Connection The 4308 W. Davis Street Conroe, Texas 77304-4284 936.756.3395 Facebook FUMCConroe Twitter @FUMCConroe April 19, 2015 Stephen Ministry, FUMC-Conroe ——————————————— Traditional Services 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Dr. Jerry Neff Inspiration Choir - 8:30 a.m. Chancel Choir - 11:00 a.m. ——————————————— Contemporary Service 9:45 a.m. - Sanctuary Rev. Mike Lindstrom FUMC Praise Team ——————————————— Culto de Adoración 11:00 a.m. - Capilla de Fe Emigdio Rosales Today’s Mission Offering goes to “Clothes Line of Love” Website Today our church will commission seven new Stephen Ministers. Our newest Stephen Ministers are: Cheryl Bolt, Annette Combest, James Haack, Debbie McLin, Larry Snider, Jean Stewart, and Beth Withers. These individuals have successfully completed 50 clock hours of training to become Stephen Ministers at FUMC-Conroe. The training includes pre-class readings of information in the training manuals/ books, guest speakers, and panel discussions. The recent training classes took place on Sunday afternoons at our church and during a couple of Saturday retreats. Kenneth C. Haugk, of Stephen Ministries in St. Louis, Missouri, includes in his literature that “Hundreds of thousands of Stephen Ministers have been trained so far, and tens of thousands are being added every year. Each Stephen Minister brings to his ministry a unique combination of gifts, personality and character.” You may visit the Stephen Ministry website for more information at “Stephen Ministry is a blessing in my life. My husband and I moved to Willis in June, after spending 42 years in Silsbee, Texas. I am a retired school counselor. Stephen Ministry is giving me a chance to meet new faces and to get involved in the church by helping others. The training covers many life experiences that can come our way. The training is very thorough and teaches us what we are to do as a Stephen Ministry Caregiver.” Beth Withers “Stephen Ministry Training prepares you to offer God’s love to those who are hurting and need spiritual care. Stephen Ministry Training equips you with the tools and techniques to be a better Christian Caregiver to people who are going through difficult times/ circumstances. Stephen Ministry Training enables you to provide loving, quality, Christian care when people need love, comfort and support to get through trying periods in their lives.” R. Larry Snider “My first and last impression of Stephen Ministry Training would have to be ‘dedication’—the dedication our teachers, our class, and our church has to serving each other, to helping each other to ‘weather’ and survive a very personal storm. Everyone involved in Stephen Ministry exudes a dedication to serve our Lord by serving others, and I’m very grateful to have a part in this ministry.” Cheryl Bolt The next training session will begin in September, 2015. If you are interested in learning more about the Stephen Ministry training, please call the church office. Becoming disciples of Jesus Christ by knowing, loving and serving God plain thoughts Church ? For a while I have been thinking about the question: “What is the church?” Each of us has our own idea of what the church is, who the church is, and what and how the church does what the church does—each of us has a response. So, here is a thought: Church isn’t about Sunday mornings because God is calling us to be servants in our community, in the world, every day. God is calling us to do God’s will, which is to serve God and serve our neighbor. I found this response from Felicia Hopkins in an unnamed article: “. . . because I grew up in a single parent home, I know what it is like to run out of money at the end of the month. So, I put bags of food in the trunk of my car and I drive around and look for people—single moms, single dads, people who work hard every day making seven or eight dollars an hour. I pull up next to them, pop my trunk, hop out and give them two bags of food. I tell them, ‘It’s not me. It's the Christ inside me.’” When you learn the joy of serving in God’s will (to love God and love neighbor), you start receiving the joy, and it doesn’t matter your current circumstance. When you don’t feel right, go do something for somebody else, because that is what Jesus did for us. Then you’ll find the peace that passes all understanding. What is God doing through you today? God’s Keeping, caring ministry Stepping Outside Our Church Throughout the years, as I have talked to families in our congregation, many of you have told me that you were introduced to hospice when one of your loved ones was in their final months of life. I kept hearing statements such as “We really didn’t know what to expect and how hospice was going to help.” But the next statement that followed was always something like this: “Hospice held our hand throughout the time they were with us. They helped us understand exactly what was going on, what to expect and how they were going to help. These were very difficult times for our family, but hospice was wonderful for us!” The conversation would quickly change to the individuals with whom these families came into contact that were on the hospice teams such as the nurses, physicians, medical social workers, spiritual care coordinators and volunteers. Recently, I had a conversation with a young woman named Sabra, who is the Volunteer Coordinator for Silverado Hospice in the Conroe, Willis, and Woodlands areas. She was telling me that the families in Silverado Hospice are in dire need of volunteer assistance. That’s when my wheels started turning and I began thinking about our warm and compassionate congregation. If some of us could give one hour a week, what a blessing we would be to a family in need. Now, you are probably asking yourself, “What would I be doing?” Here is a list of some ways to help: Visit with patients and their families Read to the patients or help with hobbies Grocery shop Help with minor household chores If this ministry touches your heart and you think you might be interested, please call Janet Cable in the church office at 936-756-3395. Remember, you can do this by yourself or with a friend. ~ Janet Cable ~ 2 youth ministry Sunday, April 26 9:45 a.m. Breakfast with family 11:00 Recognition If you are a graduating senior and did not receive information in the mail, please contact Ruth Ann Person for more information. We want to make sure that all of our graduates are recognized. Youth Confirmation Class begins Wednesday, April 22 5:00 p.m. - -6:00 p.m., Upper Room Registration for UMARMY, our Sr. High Mission Trip, has begun. Youth and Adults can go online to Indv/1224/ and register. Signed Waiver and Emergency Medical Authorization forms are needed and can be found outside the Youth Office. After you have registered, submit your signed forms and payment of $250.00 to the Youth Office. Deadline to register is Monday, April 27. Be sure and mark your calendar for the Sixth Grade Lock-In on Friday, May 1. We will need all youth to come and help. Sign up on the bulletin board downstairs. This class is for any youth in 7th-12th grade who has not yet been confirmed or who may want to re-affirm their confirmation vow. This is a six-week class that will be taught prior to Wednesday Night Youth. For more information, contact Ruth Ann Person. lifespan ministry CHILDREN & FAMILY Nana Puddin’ Tuesday, April 21 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary Friday Night Family Night baseball game at SHSU May 15 at 6:30 p.m. $8.00 includes hot dog, popcorn & drink. Sign up & prepay for your tickets in the church office. Adult Open Gym Tuesday Nights 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Come join us for a pickup game of basketball, volleyball etc. . . . . Nursery available SENIOR ADULTS Trip to The Brookwood Community Wednesday, April 29 * Tour * Lunch * Shopping * Sign up on the ledge outside the church office. Vacation Bible School June 22 - 26 $5.00 per child 4 years old (as of 6-26-15) through 5th grade Register & pay online at SINGLE ADULTS Single Adult Game Night Saturday, April 25 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in Room 131 Call 936-447-6813 to RSVP 3 music / worship ministries Thanks for your great music in worship! You bless us with your continuous service. A special thanks to the Rejoice Ringers and Scott Moore for your contribution to all three services. Our Children’s Music Ministry ends the spring session today following their singing in our morning worship. We will all meet at Incredible Pizza for our End-of-Choir Party at 12:30 p.m. Our thanks and appreciation go to Tonya Haack, Ruth Ann Person, and Amanda Williamson for leading our young singers so capably. Enjoy your break! We’ll begin a new session following Labor Day. New activities are in the works. Keep that prayer list actively engaged! Heartwarmer for the week: “What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God.” (Monica Baldwin) Friendly Reminders: Check out the newest recycle list! Cell phones, iPads & tablets; inkjet cartridges; Apple iPods; Smart Watches & Fitness Bands; gold, silver & platinum jewelry Use your Kroger Card #82528/Randall’s Card #2293. hispanic ministry Que es un Don Espiritual? Es un atributo especial que el Espiritu Santo da a cada miembro del Cuerpo de Cristo, segun la Gracia de Dios. Es un regalo de Dios para sus hijos, segun el Espiritu Santo quiere y reparte (1 Cor. 12:11; 1 Pedro 4:10) 4 Cual es el proposito de los Dones Espirituales? Perfeccionar a los Santos (Efesios 4:12); edificar el cuerpo de Cristo (1 Cor. 14:3,12,26); y legar a la unidad de la fe y del conocimiento del Hijo de Dios. Reunion de Lideres este Sabado, 18 de Abril en la capilla 5:00 p.m. No faltes. missions and community outreach ministries Our church will be offering a book drive in May so we can provide a book for each child at Sam Houston Elementary who participates in this AgriLife reading program. Sunday, May 3 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in our Gym Families Reading Every Day Log in to Digital Donor at and enter sponsor code: 3546 Watch for more details next week about requested books. A WAY TO SERVE OTHERS Donate a Car or Van for “Transportation to Independence” “Whoever serves me must follow me. Wherever I am, there my servant will also be. My Father will honor whoever serves me.” John 12:26 Your donation can help families have dependable transportation. Contact the church office for more information Stop by the Ministry Wall outside the Library, the “Way to Serve” board outside the Susanna Room, or go to discipleship Discipleship is the practice of being a Christ-follower through worship, prayer, study and acts of compassion and justice found in witness and service. We become disciples as we practice living out our lives through knowing, loving and serving God in the world. TODAY Why are we United Methodist? Women’s Book Club Sensible Shoes: Join Rev. Scott Moore at 11:00 a.m. Sundays, April 19 - May 10, in the Susanna Room to find out more A Story about the Spiritual Journey about what it means to say “I am a United Methodist!” Tuesday evening, April 28 by Sharon Garlough Brown 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wesley Room Come see what Annual Conference is all about! Bring a dessert to share. Sunday, May 3 9:45 a.m. in Faith Chapel Led by Rev. Janet Stilwell Hear about the upcoming resolutions. Books on Amazon Hosted by Dr. Jerry Neff Childcare available 5 Youth Fundraiser begins Friday, May 1, at 7:00 p.m. ends Saturday, May 2, at 8:30 a.m. All current sixth graders are invited to come join our Jr. High and Sr. High students and see what being a part of our YOUTH group is all about. We will play games, eat dinner, have ice cream and more. Bring soda or a drink to share. Be sure to sign up on the bulletin board downstairs in the hallway and pick up a permission slip. MILITARY SERVICE MINISTRY Please help us keep our lists of military service personnel and their addresses current. Contact Charlene and Jim Payne at 936.756.6947. You can help lower the cost of our summer activities for several of our youth. In the narthex, you will find a clothesline with envelopes numbered 1 - 100. These numbers represent the amount of money you are asked to give. 1. Choose a card from those remaining on the line. 2. Put the dollar amount written on the front of the envelope. 3. Place the envelope in the drop box or in the church office. Inside the envelope is a card with the dates of when our youth will be away from the church at different summer events. We ask your prayers for our youth and adult leaders on these days. On the back of the card is an invitation to join us on Sunday, August 9, for a Celebration Luncheon. Our Youth will be sharing photos and personal stories of their experiences throughout the summer. Thank you so much for supporting our youth! FUMC-Conroe Columbarium Home Communion Volunteers Needed Call Janet Cable in the church office at 936.756.3395. 6 Construction will begin on the Columbarium as soon as we have enough niches purchased to support the building costs. Each niche holds two urns, at a total cost of $3,000. A two-year, interest-free payment plan is available. If you would like to purchase a niche, please don’t wait. Sign up now! Call Chris Gurley in the church office at 936.756.3395. Youth Confirmation Class begins Wednesday, April 22 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Upper Room This class is for any youth in the 7th - 12th grade who has not yet been confirmed or who was confirmed but may want to re-affirm their commitment. This is a six-week class that will be taught prior to our Wednesday Night Youth. For more information, contact Ruth Ann Person. We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation. This week’s featured book from our own church library: Gardenias for Breakfast is a delightful novel by Robin Jones Gunn that explores relationships between grandmothers, mothers, and daughters. Cancer You are invited to join us for: Service Day Monday, April 20 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Wesley Room Project: Cough Pillows for Hospital Patients Coordinators: Ellen McCarty, 756-5045 Betty Hosterman, 539-1536 Last month we stuffed and stitched 82 pillows. Support Group Wednesday, May 13 12:00 Noon – 1:15 p.m. in the Church Library This month our speaker will be Dr. Anita Arora Gill, a dermatologist. She will talk to the group about the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. Dr. Gill is willing to look at any skin problems that you might be concerned about that day. Everyone is welcome. Please come and join the group. Lunch served. Call Janet Cable at 936-756-3395 if you have any questions. Calling All Callers!! The Connecting Ministry Needs You! We are looking for folks who will call our members on their birthday and/or call our first-time visitors to welcome them to our church! Call Rev. Janet Stilwell for more details 936-756-3395, or e-mail at [email protected]. Both ministries are great ways to help others from the comfort of your home! Pre-Annual Conference Informational Meeting You are i nvi t ed t o at t end a P re -Annual C onf eren ce In form at i onal M eet i ng l ed b y Dr. J err y Nef f on S unda y, Ma y 3, at 9: 45 a.m . in Fai t h C hapel . Hope yo u wi l l be abl e t o at t end ! THANK YOU I would like to thank all of you for your support, condolences, cards, donations and, of course, prayers during the recent illness and subsequent passing away of my mother. My church family was such a comfort during this difficult time. Marie Underdown Volunteers Needed Sympathy to . . . Would you like to volunteer to send greeting cards to our homebound members? Call Janet Cable at 936.756.3395. . . . Rich Stanton on the April 2 death of his brother, William Stanton, of Levittown, Pennsylvania. PRAYER REQUEST OR PRAISE REPORT? E-mail to: [email protected] - or call (936) 756-3395 - or visit our website at hospital PLEASE PRAY FOR . . . OUR KNOWN HOSPITALIZED St. Luke’s - Houston Sondra Richardson RECENTLY RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL Ann Churchill, Mary “Sue” Davis, Nannette McCarty, Donna Trice-Drummond, Nicola Weems If you or someone you love has been in the hospital for 24 hours and you haven’t heard from the church, we don’t know you're there. 7 week at a glance Sunday, April 19 Third Sunday Mission Offering / Clothes Line of Love 7:00 am—Sunday Morning Men’s Coffee Fellowship/ Library (101) 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 am—Worship Services/Sanctuary & Faith Chapel 9:30 am—Small Groups for Youth/Upper Room 9:45 am—Small Groups for All Ages/All Classrooms 11:00 am—Children’s Sunday School (bilingual)/102 11:00 am—Small Groups for Adults/Asbury Room, 109 & 113 11:00 am—Why Are We United Methodist?/Susanna Room (100) 12:30 pm—Children’s Music Ministry End-of-Choir Party/ Incredible Pizza 3:00 pm—New Hope Handbells/Sanctuary 4:00 pm—Inspiration Choir/M-1 & M-2 4:00 pm—Discipleship Team/Library (101) 5:00 pm—Y.O.U.T.H. Group/Gym, Upper Room & Sports Field Monday, April 20 9:00 am—Jesus in the Gospels/111 9:00 am—United Methodist Women Service Day/Wesley Room 9:00 am—Day School/Children’s Area & Gym 7:00 pm—Boy Scout Troop 143/Wesley Room & 131 7:00 pm—Cub Scout Pack 143/123 Tuesday, April 21 6:20 am—Morning Breakfast Devotional for Montgomery Jr. High and Sr. High/Whataburger 7:00 am—Tuesday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast/ Wesley Room 9:00 am—Day School/Children’s Area & Gym 9:30 am—Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study/111 10:00 am—Day School Nana Puddin’ Program/Sanctuary 5:00 pm—Daisy Troop 107016/Wesley Room 6:30 pm—Coordinating Ministry Team/Library (101) 6:30 pm—Nana Puddin’/Sanctuary 6:30 pm—Open Gym Night/Gym 7:00 pm—United Methodist Women Faith Circle/113 7:00 pm—Midweek Renewal/115 Wednesday, April 22 (continued) 6:00 pm—Chancel Bells/Sanctuary 6:00 pm—Time of Prayer Hispanic Ministry/Faith Chapel 6:00 pm—Y.O.U.T.H. Group/Gym, Upper Room & Sports Field 7:00 pm—Chancel Choir/M-1 7:00 pm—Hispanic Bible Class/111 Thursday, April 23 9:00 am—Day School/Children’s Area & Gym 9:30 am—Disciple II Bible Study/113 10:00 am—Region 2 Girl Scout Leadership/Library (101) 10:00 am—“The Gathering Place” Memory Care/Wesley Room 6:30 pm—Spring Fling/Wesley Room Friday, April 24 12:00 pm—Church Office Closes Saturday, April 25 5:00 pm—Soccer/Sports Field 5:30 pm—Single Adult Game Night/131 Financial Report as of March 31, 2015 Budget need through 3/31 $ 516,208 Received through 3/31 $ 590,890 Contributions over budget 3/31 $ 74,682 ONLINE GIVING FROM A MOBILE DEVICE Scan this QR CODE to access the online giving feature on your device. Wednesday, April 22 6:20 am—Morning Breakfast Devotional for Willis ISD/ Chick-fil-A 8:15 am—Day School Teacher Meeting/111 9:00 am—Morning “42” Gang/M-2 9:00 am—Day School/Children’s Area & Gym 9:30 am—“Mom-to-Mom”/115 10:00 am—Day School Nana Puddin’ Program/Sanctuary 10:00 am—Rose Hunt’s Bridge Group/131 12:00 pm—Brown Bag Bible Study/Wesley Room Flowers in the Sanctuary In honor of Roxy Thompson’s birthday, by her husband, Frank Thompson. First United Methodist Church 4308 W. Davis Street - Conroe, Texas 77304-4284 (936) 756-3395 April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. A TIME TO PREPARE PRELUDE WELCOME *EXPRESSIONS OF LOVING HOSPITALITY (You are encouraged to tell those around you how much you appreciate their presence here today.) *OPENING SONG “Sing with All the Saints in Glory” OPENING VOLUNTARY 8:30 a.m. HYMN TO JOY “A Call to Service” Martin Inspiration Choir 11:00 a.m. “This Is the Day” Berg Little Angels Choir, Cherub Choir, Sounds of Grace Doug Frankhouser, Cabasa; Alma Bigler, Triangle *CALL TO WORSHIP 8:30 a.m. - Doug Bieniek 11:00 a.m. - Hannah Person Leader: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. People: And also with you. Leader: Be filled with the Spirit of God and speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. People: We will sing with our lips and make melody to the Lord in our hearts, for God is good and God’s steadfast love endures forever. Leader: Praise God the Father at all times and give thanks for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. People: We will make the most of every opportunity and praise God by living as children of light. All: Thanks be to God! *HYMN No. 539 “O Spirit of the Living God” FOREST GREEN (Verses 1, 3 & 4) STEPHEN MINISTRY COMMISSIONING SERVICE - 11:00 a.m. TIME FOR OUR CHILDREN No. 558 Rev. Mary Tumulty “We Are the Church” PORT JERVIS (Refrain / Verse 1 / Refrain) CALL TO PRAYER No. 347 A TIME TO PRAY “Spirit Song” (Verse 1) SPIRIT SONG PASTORAL PRAYER 8:30 a.m. - Rev. Mary Tumulty 11:00 a.m. - Rev. Janet Stilwell THE LORD’S PRAYER No. 895 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. A TIME TO PROCLAIM “Take Time to Be Holy” *HYMN No. 395 HOLINESS (Verses 1, 2 & 3) **** *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH No. 884 “A Statement of Faith of the Korean Methodist Church” *SCRIPTURE Ephesians 5:21 *RESPONSE TO THE SCRIPTURE MESSAGE “My Tribute” “Defining Moments: Commitment” MY TRIBUTE Dr. Jerry Neff A TIME TO RESPOND MORNING OFFERING 8:30 a.m. “This Is the Day” Berg Little Angels Choir, Cherub Choir, Sounds of Grace Doug Frankhouser, Cabasa; Alma Bigler, Triangle 11:00 a.m. “A Call to Service” Martin Chancel Choir *DOXOLOGY No. 95 “Praise God, from Whom all Blessings Flow” OLD 100th *INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP (You are invited to give your life to Christ or indicate your desire to become a member of this church by coming to the altar. For information about this church and membership, visit the Welcome Center in the Lobby.) *HYMN No. 421 “Make Me a Captive, Lord” DIADEMATA (Verses 1, 3 & 4) RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE *BENEDICTION *CHORAL BENEDICTION “Are Ye Able” BEACON HILL (Refrain) *POSTLUDE “This Joyful Eastertide” arr. Kohrs (*Those who are comfortable to stand, please do so.) **** If you are visiting First United Methodist Church-Conroe for the first time, we are glad you are here! We hope you will register the gift of your presence on our attendance pads which the ushers will collect during the singing of the second hymn. ACOLYTES: 8:30 a.m. - Kerri Henry, Tanyr Sornson 11:00 a.m. - James Lindsay, Kellen Savoy Prayer partners are available by the Prayer Basket on the front row. Flowers in the Sanctuary In honor of Roxy Thompson’s birthday, by her husband, Frank Thompson
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