FSD Loan Store Guidelines Semester 152 The Guidelines below are in place to provide a fair and safe working environment and to ensure the student experience is maintained at a high level. Any breach of these guidelines will have access denied may result in community service or financial penalty. Booking Procedures • All bookings must be made online using safari or chrome to browse fsdtechnology.bond.edu.au • Access to equipment is provided based on subject enrolment & completion of special training workshops. • Updated contact details must be provided prior to booking using the ‘estudent.bond.edu.au’ website. Accounts without an up-to-date phone number will automatically be disabled. • Students are responsible for ensuring all items they need are pre-booked. Any additional bookable items requested at the time of collection, will not be given out until a booking & approval is given if required. • Please login to iLearn and check the FSD Community Site for more information. Issuing of Equipment • Hours of Operation for 152 Days Monday - Thursday Friday Return 8:30am – 10:30am 8.30am – 10.30am Pickup 2pm - 4pm 12pm – 4pm • Equipment will only be issued during the afternoon opening hours, on the day of the booking, unless alternate arrangements have been previously requested via email to [email protected] and approved by the Technical Officer (Store). • Students will be held responsible for kits not returned in the same condition they were in when collected and for being returned on time. It is therefore important to check your equipment on collection, ensuring all items are in kits and working correctly and any damage reported. • Equipment will only be issued to the person in whose name is associated with the booking, if unable to collect your booking, email the name of the nominated student to [email protected] and the booking will be moved to their name for collection. Please note this process takes time and cannot be done immediately. • Student ID must be presented on each occasion of collection of equipment. • First year Students will not be issued with more than one 240 volt light kit unless they produce a “240 Volt Site Survey Form”, signed by a Technology Manager. These are available at fsdtechnology.bond.edu.au please allow a minimum of four days to have the form signed. • If booking is no longer required you must delete using the same page you made the booking on by selecting the item/s no longer required and selecting delete. If booked equipment is not collected you may lose access to future bookings. • By accepting custody of equipment students agree to all relevant University Policies & Guidelines governing use of equipment, including the Acceptable Use of ICT Equipment Policy and the HSS Loan Store Guidelines Vehicle Access to Storeroom • Vehicle access to the storeroom is provided at the discretion of the loan store attendants for large bookings or where special access requirements exist. • Access is provided via the chain gate located next to the Faculty of Health Sciences building. Students will be required to sign out a proximity card from the store in order to drop the chain. The students’ ID card will be retained until the proximity card is returned. • The system will only allow six vehicles on campus at any one time. Other vehicles can only come up as one leaves. • A speed limit of 5 – 10 kph (walking pace) will be enforced when driving up to the store and students must give way to pedestrians at all times. Failure to do so will result in you not able to bring your vehicle up for future transactions. Use and Care of Equipment • Students are responsible for proper care of and timely return of equipment. If you plan to use the equipment in a way other than what is taught in class you are required to contact the Technology & Teaching Support Manager for clarification before proceeding. • Students are expected to return kits in a tidy manner, including ensuring all cables are wrapped correctly. All suspected faults to be reported to staff. • Students are expected to contact the Loan Store on (07) 5595 1492, if unforeseen reasons prevent the return of equipment on time. • Students are prohibited from taking Loan Store Equipment overseas or on any aircrafts or boating vessels without written permission from the Dean’s office. What happens when damage is reported on equipment? • Any loss or damage to equipment must be reported immediately to [email protected] and then shown to Loan Store staff on return. • Failure to report damage will result in being disabled from the booking system until the investigation is complete. • The HSS Equipment advisory board will investigate all reports with a recommendation made to the Dean’s office for final decision. The board will be made up of Teaching and Technical staff and any recommendation will need to be unanimous before proceeding. • Accidental damage can only be determined where it has been reported at time of damage as mentioned above. • Students will be expected to replace or repair any equipment missing or damaged during a student booking. These costs may be directly added to your student account and payable through the cashier’s office. • Repeat offenders will have access to advanced equipment permanently withdrawn. Access may be returned after: o Training in the correct operation and return of equipment is conducted o ‘Community service’ in the form of general assistance at the loan store (i.e. wrapping cables, cleaning kits, etc.) has been performed o In extreme cases the student will have access to more basic equipment to complete assignment tasks. • Any issues or faults with the booking system should be emailed to: o FSD Support [email protected] The Appeals process • All appeals will be handled as per the University Discipline Regulations as found in Part 3 of the Student Handbook. http://www.bond.edu.au/student-resources/student-administration/policies-procedures-guidelinesand-forms/handbook/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree to abide by the terms laid out in the HSS Loan Store Guidelines for Semester 152 and I am aware of the consequences of not following them: Name: _____________________________________________ SID: _________________________ (print name) Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: / / 2015 Studio Area & Lab Guidelines 152 There are a number of guidelines that need to be followed to provide a professional, safe, and clean working environment within the Technology Areas. All approvals can be requested by emailing [email protected]. These are: • No food or drink (other than bottled water) in any edit suite, audio suite, the TV Studio, unless prior approval is obtained. The Kitchen in the Studio Precinct is provided for your convenience. • All items in the Kitchen must remain in the Kitchen and may not be used as props or set dressing. • All rooms must be left in a professional condition with all rubbish removed or placed in the rubbish bins provided. • Any storage needs must be requested via an email to [email protected]. • No moving furniture, including chairs, from one room to another without approval. • No one is allowed to enter the studio while the ON AIR light is illuminated unless authorised by the Floor Manager or Lecturer. • All problems or maintenance issues with regard to the editing or audio systems are to be emailed to [email protected]. For emergency assistance contact FSD Support on (07) 5595 1492 during Business hours. • The following is to assist security and keep you safe: • EVERY student needs to scan their ID card at the reader prior to entering the Studio Precinct. Even if you enter as a group ALL students must scan their ID. To have your ID activated visit the security office and request access to the Studio Precinct on Level 2 of Building 6 anytime after week 1. • You must email a list of any after hour’s visitors and their contact details to [email protected] and cc’d to [email protected] before 4pm on the day of the visit. A visitor is anyone who is NOT enrolled in a Film and Television or TV Journalism subject. This includes other Bond students. • Do not prop doors open or allow people other than registered visitors to enter under any circumstances. • Students must be able to present their student ID to Staff on request. Anyone is not able to produce a valid student ID, or is not on the visitors list for that evening will be asked to leave. Students who allow entry by unregistered visitors will also be asked to leave. page 1 of 2 • After hours (7pm-7am) you must leave the Studio Precinct via the glass external doors opposite the store room. • After hours (7pm-7am) access to the general areas of the University Centre is permitted for use of the toilets and vending machines ONLY, do not exit through the building. • Security can be contacted on 55951234 if you require an escort to your car or room after hours. • Room Bookings must be sent via email to [email protected] with at least 48 hours notice. Rooms that are not booked are available on a first in basis. • Access to the TV Studio, Control Room or Storerooms is by booking ONLY. These rooms are kept locked at all times. Security will only provide access to students if written authorisation has been received from FSD Support during normal working hours (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm). • Vehicles may not be parked outside the Studio Precinct for any length of time. Students may request permission to drop off equipment, however the vehicle must be removed immediately. • It is the responsibility of the person making a booking to ensure the room is locked up before they leave. This may require waiting for security to return to lock up. • At all times students must adhere to the Student Acceptable Use of IT Facilities Policy. • The Fob Keys must remain in the possession of the person who has checked it out at all times. Lending of fob keys is prohibited. CONSEQUENCES OF MISUSE OF THE PRODUCTION AREAS • Security conducts regular patrols of the Studio Area and will remove students who have not swiped in or visitors who do not appear on the visitor register. Students accompanying unregistered visitors will also be removed. • Anyone removed from the building will be subject to a lockout for 24 hours. Security will also notify FSD staff of the incident. • Any student propping doors open or who exits the building after lock down will have after hours access suspended immediately. • Any student repeatedly breaching these rules will have after hours access to the Studio Precinct suspended with a review being conducted by the Head of FITV. • Access may only be reinstated at the discretion of the Dean or delegate. • A lockout or suspension will NOT be considered a legitimate reason for failure to submit an assignment on time, Editing computers in CL5 will access your files from the network. • Any damage or cleaning costs due to the misuse of the facility will be paid for by that student. All damage will be reported to the Registrar and acted upon according to University policies. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please tear off and return to FSD Store- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - I agree to abide by the terms laid out in the Production Areas Guidelines - 152: Name: __________________________ SID: ____________________ Signature: ______________________ Date: _____/_____/_______ page 2 of 2 240 volt safety form FOR FIRST YEAR SUBJECTS ONLY This form is required when taking out more than one electrical light kit from the HSS Store Please allow four business days for signing. Forms will not be signed on the day. A photo of the Circuit Board needs to be emailed to [email protected] before signing Date: Production Title: Your Name: Equipment booked under: Date on Location: Contact at Location: Kit Type QTY Gulliver Kit Redhead Kit Combo Kit DP Light Kit Blondie Kit HMI Kit Dedo Kit Arri Fresnal Kit Kino Kit Soft light Kit Lightpro Panel Kit Tota Kit Generator (if applicable) Nominal Wattage: Class: Phone: Location Type (please circle) House Campus Unit Studio Office External Factory Other Wattage / Kit 900 2400 1400 2800 2000 1200 450 1500 110 1600 55W / Tube 1600 Total Wattage Total watts Max Wattage: Unit Supplied by: (Google KVA to Wattage converter) On Location Number of circuits available: Amps per circuit: Please indicate any risks associated with electricity at this location: Approval given: Form will be require to take equipment from the store Technology Manager ! TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR FITV PRODUCTION SUBJECTS SEMESTER 152 The following specifications apply to the Bachelor Of Film & Television Acquisition Formats The following formats & codecs are supported: Film Resolution: Super 16mm or Super 35mm Frame Rate: 25fps Video o SONY F65 CINEALTA 4K CAMERA Card Format: SRMemory Card Sensor: Super 35mm CMOS Resolution: 1920x1080 Scan: Progressive Frame Rate: 25fps Format: HD SStP Recording Mode: SR-‐HQ HD/10-‐bit 4:4:4 Audio: 16-‐bit/48kHz Audio Headroom: 20dBFS Note: Footage recommended to be edited in Edit 1, 3, 4 on MacPro’s with fiber network. 4K acquisitions must be authorized by Director of the Film School. o PANASONIC AG-‐HPX600 HD CAMERA Card Format: Sensor: Resolution: Scan: Frame Rate: Format: Recording Mode: Audio: Audio Headroom: P2 Card 2/3” MOS 1920x1080 Progressive 25fps AVC-‐Intra AVC-‐Intra100/10bit 4:2:2 16-‐bit/48kHz 20dBFS 1 ! o SONY PMW-‐F3 Card Format: Sensor: Resolution: Scan: Frame Rate: Format: Rec Mode: External Recorder: Audio: Audio Headroom: Note: SxS Card Super 35mm CMOS 1920x1080 Progressive 25fps XDCAM MPEG2 HQ 35Mbps/8bit 4:2:0 Apple ProRes/10bit 422 16-‐bit/48kHz 20dBFS Footage must be converted to Apple ProRes for DaVinci Resolve to read it. o CANON EOS C100 Card Format: Sensor: Resolution: Scan: Frame Rate: Format: Rec Mode: External Recorder: Audio: Audio Headroom: Note: SDHC/SDXC Memory Card Super 35mm CMOS 1920x1080 Progressive 25fps AVCHD MPEG-‐4, AVC/H.264 24Mbps/8bit 4:2:0 Apple ProRes 422 16-‐bit/48kHz 20dBFS Footage must be converted to Apple ProRes for DaVinci Resolve to read it. o GOPRO HERO3+ BLACK Card Format: Micro SD Memory Card Resolution: 1920x1080 Scan: Progressive Frame Rate: 25fps Format: MP4 Rec Mode: H.264 Audio: mono 48kHz Note: Must use GoPro Studio software or other external program eg. Apple Compressor to convert files to Apple ProRes 422 to edit in Avid Media Composer or Adobe Premiere CS6 2 ! o PANSONIC LUMIX DMC-‐GH4 Card Format: Resolution: Scan: Frame Rate: Format: Rec Mode: Audio: Audio Headroom: SD/SDHC/SDXC Memory Card 1920x1080 Progressive 25fps MOV FHD/All-‐I/200Mbps/25p/8bit 4:2:0 16-‐bit/48kHz 20dBFS Telecine Formats Students may scan from film in telecine to the following supported formats: High Definition o Sony HD CAM (Master Tape – Not Ingestible at Bond) o Apple ProRes 4444 QT (File – MUST be ingested from tape at telecine house) Intermediate Formats Students may transcode to the following supported intermediate formats: • Avid Media Composer o Avid DNxHD 185 10-‐bit MXF Linear PCM Stereo 48kHz\16-‐bit o 1920x1080 Apple Pro Res 422, Linear PCM Stereo 48kHz\16-‐ bit (Little Endian) Proxy (If Required) o 1920x1080 Apple Pro Res 422, Linear PCM Stereo 48kHz\16-‐ bit (Little Endian) Delivery Formats (Submission Formats) Student must export footage to one of the following final formats: As a general rule, it is always advisable to submit your film in the format you edited it in. Submission o Video 1920x1080 25P Avid DNxHD 185 10-‐bit MXF 1920x1080 25P Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) QT 3 ! o Audio 2.0 Stereo Interleaved 48kHz/24-‐bit WAV 5.1 Discrete 48kHz 24-‐bit WAV Dolby Surround Sound 5.1 AC3 DVD o 720x576 Anamorphic 25P MPEG-‐2 6.3Mbps 2-‐Pass M2V o Dolby Digital Professional 2.0 192kbps AC3 Post Production The following non-‐linear editing software/hardware are supported: • Avid Media Composer 8 • Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 (Limited Support) • DaVinci Resolve 11 (Limited Support) The following DVD authoring software are supported: o Adobe Encore CS6 The following audio post software/hardware are supported: o Avid Digidesign Protools 10 including all DigiDesign hardware Notes: All students are reminded to test their chosen workflow after selecting an acquisition, telecine or intermediate format. These tests should be performed before principle photography to prevent critical issues arising during post-‐ production. Other personal software/hardware may be supported in a limited capacity if first it is agreed upon in writing. To obtain support for these please email: [email protected] Individual subjects may have specific or narrower requirements so please consult your subject coordinator before adopting any of these technical specifications as you may be required to use a specific format or workflow for that class. For further assistance in any matters of formats, codec’s or post-‐ production please email: [email protected] 4
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