Play N Learn Community Head Start Community Resource Directory 2009-2010 Table of Contents Emergency / Crisis Assistance………..……….1 4 General Assistance……………………………..14 Food Resources ………………………………...3 6 Clothing Resources ………………….………….4 7 Child Care, Licensing &Referral Services…….4 7 Child Development / Education Services….….5 8 Family & Parenting Resources………………...7 9 Health Needs…………………………………….8 11 Physical Health Resources…………….….8 11 Pregnancy Resources…………………….10 13 Mental Health / Counseling Resource ….11 13 Nutition Resources…..……………………14 16 Holiday Assistance……………………………..15 17 Financial / Budgeting Resources……………..15 17 Housing Resources…………………………….16 18 Emergency Housing……………………….16 18 Long-Term Housing……………………….17 19 Legal Resourcs………………………………….18 20 Services for Special Needs…………………….20 21 Adult Education Services………………………23 24 Apprenticeships…………………………………24 25 Employment Resources……………….……….24 25 Youth Programs…………………………………26 27 Substance Abuse Services…………………….27 28 Transportation Resrources……………....……..29 30 Advocacy Resources……………………………30 30 Contact Info………………….……………........ 32 Carol Brice Center 1949 Gillam Way, Suite A Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907) 452-4267 press “0” (907) 452-4203 to fax North Pole Site 500 East 5th Avenue North Pole, AK 99705 (907) 488-4940 Play N Learn programs will close when the air temperature is -50 or colder on the 6:15 AM weather report listed below by area, or website. Bus routes will be cancelled when the air temperature is -30 or colder on the 6:15 AM weather report listed below. Fairbanks weather report 458-3745 x 1113 North Pole weather report 488-1111 Emergency / Crisis Assistance Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 (24 hours) Agency advises what to do in suspected or actual poisoning. Information needed would be 1) poison brand name, 2) amount of poison eaten, 3) how long ago the poison was eaten, 4) age of person involved, 5) any actions already taken, 6) any allergies, 7) name of doctor Careline: 452-HELP or 877-266-4357 24 hour crisis intervention and suicide prevention hot line. Provides emotional support for all ages experiencing life problems. An online resource guide with agency information for Fairbanks. Information and Referral: 452-4403 - 24 hour information Also provide referrals to services and agencies in the Fairbanks area. 211 Information: Dial 211 for free information about local agencies and resources. General Assistance Love, INC (In the Name of Christ): 452-3876 Transportation Program: 456-1329 Network of local, Christian churches committed to helping people in need. It operates numerous programs including a Telephone Clearinghouse that connects people in need with community and church resources that can address many different needs, Transportation Program, Budget Counseling Program, Furniture Garage, Personal Needs Closet, and Firewood Project. Salvation Army: Emergency Family Services 452-5005 or 452-3103 1602 10th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 The Salvation Army provides comprehensive emergency services for people in need. These services are provided at 117 First Street, Fairbanks, AK. Services include food boxes, clothing and household goods, utility assistance, literacy services, disaster relief and casework services. 4 Salvation Army Thrift Store: 456-2085 2222 S. Cushman St, Fairbanks, AK 99707 Lifeline Phone Program: The Life Line program provides $1.00 per month basic telephone and is offered by several local phone carriers to families who are enrolled in one of the following programs: Head Start Programs (under income qualifying eligibility only), National School Lunch Program (free meals program only), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamps, Medicaid, Public Housing, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance, Alaska Temporary Assistance Program (ATAP), Adult Public Assistance (APA), or Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance. Call one of the following local phone carriers for more information: • ACS at 456-1230 • GCI at 452-7191 Tanana Chiefs Conference: 452-8251 - FAX: 459-3851 201 First Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701 A multi-service agency providing information, support and services to tribal members enrolled and living in Interior tribal communities. They provide a wide range of family services to the outlying villages, and Alaska natives living in the Fairbanks community. American Red Cross of Alaska: 456-5937 626 2nd Street, Suite 102, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Temporary help for disaster victims of fire, earthquake and flooding. They can provide clothing, food and shelter. Also teaching people how to respond to an emergency. They provide training on water safety, First Aid & CPR and baby-sitting classes. Fairbanks Native Association: 452-1648 605 Hughes Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 FNA is a non-profit organization which conducts a wide variety of programs intended to serve the Native community of Fairbanks and the community of Fairbanks as a whole. Safe Rider Program: 458-7233 1650 Cowles Street, Fairbanks AK 99701 Call to schedule a car seat safety check to ensure that your child’s car seat is properly installed. Free car seats are available. 5 Food Resources Community Hot Meals: Weekdays: 456-8317 The Breadline Eagles Hall (corner of Hall St. & 2nd Avenue) Serving hot meals Monday-Friday Breakfast 8:30-9:30 a.m. Lunch 11:30-12:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 452-3533 Immaculate Conception Church 115 N. Cushman Street Serving hot meals Saturday & Sunday 11:00-1:00 p.m. (year round) Fairbanks Rescue Mission: 452-5343 723 27th Ave., Fairbanks, AK Dinner served 6:35 to 7pm for those attending the 5:35 to 6:35 chapel service. Fairbanks Community Food Bank: 452-7761 725 26th Ave, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Programs include: • Wooden Nickel Bag – Request a wooden nickel from your Family Advocate to receive one bag of groceries to be picked-up between 1-4pm. • Church of the Day – A 3 day supply of groceries ordered through the Church of the Day between 10 am and noon. (Call the Food Bank. Up to 4 orders per year.) • TEFAP – Apply with your Family Advocate or at the Food Bank to receive a monthly supplemental box of nonperishable foods on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 12-2pm. • CFSP – Apply with your Family Advocate or at the Food Bank for a monthly box for children ages 5-6 (after no longer eligible for WIC), women who have delivered a baby and seniors. WIC (Women, Infants, and Children): 456-2990 726 26th Avenue, Suite 2, Fairbanks 99701 WIC provides free milk, cheese, eggs, tuna fish, cereal, fruit juice, infant formula, peanut butter, carrots, dried beans and dried peas to families with children under the age of 5. Summer Food Program - Play N Learn Community Head Start 452-4267 ext. 234 1949 Gillam Way, Fairbanks AK 99701 Free meals for anyone under 18 and individuals over 18 with a disability. Lunch M-F 11:00-1:00 Snack M-F 3:00-4:00 6 Clothing Resources Clothesline: 452-5681 507 Gaffney Road, Fairbanks, AK A non-profit thrift store which supports the services of the Breadline and offers low cost clothing. Open M-F 10-6 Career Closet: 455-2826 or 455-2832 604 Barnette Street, Suite 106, Fairbanks The Workforce Department features the “Career Closet” that offers an array of business clothing for men and women. Fairbanks Rescue Mission: 452-5343 723 27th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Offers both a men’s and women’s center, providing a bed and three meals a day. They also offer counseling, clothing, and long term Recovery programs for men and women. There are no fees for these services. Value Village Thrift Store: 474-4828 3027 Airport Way (next to Sears), Fairbanks, AK 99701 Child Care, Licensing & Referral Services Fairbanks North Star Borough Child Care Assistance/Referral: 459-1474 or 866-878-2273 520 5th Avenue, Suite D, AK 99701 Child Care Assistance helps families pay for childcare while parents are working, training or in school. Child Care Referrals helps families find childcare that meets their needs. Child Care Licensing: 800-764-9466 C.A.R.E.S. Resource & Referral: 479-2214 or 866-878-2273 1908 Old Pioneer Way, AK 99709 Children’s Advocates, Resources and Education Services (CARES). Providing training and resources to child care providers, parents, students, educators and others working with young children. Tanana Chiefs Conference Childcare Information & Assistance: 452-8251 x 3358 122 1st Avenue, Suite 600 Fairbanks, AK 7 Child Development / Education Services Play N Learn Community Head Start: 452-4267 1949 Gillam Way, Fairbanks, AK 99701 A comprehensive free family program offering children ages 3-5 child services to help them grow cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically with locations in Fairbanks and North Pole. Children also receive health and development screenings and nutritious meals/snacks. Family and Wellness services provide support in accessing resources. Fairbanks Native Association - Parents As Teachers: 451-1005 552 3rd Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Parents As Teachers is an early childhood parent education and family support program designed to help all parents give their children the best possible start in life. The program serves families with children from birth to five. All families are eligible. Fairbanks Native Association - Early Head Start: 451-8814 609 3rd St. Fairbanks, AK 99701 Offers parenting classes, child, family, community and staff development. Home-visits for ages 0-5 and expectant mothers. Full-day and part-day center-based childcare for ages 3-5. Provides family support and advocacy. Fairbanks Native Association - Head Start: 456-4989 320 2nd Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Head Start Program is a full-day and part-day childcare center for children ages 3-5. Head Start provides family support and advocacy. Family Literacy Council of Alaska –Even Start: (Listed under Adult Education) Fairbanks North Star Borough School District (FNSBSD): 452-2000 Libraries: Noel Wien Public Library 459-1020 1215 Cowles North Pole Branch Library 488-6101 601 Snowman Lane 8 Imagination Library 479-5729 This free program provides a new, carefully selected book each month for children birth – 5 years. It will be mailed in your child’s name directly to your home. Parents As Teachers-Heroes At Home: 353-7713 Ft. Wainwright, Central Registration Building 4176 This PAT pilot home visiting program supports military families throughout pregnancy until children reach the age of 5. Tanana Chiefs Head Start: 452-8251 - FAX: 459-3851 201 1st Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701 A preschool program offering both center-based and home base programs in various villages in the interior for children ages 3-5. Tanana Chiefs Early Infant Program: 452-8251 201 1st Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701 A program for 0-3 year olds who live outside the Fairbanks/North Pole area. The child must have a developmental measurable delay or a diagnosed condition. There is no income guideline requirement and both native as well as non-native are served. Family & Parenting Resources Alaska Parent Line: 452-4588 or 1-800-643-5437 Get answers to all of your parenting questions from trained parent educators 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America: 452-8110 610 Cushman Street, Suite 300, Fairbanks, AK Big Brothers/Big Sisters in the Fairbanks area provides prevention and support services to children between the ages of 6-18. This is achieved through regular weekly contact and support of a carefully screened adult volunteer in a one-to-one friendship that develops over a minimum 12 month period. Department of Health & Social Services, Office Of Children Services (OCS): 451-2650 751 Old Richardson Highway, Suite 300, Fairbanks, AK This State agency provides for child protection, licensed day care facilities, adoptions, foster care, and elder abuse enforcement. The State Respite Care program provides for child care assistance for families with children having special needs as well as those families who may be at high risk of abuse or neglect. 9 Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities: 452-1673 This State agency provides mental health services to individuals who are Alaska residents. Fairbanks Counseling and Adoption: 456-4729 912 Barnette Street, (P. O. Box 71544) Fairbanks, AK 99701 Free pregnancy counseling for all ages, parenting skills program and childbirth preparation classes for teens; loan closet for maternity and infant clothing and baby equipment; sexuality education information for parents and youth; individual and group counseling available on a sliding fee for child abuse, family issues, relationship difficulties, behavioral program, incest and delinquency; and adoption services. Fairbanks Native Association: 452-1648 605 Hughes Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 FNA is a non-profit organization which conducts a wide variety of programs intended to serve the Native community of Fairbanks and the community of Fairbanks as a whole. FNSB Parks & Recreation: 459-1070 Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS): 452-5372 Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the Salvation Army. Resource Center for Parents & Children (RCPC): 456-2866 or Alaska Parent Line: 1-800-643-KIDS 726 26th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 [email protected] Promotes life-long healthy families through a variety of services and programs. RCPC offers parenting education resources, family support services, parenting classes, case management, respite services, information and referrals, babysitter training, grand parenting groups, divorce and separation classes, lending library and parent information hotline (452-4588). RCPC has a lending library full of books, articles, and videos on a range of topics: Positive Discipline, Age/Stage Development and Special Needs Children. Tanana Chiefs Conference: 452-8251 201 1st Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701 A multi-service agency providing information, support and services to tribal members enrolled and living in Interior tribal communities. Departments include: Family Services, Education, Employment, Natural Resource, Village Government, Realty and Health. 10 Health Needs Physical Health Resources Denali KidCare: 888-318-8890 A State of Alaska program that provides health insurance coverage for children through the age of 18 and pregnant mothers. Breast Cancer Detection Center: 479-3909 1905 Cowles Street, Fairbanks, AK Services are all free of charge and include breast examination by medical doctors, mammograms, and referral services. Chief Andrew Issac Health Center: 451-6682 1408 19th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Services include OB/GYN care, well child, dental, mental health counseling, general medical, immunizations and school physicals. Must be Alaska Native or American Indian, must show tribal enrollment at first visit. Fairbanks Community Behavioral Health Center: 452-1575 3830 South Cushman Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Offering health services for adults and children such as for aliments and well child checks. Not providing prenatal care or immunizations. Medicaid, Medicare and Denali KidCare accepted. Fairbanks Regional Public Health Center: 452-1776 1025 W. Barnette Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Services include general health screening and developmental assessment for children, immunization services for adults and children, services for sexually transmitted diseases, family planning services, teen clinic - including reproductive health education, communicable disease information and referral. In addition, public health nurses provide home visits for health promotion services to individuals/families. For example, prenatal; infant and child health; and elder health services. Healthy Alaskans Information Line: 800-478-2221 HIV Antibody Confidential Testing: 452-1776 1025 W. Barnette, Fairbanks Confidential Sexually Transmitted Disease and HIV testing are available at no charge. 11 Interior Community Health Clinic: 455-4567 1606 23rd Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Clinic provides comprehensive medical care for the entire family (from babies to seniors). Services include immunizations, well-child exams, employment and sports physicals, pap smears, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and chronic diseases including in-patient hospitalization. Clinic accepts most insurance (Medicaid and Medicare) and offers a schedule of discounts on fees to eligible clients (based on household size and income). Alaska Center for Natural Medicine: 452-3600 104 Kutter Road, AK 99701 A family practice offering naturopathic premier cares including acupuncture, chiropractic care, cranial and sacral massage, and life skills counseling. Interior AIDS Association: 452-4222 710 3rd Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 HIV/Aids prevention and education for youth and adults, free condoms. All visits and client information is strictly confidential. New Life & New Directions, a program of Fairbanks Native Association, 452-1274/1275— FAX: 452-1282 605 Hughes Avenue Fairbanks, AK 99707 Services based on a cultural traditional wellness model. Involves the entire family unit in the process of wellness by promoting a cultural, independent lifestyle. Strives to stimulate and support personal growth of the adolescent expectant mothers and their children by establishing a secure, active, nurturing and chemical free environment. Target population is females between the ages of 13 and 18 with special emphasis on Alaska Natives. Planned Parenthood of Alaska: 455-7285 1867 Airport Way, Suite 160B, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides confidential and affordable reproductive health care services to men, women and teens. Fees are based on a sliding scale according to individual’s income and family size. Epilepsy/Seizure Support Network: 452-5585 12 Pregnancy Resources Carenet Pregnancy Center: 455-8255 1402 Wilbur Street, Fairbanks, AK Provides cribs, maternity clothing and car seats. Crisis Pregnancy Center Hotline: 452-5683 Denali KidCare: (Listed under Physical Health) Fairbanks Regional Public Health Center: 452-1776 1025 W. Barnette Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 The Public Health Center provides children’s immunizations and well baby examinations at no charge. Breastfeeding support, and child health information is available. Pregnancy testing, counseling, and referral for medical care. A Young Parents Childbirth Class and a Prenatal Breastfeeding Class are offered. Confidential Sexually Transmitted Disease and HIV testing are available at no charge. Transportation assistance for health care and child car seat safety checks are also available. Fairbanks Native Association-Early Head Start: (See Family Support) Women, Infants, and Children (WIC): (See Health & Nutrition) Mental Health / Counseling Resources * There are many Therapists in private practice offering services such as play therapy for children and marriage/relationship counseling for couples. Many accept insurance. For more information ask our Wellness Consultant, Jeanine Jeffers-Woolf for a referral. Ch’egutesen’ – FNA/Tanana Chiefs Conference/UAF: 479-0673 609 Hughes Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 www.childrenareprecious This federally-funded program provides culturally competent wraparound system of care for seriously emotionally disturbed children and adolescents and their families. Individuals up to age 22 can be serviced by the program. 13 Fairbanks Community Behavioral Health Center: 452-1575 3830 South Cushman Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Comprehensive community mental health center providing diagnosis and evaluation, psychiatric services, individual, group, marital and family therapy for people experiencing grief, depression, suicidal thoughts, phobias, anxiety, relationship problems or personality disorders. Adjustable payment schedule, Medicaid and Champus accepted; no one is denied due to inability to pay. Fairbanks Counseling and Adoption: 456-4729 912 Barnette Street, Fairbanks, AK Offers individual and group counseling for children and adults. Free pregnancy testing, counseling for all ages and adoption services, parenting skills program and childbirth preparation classes for teens; loan closet for maternity and infant clothing and baby equipment. Activity-based groups for teens. Hope Counseling Center: 451-8208 926 Aspen Street, Fairbanks, AK This Christian, non-profit corporation is dedicated to providing the best possible spiritual and mental health services to the community. Most insurance accepted and a client assistance program is available. Hospice of Tanana Valley: 474-0311 2001 Gillam Way, P. O. Box 82770, Fairbanks, AK 99708 Hospice of the Tanana Valley provides support for people who are dying, their families and their loved ones. Support groups and community support for those who have experienced loss through death. Bereavement counselors are available for one-on-one counseling. Samaritan Center: 452-4673 3504 Industrial Avenue (upstairs), Fairbanks, AK Provides full service Christian counseling through pastoral counseling, psychotherapy, testing, psychologist evaluation, psychiatric evaluation and medication management for those 18 years and older. Family system evaluation and intervention. Counseling for children ages 2 and up. Individual, couple, relationship, behavioral therapies and corporate consultation. Tanana Chiefs Conference Counseling Services: 459-3800 1650 Cowles Street, Room 359, Fairbanks Provides outpatient behavioral health services, behavioral health screening and referral; crisis intervention to Indian Health Services beneficiaries. 14 UAF Psychology Department Clinic: 474-1999 Gruening Building, UAF campus Graduate Student Therapists from UA Psychology Doctoral Program (supervised by licensed psychologist) offer individual and couple therapy for adults. This service is available to everyone at $5 fee per visit, need not be a student. For appointments or questions call. Fairbanks Vet Center: 456-4238 540 4th Avenue, Suite 102, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides counseling to Vietnam and other vets, counseling to family members of certain eligible veterans, outreach and public education. Assists vets with military related problems, educational benefits, substance abuse counseling. Fairbanks Psychiatric and Neurological Clinic: 452-1739 1919 Lathrop St., Suite 220, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides private medical care specializing in psychiatric and neurological disorders in children and adults. Family Centered Services of Alaska, Inc.: 474-0890 620 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Family Centered Services of Alaska, Inc. is a mental health center that serves severely emotionally disturbed children and their families. Interior Alaska Center for Non-violent Living: 452-2293 or 800-478-7273 717 9th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides counseling services to women who have been victims of assault, abuse, incest, elder abuse and to people who are in a crisis. The program provides shelter care for women and children as well as a legal advocate. LEAP Alternatives to Violence Programs: 452-2473 600 University Avenue, Suite 4B P.O. Box 82842, Fairbanks, AK 99708 LEAP is an agency that provides a state-approved batterer’s intervention program for men, groups for women who use violence, an alternative to violence program for adolescents, and an anger management program. RCPC Stevie’s Place: 374-2850 726 26th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 [email protected] A program of the Resource Center for Parents and Children, offers child sexual abuse response, evaluation and information center. 15 Survivors After Suicide: 451-8600 Support group for anyone who has lost someone close to them through suicide. The group meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Group is open; people may come as they feel they need. No charge for group and no age restrictions. Fairbanks Alliance for the Mentally ill: 946 Cowles Street, Suite 102 456-4704 Dedicated to the eradication of mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life of all whose lives are affected by these diseases. Army Community Services Counseling Center: 353-9872 Provides mental health counseling and referral services for military and their dependents. Military & Family Life Consultants: 388-2553 [email protected] Available to help service members, spouses, family members, children and staff with marriage and relationships, stress and anxiety, depression, grief and loss, as well as daily life issues. Eielson Family Support: 377-2178 3124 Wabash Ave 1st Floor Nutrition Resources Alaska Cooperative Extension: 474-2420 1000 University Avenue, Fairbanks, AK This free program provides information about nutrition and cooking, menu planning, low-cost meals and how to use your WIC food items. How to Make Baby Food (UAF Cooperative Extension): 474-2450 or 474-2426 Food Bank: 725 26th Avenue, Fairbanks Cooperative Extension class taught at the Food Bank. Call for more info. WIC (Women, Infants, and Children): 456-2990 726 26th Avenue, Suite 2, Fairbanks 99701 WIC provides free milk, cheese, eggs, tuna fish, cereal, fruit juice, infant formula, peanut butter, carrots, dried beans and dried peas to families with children under the age of 5. 16 WIC (Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Food Program): TCC 452-8251 or 1-800-478-7822 122 1st Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701 This is a food supplemental program which provides for Alaska Native women, infants and children under age five. There are income and health guidelines, but those who meet the income guidelines are urged to apply to the program with the likelihood of being accepted. Holiday Assistance Santa’s Clearing House: 459-7511 Provides Christmas food baskets and toys for families referred by an agency during the holiday season. Has furniture and winter clothing available for burn-out victims. Accepts money donations, furniture and winter clothing. Salvation Army: Emergency Family Services 452-5005 1602 10th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 The Salvation Army provides comprehensive emergency services for people in need. Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes by appointment only. Financial / Budgeting Resources Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Alaska: 451-8303 250 Cushman, Suite 4B, Fairbanks, AK Provides confidential budgeting and credit counseling help, debt management programs, housing consultations and credit reports. Child Care Assistance: 459-1474 520 5th Avenue, Suite 100 (P. O. Box 71267), Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides financial assistance for child care, including licensed centers and day care homes, and legally exempt homes. Serves parents who are working or going to school or in a training program. Eligibility and level of assistance based on family income. Child Support Enforcement Division: 451-2830 675 7th Avenue, Station J-2, Fairbanks, AK Services include assisting parents in the collection of child support owed to them by the non-custodial parent. They will establish administrative orders for the collection of child support payments, establish paternity, and enforce the child support orders. The absent parent does not need to reside in Alaska for these services to be provided. There 17 are no fees for these services. Division of Public Assistance/Food Stamps: 451-2850 and 1-800-478-2850 675 7th Avenue, Station G, Fairbanks, AK Services include, cash, food stamps, Medicaid, Denali KidCare, Alaska Temporary Assistance Program (ATAP), health preventative screening services and pregnancy health care to eligible persons. Anyone living outside of Fairbanks area can communicate by mail. Pickup application for energy assistance (fuel and electricity bills) November 1-May 15th. Lifeline Phone Program: (Listed under General Assistance) Housing Resources Emergency Housing Rescue Mission: 452-5343 723 27th Ave, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Offers both a men’s and women’s center, providing a bed and three meals a day. They also offer counseling, clothing, and long-term recovery programs for men and women. There are no fees for these services. Interior Alaska Center for Non-violent Living (IACNVL): 452-2293 or 800-478-7273 (calls can be made 24 hours) 726 26th Avenue, #1, Fairbanks, AK 99701 A 24-hour shelter providing advocacy, crisis intervention, support groups, legal advocacy for individuals who have endured domestic violence and sexual assault. Also offering community education and training on the prevention and effects of domestic violence and sexual assault. Support/Educational Groups offered by IACNVL: • • • Women’s Support Group Changing Patterns Alternative Behavior and Choices 18 Long-Term Housing Alaska Housing Finance Corp.: 456-3738 or 800-478-2432 1441 22nd Avenue, Fairbanks, AK Assistance with housing/rent and Section 8 program to provide Alaskans access to safe, quality, affordable housing. Eligibility is base on income and program criteria. Family Housing Programs available in Fairbanks & North Pole Contact each independently for eligibility and availability. Chenana Apartments, 5190 Amherst Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99707 bedroom (479-4690) 52 units - 1, 2, 3 Park West Apartment, 2006 Sandvik, Fairbanks, AK 99707 (479-4918) 84 units - 1, 2 bedroom Executive Estates, 1620 Washington Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99709 (479-3655)108 units - 1, 2, 3 bedroom Little Dipper Apartments, 1910 Turner Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 (452-6092)51 units - 1, 2, 3 bedroom (Income Restricted) Tanana Apartments, 350 Santa Claus Lane #14, North Pole, AK 99705 (488-3215) Rental Assistance: 451-2850 and 1-800-478-2850 Interior Regional Housing Authority: 452-8315 828 27th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides affordable HUD housing for Alaska Native and American Indians in the Tanana Chiefs Conference region. Programs include rental assistance, home rehabilitation and mortgage assistance. Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services: 451-7230 534 10th Avenue Fairbanks, AK 99701 Counsels families on the home purchase process, providing funding and technical assistance for home improvement and loans and grants to help people get into affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity: 452-1685 A non-denominational Christian organization that builds affordable housing for families who want to be homeowners and do not qualify through traditional means. Families purchase the house from Habitat at a no interest cost and the work is done through volunteers and committees. 19 Interior Weatherization Program: 452-5323 713 15th Avenue, Fairbanks AK 99701 Provides weatherization work such as thermal doors, windows, insulation, airsealing and heating system repair of homes. The program covers homes, apartments, and trailers, for both owners and renters. USDA, Rural Development: 479-6767 590 University Avenue, Suite A, Fairbanks AK 99707 Assists families who qualify, purchase a home with zero-down loans and interest subsidized programs. Legal Resources Alaska Legal Services: 452-5181 or 800-478-5401 1648 Cushman Street, Suite 300, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides free legal counsel in certain types of civil matters to applicants who meet the financial eligibility criteria. Conducts clinics on self-representation in divorce and custody matters and seminars on other legal topics. Alaska Lawyers Referral Service: 907-272-7469 or 800-770-9999, Anchorage, AK All lawyers are members of the Alaska Bar Association and provide services for general, civil, and criminal matters. The Alaska Lawyer Referral Service is organized by types of law, such as real estate, adoption, etc. Call for cost information. Child Custody Investigator’s Office: 452-9360 Child Support Services Division: 451-2830 675 7th Avenue, Station J-2, Fairbanks, AK Disability Law Center of Alaska: 456-1070 1949 Gillam Way, Suite H, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides rights protection for children and adults with disabilities through legal-based advocacy, services include special education advocacy and entitlements. Human Rights Commission: 800-478-4692, 20 Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS): 474-1025 North Star Youth Court: 457-6792 604 Barnette Street, Suite 116, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides rights protection for children and adults with disabilities through legal-based advocacy, services include special education advocacy and entitlements. State of Alaska Department of Corrections (Adult Probation): 458-6830 455 3rd Avenue, Suite 130, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Felon court-mandated supervision and parole supervision. State of Alaska Ombudsman: 800-478-3257 Investigates complaints of administrative actions of State of Alaska agencies. Tanana Chiefs Conference: 452-8251 - FAX: 459-3851 201 1st Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701 A multi-service agency providing information, support and services to tribal members enrolled and living in Interior tribal communities. Departments include: Family Services, Education, Employment, Natural Resource, Village Government, Realty and Health. Violent Crimes Victim’s Compensation: 800-764-3040 Services for Special Needs Access Alaska: 479-7940 526 Gaffney Road, Suite 100, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Full range of disability assistance: referral, independent living skills, advocacy, accessibility assessments, modification of homes and businesses, service orientation, rural services, adaptive equipment and loan closet, Americans with Disabilities Act information, peer support groups, consumer directed Personal Care Attendant (PAC) program, benefits counseling, and vision program. Alaska Center for Children and Adults (ACCA): 456-4003 1020 Barnette Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Alaska Center for Children and Adults assists in improving the lives of people with disabilities and their families by providing quality diagnostic, therapeutic, educational and referral services in conjunction with other community providers without regard to ability to pay. 21 Project TEACH: 456-4003 1020 Barnette Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides early intervention services for children ages birth to 3 years such as developmental assessments, early education and therapy, family services coordination, speech therapy for all ages, adaptive equipment and loan closet. All educational and assessment services are at no charge to families. FACES Diagnostic Team: 456-4003 The FACES Team serves children experiencing difficulties related to prenatal exposure to alcohol. Services include screening and multidisciplinary evaluations leading to diagnosis and recommendations for intervention. Building Blocks Rehab: 374-4911 Provides occupational and physical therapy. Fairbanks Resource Agency (FRA): 456-8901 805 Airport Way, Suite 1, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Provides educational resources, family support, disability services, case management, respite and home care, employment services for children and adults experiencing developmental disabilities and related impairments. Transportation services are provided for specialized and residential care. Fairbanks North Star Borough School District (FNSBSD) Special Education Department: 452-2000 A special Education Parent Resource Center for parents of children with special needs. Provides IEP or special needs services to children 3-5 in a preschool setting call Ext. 444 to schedule a screening. FAS Parent Support Group: 479-6584 Special Olympics of the Tanana Valley: 452-4595 Stone Soup Group: 877-786-7327 3350 Commercial Dr., Suite 100, Anchorage, AK 99501 A statewide collaboration located in Anchorage, aimed at improving services for families who have children with developmental disabilities. Autism - Learn the Signs, Act Early: 22 Alaska Autism Resource Center: 866-301-7372 3501 Denali Street, Suite 101, Anchorage, AK 99503 Supporting Alaskans with autism spectrum disorders, their families, and communities through education, collaboration, communication and resources. Talkabout, Inc.: 452-4517 1327 Kalakaket Street, Fairbanks, AK 99709 A locally owned private therapy clinic, composed of occupational and speech therapists who are experienced, caring professionals dedicated to improving the quality of life of children with special needs. Services include evaluations and assessments of all aspects of speech, language, and communication behavioral issues, as well as all aspects of occupational therapy. Therapeutic Recreation Program (FNSB Parks & Recreation): 459-1097 or 459-1070 Big Dipper Building, 1920 Lathrop St., Fairbanks, AK 99701 The Parks & Recreation program provides recreational opportunities adapted for people with any disability. Parents Inc.: 456-6770 or 800-478-7678 Information, training and support to parents of children with disabilities. A quarterly newsletter, lending library, parent support and networking, training in Special Education Law. Deaf Community Services: 456-5913 Relay Alaska Telecommunication Service: 451-5045 or 800-538-9881x59260 Relay service provides confidential telephone accessibility to people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or have speech disabilities. Alaska Relay is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with no restrictions on the number of calls placed or on their length. Army Community Service, Exceptional Family Member Program – Fort Wainwright: 353-4243 1060 Gaffney Rd. #6600, Ft. Wainwright, AK 99703 For military families who have a family member, regardless of age, who require medical services for a chronic condition; receives ongoing services from a specialist, has mental health concerns; receives an IEP or IFSP. 23 Disability Law Center of Alaska: (Listed under Legal Services) Division of Vocational Rehab: (Listed under Employment Resources) Social Security Administration: Income for Individuals with a Disability: 456-0241 or 800-772-1213 101 12th Avenue, Room 138, Fairbanks Van Tran: (Listed under Transportation) Adult Education Services Adult Learning Programs of Alaska (ALPA): 452-6434 122 1st Avenue Suite 201, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Adult Learning Programs of Alaska (ALPA) offers educational classes and resources, General Educational Development (GED) testing, senior services, case management, respite and home care assistance, job preparation, job development, and Veterans History Project. ALPA offers computer and English Literacy (English as a Second Language) classes. Literacy Council of Alaska: 456-6212 517 Gaffney Road, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Offering one-on-one tutoring in reading, writing, math and English Services include English as a second language, and reading, writing and math instruction for adults and children; help for those with dyslexia and other reading disorders. The Literacy Council gives away thousands of books each year through their book recycling program. They also give away hundreds of computers through their computer recycling program. Computer literacy classes are available. Even Start: 456-6212 517 Gaffney Road, Fairbanks, AK 99701 This is a family literacy program is open to parents who would like to earn their GED or English skills. Preschool is open during adult education classes, parent and child together time, and computer skills development will also be components of the program. Hutchinson Career Development Center: 479-2261 3750 Geist Road, Fairbanks, AK Services include career counseling, employment assistance, vocational training in office occupation, cook/chef, aircraft mechanics, auto mechanics, welding and drafting. The programs are open to those 16 years and older. There are no fees for students in grades 9 - 12, but there are fees for adults. 24 Tanana Valley Campus (UAF Downtown Center): 455-2800 604 Barnett Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Community interest credit and non-credit courses, certificate and associate degree programs in academic an technical areas. Student development and learning center, career counseling, advising and support for enter college. Free placement and interest testing. Apprenticeships Independent Carpenters & Willwrights: 452-2879 Carpenters Apprenticeship & Training Center: 452-4626 Laborer’s Apprenticeship Program: 907-345-3853 IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electric Workers): 456-4248 Operating Engineers: 456-5421 Plumbers & Steamfitters: 456-7214 Teamsters Union Local: 907-288-3674 Employment Resources Alaska Department of Labor: 451-5967 or 451-2875 675 7th Avenue, Station D, P.O. Box 71010, Fairbanks, AK 99707 Employment training, typing test, resource room for computer availability, workshops for interviewing skills and resume building, vocational counseling, individual employment counseling and access to internet. Day Labor Program: 456-8317 915 2nd Avenue, Fairbanks, AK Department of Veteran’s Affairs & Vocational Rehab. Program: 456-4238 540 4th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: 451-6261 751 Old Richardson Highway, Suite 102, Fairbanks, AK Helps Alaskans with disabilities find jobs by providing counseling, evaluation of physical or mental impairment, benefits analysis/counseling, career assessment, vocational counseling, job training, assistive technology, job search assistance and/or placement and other services. 25 Division of Public Assistance Alaska Work Programs: 451-2860 This program is a joint effort with Department of Health and Social Services. Seeks to remove welfare recipients by providing support services. Vocational and personal counseling, evaluation and job referral. Can assist with day care and transportation needs. Manpower: 474-8875 714 4th Avenue, Suite 352A, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Temporary employment agency for clerical, industrial and unskilled labor. Job Services: 451-2871 Recruitment, selection and referral of workers to job openings. On-the-job training. Youth Corps project and specials programs for groups such as Veterans, handicapped persons, youth, elderly, etc. Also administers the employment insurance program. Job Hotline (recorded message): 451-2875 Telephone recorded 24 hour hot line. Wage & Hour Administration: 451-2886 Responsible for administration and enforcement of all state labor laws within the following areas: employment practices and working conditions, child labor; public works and contracts, labor organization. Worker’s Compensation Division: 451-2889 Provides information about workers’ compensation laws and mediates between insurance companies and the employee incapacitated due to job-related injury or illness. Fairbanks Native Association: 452-1648 605 Hughes Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 FNA is a non-profit organization which conducts a wide variety of programs intended to serve the Native community of Fairbanks and the community of Fairbanks as a whole. Tanana Chiefs Conference: 452-8251 - FAX: 459-3851 201 1st Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701 26 Yukon Tanana Sub region: 459-3930 1302 21st, Fairbanks, AK A multi-service agency providing information, support and services to tribal members enrolled and living in Interior tribal communities. Providing employment training, resumes, job search services, North slope Oil positions through Doyon. com: Career center, job search, resume building assistance, post resume, and explore learning opportunities, relocation information. Billboard for local job opportunities. Youth Programs 4-H Club: 474-2428 1000 University Avenue, Room 140 A wide variety of programs for Kindergarten-12th grade with their parents. Alaska Job Corps: 800-478-0531 Comprehensive residential education and vocational training program for youth ages 16-24. Big Brothers/Big Sisters: (Listed under Family & Parenting Resources) Boys & Girls Club: 457-5223 800 Cushman Street, Fairbanks Provides opportunities for safe recreation and social development for youth ages 6-18. $30 per year membership. Fairbanks: 800 Cushman St. 457-5223 North Pole: 220 Parkway Dr. 488-7838 Two Rivers: 400 Two Rivers Rd. 488-6616 Boy Scouts of America: 452-1976 1400 Gilliam Way, Fairbanks Provides educational program for boys and young adults. 27 Girl Scouts of America: 456-4782 431 Old Steese Hwy, Fairbanks Provides educational program for girls and young adults. Camp Fire USA: 456-4334 565 University Avenue, Suite 3A, Fairbanks Offers school-age childcare, community center programs and day or residential camps. Family Literacy Council of Alaska – After School Tutoring: 456-6212 517 Gaffney Road, Fairbanks After School Tutoring Program: Designed to tutor elementary students who are six months to a year behind in their academic skills. Cross-Age Tutoring Program: A summer program that trains youth to tutor elementary students in reading and math. Joel’s Place: 452-2621 1890 Marika Rd, Fairbanks A faith-based youth center where kids can get help with homework, skate board or just hang out. Offering opportunities for youth to complete required community work service requirements for school courses and court orders. Young Life: 456-7029 4611 Maresh, Fairbanks Adults reaching out to teenagers and walking with them through adolescents, with an emphasis on Christian spirituality. Substance Abuse Services Al-Anon: 456-6458 P.O. Box 84865, Fairbanks, AK 99708 Alanon is a support group for family and friends of practicing and recovering alcoholics. Follows the 12 steps adapted from AA. Meeting times and places change call the number above of current information. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): 456-7501 544 3rd Avenue, Northward Blvd, Fairbanks AK P.O. Box 73882, Fairbanks, AK 99707 Information, education, and support for people who think they may have a problem with alcohol or who are self-identified as alcoholics. Call for a schedule. 28 Army Community Counseling Center: 353-9872 1060 Gaffney Rd, Blvd 7460, Ft. Wainwright, AK Provides outpatient treatment for drug and alcohol related programs, must be active duty or dependent of active duty. Fairbanks Rescue Mission: 452-5343 723 27th Avenue, AK 99701 Offering a 1-year recovery program from drugs and alcohol. GRAF In-Roads to Healing (FNA &TCC): 455-4725 2550 Lawlor Road, Fairbanks Residential treatment and rehabilitation program for youth who have substance abuse and co-existing disorders. Narcotics Anonymous (NA): 452-7372 3510 College Road, Fairbanks, AK Supportive group for those recovering from addiction to narcotic drugs. Contact phone number to reach answering service with schedule of NA meetings. Ralph Purdue Center for Alcohol & Other Addictions (FNA): 452-6251 3100 S. Cushman Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Ralph Perdue Center is a detoxification, residential and outpatient treatment service for persons 18 or older. (Adult and Adolescent) Services Include: New Hope-Domiciliary Program 451-1170 Assessments & Interventions 452-6251 Continuing Care 451-1830x21 Emergency Medical/Detox 452-1053x1 Elderly Care (TIE) 451-1830x24 Adult Residential 456-1045 Youth Services (YDAP) 451-1830x25 INROADS Outpatient 451-1830 CSP 451-1053x2 Alcohol & Drug Info School 451-1830 Women & Children’s Center for Inner Healing (FNA): 451-8164 1027 Evergreen Street, Fairbanks A residential substance abuse treatment program for women 18 years and older that provides childcare, educational resources, substance abuse resources, family support services, recreational activities, case management, mental health/therapeutic resources, and services for children with disabilities. Transportation is provided for clients. 29 Transportation Resources Drivers and Car License: 451-5180 Fairbanks North Star Borough Metropolitan Area Commuter System: 459-1011 The Metropolitan Area Commuter System (MACS) operate four bus routes: the Red Line, Blue Line, Green Line and Purple/Yellow Line. All routes meet in downtown Fairbanks at the Transit Park (501 Cushman Street). See schedules for route times, route map with major bus stop locations and rates. Fairbanks North Star Borough School District: 452-2000 520 5th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701 Ext. 352 - transportation for children with an IEP and attending the School District. Ext. 431 - transportation for families experiencing homelessness/transition and attending the School District. Van Tran: 459-1324 Provides transportation services for people with a disability and operating the same hours as the regular MAC system. Please call for more information. Advocacy Resources Legislative Information office: 452-4448 To Locate Your Polling Place: 1-888-383-8683 Voter Registration: 451-2835 Who can vote? A person may vote at any election who: • is a citizen of the United States, • is 18 years of age or older, • has been a resident of the state and of the election district in which the person seeks to vote for at least 30 days just before the election, • has registered before the election registration deadline, and • is not registered to vote in another jurisdiction. 30 Assistance while voting: Language or Other Assistance While Voting – If you need assistance during the voting process, you may have a person of your choice provide any needed assistance as long as that person is not a candidate for office in the election, is not your employer, agent of your employer or agent of a union you belong to. Assistance may be provided during each step of the voting process, including assistance inside the voting booth with reading or marking the ballot. You may also receive assistance from the election board. This is your right under federal law. Touch Screen Voting Option – There will be one touch screen voting unit in each polling place. Touch screen voting is intended for the blind, disabled, and for voters who do not read well. Alaska’s touch screen voting unit allows disabled voters to vote unassisted through the use of magnified, high contrast and audio ballots. Visually Impaired Voters - Magnifying ballot viewers for the visually impaired will be available at all polling places and absentee voting sites. Hearing Impaired Voters – The Division of Elections has a TTY telecommunications device, which allows hearing impaired voters to obtain general information about elections by calling (907) 465-3020. Physically Disabled Voters – If you have difficulty gaining access to your polling place, or if you have accessibility questions about your polling place, please let the Division of Elections know. If you have questions or would like more information about special services, please contact any regional elections office. Region III Fairbanks: (907) 451-2835 31 Contact Information Senators: Joe Thomas 907-465-2327 800-336-7383 fax: 907-465-5241 E-mail: [email protected] Interim Contact: 1292 Sadler Way Ste. 313 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-456-8161 fax: 907-456-8763 Joe Paskvan- David Guttenberg 907-465-4457 800-928-4457 fax: 907-465-3519 E-mail: [email protected]. Interim Contact: 1292 Sadler Wy Ste 304 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-456-8172 fax: 907-456-2490 907-465-3709 877-665-3709 fax: 907-465-4714 E-mail: [email protected] Interim Contact: State Capitol, Room 7 Juneau, AK 99801-1182 907-465-3709 fax: 907-465-4714 Scott Kawasaki Gene Therriault- North Pole Jay Ramras 907-465-4797 800-860-4797 fax: 907-465-3884 E-mail: [email protected] Interim Contact: 3340 Badger Rd Ste 290 North Pole, AK 99705 907-488-0857 fax: 907-488-4271 Representatives: Mike Kelly 907-465-4976 866-465-4976 fax: 907-465-3883 E-mail: [email protected] Interim Contact: 1292 Sadler Wy Ste 323 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-452-6084 fax: 907-452-6096 907-465-3466 866-465-3466 fax: 907-465-2937 E-mail: [email protected] Interim Contact: 1292 Sadler Way Ste 328 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-456-7423 fax: 907-451-9293 907-465-3004 877-465-3004 fax: 907-465-2070 E-mail: [email protected] Interim Contact: 1292 Sadler Wy Ste 324 Fairbanks, Ak. 99701 907-452-1088 fax: 907-452-1146 John Coghill- North Pole 907-465-3719 877-465-3719 fax: 907-465-3258 E-mail: [email protected] Interim Contact: 3340 Badger Rd Ste 290 North Pole, AK 99705 907-488-5725 fax: 907-488-4271 32
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