If you do not have a church home, we invite you to join our First United Methodist Family! Sunday Worship Services* Traditional 8:25 am & 10:55 am New Creation 9:45 am Chapel Sunday School* 9:45 am Music Ministries Instrumental Ensemble - Wednesdays 6:00 pm Chancel Choir - Wednesdays 7:00 pm* Handbell Choir - Thursdays 6:30 pm (September through June) Children’s Church* During 10:55 am service FUMPers Preschool Program Weekday mornings (September through May - 373-0108) Christian Education Opportunities Sundays 9:45 am* Wednesdays 6:15 pm* Young Adult Fellowship G.A.P Graduates and Professionals Small Group - Sundays 9:45 am Youth Ministry Youth HQ - Sundays 5:00 pm Praise Team - Sundays at 9 am *Nursery provided in Epworth Hall 419 N.E. First Street, Gainesville, Florida 32601 352-372-8523 www.fumcgnv.org Sunday, July 5, 2015 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost In Kingdomtide 8:25 am WOW! The members of the Church are its ministers. They are assisted by the following Support Team. Rev. Sara McKinley, Senior Pastor [email protected] 372-8523 ext. 27 Cell: (954) 873-7825 Rev. Kevin Johnson, Associate Pastor [email protected] 372-8523 ext. 14 Julie Cole, Church Administrator and Interim Preschool Business Administrator [email protected] 372-8523, ext. 16 Robert W. “B.J.” Jackson, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] 372-8523 ext. 20 Cell: (352) 222-6744 Krista Cunningham Children’s Ministry Director and Interim Preschool Director of Education [email protected] (352) 372-8523 Ext. 18 Cell: (352) 215-2581 Lorraine Amick, Organist [email protected] Lynn Sandefur-Gardner, Choral Accompanist [email protected] Jenny Eckenrode Director of Children’s Choir & Celebration Ringers [email protected] Lenora Rousseau New Creation Worship Leader [email protected] Sarah Kelly, Youth Intern/Office Assistant (352) 372-8523 ext. 11 [email protected] Teresa Dorman, Head Nursery Attendant Wendy Callahan, Church Cook (352) 283-2997 Tony Taylor, Custodian [email protected] Rev. Dr. Ken Carter Florida Area Bishop Rev. Sue Haupert-Johnson North Central Florida District Superintendent A DEFIBRILLATOR IS LOCATED ON THE 1ST FLOOR & WEST WALL OF EPWORTH HALL. First United Methodist Church welcomes all people to this congregation, believes that all persons are of sacred worth and in need of God's love and grace, believes that God intends the church to be a community of love, grace and justice for all. With open hearts, minds and doors, we welcome those of every age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic condition, family structure and physical or mental ability into all aspects of the life of this congregation. A Service of Word and Table SERMON TEXT The Nursery, located in Epworth Hall, is available for all morning activities for children birth - 4 years old. Out of respect for our worship, please silence all electronic devices prior to the service. Sound system hearing aids are available from the ushers upon request. Philippians 4:4-9 Rev. McKinley [NIV pg. 1830] Reader: This is the Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God. Please stand as you are able. Welcome (Please complete Connection Card and place in offering plate.) Mission Box PRELUDE Rev. Sara McKinley Community Outreach Ministry Susan Barrick "Adagio on “America the Beautiful" Lorraine Amick SERMON WOW! RECEIVING GOD’S TITHE AND OUR OFFERINGS (unison) Rev. Johnson Powerful God, multiply these gifts so that our faith community is empowered to minister to the needs of your children. Often our ministry is focused on global outreach and mission needs, but you also remind us in your word to minister to our family, friends, and one another. We are secure in knowing that by serving our brothers and sisters locally and globally, we serve you faithfully. Accept these gifts, in Jesus’ name. Amen. OFFERTORY SOLO “Let There Be Peace on Earth” Sy Miller/Jill Jackson James A. Konkel CALL TO WORSHIP (Please stand as you are able and read responsively) Sarah Kelly One: God comes! So don't let go of all the reasons to rejoice. All: One: All: One: All: We will sing a song to the One who fills our lives with joy. God comes! So don't stop lifting your prayers with thanksgiving. We will sing a song to the One who hears our words and silence. God comes! So don't stop giving your hearts to God. We will sing a song to the One who graces us with a peace we cannot begin to understand. Amen! (inspired by Zephaniah 3: 14-20, Isaiah 12: 2-6, Philippians 4: 4-7) ~ adapted from Thom Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies. http://lectionaryliturgies.blogspot.ca/ AN ORDER OF CELEBRATION OF AN APPOINTMENT (See insert) HYMN No. 696 (red hymnal) “America, the Beautiful” AFFIRMATION OF FAITH No. 881 Rev. Sara McKinley OLD 100th INVITATION TO COMMUNION Rev. McKinley PRAYER OF CONFESSION No. 893 (red hymnal) SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION (Please come as the ushers direct to receive the bread from the pastors and then dip the bread into the cup before partaking. **A gluten-free station is located to the pastor’s right. After receiving communion you are welcome to spend time in personal prayer at the prayer rail.) COMMUNION MUSIC PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Sarah Kelly HYMN No. 2197 (black hymnal) Lorraine Amick Rev. Johnson “Lord of All Hopefulness” SLANE BENEDICTION PSALM 148 pgs. 861-862 (red hymnal) with sung response JOYS AND CONCERNS Rev. McKinley “This Is My Song” FINALNDIA Rev. McKinley Please take time to greet those around you before you leave today. Robert Jackson THE LORD’S PRAYER No. 895 (red hymnal) HYMN No. 437 (red hymnal) Kathleen Olson, Soprano Kathy Anderson, Piano DOXOLOGY No. 95 (red hymnal) MATERNA GLORIA PATRI No.70 Rev. McKinley Sermon Series: 3 Essential Prayers RECESSIONAL “God of Our Fathers” Mary McDonald Lorraine Amick ORDER OF CELEBRATION OF A NEW APPOINTMENT Leader: Dear friends, today we welcome Kevin Johnson, who has been appointed to serve as our associate pastor. We believe that he is well qualified and has been prayerfully appointed by our bishop, the Rev. Dr. Ken Carter. Leader to newly appointed pastor: Kevin, you have been sent to live among us as a bearer of the Word of God; a minister of the Sacraments; and a sustainer of the love, order, and discipleship of the people of God. Pastor: Today I reaffirm this commitment in the presence of this congregation. Leader to congregation: Brothers and sisters in Christ, as a people committed to participate in the ministries of the Church by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness will you who celebrate this new beginning support and uphold Kevin in these ministries? and through our way of living. Grant us all to partake in your strength and joy, so that we can enter into the anxiety and suffering of the world, to be radiating and make alive that hope which Christ gives. All this we dare to pray of you; for you are to us the Father of mercy and the God of all grace; you are the Son, the Savior and the Redeemer; you are the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Helper and the Giver of Life. Blessed be you. Amen. Presenter to pastor: Kevin, accept this Bible, and be among us as one who proclaims the Word. Amen. Kevin, take this water, and baptize new Christians in this place. Amen. Kevin, take this bread and cup, and keep us in communion with Christ and his Church. Amen. Kevin, use this hymnal and book of worship to guide us in our prayer and praise. Amen. Kevin, receive this Book of Discipline, and help us keep the covenant that strengthens our connections as United Methodists. Amen. Kevin, receive this globe, and lead us in our mission to this community and all the world. Amen. Kevin, receive this stole, signifying your licensing as a Local Pastor, and shepherd us as our associate pastor. Amen. Congregation: We reaffirm our commitment to support you with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Then the associate pastor may take from the Lord's table the stole left by the previous pastor, put it on, and say: Leader: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger This yoke has been laid upon me, and I willingly take it upon myself. Congregation: who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation. Let us pray together: Doxology No. 66 (red hymnal) Lord God, bless the ministries of your Church. We thank you for the variety of gifts you have bestowed upon us. Draw us together in one Spirit, that each of us may use our differing gifts as members of one body. May your Word be proclaimed with faithfulness, and may we be doers of your Word and not hearers only. As we who have died and risen with Christ in baptism gather at his table and then scatter into the world, may we be one in service to others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven LAUDA ANIMA Vs. 1 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven, to the throne thy tribute bring; ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, evermore God’s praises sing. Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the everlasting King. Leader: Let us pray. Eternal God, strengthen and sustain us in our ministries together, with Kevin as our associate pastor. Give him and us patience, courage, and wisdom so to care for one another and challenge one another that together we may follow Jesus Christ, living together in love, and offering our gifts and talents in your service; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The associate pastor may kneel, and the leader and others may lay hands on his head. The congregation may join hands and unite in this blessing: The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen. Let us pray together: Pastor: The peace of the Lord be always with you. Almighty God, you still call us to go into your service and spread the message of the salvation of your Son. Bless richly, we pray, your servant Kevin's entrance into our fellowship. Fill him with the power of your Holy Spirit and let him find with us an open door for the Word. We also pray for your Church on earth. Equip us all with a spirit of willingness, that we with courage can witness about you by the profession of our mouths Congregation: And also with you. Amen!
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