my notes

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2014 // 10:30AM
my notes
Contact G.S.C.C.
Lead Pastor Rev. Adam Nickell [email protected] 519.794.4429
Youth and Music Pastor
Administrative Assistant
Rev. J.P. Smits
Stacey Wight
[email protected]
[email protected]
Supporting Clergy: Rev. Ann Gillies, Rev. Derwyn Docken and Rev. Shirley Ferris
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Don Prince
Cedarside Campus Coordinator: Rev. David McIntyre 519.924.2951
Mailing Address: RR#4, Box 21 Flesherton, ON N0C 1E0
Physical Address: Fire #426176, Concession 8 (North of Grey Road 4, East of Grey Road 13)
GPS Coordinates: 44.303182,-80.518479
Office Hours: Wed. 9:30am-4pm, Thurs. 9:30am-4pm, Fri. 9:30am-4pm
Phone: 519.924.3422
Twitter: @gentle_shepherd
Affiliated with:
Facebook: Like us!
Call to Worship & Prayer of
Revelation 7:9-12 // Elder Larry Fuller
W o r s h i p
i n
Sarah Pascucci and Team
S p e c i
Michelle Wood
W o r s h i p
i n
S o n g
G o d ’ s
W o r d
Message: Ethiopia Report, Pete Olver, New
Tribes Mission
W o r s h i p
i n
Be Thou My Vision // No. 468
S o n g
watch n’pray
7 day strategy
M o n d a y
N o v e m b e r
1 7
King’s Kids Beavercrest (3pm), Junior Youth @ Cedarside Campus (7pm)
T u e s d a y
N o v e m b e r
1 8
Remembrance Day, Ladies’ Bible Study @ Pascucci’s
(9:30am), Foodbank @ Cedarside (10am), King’s
Kids Dundalk (3pm), Men’s Bible Study @ David
McIntyre’s (7pm)
W e d n e s d a y
N o v e m b e r
1 9
Men’s Breakfast at Knight’s Inn (8am), Acts Bible
Study with Rev. Shirley Ferris (1:30pm), Senior Youth
@ Cedarside (7pm)
T h u r s d a y
N o v e m b e r
2 0
Live Alone Christmas Lunch (12:30pm), NO King’s
Kids @ Macphail, Choir Practice (7pm)
F r i d a y
N o v e m b e r
Pastor Adam’s Day Off, Pastor J.P.’s Day Off
2 1
S u n d a y
N o v e m b e r
2 3
Worship Service(10:30am), International Fellowship
Lunch (12pm), Membership Meeting (1pm)
Knitters for food bank or Flesherton Love Committee:
most requested items was slippers, all sizes for men, women and children. Also requested men’s socks and knitted
dish cloth.
Requests have been made for Christmas decorations,
women’s coats, all sizes, snow suits for boy size 6X and
boy size 12, also winter boots for girl size 13 and boy
size 12. All winter clothing donations would be welcome.
Needs: canned tomatoes, apple juice, pasta sauce, tuna.
Next food bank date is Tuesday November 25.
Condolences to Bob Betts in the recent passing of his wife Shirley this
past Wednesday at Markdale Hospital. Her Celebration of Life is today
at 2pm here at GSCC.
Condolences to Bill McCready in the passing of his wife Linda. Linda
passed away the 5th of November and a celebration of life will be
announced at a later time.
Michael Chaikowsky, Bob and Muriel Avis’ son-in-law, is having surgery
on the brain at Sunnybrook hospital tomorrow morning.
Prayers for Jenny Tilker’s sister, Tracey, who is also in hospital with a
brain tumour. The surgeon was only able to remove 1/2 of the
tumour. Tracey is only 25 years old and also grieving the loss of her
mother Mary.
Prayers for those battling cancer: Lynne Archdekin, Jim Green, Cindy
Hargrave, Heather Jackson, Carol Lundsted, Joyce McMillan, Betty
Mills, Amber Tabor, Cheryl Weatherall (Laura McKillop’s niece).
Ongoing prayer for Jan Dawson, Jan Smits, Karl Engel, John & Elma
MacKinnon, Tim MacNeil, Frank Meredith, Irene Morrison, Joan White,
Les Burnham’s nephew Don Tracey, Rose McLaughlin’s mother and
step father Marsha and Will Vanderleeuw.
Grey Gables Residents: Don Bullock and Susie MacKinnon.
Rockwood Terrace Resident: Margaret Nykorchuk.
PTL the Christian Church in Shelburne is growing! A new church plant –
Compass Community Church of Shelburne launches on Sunday,
November 30. Let’s keep this new congregation and pastor Jay
Wagstaff in our prayers.
please pray for our mission partners
New Tribes Mission—Bobby & Sandy Jank
Chosen People Ministries—Simchat Yeshua Congregation in Israel
Rev. Ken & Nancy Riegert—SIM/IATW.
Beverley Kalnin—Thailand—FLC
Margaret Thomas Indonesia—OMF
Prayers for Cheryl and Donna Pridham, missionaries at the Widow’s School in
Samaru-Kataf, Nigeria
Rev. Bitrus and Monica Audu, Christ Missionary Outreach, Nigeria
Peter and Georgina Symons serving with SIM Bolivia
Beth Vance and Monica Green serving with Christ for your City in Israel
Peggy Ferris serving with Medical Missions Canada in Ecuador
for the fridge door
Sorry, no coffee hour this morning because of the funeral service.
Memorial Flowers for today are placed in loving memory of Michelle
Wood’s mother, Lynda Vermaas.
Anointing service for the sick tonight @ 7pm. This is in accordance with
James 5:14-16. We are calling this an “Anointing” Service because the
anointing and faith is our part, healing is God's part, and the healing is
not only for us but to make us witnesses of God's power.
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes are due
today. Please remember to donate $7 for each box you send to help
cover shipping costs.
Live Alone Christmas Lunch is this Thursday November 20 at 12:30pm.
Fellowship Lunch next Sunday, November 23—remember this is an
International Food lunch! Membership meeting will follow the lunch.
The following elders have been nominated for re-election: Joel Dawson,
Bob Gillies, Shirley Ferris.
Our annual GSCC Pot Blessing Christmas Dinner and Concert is on
Friday December 5 at 6pm. If you would like to take part in the concert, call Joan McGee at 519.924.2936.
GSCC will be sponsoring a free public skate at the Markdale Arena on
New Year’s Eve from 7pm-9pm. This is open to the general public—
please invite your family, friends and co-workers!
Men's Bible Study on the book of John every Tuesday at 7pm at David
McIntyre's, 5 Bonnie Brae Place in Flesherton. 519-924-2951.
The Mitten Tree is coming. Stay tuned.
PTL for the purchase and installation of our 2 new projectors for
worship. The 2nd one was made possible through a donation in
memory of Judy Campbell.
God is the source
General Fund Weekly Budget: $4899.00 Received Last Week: $3688.00
>>Year to Date—Over (Under) Budget: $8158.00
Mission Fund Weekly Goal: $577.00 Received Last Week: $2101.00
>>Year to Date—Over (Under) Goal: $1851.00