of Insurance Regulation to use certain models or methods, or a straight
average of model results or output ranges, to estimate hurricane losses when determining whether
the rates in a rate filing are excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory; increasing the length
of time during which an insurer is not required to adhere to certain models found by the
Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology to be accurate or reliable in determining
probable maximum loss levels with respect to certain rate filings, etc.
SB 172 – Local Government Pension Reform by Bradley (S: HB 341 by Cummings)
Requiring that firefighter and police officer pension plans meet the requirements of ch. 175 and
185, F.S., in order to receive certain insurance premium tax revenues; revising the method of
creating and maintaining firefighters' and police officers’ retirement trust funds; providing that the
use of premium tax revenues may deviate from the requirements of ch. 175 and ch. 185, F.S.,
under certain circumstances, etc.
HB 173 – Property Tax Exemptions by Goodson
Increases property tax exemption for residents who are widows, widowers, blind, or totally and
permanently disabled; provides applicability.
SB 176 – Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons by Evers (I: HB 4005 by Steube)
Deleting a provision prohibiting concealed carry licensees from openly carrying a handgun or
carrying a concealed weapon or firearm into a college or university facility, etc.
HB 177 – Persons with Developmental Disabilities by Hill (S: SB 380 by Bradley)
Allows eligible individual whose parent or guardian is member of U.S. Armed Forces, Florida
National Guard, or U.S. Reserve Forces to receive Medicaid home and community-based waiver
services under certain conditions.
SB 180 – School Safety by Evers (See HB 19 by Steube)
HB 181 – Educational Facilities by Bileca (Similar to SB 448 by Flores)
Provides for school district construction flexibility; authorizes exceptions to educational facilities
construction requirements under certain circumstances.
SB 182 – Public Records and Meetings by Hays (I: HB 223 by Combee)
Providing an exemption from public records requirements for any personal identifying information
of an applicant for president, provost, or dean of a state university or Florida College System
institution; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemptions; providing a
statement of public necessity, etc.
HB 189 – Insurance Guaranty Associations by Cummings (S: SB 600 by Richter)
Revises definition of term "asset" to include Florida Insurance Guaranty Association assessments
for purposes of determining financial condition of insurer; transfers provision relating to obligation
of Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association to pay valid claims.
HB 191 – Traffic Safety by Slosberg (S: SB 460 by Flores)
Prohibits use of electronic communications devices by certain drivers; provides for voluntary
checkoff on driver license applications to permit contributions to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
SB 192 – Wireless Communications Devices by Altman
Revising legislative intent to authorize law enforcement officers to issue citations as a primary
offense to persons who are texting while driving; relating to the enforcement of the “Florida Ban on
Texting While Driving Law” as a secondary action, etc.
HB 197 – Tracking Devices or Applications by Metz (I: SB 282 by Hukill)
Prohibits use of tracking device or application to determine location or movement of person without
person's consent; creates presumption that consent is revoked upon initiation of specified
proceedings; provides exceptions.
SB 202 – Insurance Policy Documents by Bradley (S: HB 273 by Perry)
Authorizing a policyholder of personal lines insurance to elect delivery of policy documents by
electronic means; revising the requirements applicable to insurers when providing a notice of
change in renewal policy terms to allow such notice to be sent separately from the notice of
renewal premium within a specified timeframe, etc.
SB 204 – Sexual Orientation Change Efforts by Clemens (See HB 83 by Richarson)
SB 206 – Financial Literacy / Disabilities by Hukill (S: HB 7085 by Regulatory Affairs)
Establishing the program within the Department of Financial Services; requiring the program to
provide information and other offerings on specified issues to individuals with developmental
disabilities and employers in this state; requiring a qualified public depository to participate in the
program, etc.
HB 223 – Public Records and Meetings by Combee (See SB 182 by Hays)
SB 224 – Public Records/Contractors by Simpson (See HB 163 by Beshears)
HB 225 – All-American Flag Act by B. Cortes (I: SB 590 by Altman)
Designates act as "All-American Flag Act"; requires U.S. flag or state flag that is purchased on or
after specified date by the state, county, or municipality for public use to be made in U.S.
HB 231 – Transportation by Passidomo (S: SB 908 by Altman)
Revises provisions relating to the rights and safety of vulnerable users of public rights-of-way;
prohibits assault of bicycle riders; revises provisions for careless driving; requires traffic law and
substance abuse education courses to include certain instruction; requires driver license
examinations to include test of applicant's knowledge of certain traffic laws; requires driver
education courses offered by school district to include certain information.
SB 232 – Department of Economic Opportunity by Hays (See HB 75 by Combee)
SB 238 – Athletic Coaches by Ring (I: HB 479 by S. Jones)
Requiring an independent sanctioning authority to dismiss an athletic coach ejected from a game
for the remainder of that sport season under certain circumstances; authorizing such athletic coach
to resume working under certain circumstances, etc.
SB 242 – Publicly Funded Retirement Plans by Brandes (I: HB 1309 by Drake)
Requiring that actuarial reports for certain retirement plans include mortality tables; revising
information to be included in a defined benefit system or plan's annual report to the Department
of Management Services; providing a declaration of important state interest, etc.
SB 246 – Texting while Driving by Sachs (See HB 1 by Stark)
HB 251 – School Safety by Rogers (S: SB 754 by Bullard)
Provides that state sales and use taxes collected on firearms and ammunition shall be allocated
to Safe Schools Trust Fund; provides that exception to prohibition on open carrying of weapons for
certain nonlethal weapons does not apply to certain persons within school safety zones; provides
that person within school safety zone who is carrying weapon or firearm in violation of specified
provisions may avoid charges by surrendering weapon or firearm to specified person at earliest
opportunity if person has committed no other offense involving weapon or firearm within zone;
provides that license to carry concealed weapon or firearm does not authorize any person to openly
carry handgun or carry concealed weapon or firearm in school safety zone; requires school
district's guidance plan to include mandatory guidance counseling for certain students in school
safety issues. (Linked to HB 255 by Rogers which creates a Safe Schools Trust Fund within DOE)
SB 254 – Charter Schools by Clemens
Requiring a charter school to demonstrate it meets certain needs that the local school district does
not or is unable to provide to students in that district in order to obtain approval, etc.
SB 256 – Identification Cards by Sobel (I: HB 519 by Murphy)
Requiring the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to issue an identification card
exhibiting a special designation for a person who is diagnosed by a licensed physician as having
a developmental disability; requiring payment of an additional fee and proof of diagnosis;
authorizing issuance of a replacement identification card that includes the special designation
without payment of a specified fee, etc.
SB 258 – Property and Casualty Insurance by Brandes (See HB 165 by Santiago)
HB 259 – Small Business Saturday Sales Tax Holiday by Fant (S: SB 384 by Garcia)
Provides that sales and use tax may not be levied on sale of items or articles of tangible personal
property by certain small businesses during specified period; provides appropriation.
SB 260 – Value Adjustment Board Proceedings by Bradley (S: HB 489 by Sullivan)
Requiring the clerk of the value adjustment board to have available and distribute specified forms;
authorizing the owner of multiple items of tangible personal property to file a joint petition with the
value adjustment board under certain circumstances; requiring the property appraiser to include
the property record card in an evidence list for a value adjustment board hearing under certain
circumstances, etc.
HB 261 – Teacher Salaries by Rader (I: SB 280 by Soto)
Requires Legislature to fund FEFP at level that ensures guaranteed minimum annual starting
salary for instructional personnel; specifies statewide minimum salary for 2015-2016 fiscal year;
requires DOE to annually adjust minimum starting salary; requires district school boards to adjust
minimum starting salary.
HB 273 – Insurance Policy Documents by Perry (See SB 202 by Bradley)
SB 280 – Teacher Salaries by Soto (See HB 261 by Rader)
SB 282 – Tracking Devices or Applications by Hukill (See HB 197 by Metz)
SB 290 – Concealed Weapon / Evacuations by Brandes (I: HB 493 by Fitzenhagen)
Providing an exemption from criminal penalties for carrying a concealed weapon or a concealed
firearm when evacuating pursuant to a mandatory evacuation order during a declared state of
emergency, etc.
HB 291 – Involuntary Examinations of Minors by Harrell (S: SB 954 by Garcia)
Provides requirements for notification of involuntary examination of minors by public schools,
charter schools, and receiving facilities.
SB 294 – Florida Kidcare Program by Garcia (I: HB 829 by LaRosa)
Providing eligibility for optional payments for medical assistance and related services for certain
lawfully residing children; clarifying that undocumented immigrants are excluded from eligibility for
optional Medicaid payments or related services, etc.
HB 297 – Safe Work Environments by Campbell (S: SB 892 by Bullard)
Creates "Safe Work Environment Act"; provides that subjecting employee to abusive work
environment is unlawful employment practice; prohibits retaliating against employee in specified
circumstances; provides for vicarious liability for employers in certain circumstances; provides time
limitation on actions; provides that remedies provided shall be in addition to and not in place of
other remedies provided in law; provides for screening certain persons public and private school
entering instructional areas; etc.
HB 303 – Funding / High School Athletic Programs by Antone (I: SB 624 by Thompson)
Levies surcharge on admission charges for professional sporting events; defines "professional
sporting event"; provides that certain admissions are exempt from surcharge; requires DOR to
administer, collect, and enforce surcharge; provides for deposit and use of surcharge proceeds for
high school interscholastic athletic programs; provides formula for allocating proceeds among
school districts and schools.
SB 310 – Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement by Margolis
Specifying the facilities that are exempt from the transient rentals tax; deleting the application of
brackets for the calculation of sales and use taxes; limiting the $5,000 cap on discretionary sales
surtax to the sale of motor vehicles, aircraft, boats, manufactured homes, modular homes, and
mobile homes; providing for the creation of a taxability matrix, etc.
HB 319 – Education Funding Property Tax Reform by Costello
Provides legislative intent; replaces revenue from required local effort school property tax and
nonvoted discretionary and capital outlay property taxes with revenue from state sales surtax and
collection of sales tax on Internet sales; creates exemption from sales and use tax for certain used
tangible personal property; provides directive to DOLRI.
SB 328 – Public School Instruction / CPR by Altman (I: HB 1311 by Sprowls)
Requires school districts to provide training in CPR to students; requires students to study &
practice psychomotor skills associated with performing CPR at least once before graduating from
high school; provides exception for students who have disability.
SB 330 – Missing Persons with Special Needs by Dean (See HB 69 by Porter)
HB 333 – Reemployment After Retirement by L. Lee (I: SB 696 by Diaz de la Portilla)
Authorizes Florida Retirement System members to be reemployed after retirement under certain
HB 341 – Local Government Pension Reform by Cummings (See SB 172 by Bradley)
SB 344 – Mental Health First Aid Training Program by Sobel (S: HB 811 by Berman)
Requiring the Department of Education to establish a mental health first aid training program;
requiring the department to use a competitive procurement process to select a statewide
association to develop, implement, and manage the program; providing for expiration of the
program; providing an appropriation; requiring the Office of Program Policy Analysis and
Government Accountability to submit a report to the Legislature by a specified date, etc.
SB 346 – School Bus Stop Safety by Simmons (Identical to HB 487 by Slosberg)
Citing this act as the "Gabby's Law for School Bus Stop Safety"; revising penalties for failure to stop
a vehicle upon approaching a school bus that displays a stop signal; providing for criminal penalties
under certain circumstances; amending provisions relating to application of specified provisions,
disposition of penalty amounts received, and trauma payments, etc.
SB 347 – Persons with Disabilities / Driver Education by Taylor
Requires law enforcement agencies to report certain criminal activity & enforcement of certain laws
to FDLE & DHSMV; requires DHSMV to consider course content relating to traffic laws to assist
legally blind & mobility-impaired persons; requires examination questions & traffic law education
programs, basic skills course for law enforcement officers & driver education programs to include
material relating to laws to assist legally blind & mobility-impaired persons.
HB 349 – Opening and Closing of Public Schools by Mayfield (S: SB 688 by Montford)
Revises requirement for uniform opening date of public schools to be not more than 21 days (rather
than 14 days) before Labor Day; provides that academically high-performing school districts must
comply with provisions relating to uniform opening date of public schools.
SB 352 – American Founders’ Month by Flores (See HB 143 by Bileca)
HB 355 – Sales and Use Tax by Burgess (S: SB 506 by Legg)
Revises method for calculating amount of tax & discretionary sales surtax.
HB 357 – Principal Autonomy Pilot Program by M. Diaz (S: SB 952 by Garcia)
Provides requirements for participation, exemptions, professional development, rulemaking, and
reporting; provides authorization period for participation in program; provides for renewal or
revocation of authorization to participate in program; revises school district minimum classroom
expenditure requirements; requires district school boards participating in program to provide certain
funding allocations; provides additional authority and responsibilities to school principals of
participating school districts; specifies contents of professional development program.
SB 358 – Public School Instruction / Terrorist Attacks by Abruzzo (See HB 85 by Hill)
HB 361 – Military Housing Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions by Trumbull (I: SB 686 by T. Lee)
Grants certain leasehold interests and improvements to land owned by US or agency thereof,
branch of US Armed Forces, or quasi-governmental agency exemption from ad valorem taxation;
exempts such leasehold interests and improvements without need to apply for exemption or
property appraiser approving exemption; provides nonapplicability of provisions to transient public
lodging establishments; provides retroactive applicability.
SB 364 – Driver License Requirements by Soto (S: HB 431 by Torres)
Amending a provision including notice of the approval of an application for Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals status issued by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services as valid
proof of identity for purposes of applying for a driver license, etc.
HB 365 – Skateboarding, Skating, or Bicycling by Gonzalez (I: SB 408 by Simmons)
Removes requirement that governmental entity that provides designated area for certain
skateboarding, skating, or bicycling activities post rules indicating written consent of parent of child
under certain age is required to participate; provides limit on liability of governmental entity.
SB 370 – Students With Disabilities by Soto
Requiring occupational skills training be incorporated into an individual education plan for students
with disabilities, etc.
HJR 375 – Homestead Tax Exemption by Avila (I: SJR 652 by Flores)
Proposes amendment to s. 6, Art. VII of State Constitution to specify the calculation that county or
municipality may use in determining just value for purposes of homestead tax exemption for certain
persons 65 or older, if authorized by law. (Linked to HB 377 by Avila which provides implementation
language in the event that the Joint Resolution be approved by voters.)
SB 378 – Juvenile Justice by Garcia
Authorizing a law enforcement officer to issue a warning to a juvenile who admits having committed
a misdemeanor or to inform the child’s parent or guardian of the child’s infraction; requiring a law
enforcement officer who does not exercise one of these options to issue a civil citation or require
participation in a similar diversion program; etc.
SB 380 – Persons with Developmental Disabilities by Bradley (See HB 177 by Hill)
HB 383 – Private Property Rights by Edwards
Provides that settlement agreements between owners and governmental entities apply if issues
are resolved; provides legislative intent regarding unconstitutional exactions by governmental
entities; creates cause of action for damages caused by unconstitutional exactions; authorizes
award of certain amounts under certain circumstances.
SB 384 – Small Business Saturday Sales Tax Holiday by Garcia (See HB 259 by Fant)
HJR 389 – Vetoed Appropriations by Hutson
Proposes amendment to s. 8, Art. III of State Constitution to require specific appropriations of
general appropriation bill which originate from general revenue fund & are vetoed by Governor, but
which are not reinstated by two-thirds vote of each house of Legislature in special session, to be
transferred to budget stabilization fund & to specify that such amounts do not count toward principal
balance limitation of fund.
HB 393 – Zero-Tolerance Policies by C. Watson
Requires school districts to use alternatives to expulsion or referral to law enforcement agencies
for certain offenses except in case of threat to school safety; provides exceptions.
SJR 400 – Renewable Energy Device / Taxation by Brandes (I: HJR 865 by Rodrigues)
Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to require the Legislature, by general law, to
exempt the assessed value of a renewable energy source device or a component thereof from the
tangible personal property tax, to allow the Legislature to prohibit the consideration of the
installation of such device or component in determining the assessed value of residential and
nonresidential real property for ad valorem taxation, etc. (Linked to SB 402 by Brandes that
provides implementing language in the event that the Joint Resolution be approved by voters)
SB 408 – Skateboarding, Skating, or Bicycling by Simmons (See HB 365 by Gonzalez)
HB 423 – County Officers by Drake (I: SB 782 by Montford)
Provides that salaries of clerk of circuit court, county comptroller, sheriff, supervisor of elections,
property appraiser, tax collector, and district school superintendent may not be decreased under
specific circumstances as county population increases.
HB 425 – Education of Children with Disabilities by McGhee
Provides guarantees relating to free appropriate public education, least-restrictive educational
environment, IEPs, procedural due process, nondiscriminatory assessment, parental participation,
and data sharing.
HB 427 – Florida Student Internship Tax Credit by McGhee
Designates act as "Florida Student Internship Tax Credit"; provides tax credit against corporate
income tax for hiring student interns; provides qualifying criteria for business & student intern;
provides limitations and requirements with respect to program; provides that tax credit is equal to
specified percentage of wages paid to student intern, subject to cap on total amount of credit
claimable by business; authorizes DOR to adopt rules; authorizes business to carry forward unused
tax credit for specified number of years.
HJR 429 – Legislation by Initiative by Geller (I: SJR 1288 by Braynon)
Proposes creation of s. 22, Art. III & amendment of s. 10, Art. IV of State Constitution to authorize
proposal and enactment of legislation by initiative and provide for Supreme Court review of
petitions proposing legislation.
HB 431 – Driver License Requirements by Torres (See SB 364 by Soto)
SB 432 – Daylight Saving Time by Soto
Citing this act as the “Sunshine Protection Act”; requiring that the State of Florida and its political
subdivisions observe daylight saving time year-round, etc.
HB 433 – Employment Discrimination by Geller (I: SB 1396 by Abruzzo)
Includes unpaid interns within definition of term "employee" for purposes of Florida Civil Rights Act
of 1992.
HB 435 – Administrative Procedures by Adkins (S: SB 718 by T. Lee)
Revises provisions regarding attorney fees and costs in administrative cases; revises certain
requirements related to proceedings regarding rules, proposed rules, unadopted rules, and agency
statements; revises certain authorities of administrative law judges; revises provisions regarding
noticing of agency actions; expands agency reporting requirements of certain minor rules; revises
certain timeframes in administrative proceedings.
HB 437 – Guardians / Children / Developmental Disabilities by Adkins (I: SB 496 by Detert)
Requires updated case plan developed in face-to-face conference with child and other specified
persons, when appropriate; provides requirements for DCF when court determines that child may
be developmentally disabled; etc.
SB 448 – Educational Facilities by Flores (See HB 181by Bileca)
HB 449 – Behavior Analysts by Rooney (S: SB 628 by Bean)
Creates Board of Applied Behavior Analysis; provides requirements for licensure & renewal;
establishes maximum fees; provides grounds for disciplinary action by board; provides penalties
for unlicensed practice or wrongfully identifying oneself as licensed behavior analyst; requires
applicant for licensure to submit to certain fingerprinting requirements.
SB 460 – Traffic Safety by Flores (See HB 191 by Slosberg)
HB 461 – Independent Higher Educational Facilities by Sullivan (S: SB 622 by Montford)
Revises definition of term "project" for purposes of Higher Educational Facilities Financing Act.
SB 472 – Tuition And Fee Exemptions by Detert
Exempting certain students who were adopted from the Department of Children and Families or
who are or were in the custody of the department under certain circumstances from paying tuition
and fees at workforce education programs, Florida College System institutions, and state
universities, etc.
HB 477 – Background Screening by Sprowls (I: SB 970 by Stargel)
Revises requirement relating to background screening of instructional personnel in virtual
instruction programs; provides additional offenses that determine ineligibility for educator
certification or employment; revises requirements for submission, retention, search, and reporting
of fingerprints of educational personnel and contractual personnel; provides for FDLE participation
in national retained print arrest notification program.
HB 479 – Athletic Coaches by S. Jones (See SB 238 by Ring)
SB 480 – Student Data Privacy by Braynon (See HB 59 by S. Jones)
HB 483 – Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program by M. Jones (I: SB 518 by Gibson)
Revises provisions relating to calculation of kindergarten readiness rate for VPK providers and
schools; requires administration of pre-assessment and postassessment to students; provides
assessment requirements; requires Office of Early Learning to annually report certain student
growth data to SBE.
SB 484 – Regional Planning Councils by Simpson (I: HB 873 by Mayfield)
Requiring the state land planning agency to identify parties that may enter into mediation relating
to the compatibility of developments with military installations; requiring electric utilities to notify the
county, rather than the regional planning council, of its current plans to site electric substations;
authorizing local governments to enter into agreements to create regional planning entities; revising
the requirements for the statewide emergency shelter plan to include the general location and
square footage of special needs shelters by county; etc.
HB 487 – School Bus Stop Safety by Slosberg (See SB 346 by Simmons)
HB 489 – Value Adjustment Board Proceedings by Sullivan (See SB 260 by Bradley)
HB 491 – Property Insurance Appraisers & Umpires by Artiles (S: SB 744 by Richter)
Creates property insurance appraisal umpire licensing program & property insurance appraiser
licensing program within DBPR; authorizes department to establish fees; provides licensing &
continuing education requirements; provides for fees; provides grounds for compulsory refusal,
suspension, or revocation of license; provides ethical standards.
SB 492 – Driving Safety by Thompson (See HB 17 by Slosberg)
HB 493 – Concealed Weapon / Evacuations by Fitzenhagen (See SB 290 by Brandes)
SB 496 – Guardians / Children / Developmental Disabilities by Detert (See HB 437 by Adkins)
SB 504 – Playground Safety by Sobel
Citing this act as the "Playground Safety Act"; requiring certain new and existing playgrounds to
comply with specified safety standards and guidelines; requiring safety inspections of certain
playgrounds by a certain date; requiring counties and municipalities to provide a link to certain
playground safety information on their websites; authorizing counties and municipalities to require
permits and charge fees for the construction or renovation of certain playgrounds, etc.
SB 506 – Sales and Use Tax by Legg (See HB 355 by Burgess)
HB 507 – Windstorm Premium Discounts by Passidomo (S: SB 1130 by Simmons)
Deletes certain responsibilities of FSC relating to uniform mitigation verification inspections;
prohibits insurer from providing windstorm premium discounts for certain policyholders.
SB 518 – Voluntary Prekindergarten Program by Gibson (See HB 483 by M. Jones)
HB 519 – Identification Cards by Murphy (See SB 256 by Sobel)
HB 527 – Public Works Projects by Van Zant (S: SB 934 by Brandes)
Prohibits state and political subdivisions that contract for construction, maintenance, repair, or
improvement of public works from imposing certain conditions on certain contractors,
subcontractors, or material suppliers or carriers; provides exception; prohibits state and political
subdivisions from restricting qualified bidders from submitting bids, being awarded any bid or
contract, or performing work on public works project.
SB 530 – Bullying and Harassment Policies in Schools by Ring (S: HB 603 by Geller)
Requiring school districts to revise their bullying and harassment policies at specified intervals;
specifying that a school district policy require a school to implement the policy in a certain manner
and integrate it with the school’s bullying prevention and intervention program, etc.
SB 538 – Disclosure of Sexually Explicit Images by Simmons (See HB 151 by Goodson)
HB 541 – Athletic Trainers by Plasencia (S: SB 1526 by Legg)
Deletes Board of Athletic Training's authorization to adopt certain rules; requires certain applicants
for licensure to submit fingerprints; revises requirements for licensure & license renewal; requires
athletic trainer to practice under direction of physician; prohibits sexual misconduct by athletic
trainer; prohibits unlicensed practice of athletic training; prohibits unlicensed person from using
specified titles; revises which acts constitute grounds for disciplinary action; provides exemptions.
HB 549 – Associations of Government Officials by M. Diaz (S: SB 1114 by Stargel)
Requires associations of government officials to annually report certain information to Commission
on Ethics; provides that membership dues & other funds received from state sources may not be
used by certain organizations to fund litigation against state.
HB 551 – Growth Management by Perry (S: SB 1424 by Evers)
Requires local governments to address protection of private property rights in their comprehensive
plans; requires comprehensive plan to include property rights element that addresses certain
objectives; requires counties and municipalities to adopt land development regulations consistent
with property rights element.
HB 557 – Florida Insurance Guaranty Association by Raburn (S: SB 836 by J. Latvala)
Defines term "assessment year"; revises provisions relating to levy of assessments on insurers by
Florida Insurance Guaranty Association; specifies conditions under which such assessments are
paid; revises procedures and timeframes for levying of assessments; revises provisions relating
to assessments that are premium and not subject to premium tax; limits insurer's liability for
uncollectible emergency assessments; deletes requirement to file final accounting report
documenting recoupment; revises exemption for assessments; requires charges or recoupments
to be displayed separately on premium statements to policyholders and prohibits their inclusion in
SB 560 – Veterans’ Tuition Fee Waivers by Sachs
Revising the persons eligible to receive a waiver for out-of-state tuition fees to include a spouse
or child eligible for veterans’ ducation benefits by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs
or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship, etc.
SB 562 – Growth Management by Simpson (I: HB 579 by M. Gaetz)
Requiring plan amendments proposing a development that qualifies as a development of regional
impact to be subject to the state coordinated review process; providing that new proposed
developments are subject to the state coordinated review process and not the development of
regional impact review process, etc.
HB 565 – Retirement by Beshears (S: SB 1054 by Evers)
Authorizes local agency employers to reassess designation of positions for inclusion in SMS Class;
provides for removal of certain positions.
HB 571 – Personal Privacy by R. Rodrigues (C: SB 1530 by Brandes)
Designates act as "Florida Privacy Protection Act"; provides that digital data is protected from
unreasonable search and seizure; prohibits certain government agencies from selling personal
information; prohibits use of certain radar devices by law enforcement agency without warrant;
prohibits disclosure of certain Internet protocol addresses; regulates collection of images from
unmanned aircraft; restricts searches of portable electronic devices; prohibits government entities
from entering into nondisclosure agreements with vendors of device monitoring equipment;
provides that evidence unlawfully collected is not admissible; prohibits certain state agency use of
license plate readers; requires school district contracts involving student data to contain provision
barring contractors from selling data; provides that student data shall not be provided to Federal
Government or commercial interests without written permission of parent or guardian, or of student;
prohibits companies from mining student data; prohibits DHSMV from incorporating certain devices
into driver license or identification card; prohibits DHSMV from collecting fingerprints or DNA
material for certain purposes.
SB 572 – School Support Organizations by Montford
Defining the term “school support organization”; authorizing such organizations to pay tax on
specified items purchased for resale in lieu of collecting the tax upon resale, etc.
SB 574 – Government Procurement by Montford
Defining the term “reverse auction”; requiring the Department of Management Services to maintain
a program for reverse auctions; authorizing the Department of Education to use reverse auctions
and other online procurement programs in assisting district school boards with transportation
services contracts; authorizing the Board of Governors to adopt regulations establishing
procedures governing a state university’s participation in reverse auctions and other online
procurement programs, etc.
HB 579 – Growth Management by M. Gaetz (See SB 562 by Simpson)
HB 583 – Single-Sex Public Facilities by Artiles (C: SB 1464 by Dean)
Provides purpose and legislative findings; requires that use of single-sex public facilities be
restricted to persons of sex for which facility is designated; prohibits knowingly and willfully entering
single-sex public facility designated for or restricted to persons of other sex; provides criminal
penalties; provides private cause of action against violators; provides exemptions; provides
applicability with respect to other laws; provides for preemption.
HB 585 – Holidays & Observances / Sir Lancelot Jones by Raschein (I: SB 946 by Bullard)
Designates second Monday in October of each year as "Sir Lancelot Jones Day"; authorizes
Governor to issue proclamations commemorating occasion; encourages public officials, schools,
private organizations, & citizens to commemorate occasion.
HB 587 – Educational Professional Practices by Spano (S: SB 888 by Detert)
Authorizes certain employees or agents of DOE to have access to certain reports & records;
revises membership of Education Practices Commission; authorizes Commissioner of Education
to appoint emeritus members to commission; authorizes commissioner to issue letter of guidance
in response to complaint against teacher or administrator in lieu of probable cause determination.
SB 590 – All American Flag Act by Altman (See HB 225 by B. Cortes)
HB 599 – Exemption / Legislative Lobbying Requirements by Rogers (I: SB 984 by Braynon)
Revises definition of term "expenditure"; specifies that term does not include use of public facility
or public property that is made available by governmental entity to legislator for public purpose, to
exempt such use from legislative lobbying requirements.
SB 600 – Insurance Guaranty Associations by Richter (See HB 189 by Cummings)
SB 602 – Students With Disabilities by Gaetz (C: HB 7095 by Education)
Revising scholarship application deadlines and guidelines; requiring authorized program funds to
support the student’s educational needs; providing future repeal of provisions pertaining to an
implementation schedule of notification and eligibility timelines; authorizing a prepaid college plan
to be purchased, accounted for, used, and terminated under certain circumstances, etc.
HB 603 – Bullying and Harassment Policies in Schools by Geller (See SB 530 by Ring)
SB 616 – Education Accountability by Legg
Revising requirements for the administration of local assessments; revising the percentage
thresholds for performance evaluation criteria for instructional personnel and school administrators;
authorizing a school district to request approval from the state board to use student performance
results on new statewide assessments for diagnostic and baseline purposes, etc.
SB 622 – Higher Educational Facilities Financing by Montford (See HB 461 by Sullivan)
SB 624 – Funding / High School Athletic Programs by Thompson (See HB 303 by Antone)
HB 625 – Florida Civil Rights Act by B. Cortes (I: SB 982 by Thompson)
Prohibits discrimination on basis of pregnancy in specified establishments; prohibits employment
discrimination on basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; prohibits
discrimination on basis of pregnancy by labor organizations, joint labor-management committees,
employment agencies, or in licensing.
SB 628 – Behavior Analysts by Bean (See HB 449 by Rooney)
HB 631 – STEM Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program by Narain (S: SB 1156 by Smith)
Creates STEM Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program; provides for administration, funding, eligibility,
use of funds, & rules for program.
SB 638 – Education Facilities by Detert
Revising the term “full-time student” for the purposes of FEFP funding in cases in which a school
that is operating with more than one session due to school construction delay, natural disaster, or
other unforeseen circumstances; etc.
SB 642 – Individuals with Disabilities by Benacquisto (S: HB 935 by R. Rodrigues)
Creating the “Florida Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act”; requiring the Florida Prepaid
College Board to establish a direct-support organization known as “Florida ABLE, Inc.”; authorizing
the organization to use certain services, property, and facilities of the Florida Prepaid College
Board; providing that specified moneys, assets, and income of a qualified ABLE program, including
the Florida ABLE program, are not subject to attachment, levy, garnishment, or certain legal
process in favor of certain creditors or claimants, etc. (Linked to SB 644 by Benacquisto that
establishes the Florida ABLE Program Trust Fund and SB 646 by Benacquisto that provides a
public records exemption.)
SJR 652 – Homestead Tax Exemption by Flores (See HJR 375 by Avila)
(Linked to SB 650 by Flores which provides implementation language in the event that the Joint
Resolution be approved by voters.)
SB 658 – Interpreters / Deaf or Hard of Hearing by Altman (S: HB 1195 by Berman)
Creating the Board of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; requiring an interpreter to
apply for a license or permit within a specified timeframe; requiring the Department of Business and
Professional Regulation to issue an initial license, permit, or provisional permit to an applicant who
meets certain criteria; requiring an interpreting agency to register with the department; requiring
an individual to have an active license or permit to serve as an interpreter, etc.
HB 665 – Maximum Class Size by Moraitis (S: SB 818 by Garcia)
Revises calculation of school district's class size categorical allocation reduction to school average
when maximum class size requirements are not met; provides for expenditure of funds.
HB 677 – Reciprocal Insurers by Santiago (S: SB 678 by Diaz de la Portilla)
Authorizes domestic reciprocal insurer to return portion of unassigned funds to subscribers;
provides limitations.
HB 678 – Reciprocal Insurers by Diaz de la Portilla (See HB 677 by Santiago)
SB 686 – Military Housing Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions by T. Lee (See HB 361 by Trumbull)
SB 688 – Opening and Closing of Public Schools by Montford (See HB 349 by Mayfield)
SB 692 – Charter Schools by Brandes
Providing an exception to the prohibition on a high-performing charter school establishing more
than one charter school in this state under specified circumstances; authorizing certain out-of-state
entities to apply for designation as a high-performing charter school system; requiring that charter
schools established by such entities receive a reduction in certain administrative fees, etc.
HB 695 – Value Adjustment Boards by Avila (I: SB 972 by Flores)
Revises entities who may appear before value adjustment board; revises procedures related to
value adjustment boards; revises interest rate for unpaid ad valorem taxes; authorizes district
school board & county commission to audit value adjustment board; requires certain counties to
notify DOR of petitions contesting tax assessments; specifies how DOR must conduct reviews;
requires DOR to report the findings to Legislature; requires DOR to find value adjustment board
to be in violation of law if certain criteria are met; authorizes filing of lawsuit by property appraiser;
requires DOR to adopt rules.
SB 696 – Reemployment After Retirement by Diaz de la Portilla (See HB 333 by L. Lee)
HB 713 – Dual Enrollment Program by Perry (S: SB 874 by Stargel)
Exempts dual enrollment students from paying technology fees; revises provisions relating to home
education students participating in dual enrollment program; authorizes instructional materials to
be free of charge to students; provides requirements for private school student to participate in dual
enrollment program; revises provisions relating to dual enrollment articulation agreements.
SB 718 – Administrative Procedures by T. Lee (See HB 435 by Adkins)
SB 720 – School Choice by Ring
Requiring a person or officer of an entity who submits a charter school application to undergo
background screening; prohibiting a sponsor from approving a charter school application until
completion and receipt of the results of such screening; requiring a charter school applicant to
provide evidence of accreditation, etc.
HB 731 – Employee Health Care Plans by Plakon (S: SB 968 by Detert)
Removes provisions requiring certain insurance carriers to provide semiannual reports to OIR;
repeals requirements that certain insurance carriers must offer standard, basic, high deductible,
and limited health benefit plans; removes provisions regarding minimum requirements for such
plans; authorizes certain small employer health benefit plans to use stop-loss insurance policy; etc.
HB 737 – Parental Rights by Bileca (S: SB 1532 by Altman)
Revises legislative intent to establish right of parent to make decisions regarding care, custody, and
management of his or her child; requires specific findings to overcome that right; provides
requirements for subsequent legislation that seeks to supersede right.
SB 740 – Use of Wireless Communications Devices by Abruzzo
Citing this act as the "Minor Traffic Safety Act"; prohibiting a person younger than 18 years of age
from operating a motor vehicle while using a wireless communications device; defining the term
“wireless communications device” and including cellular telephones within that definition for
purposes of the act; providing exceptions; providing a penalty, etc.
HB 743 – Education / Standards & Assessments by Mayfield (I: SB 1406 by Bullard)
Prohibits DOE or district school board from entering into certain agreements that cede or limit state
or district autonomy over academic content standards and corresponding assessments; requires
DOE or district school board to amend or terminate certain agreements, memoranda, & contracts;
suspending statewide assessment program, school grading system, and personnel evaluation
system for specified period.
SB 744 – Property Insurance Appraisers & Umpires by Richter (See HB 491 by Artiles)
HB 747 – Bright Futures Scholarship Program by Rooney (S: SB 960 by T. Lee)
Requires student, as prerequisite for Florida Academic Scholars award, Florida Medallion Scholars
award, or Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award, to identify social or civic issue or
professional area of interest & develop plan for personal involvement in addressing issue or
learning about area; prohibits student from receiving remuneration or academic credit for volunteer
service work.
SB 754 – School Safety by Bullard (See HB 251 by Rogers)
(Linked to SB 756 by Bullard which creates a Safe Schools Trust Fund within DOE)
HB 761 – ESOL Graduation Transition Program by J. Cortes (I: SB 1074 by Soto)
Creates ESOL Graduation Transition Program within DOE; provides for eligibility program
requirements; requires eligible student to continue taking certain classes while enrolled in program;
directs DOE to adopt rules.
SB 774 – Education Accountability by Montford (I: HB 1177 by Dudley)
Providing that the English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics online assessments may not be
fully implemented until certain technology infrastructure, connectivity, and capacity have been
tested, verified, and certified as ready; specifying that, for the purpose of the student assessment
program, state and local student assessment programs must use the minimum amount of testing
necessary; providing that the PSAT, SAT, and ACT are tests that may be accepted in lieu of a
common placement test to assess student college readiness; revising the personnel evaluation
procedures and criteria, including student learning assessments, etc.
SB 778 – Local Government Construction Preferences by Hays (See HB 113 by Perry)
SB 782 – County Officers by Montford (See HB 423 by Drake)
SB 802 – Vocational Rehabilitation by D. Gaetz (I: HB 1153 by Ingoglia)
Providing for the future repeal of the designation of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation as the
administrative unit for purposes of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, subject to legislative
review of a required report; requiring the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to initiate, by a
specified date, a performance improvement plan designed to achieve specified goals; requiring the
division to develop and implement a pilot program to improve the state vocational rehabilitation
program, etc.
SB 811 – Mental Health First Aid Training Program by Berman (See SB 344 by Sobel)
SB 818 – Maximum Class Size by Garcia (See HB 665 by Moraitis)
SB 824 – Public-Private Partnerships by Evers (See HB 63 by Stube)
(Linked to SB 826 by Evers which provides an exemption from public records requirements and
public meetings requirements for unsolicited proposals as specified in this bill.)
HB 829 – Florida Kidcare Program by LaRosa (See SB 294 by Garcia)
SB 836 – Florida Insurance Guaranty Association by J. Latvala (See HB 557 by Raburn)
HB 837 – Student Loan Default Rates by J. Rodriguez (C: SB 880 by Ring)
Requires certain institutions to maintain federal student loan cohort default rate below specified
percentage; provides for ineligibility to receive certain grant payments & suspension of licensure
if federal student loan cohort default rate rises above specified percentage; defines institution's
period of ineligibility & suspension of licensure.
HB 839 – Property Prepared for Tax-Exempt Use by Burton (S: SB 924 by Hays)
Consolidates provisions relating to tax exemptions on property owned by certain tax-exempt
organizations; authorizes property appraiser to serve notice of tax lien on certain otherwise exempt
properties under certain circumstances; specifies entities to whom lien attaches; provides
exemption; deletes provisions rendered obsolete by consolidation.
HB 845 – Sexting by DuBose (S: SB 1112 by Abruzzo)
Removes court's discretion to impose specified penalty for first violation of sexting; requires minor
cited for first violation to sign & accept citation to appear or, in lieu of appearing, to complete other
sanctions; requires citation to include certain information; authorizes court to order certain
penalties; specifies that court records and information are confidential; provides retroactive
application of confidentiality provisions for certain violations; requires specified percentage of civil
penalties be remitted to county commission for cyber-safety training for minors.
SB 848 – Employment of Individuals With Disabilities by Richter (S: HB 1083 by Rooney)
Citing this act as the "Employment First Act"; requiring specified state agencies and organizations
to develop and implement an interagency cooperative agreement; requiring the interagency
cooperative agreement to provide the roles, responsibilities, and objectives of state agencies and
organizations, etc.
SB 850 – Local Government / Impact Fees by Hays (I: HB 923 by Costello)
Authorizing the use of impact fees to provide, construct, improve, repair, alter, or replace new and
existing capital facilities; authorizing a county or municipality to impose a surcharge on documents
taxable under s. 201.02, F.S., for the purpose of funding certain capital improvements and capital
facilities in lieu of impact fees; prohibiting a county or municipality that imposes a surcharge for an
authorized purpose from also assessing an impact fee for the same purpose, etc.
HB 855 – K-12 Educational Instruction by Torres (C: SB 1524 by Simmons)
Creates State Seal of Biliteracy; creates English Language Learners Advisory Council; requires
DOE to provide for development & adoption of statewide, standardized assessments in certain
languages; revises components used to establish school grades to include certain Learning Gains
of English language learners.
HJR 865 – Renewable Energy Device / Taxation by Rodrigues (See SJR 400 by Brandes)
(Linked to HB 867 by Rodrigues that provides implementing language in the event that the Joint
Resolution be approved by voters)
HB 873 – Regional Planning Councils by Mayfield (See SB 484 by Simpson)
SB 874 – Dual Enrollment Program by Stargel (See HB 713 by Perry)
HB 875 – Education by M. Diaz
Requires DOE to rank school numerically based on specific criteria & provide liability insurance to
instructional personnel; authorizes certain schools to hire uncertified personnel to teach in
academic field under certain circumstances.
HB 877 – Assessments & Accountability by Mayfield (S: SB 1450 by Bullard)
Authorizes school district to select certain assessments to administer instead of statewide,
standardized assessments; provides for selection of assessments, funding, and scoring of
assessments; requires SBE to ensure against certain repercussions; exempts certain students from
participation in statewide, standardized assessment program; provides for administration of paperbased assessments; revises definitions relating to school grading system.
SB 878 – Children and Youth Cabinet by Montford (See HB 55 by Harrell)
SB 880 – Student Loan Default Rates by Ring (See HB 837 by J. Rodriguez)
SB 884 – Workforce Education Student Fees by Bullard (I: HB 4013 by Campbell)
Removing adult general education program student fees, etc
SB 888 – Educational Professional Practices by Detert (See HB 587 by Spano)
SB 892 – Safe Work Environments by Bullard (See HB 297 by Campbell)
SB 906 – Charter Schools by Sobel
Requiring an application for a charter school to contain a list of certain information regarding all
charter schools currently or previously operated by the applicant, applicant group, or proposed
management company; requiring a sponsor to consider current or previous charter school
performance by the applicant, applicant group, or proposed management company; authorizing a
sponsor to deny an application based on charter school failures, etc.
SB 908 – Transportation by Altman (See HB 231 by Passidomo)
HB 909 – Voter Registration by Raburn (S: SB 1202 by Brandes)
Designates specified period each year during which supervisors of elections are authorized to
provide certain students with opportunity to register to vote at school & with instruction on elections
HB 913 – State Board of Administration by Trumbull (S: SB 7024 by Government Oversight)
Repeals provisions relating to investments in institutions doing business in or with Northern Ireland;
provides for distribution of Fund B Surplus Funds Trust Fund assets to certain participants.
HB 923 – Local Government / Impact Fees by Costello (See SB 850 by Hays)
SB 924 – Property Prepared for Tax-Exempt Use by Hays (See HB 839 by Burton)
SB 928 – Juvenile Justice Civil Citations by Bullard (See HB 99 by Clarke-Reed)
SB 934 – Public Works Projects by Brandes (See HB 527 by Van Zant)
HB 935 – Individuals with Disabilities by R. Rodrigues (See SB 642 by Benacquisto)
(Linked to HB 937 by Rodrigues that establishes the Florida ABLE Program Trust Fund and HB 939
by Rodrigues that provides a public records exemption.)
SB 938 – Postsecondary Education Affordability by Flores (C: HB 1317 by Moskowitz)
Exempting textbooks required for a course offered by a public or nonpublic postsecondary
educational institution from the sales and use tax; requiring the Board of Governors and the State
Board of Education to identify strategies and initiatives to reduce the cost of higher education;
prohibiting resident tuition at a Florida College System institution from exceeding a specified
amount per credit hour; prohibiting resident undergraduate tuition at a state university from
exceeding a specified amount per credit hour, etc.
SB 942 – Rapid Response Education & Training Program by D. Gaetz (I: HB 993 by Ingram)
Establishing the Rapid Response Education and Training Program within the Complete Florida Plus
Program; requiring the Complete Florida Plus Program to work with Enterprise Florida, Inc., to offer
certain education and training commitments to businesses, etc.
SB 946 – Holidays & Observances / Sir Lancelot Jones by Bullard (See HB 585 by Raschein)
SB 948 – Career Education and Job Training by D. Gaetz
Clarifying State Apprenticeship Advisory Council membership; revising characteristics of an
apprenticeable occupation; revising funding to include career and professional academies;
establishing the Rapid Response Education and Training Program within the Complete Florida Plus
Program; requiring the Complete Florida Plus Program to work with Enterprise Florida, Inc., to offer
education and training programs to businesses’ employees, etc.
SB 952 – Principal Autonomy Pilot Program by Garcia (See HB 357 by M. Diaz)
SB 954 – Involuntary Examinations of Minors by Garcia (See HB 291 by Harrell)
SB 960 – Bright Futures Scholarship Program by T. Lee (See HB 747 by Rooney)
HB 965 – Governmental Health Care Contractors by Costello (I: SB 1146 by Simmons)
Extends sovereign immunity to employees or agents of health care provider that executes contract
with governmental contractor; authorizes such health care provider to collect nominal fee for
administrative costs; limits nominal fee; clarifies that receipt of specified notice must be
acknowledged by patient or patient's representative at initial visit; requires posting of notice.
SB 968 – Employee Health Care Plans by Detert (See HB 731 by Plakon)
SB 970 – Background Screening by Stargel (See HB 477 by Sprowls)
SB 972 – Value Adjustment Boards by Flores (See HB 695 by Avila)
SB 982 – Florida Civil Rights Act by Thompson (See HB 625 by B. Cortes)
SB 984 – Exemption/Legislative Lobbying Requirements by Braynon (See HB 599 by Rogers)
HB 993 – Rapid Response Education & Training Program by Ingram (See SB 942 by D. Gaetz)
SB 1008 – Seclusion and Restraint / Students With Disabilities by Flores
Requiring that manual physical restraint be used only in an emergency when there is an imminent
risk of serious injury or death to a student or others; prohibiting the use of manual physical restraint
by school personnel who are not certified to use district-approved methods for applying restraint
techniques; prohibiting school personnel from placing a student in seclusion; requiring that parents
be notified of a school district’s policies regarding the use of manual physical restraint, etc.
HB 1009 – Spouses of Military Servicemembers by Jacobs (I: SB 1358 by Abruzzo)
Prohibits employing agencies from compelling employees who are spouses of military
servicemembers to work, or impose sanctions or penalties upon such employees for failure or
refusal to work, extended hours during active military service deployment of spouse under specified
circumstances; requires employing agencies to grant requests from such employees for certain
unpaid leave; authorizes DMS to adopt rules.
SB 1020 – Student Transportation Funding by Simmons
Revising the membership of students that a school district reports for transportation funding
purposes; revising the school transportation allocation formula used by each school district; revising
the types of students eligible for transportation funds used for transportation to and from school in
private passenger cars and boats, etc.
HB 1031 – Postsecondary Education Student Debt by Stark (I: SB 1484 by Sobel)
Revises accountability standards for Florida College System institutions & state universities;
prohibits institution whose student default risk index exceeds specified percentage from grant
payments until certain criteria are met; establishes Student Loan Debt Advisory Council; providing
for membership, organization, duties of the advisory council; requires BOG to include student
default risk index in certain models; requires OPPAGA study.
SB 1036 – Charter Schools by Montford
Requiring a charter school application and charter to document that the governing board is
independent of a management company; specifying circumstances under which a student is
considered to have voluntarily withdrawn from a charter school; establishing procedures and
requirements for audits and investigations of charter schools; deleting provisions relating to
performance contracts for innovation schools of technology, etc.
SB 1038 – Charter Schools by Montford
Creating the “Charter School Excellence Act” specifying the duties and responsibilities of the
Department of Education with respect to the issuance of statements of need; requiring an applicant
to file a letter of intent with the department before applying for a statement of need; authorizing the
department to hold a public hearing regarding a proposed project under certain circumstances;
prohibiting a person from undertaking a project subject to review without holding a statement of
need, etc.
HB 1041 – Strategic Lawsuits / Public Participation by Moskowitz (S: SB 1312 by Simmons)
Provides that legislative intent includes protection of free speech in connection with public issues;
defines "free speech in connection with public issues"; conforms provisions.
HB 1045 – Homebound Instruction by Burgess
Defines "homebound instruction"; provides eligibility for certain students to receive homebound
instruction, instruction requirements, & award of course credit; encourages school districts to
pursue certain instruction methods; provides for rulemaking.
SB 1050 – Agriculture and Consumer Services by Montford (S: SB 7015 by Agriculture)
Removing provisions requiring the department to give certain priority consideration when evaluating
applications for funding of agriculture education and promotion facilities; authorizing the department
to secure letters of patent, copyrights, and trademarks on work products and to engage in acts
accordingly; authorizing the Commissioner of Agriculture to create an Office of Agriculture
Technology Services; repealing provisions relating to the authority of the Florida Forest Service to
dedicate and reserve state park lands for public use, etc.
SB 1054 – Retirement by Evers (See HB 565 by Beshears)
HB 1059 – Community Schools Initiative by Fullwood (I: SB 1218 by Thompson)
Requires DOE to implement "Reigniting Education Achievement with Coordinated Help" (REACH)
Program as public-private partnership in lowest-performing public schools; specifies services to be
offered with goal of improving student academic achievement.
HB 1063 – Government Accountability by Metz (I: SB 1372 by D. Gaetz)
Revises audit provisions to exclude water management districts; revises responsibilities of
department heads, Supreme Court, Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation, Justice
Administrative Commission, each state attorney and public defender, criminal conflict and civil
regional counsel, capital collateral counsel, Guardian Ad Litem program, local governmental
entities, and governing bodies of charter schools to include responsibility of establishing certain
internal controls; revises responsibilities of district school board's internal auditor to permit certain
audits & reviews; requires each Florida College System institution to file certain annual financial
statements with State Board of Education; requires each school district, Florida College System
institution, and state university to establish certain internal controls.
SB 1074 – ESOL Graduation Transition Program by Soto (See HB 761 by J. Cortes)
HB 1079 – Elections by Geller (S: SB 1492 by Thompson)
Requires supervisor of elections to submit election preparation report to DOS; requires notice of
intended changes to precinct boundaries & polling places to be posted on DOS' & supervisor's
websites; authorizes elector with no party affiliation to vote in primary election; provides that primary
elections shall be open to all qualified electors notwithstanding presence of write-in candidate;
prohibits certain private property owners from restricting access to polling places or early voting
sites located on their property.
HB 1083 – Employment of Individuals With Disabilities by Rooney (See SB 848 by Richter)
HB 1091 – Military Affairs by Steube (S: SB 1296 by Bean)
Requires application form for original, renewal, or replacement driver license or identification card
to include voluntary checkoff permitting veterans to request written information for federal, state,
and local programs; directs DHSMV to report specified information to DVA; directs DVA to assist
veterans with preparing certain claims and securing certain services; provides for SBE and BOG
to work collaboratively to establish degree programs at state universities and Florida College
System institutions, train faculty, coordinate campus disability services, facilitate statewide
meetings for personnel, and provide sufficient courses and priority registration to veterans; creates
Overseas Military Voting Assistance Task Force; requires Division of Elections to provide support
staff to task force and Agency for State Technology to assist task force upon request; requires
Secretary of State to submit report to Governor and Legislature containing task force
recommendations for development and implementation of online voting system.
SB 1096 – Unemployment Compensation by Braynon
Clarifying application of a provision relating to disqualification for benefits; providing that certain
victims of domestic violence may not be disqualified for benefits for voluntarily leaving work, etc.
HB 1099 – Dropout Prevention by Bileca (C: SB 1366 by Ring)
Creates Pay-for-Success Contract Program; provides that SBE may enter into contracts with
certain entities to create dropout prevention programs for high-risk students; provides duties of
SBE, contract requirements, dropout prevention program requirements, reporting requirements,
& rulemaking; authorizes estimate of certain costs to state.
SB 1104 – Student Discipline by Bullard
Revising the duties of the district school boards relating to student discipline and school safety;
revising the qualifications of a school resource officer and a school safety officer; requiring each
district school board to adopt a policy on referrals to the criminal justice system or the juvenile
justice system, rather than a policy of zero-tolerance for crime and victimization, etc.
SB 1112 – Sexting by Abruzzo (See HB 845 by DuBose)
HB 1113 – Terroristic Threats by Plasencia (I: SB 1182 by J. Latvala)
Provides that person commits crime of terroristic threats if he or she communicates threat to do
specified acts; requires that person convicted of terroristic threats pay restitution in amount equal
to cost of evacuation; provides that order of restitution does not preclude relief recovery in civil
SB 1114 – Associations of Government Officials by Stargel (See HB 549 by M. Diaz)
SB 1116 – Literacy Jump Start Pilot Project by Abruzzo (See HB 153 by L. Lee)
HB 1121 – Assessments and Accountability by Tobia (S: SB 1496 by Evers)
Deletes Next Generation Sunshine State Standards & requires districts to select certain standards;
requires Commissioner of Education to develop & maintain proposed list of certain standards;
provides standards that must be included on list; requires district school boards to select &
implement set of standards from among those on list; prohibits DOE or district school board from
entering into certain agreements that cede or limit state or district autonomy over academic content
standards & corresponding assessments; requires DOE or district school board to amend or
terminate certain agreements; revises required public K-12 educational instruction; revises
assessment program; removes statewide, standardized assessments; provides for scheduling,
administration, analysis, & reporting of specific assessments; revises school grades.
HB 1125 – Disposition of Liens & Forfeited Property by Tobia (C: SB 1534 by Brandes)
Removes option of seizing agency to retain or profit from certain seized property; authorizes seizing
agency to salvage, trade, or transfer property to certain governmental entities; authorizes seizing
agency to purchase or bid on certain seized property offered for sale or auction; deletes provisions
governing distribution of proceeds and use of property seized by local governmental agencies;
requires governing body of municipality to expend or donate certain amounts of seized property
to specified programs, including school resource officer programs; provides requirements for
application and approval of such donations; eliminates authority of law enforcement agencies to
make determinations regarding funding of programs; eliminates exceptions for certain agencies
relating to deposit of proceeds from seizures.
SB 1130 – Windstorm Premium Discounts by Simmons (See HB 507 by Passidomo)
SB 1140 – Bright Futures Scholarship Program by Montford
Providing that the initial award and renewal period for students who are unable to accept an initial
award immediately after completion of high school due to a full-time religious or service obligation
begins upon the completion of the religious or service obligation, etc.
SJR 1142 – Ad Valorem Taxation by D. Gaetz
Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to allow the Legislature by general law to prohibit
increases in the assessed value of homestead and specified nonhomestead real property if the just
value of the property declines; providing an effective date, etc.
HB 1145 – Parent and Student Rights by Sprowls (S: SB 1552 by Benacquisto)
Provides right of parent to know average amount of money expended for education of his or her
child; requires DOE to provide each school district with such information & requires school districts
to provide notification to parents; authorizes information to be published in student handbook or
similar publication; deletes definition of and provisions relating to controlled open enrollment;
requires each school district to instead establish a public school parental choice policy that allows
students to attend any public school that has not reached capacity in their district; provides for
student placement; defines term "capacity" for certain purposes; authorizes parent to enroll his or
her child in any public school that has not reached capacity in state; requires charter school with
space available to be open to any student in state; requires each school district board to establish
classroom teacher transfer process & post an explanation of transfer process in student handbook;
& authorizes certain parent to request that his or her child be transferred to another classroom
teacher within school & grade.
SB 1146 – Governmental Health Care Contractors by Simmons (See HB 965 by Costello)
HB 1147 – Honor and Remember Flag by Burgess (I: SB 1410 by Legg)
Designates Honor & Remember flag as emblem of state; authorizes that flag be displayed at
specified locations, on specified days, & in specified manner; authorizes local governments to
display flag; authorizes each department, agency, or local government displaying flag to establish
certain regulations; directs DMS to procure & distribute flags.
HB 1149 – Exceptional Student Education by Harrell (S: SB 1466 by Bean)
Defines "dyslexia"; provides that parents of students with learning disabilities are entitled to same
notice & due process as parents of students with other disabilities; provides for development of IEP
team &, if appropriate, an IEP; exempts certain students from excess hour surcharge for college
credit hours exceeding baccalaureate degree program requirements.
HB 1153 – Vocational Rehabilitation by Ingoglia (See SB 802 by D. Gaetz)
SB 1156 – STEM Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program by Smith (See HB 631 by Narain)
HB 1157 – McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities by Bileca
Requires parent of certain students to acknowledge receipt of information relating to John M.
McKay Scholarships; requires school district to keep acknowledgment & annually provide
acknowledgment to DOE; authorizes DOE to create standard acknowledgment form; requires
school districts to use standard acknowledgment form if provided by DOE.
HB 1177 – Education Accountability by Dudley (See SB 774 by Montford)
SB 1182 – Terroristic Threats by J. Latvala (See HB 1113 by Plasencia)
HB 1185 – Florida Healthy Working Families Act by Williams (S: SB 1490 by Thompson)
Creates "Florida Healthy Working Families Act"; provides powers & duties of executive director of
DEO; provides applicability; requires certain employers to provide employees with earned sick &
safe leave under certain conditions; provides employer & employee requirements; authorizes
employee to file civil action under certain conditions; provides penalties.
HB 1195 – Interpreters / Deaf or Hard of Hearing by Berman (See SB 658 by Altman)
SB 1202 – Voter Registration by Brandes(See HB 909 by Raburn)
SB 1218 – Community Schools Initiative by Thompson (See HB 1059 by Fullwood)
HB 1241 – School Personnel Evaluations by Williams (S: SB 1544 by Bullard)
Requires instructional personnel & school administrator performance evaluations to include certain
criteria; revises percentage of evaluation based on performance of students, & method & data used
& approval process for measurement of student learning growth in evaluations; revises rulemaking
authority; revises percentage of classroom teacher's or school administrator's performance
evaluation based on performance of students.
HB 1249 – Florida Retirement System by Raulerson
Authorizes renewed membership in retirement system for certain retirees; requires that certain
retirees who are employed on or after specified date be renewed members in investment plan;
requires employer & retiree to make applicable contributions to renewed member's investment plan
account; prohibits purchase of past service in investment plan; authorizes renewed member to
receive additional credit towards health insurance subsidy; provides for renewed membership in
optional retirement program for certain retirees initially reemployed on or after specified date;
making renewed member ineligible to receive disability benefits; etc.
SB 1252 – Higher Education by Stargel
Deleting a provision prohibiting the State Board of Education from approving Florida College
System institution baccalaureate degree program proposals during a certain timeframe; revising
accountability measures for the DOE regarding career education to include program standards that
reflect the quality components of the career and technical education programs, etc.
HB 1253 – School District of Palm Beach County by Rooney
Allows district to install signs recognizing business partnerships.
SB 1262 – Education by Legg
Requiring the Department of Education to have an operating electronic IEP system in place for
statewide use; authorizing the Commissioner of Education to issue a letter of guidance in response
to a complaint against a teacher or administrator in lieu of a probable cause determination, etc.
SB 1264 – Digital Classrooms by Legg
Establishing requirements for digital classrooms technology infrastructure planning by the Agency
for State Technology or a contracted organization; requiring the Office of Technology and
Information Services of the DOE to consult with the Agency for State Technology in developing the
5-year strategic plan for Florida digital classrooms; specifying conditions for a school district to
maintain eligibility for Florida digital classrooms allocation funds, etc.
HB 1275 – Bright Futures Scholarship Program by Nuñez (S: SB 1546 by Flores)
Reduces minimum SAT & ACT scores & increases minimum weighted GPA required for certain
students to be eligible for Florida Academic Scholars award & Florida Medallion Scholars award.
HB 1283 – Inspectors General by Rader (S: SB 1412 by Evers)
Requires Chief Inspector General to publish final investigative reports on EOG's website; requires
agency inspector general to publish final investigative reports on agency's website; requires unit
of local government to publish final investigative reports on its website; specifies when investigation
becomes final.
SJR 1288 – Legislation by Initiative by Braynon (See HJR 429 by Geller)
SB 1296 – Military Affairs by Bean (See HB 1091 by Steube)
HB 1299 – Community Inclusion and Life Transition Advisory Councils by Bracy
Creates the Community Inclusion and Life Transition Advisory Councils; provides for legislative
intent, administrative housing in DOE, composition of councils, duties & responsibilities, reporting
requirements, and per diem and reimbursement of members.
HB 1309 – Publicly Funded Retirement Plans by Drake (See SB 242 by Brandes)
HB 1311 – Public School Instruction / CPR by Sprowls (See SB 328 by Altman)
SB 1312 – Strategic Lawsuits / Public Participation by Simmons (See HB 1041 by Moskowitz)
HB 1315 – Florida Ethics Center by Rhewinkel Vasilinda
Creates Florida Ethics Center within Office of Chief Inspector General in EOG; establishes mission
and duties of center; requires center to be located in Capitol Complex; provides for appropriations.
HB 1317 – Postsecondary Education Affordability by Moskowitz (See SB 938 by Flores)
SB 1320 – Occupational Certificate of Completion by Stargel
Authorizing a student who is eligible to receive a certificate of completion to remain in high school
for an additional year to earn a standard diploma or an occupational certificate of completion, etc.
SB 1330 – Academic Standards by Sobel
Suspending the statewide assessment program, the school grading system, and the personnel
evaluation system for a specified period; requiring a review of the assessment program, etc.
SB 1336 – Charter Schools by Braynon (See HB 61 by S. Jones)
SB 1350 – Teacher Education by Sachs
Revising eligibility criteria for receipt of a minority teacher education scholarship; revising funding
for administration and the training program carried out by the board of directors of the Florida Fund
for Minority Teachers, Inc., etc.
SB 1352 – Deferred Compensation by Smith
Prohibiting contracts with investment providers and recordkeepers for state or local deferred
compensation programs from exceeding a 5-year term; specifying requirements for the competitive
solicitation or bidding process for investment providers and recordkeepers; etc.
SB 1358 – Spouses of Military Servicemembers by Abruzzo (See HB 1009 by Jacobs)
SB 1366 – Dropout Prevention by Ring (See HB 1099 by Bileca)
SB 1372 – Government Accountability by D. Gaetz (See HB 1063 by Metz)
SB 1382 – Charitable / Educational Entities / Drawings by Chance by Evers
Providing an exemption for a charitable organization or educational institution if conducting a raffle
that splits evenly the proceeds between the charitable organization or institution and the winner or
if awarding a nonmonetary prize to the winner, with all proceeds accruing to the educational
institution or charitable organization; etc.
SB 1392 – Fathers in Education Day / Fathers in Action and Advocacy Week by Bullard
Recognizing May 14, 2015, as “Fathers in Education Day” and May 11-15, 2015, as “Fathers in
Action and Advocacy Week” in Florida, and encouraging the support and participation of school
districts, counties, and elected officials statewide in these landmark occasions, etc.
SB 1396 – Employment Discrimination by Abruzzo (See HB 433 by Geller)
SB 1404 – Sexual Assault by Legg
Requiring a state university and a Florida College System institution to implement and administer
various sexual assault prevention, education, and training initiatives; protecting a campus-based
victim advocate from certain types of retaliation by his or her employer; requiring the Florida
Council Against Sexual Violence to implement specified training programs and to monitor the
campus-based victim advocacy programs’ compliance with those requirements, etc.
SB 1406 – Education / Standards & Assessments by Bullard (See HB 743 by Mayfield)
SB 1410 – Honor and Remember Flag by Legg (See HB 1147 by Burgess)
SB 1412 – Inspectors General by Evers (See HB 1283 by Rader)
SB 1416 – Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability by Abruzzo
Requiring the office to conduct a study to estimate the appropriations necessary to achieve certain
goals, including a level of funding to public education equal to the national average level of funding
per student in K-12 and in higher education; etc.
SB 1424 – Growth Management by Evers (See HB 551 by Perry)
SB 1448 – Student Choice by Legg
Authorizing a parent to enroll his/her child in and transport his/her child to any public school that
has not reached capacity, including charter schools, in any school district in this state; clarifying
requirements for creation of a virtual charter school; revising conditions for termination of a virtual
instruction provider’s contract; establishing the Florida Charter School Innovation Institute, etc.
SB 1450 – Assessments & Accountability by Bullard (See HB 877 by Mayfield)
SB 1464 – Privacy / Public Facilities by Dean (See HB 583 by Artiles)
SB 1466 – Exceptional Student Education by Bean (See HB 1149 by Harrell)
SB 1474 – District School Boards by Legg
Requiring district school boards to adopt a strategic plan; revising standards of ethical conduct for
instructional personnel and school administrators to apply to certain administrative personnel and
school officers, etc.
SB 1480 – Student Extracurricular Activities by Stargel
Revising the principles that guide policies governing student eligibility for extracurricular activities;
requiring a district school board’s insurance for participants in extracurricular activities to cover
certain students at the same rate as other district school students; designation of the Florida High
School Athletic Association as the governing nonprofit organization of athletics in Florida public
schools and instead requiring the commissioner to designate, by a certain date, a nonprofit
association to be the governing body, etc.
SB 1484 – Postsecondary Education Student Debt by Sobel (See HB 1031 by Stark)
SB 1490 – Florida Healthy Working Families Act by Thompson (See HB 1185 by Williams)
SB 1492 – Elections by Thompson (See HB 1079 by Geller)
SB 1496 – Assessments and Accountability by Evers (See HB 1121 by Tobia)
SB 1522 – Workforce Training by Detert
Requiring the Department of Education, in collaboration with the Department of Economic
Opportunity, to identify and recommend specified apprenticeship programs; requiring the
Department of Education, in collaboration with the Department of Economic Opportunity, to identify
and recommend specified preapprenticeship programs, etc.
SB 1524 – K-12 Educational Instruction by Simmons (See HB 855 by Torres)
SB 1526 – Athletic Trainers by Legg (See HB 541 by Plasencia)
SB 1530 – Personal Privacy by Brandes (See HB 571 by R. Rodrigues)
SB 1532 – Parental Rights by Altman (See HB 737 by Bileca)
SB 1534 – Disposition of Liens & Forfeited Property by Brandes (See HB 1125 by Tobia)
SB 1544 – School Personnel Evaluations by Bullard (See HB 1241 by Williams)
SB 1546 – Bright Futures Scholarship Program by Flores (See HB 1275 by Nuñez)
SB 1552 – Parent and Student Rights by Benacquisto (See HB 1145 by Sprowls)
HB 4005 – Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons by Steube (See SB 176 by Evers)
HB 4013 – Workforce Education Student Fees by Campbell (See SB 884 by Bullard)
HB 4029 – Postsecondary Education Fee Waivers by Tobia
Deletes provisions relating to the out-of-state fee waiver for students meeting certain attendance,
graduation, & enrollment requirements.
HB 4031 – Student Fee Exemptions by Tobia
Deletes exemption from payment of tuition & fees at school districts that provide workforce
education programs & public postsecondary educational institutions for certain students who lack
regular nighttime residence or sleeping accommodation.
SB 7002 – Workforce Services by Commerce & Tourism (S: HB 7019 by Economic Devel.)
Renaming Workforce Florida, Inc., as CareerSource Florida, Inc.
SB 7006 – Early Learning by Education PreK-12 (S: HB 7017 by Education)
Including large family child care homes in local zoning regulation requirements; revising certain
minimum standards for child care facilities; providing for the inspection of programs regulated by
the department; providing exemptions from child care facility licensing standards; revising
restrictions on residential property insurance coverage to include coverage for large family child
care homes; providing an appropriation, etc.
HB 7015 – Agriculture and Consumer Services by Agriculture (See SB 1050 by Montford)
HB 7017 – Early Learning by Education (See SB 7006 by Education PreK-12)
HB 7019 – Workforce Services by Economic Devel. (See SB 7002 by Commerce & Tourism)
SB 7024 – State Board of Administration by Government Oversight (See HB 913 by Trumbell)
SB 7028 – Out-of-State Waivers / Veterans by Military & Veteran Affairs (See HB 35 by Stark)
SB 7030 – Postsecondary Ed./Students with Disabilities by Higher Ed (S: HB 7091)
Creating the “Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program Act”; establishing eligibility
requirements for enrollment in the Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program;
establishing the Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities; establishing a Florida
Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program Scholarship for certain qualified students, etc.
HB 7037 – School Choice by Choice & Innovation
Revises provisions relating to charter school application, certain appeals, funding for & payments
to charter schools, long-term charters, nonrenewal, termination, & closure of charter schools,
financial statements, charter school representatives & public meetings, governing board residency
requirements, high-performing charter schools, termination of virtual instruction provider contracts,
& charter school professional development; establishes Florida Charter School Innovation Institute.
SB 7038 – Employer Contributions To Fund Retiree Benefits by Governmental Oversight
Revising the employer contribution rates for the retiree health insurance subsidy; revising the
required employer retirement contribution rates for members of each membership class and
subclass of the Florida Retirement System, etc.
SB 7042 – Florida Retirement System by Governmental Oversight
Authorizing renewed membership in the retirement system for retirees who are reemployed in a
position eligible for the Elected Officers’ Class under certain circumstances; authorizing renewed
membership in the retirement system for retirees who are reemployed in a position eligible for the
Elected Officers’ Class under certain circumstances; authorizing renewed membership in the
retirement system for retirees who are reemployed in a position eligible for the Elected Officers’
Class under certain circumstances, etc.
HB 7043 – Standard Student Attire by K-12
Designates act as "Students Attired for Education (SAFE) Act"; authorizes school boards to adopt
standard student attire policy; limits liability for districts that implement attire policy; creates safe
schools allocation to provide funding for certain safe schools activities; provides for withholding of
funds from districts that do not comply with certain school safety & student discipline reporting;
authorizes additional funds for districts that implement standard student attire policy; provides
SB 7046 – Education by Education PreK-12
Requiring a state research university to enter into and maintain a formal agreement with a specified
organization to offer college-sponsored merit scholarship awards as a condition of designation as
a preeminent state research university; authorizing a low-performing elementary school to
administer the required additional hours of instruction in a summer program; revising the types and
amounts of bonuses that a teacher may receive in any given school year, etc.
SB 7048 – Developmental Disabilities by Children. Families, & Elder Affairs
Requiring the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to revise the priority order for the waiver services
for specified children which are otherwise not available to them; establishing requirements for
children and certain young adults with a category 2 priority, etc.
SB 7050 – Digital Classrooms by Governmental Oversight
Requiring the Agency for State Technology to establish and publish information technology
architecture standards for purposes of implementing digital classrooms by a specified date;
requiring the agency’s annual assessment of the Department of Education to review specified
issues with respect to school district digital classrooms plans and to provide planning assistance
to address and reduce issues identified by the assessment, etc.
SB 7056 – Administrative Procedures by Governmental Oversight
Revising requirements for the annual review of agency rules; specifying requirements for such
plans; requiring publication by specified dates of notices of rule development and of proposed rules
necessary to implement new laws, etc.
HB 7057 – School Administration by K-12
Revises provisions relating to a school district strategic plan, certain standards for certain personnel
& school officers, early warning system for certain students, annual review of certain procedures,
compulsory student attendance, protected school speech, parental access to homework, out-offield teachers, related records, policies, court hearings, and penalties, high school equivalency
diploma, parental notices for exceptional students, bullying and harassment, certain school districts
policies, and certain policies for principals, district school boards employees, and suspension of
educator certifications.
SB 7058 – Administrative Procedures by Governmental Oversight
Revising requirements for the content of notices of rule development; revising requirements for
substantially affected persons to submit proposals for lower cost regulatory alternatives to a
proposed rule following a notice of change; requiring a petition to include a statement explaining
the prospective economic impact of the establishment of a proposed community development
district, etc.
HB 7069 – Education Accountability by Education
Revises provisions relating to uniform opening date of public schools, high-performing school
districts, student & parent rights, student remediation, scholar designation for standard high school
diploma, statewide standardized assessment program, administration & proctoring of assessments,
student progression, student evaluation for college readiness, research-based reading instruction
allocation, salary schedules, evaluation procedures & criteria, teacher certification, & professional
HB 7085 – Financial Literacy / Disabilities by Regulatory Affairs (See SB 206 by Hukill)
HB 7091 – Postsecondary Ed./Students with Disabilities by Higher Ed (See SB 7030)
HB 7095 – Personal Learning Scholarship Accounts by Education (See SB 602 by D. Gaetz)
Appropriations Bills
Proposed Senate Bills – 3/20/15
SB 2500 – 2015-2016 Appropriations by Appropriations
SB 2502 – 2015-2016 Appropriations Implementing Bill by Appropriations
SB 2508 – Education Appropriations Conforming Bill by Appropriations
SB 7038 – Employer Contributions To Fund Retiree Benefits by Governmental Oversight
Proposed House Bills – 3/20/15
APC 1 – 2015-2016 Appropriations by Appropriations
APC 2 – 2015-2016 Appropriations Implementing Bill by Appropriations
APC 3 – Employer Contributions To Fund Retiree Benefits by Appropriations
APC 6 – Best & Brightest Teacher Scholarship Program by Appropriations
House Bill
House Joint Resolution
Senate Bill
Senate Joint Resolution
Identical Bill
Similar Bill
Comparable Bill