Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter – Autumn Term

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter – Autumn Term
Information on how to support your child in school this term.
Dear Parents / Carers,
We are delighted to welcome your child to year six and hope that he/she will have a happy and
successful year.
As you will be aware this is a very important year for the children, as they consolidate all their
previous years of learning and prepare for the next stage of their education. There will be a meeting
for Year 6 parents about SATs in January. Further details of this will follow.
We hope that this letter will provide you with useful information and give you a clear picture of the
areas of the curriculum which we shall be studying this term.
In preparation for secondary school we shall endeavour to develop your child’s independence in all
areas of the curriculum, but also to encourage them to take greater responsibility for organising their
own work and behaviour, at home and at school and to become good role models for younger pupils.
The class teachers for year 6 are as follows:
Mrs Holden
Mr. Roca-Mas
Further adult support is available in both classes.
We appreciate your help and support, and we hope the following information about school and the
topics we will be working on will help you to further support your child in their learning.
General Points
Reading continues to be crucial in all that your child does. We really want to encourage your child to
enjoy reading and be able to talk about what they have read. Reading should be carried out at home
on a daily basis. Not all children need to read to an adult everyday but all children enjoy and benefit
from this special time.
In Numeracy, times tables are a key part of your child’s learning – please keep practising these and
remember children need to be able to use multiplication facts to help work in division.
For homework children will be informed of deadlines for homework and areas of research which they
are requested to complete. As part of their preparation for secondary school we expect them to meet
these deadlines each week. Homework could include Maths, English, Science or Topic.
Spellings will be sent home weekly and will include spelling strategies appropriate for this age group,
along with topic words.
PE – 6a will have PE every Thursday and 6b will have PE every Tuesday. Please ensure that your
child has the correct PE kit, marked with his/her name and in a PE bag (no plastic bags please). This
kit should remain in school all week. For health and safety reasons earrings may not be worn during
PE lessons. All children will be expected to participate in PE lessons unless we receive a letter from
the parent/carer requesting exemption.
Your child can bring in a bottle of water to drink throughout the day.
If your child is attending an after school sports club they are expected to wear their school PE kit.
Please make sure that you know when it is time to collect them.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you and your child this term.
If you need to speak to us please send us a note or call into the office and make an appointment.
Mrs. Holden
Mr. Roca-Mas
Year 6 – Autumn Term 2013
PSHE – This term our
SEAL unit will be Getting
RE – We will be covering the following topics:
Science – We will begin
Loving – Sensitivity is paid to the different
our work in Science by